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we_kill_creativity ago

Examples like this can't be upvoted enough. Actual action.

Call_Of_Goat ago


I'm happy I woke up just a few hours ago and seen this

Got me Full of energy for the day

Steelwarrior1 ago

BECAUSE IF IT WAS A WHITE COUNTRY SINGER.... forget it jails will be full.

CrudOMatic ago

WHAT jails will be full? America is almost full nigger worship.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Exactly. We need this State-side, pronto. We need to ban pornography and other forms of degeneracy.

killkillkill ago

roflmao ban pornography. you fucking guys

ex-redd ago

we could have a good ol' fashioned book burning (it sounds fun)--but let's steer clear of anything toward advocating laws for book banning in concern to free adult individuals' personal choices.

We can certainly turn the tide of acceptability for our people through social means--but, encroach on legal free speech for the nation?


I hope you are in Tel Aviv when the Arabs wipe isreal from the map and topple the Wailing Wall so as not to even leave leave one stone on top of another


Pornography is banned in Israel.

ex-redd ago

and denying the holocaust or owning Mein Kampf is/was illegal in Germany--what is your fucking point?: the jews will peddle horrid things on the goy for shekels but wouldn't allow it within [insert large jewish measurement from antiquity] near their own communities?!

...News Goddamn Flash


DerAngriff ago

Paint jew stars on the walls of strip clubs, pole dancing schools, sex toy shops etc. Make normies defend jew 'rights' to defile our women and corrupt our men. Molotovs work too but make sure to paint the jew star. Do the same with rap concert posters etc.

Q432 ago


Mega_Dave ago

Draw a pentagram instead, less autistic

ReturnofGrandfrag ago

People won't know what is meant by that.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

won't solve the root of the problem.

FederalShill ago

Thats true, but letting those things operate publicly will corrupt and contaminate the pure.

uvulectomy ago

Hurr it's not solving the root problem so it's not worth doing anything!"

And this is how (((they))) fuck us over.


Any forward action will catalyze what is necessary to solve the root of the problem.

Butterbread ago

Land of the free...


You can't handle freedom. No human can. And on the other side, no human can handle power either.

Q432 ago

Oy Vey shut it kike

VoatsNewfag ago

We don't have freedom.

If we had, people wouldn't be forced to pay taxes for common core or subsidizing gender studies.

And we'd have the freedom to not pay taxes so others can have children on our behalf.

What effect would it have on the psyche of whites and their families to not receive poor education and gender hate propaganda for the first quarter of their life and having more money to upkeep children (or more time with the same amount of money)?

We'd be far better off with more freedom.

Charliethebum ago

Wow what a jewey sentiment

jthun2 ago

honestly, anyone who thinks humans can be completely free should check out white women. White women are a walking argument against total freedom and a lack of constraints on sexuality.


not really at all....

Charliethebum ago

no human can handle freedom

How so, exactly? What about the pioneers who forged their own way of life out of raw wilderness? I'd call that freedom, until Jewish bastards came around and fucked everything up.


Humans as a population. Not individuals. And even if a significant amount of individuals can, it will eventually degenerate.

Charliethebum ago

You have a point there. That's not what it seemed like you were saying earlier. I do agree that nobody can handle a significant amount of power

ShakklezthaKlown ago

Slav action. the only action that ever happens.

MWcrazyhorse ago


The Slavs REALLY dropped the ball some time ago when they sided with the Jew.

Let's just say that memory is still burning.

Whereas us westerners have been fed Jew lies all that time.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

"Sided with the Jew" They fought a massive civil war, they lost because western governments funded the bolsheviks.

ardvarcus ago

The Slavs seem to be the only whites who still have balls.

Le_Squish ago

Slavs understand that cucking doesn't appease the communist. The communist never stop wanting you dead so giving them what they want is pointless.

Firinmahlazer ago

Because it's the only place you won't get arrested and doxxed for doing it.

downton-stabby ago

Media is the soft thought police. Once that is down it's game on.

ghost7777 ago

For now