Big_Willy_Wallace ago

Xxxtentacion was not anti-white and was very anti-establishment. He was not a rapist either. If you have to make stuff up, it's cuz your position is weak. I'm sure you can do much better than lying like a communist.

PogotheClan ago

Fills my heart with a burning pride!

Fuckityfuckfuck ago

The fuckin Russians. Based.

They need the older generations there. It’s a bit conflicting (crabs in a bucket scenario) but we need these base fuckers more than ever. Good thing they caught on, looks like Russia’s being infiltrated by the Jews.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago


0rion ago

We Americans could all learn a LOT from this video.

Q432 ago

....and suddenly one day

boekanier ago

I don't see this happen in the west (all faggots)

petevoat ago

Where's the story?

PolarBear535 ago

I knew within one second these were Slavs or Russians - based on their walk. They were not going to put up with BS.

telleveryoneyouknow ago


Xax ago

That was beautiful.

Call_Of_Goat ago

Fuck yeah Russia!!

DeltaBravoTango ago

*XXXTentacion. Also was this recent? He died a year and a half ago.

Doglegwarrior ago

whats up with all the comments being linked? have not seen so many of those on a thread before?

Smallest_Skil ago

not going to waste my time looking up that nigger, but is it a dead rapper or something, why was the whore making a shrine for the coon.

magameme ago

Yeah, it's a dead rapper.

Smallest_Skil ago

that rapper is in da crapper. One less coon.


We'll " SLAV " the problem.

FederalShill ago

Its a good move, but showing anger and simply brutally destroying sends the message that male was a threat and his position of adoration is legitimate. A better idea would have been to shit on it.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Naw. Impossible - they marched all the way there knowing that they were doing Gods work.

FederalShill ago

i cant think of a better way to get the bowels moving than a long march.

lovehate123 ago

White Pride World wide

DerAngriff ago

Fantastic. Is this Russia or Ukraine, it was difficult to tell from the audio. Completely out of the loop as to who this nigger is though.

Bintemcflinty ago

Tenacious who?

jthun2 ago

Good for these slavs. Should have given the girls a beating as well.

Pissed_Off_Vet ago

Mud shark nigger lovers. Fuck that no-talent nigger asshole.

dirt_reynolds ago

Beautiful. Gives me a tiny bit of hope for the future.

con77 ago

hope they smacked those whores around

StandsWithABeer ago

They probably did not, because they are real men and real men don't hit women.

con77 ago

race traitor whores should be exterminated

GumbyTM ago

Oy vey, kill your women goy.


DeadFox ago

Oy Vey don't punish traitors goy

What's next, don't kill Jews too?

GumbyTM ago

Yes Shlomo, advocating for the extermination of an outside group attempting to do you harm is morally equivalent to advocating for the killing of your in-groups women. (a.k.a. the only people capable of propagating your in-group)

Serious question: Do you think anyone is stupid enough to buy your argument of is everyone at the IDF just phoning it in today?

DeadFox ago

Learn some proper English Moshe

GumbyTM ago (I've capitalized some important conjunctions in the sentences below to help with your lessons)

You are on record advocating for men hitting women and killing women of your own in group. You appear to be ignorant of the fact that women are programmed to abandoned their own group when it is in their best interest and that this is a survival behavior which will not change. Further still, you fail to understand that preventing that same behavior WHILE still respecting women AND setting a good example for future boys is the job of men.

The young men in this video accomplished all of those things.

You are the other hand are an infantile child who has an axe to grind against women. Normally this stems from rejection in ones personal life but I wouldn't want to presume. On the other hand you could just be a heeb.

pzazz ago

Don't be an anti-nonconsensual-sex bigot; the proper term is "rappist" not "rapist"!

LastCowboy ago

It's so disappointing to see young white women nigger worshiping. Good on these guys, none of us should stand for this. Action speaks.

hello_reddit ago

By definition this shrine is demonic

Bravo1XRay ago

4th Reich ABs Tried & True

dassaer ago

Wahhahahaa ... good work. Seems there is always one that no matter the situation, will always give away a predetermined act simply by the way he walks .....

toobaditworks ago

Is there a longer video or did they make this on tic toc?

Heer_me_roar ago

Slav walking with purpose, watch the fuck out lol


Hell yeah. We need this in America. Now.

CrudOMatic ago

I love how these faggots live in fear in eastern Europe.

Patsuchyna ago

It happened in Russia, in Togliatti in 2018, if anyone is interested.

changz ago

I can just imagine that happening in the USA. I can hear the screeching from here.

watts2db ago

Don Lemon and the cast of the View etc

Skipberry ago

Jesus those comments

watts2db ago

he apparently doesn't know the distinguishing characteristics of the typical western soy cuck and a Russian or Slavic man

Intrixina ago

This is the only way to deal with Cluster B horseshit - harsh and unyielding boundaries.

speedisavirus ago

No idea who the nigger is but I think he was killed in a car jacking or something

AdolfusHitler ago


C:\Users\Work\Desktop\children without god.png

oyy_veyy_goyy ago

Anybody have the rest of this video? Or at least know how it played out?

Patsuchyna ago

oyy_veyy_goyy ago

Nice, thanks. Looks like they just dispersed and that was it.

DefinitelyNotaJew ago

Seconded. I want to see the chimp out or at least the liberal tears.

gosso920 ago

Those White girls are going to love nigger cock twice as much, since those incels crashed their pity party.

Shadowlight ago


Shame the fuck out of them. One thing girls hate is men who turn them down once they have been outed for mudsharking.

I have turned down a few myself who REALLY wanted to date me. And I told them exactly why.

Intrixina ago

What's "incel" about calling out bullshit?

Ah yes, just another leftist-tier "insult".

EuropeanRapeWar ago

Agreed. Going into a group that size, putting yourself in the middle and just wrecking shit in a way that most of the cucks there would term "disrespectful, disgusting behaviour" is alpha as fuck. It's not an understatement to suggest that you risk death with this sort of action if you get really unlucky. Unfortunately, this is exactly what we need more of.

I wish I could buy the lad a beer.

Intrixina ago

I wish I could as well.

Thing is, everyone can do this, it's just that a lot of people lack the stones to do it. I've done it once before, myself, though for something unrelated.

EuropeanRapeWar ago

What have you done, mate? Fair play for taking any IRL action, whatever it was. It all adds up and we need as much as possible.

You need iron balls to initiate something like this. How big those balls have to be depends on the situation. Are you journeying to the blackest parts of London, walking into a large group of negro males on your own, and doing the same thing as this guy, for example? I suspect most people aren't, and that's fine because it'd be a waste of a white life. That's a hyperbolic example.

I've only taken IRL action when it's just me, a white girl, and her non-white boyfriend. And only when I'm fairly sure I can take the guy in a fight if necessary (which it never has been yet) or I'm with one or more friends myself. I just calmly say something audible in their general direction about race-mixing and her poor choice of partner. Where I live, our primary non-white flavour is paki, who are notorious for never attacking anyone unless they have a very comfortable numerical advantage (i.e. 20 brothers and 200 cousins to every white). When they don't respond, they're utterly humiliated.

To general readers: Almost anyone can grow the balls needed to do small IRL acts that help out the cause. First of all, get fit, strong and healthy within the limits of your own biology, and keep it up. Become confident at addressing strangers before doing anything pro-white (the prior part helps a lot with this) so you don't seem like a sperg that other people will want to ignore or even intentionally defy. Hang around with a group who actively agree with your views or at the very least tolerate them enough to back you up over them. Don't try to act alone unless you're very tough and confident and/or addressing one person or a very small group (like my interracial couples example above -- but even addressing one person can go south very quickly in a crowded place if that person starts screaming about you being a Nazi or whatever). Pick your time and place tactically and always come down on the side of caution. Be aware of what's legal in your country (especially here in Western Europe) and stay inside the lines as much as your draconian speech laws allow. Don't deliberately flaunt the rules by, say, calling someone "nigger" when "black" will do. It helps to be quick-witted since verbal sparring is far more common than violence. Whether you're quick witted or not, know your facts, figures and arguments to the point that they roll fluently off your tongue and be able to express your ideas accurately but with maximum concision (when people are trying to talk over you, you're only going to get time for quick soundbites like "blacks commit the majority of violent crime"). Actually rehearsing for these scenarios - which may just be friendly debate with people who dislike your ideas - is not wasted time. Hardly anyone will ever say "I was wrong, you were right" about such a substantial issue; most people will continue to abuse you even as you sow the seeds of doubt in their mind, which is something you just have to deal with and stay upbeat about. You'll never know what effect you've had on strangers or most people in general.

The most important point of all is one I've already kind of made: know your limits. If you're a skinny and unattractive guy, start trying to fix what you can about yourself, and in the meantime, probably don't try to lecture an attractive white girl with a stacked nigger boyfriend on your own. The only person who's going to come out of that encounter rethinking their life is you. Work with your strengths. In my main friendship group, I'm not known for any physical attributes, but instead for being the guy with five STEM degrees: the guy who's worth paying attention to when you want to learn something and whose opinions are usually right. I lean on the fact that everyone knows that I'm far and away the smartest in our group and so I can be very persuasive in friendly conversation (that's my personal strong zone). Most people - even spergs, to some extent - can find strengths and trainable skills with which to influence at least some subset of the people around them under the right circumstances (from each according to his strengths to each according to his weaknesses!). Just be diligent with both your health and bodily integrity and the perceived quality of your representation of our ideas.

Intrixina ago

Your post is spot on, and is my exact mindset. I live my life trying to be the best possible version I can be, both physically and mentally. There is always something new to learn in any realm of life.

It's funny because a few weeks ago one of the people I regularly interact with actually stated "You are damn good at being able to recite facts and figures pertaining to a given situation in a debate" when we were talking about something which had apparently happened on the news, and I explained why it was utter bullshit.

The situation I referenced above (and there have actually been quite a few times, this one pops up in mind because of the content, mostly) was when a blue-pilled guy and his equally cucked female partner (I don't know if they were just work colleagues or something more, and I didn't care to ask and it's not relevant really to the situation) were talking behind me in a public place and they started glorifying the recent gay marriage thing that happened here (I live in Oz). I interrupted them and said "Excuse me, but that's quite bluntly incorrect what you have stated." The guy asked me "why?" and then I proceeded to spend about 5 minutes in a debate with them, explaining about how gay marriage was not necessary, that it was the gay community co-opting the Biblical concept of marriage despite the fact that they already had equal rights which were granted by the anti-discrimination act enacted many years prior, and similar. The reason I reference the woman in the situation was because she was attempting to debate me more than the guy was - and falling short every time as I deflated each and every one of her points. In the end, both of them said "Well, I didn't know that" as their excuse. I left the conversation by saying "This is why it's important to always research a topic, rather than just believing what the TV or the media state about things, because they are driven by an agenda". You could almost see the cogs turning in their head as they realised their argument was complete and utter crap - and you could see why many get so easily manipulated because they just simply don't think about things rationally.

DefinitelyNotaJew ago

It's the opposite. Girls respond to shame. When they feel stupid about something, they back away from it. They will still defend their actions, but being afraid of being shamed will make them less likely to do it.

EuropeanRapeWar ago

For sure. Jews have used psychology to mainstream the meme that your kids will do the exact opposite of anything you tell them to, so that you don't even attempt to guide them and leave them completely susceptible to the broader programming of society. The relationship between men and women is roughly analogous: women are essentially children and many of the same principles apply.

DefinitelyNotaJew ago

Exactly. Treat your kids well and they won't pointlessly rebel. Their rebellion will inevitably be for independence. Not nigger dick.

Draco777 ago

^^^ This. It's beastiality and a disgusting shameful act that should not be condoned.

TripleDuty87 ago

White Girls are lost. They swallow the modern pop anti white culture the hardest. Fucking Jews knew exactly who to target to bring down the white man and western civilization, our women

StandsWithABeer ago

Not all white girls....

jewsbadnews ago

Cope. Marry a jap girl.

Da1amus ago

Chinks are as bad as jews and ugly as niggers.

jewsbadnews ago

You thinking of chinese, Japanese and korean girls are beautiful. They are honorary Aryans.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

+1 for the MM reference

everef ago

What the world needs is more Eliot Rodgers.

superspathi ago

Keanu Reeves is a hapa. He seemed to turn out OK.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

I’ve always wanted to know - is he redpilled? Never really noticed either way

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

He must be. That's the one he chose in the Matrix. Symbolism.

CrudOMatic ago

Oy vey goy, the only way to preserve your race is to mix it out of existence

I can't wait until you're in a real gas chamber, and not the fantasy ones you made up in the 1940's to hook & crook your way into Palestine.

jewsbadnews ago

I bid you good luck with that. I will leve my days being happy with a trad girl that hasn't fucked niggers and raising kids in this fucked up world.

HiJoker ago

They learned that from their father, who is Satan, who knew to come at God's creation through the woman. Worked well for the devil, so it works well for jews.

All that is old will become new again.

HelpAcct123 ago

Great point. Nothing new under the sun.

Destination ago

You can get away with that in Slav land but the US? No. There are people who do similar or worse but they don't video tape it due to "hate crimes".

DeadFox ago

Stop being scared

Half_truth7s ago


Moln0014 ago

Good for those guys. May The Amighty God bless them.

lord_nougat ago

Filmed entirely in Spasti-Cam™

NiggerDestroyer ago

Based slavs patrolled this fucking nigger loving whores.

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TheTrigger ago

It'd be neat to live in a world where the saying actually goes, "burn the coal, get patrolled."

Lagmonster ago

Be the change in the world you want to see. It's not quite time yet but this...

ChaoticAwakening ago

2020 will be a fun year

2159 ago

nigger fucking

paki fucking

baby fucking

baby killing

all comes as standard with white women

CrudOMatic ago

Oy vey goy, hate your women so niggers will pick up the slack and your people die off forever

Hey goy, why do I only get to comment once a day? Why is my CCP so negative?

Maybe if you weren't a D&C kike, you'd have higher CCP.

Rawrination ago

What does D&C mean?

I think it's something like Discouragement for the D part. I know it's something to do with 5th (6th?) generational warfare. Propaganda and information war specifically, but I can't find my link on the subject right now. (And 1 min on search engines didn't find it so I figured I'd be a lazy niggerfaggot and just ask).

videocodec ago

"Go to google" nah I'm going with less kiked options thank you. Tell your rabbi "hi"

BoomerHater1488er ago

with white women

With all women. Women, far, far more than men, require leadership. We've abdicated leadership of our lands in exchange for petty comforts and amusements. Women are barely responsible for their own thoughts and actions - and if you aren't providing a proper leadership example, like the young men in this video, then you're equally to blame for them being enamored by nigger rappers and "swag" lifestyle.

Those women that built that shire are probably both extremely furious with and now attracted to those based slavs.

jthun2 ago

sorry, white woman are the worst at this shit

you don't see Korean or Paki women demanding to import niggers into Korea or Pakistan

BoomerHater1488er ago

Worldwide Jewry isn't trying to genocide their races via miscegenation, either.

we_kill_creativity ago

Nothing you said proves that white women aren't worse than women from other races...? You're just implying it. Yes, all women need leadership...that doesn't at all mean that white women aren't the only woman actively subverting their race.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Is there some context to this? And does it have anything to do with OP's post? If not, take it somewhere else, guys. Thanks.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Shut up, stupid Boomer.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Ha ha! Staying in character, I see. Well, I asked you politely but you ignored that, so go fuck yourself, noob troll.

Never_Surrender_23 ago

Well said..women WANT TO BE LEAD.. men need to dump the Beta programming by the joos, and Alpha the fuck up.. push weights, expand your mind w/ real knowledge and make sure you hate fuck them 1 time a week, and order will be maintained..

we_kill_creativity ago


That literally doesn't change the fact that white women shouldn't actively work against white men under any circumstance AND...that they have. Also, men have been manning up and alphaing the fuck up for quite sometime now. In fact, the fact that you apparently think that hasn't happened is you just falling for beta programming yourself..chew on that for awhile.

Never_Surrender_23 ago

Not trying to argue w/ you. While I agree that there is a positive uptick in white Male participation, I disagree on that it's not like a tidal wave of a movement, YET... that being said, I myself am convinced that 80-85% of the normies out there are NPC'd out.. Meaning their programming is in 100% in control, at ALL times. And whether you want to "chew" on this for a moment or not, that programming is making men and Women of all races around the world do "things" that undercut and eventually destroy WHITE MEN/PEOPLE.. I take this fight to heart, and I'm sorry to tell ya, not to many people walking around in the world who even have a clue to what the problem is, let alone acting in rebellion against (((it))).. let's not fight though brother, let us not get caught up in a purity spiral, I assure you, we have more in common than not.

MuzzieJuice ago

I never listened to this nig's music. Can you give examples of his Europhobic lyrics or actions? To use if he ever comes up in discourse.

DeadFox ago

"Took a white bitch to Starbucks, that little bitch got her throat fucked"

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HuginnOgMuninn ago

Love this word, Europhobic.

TheKalergiFan ago

He made a "music video" where he lynched a 7 year old white boy

MuzzieJuice ago

That's fucking disgusting

Ser_Snow ago

Nigger makes video glorifying murder of white children, gets made good by nigger trying to steal his car the same year.

I fucking love this reality.

Never_Surrender_23 ago

^^literally the only thing cool about clown world..

Blacks blame whites for all the problems..

Blacks continue to mame, rob, and kill other blacks at rates never dreamed of by white America..

Honk honk

Acerphoon ago

Truly this is the best thing.

I just imagine some nigger yelling at some white man crossing the street: "You white racist! Fuck yo cracker ass!". While he is screaming and blaming the white man, another nigger sneaks up from behind and shoots the nigger in the head to steal his wallet.

Stinkybeans ago

Stealing a nigger's wallet is known professionally as an "assumption of liability".

Never_Surrender_23 ago

  • I spit coffee through my nose when I got to "wallet"

Thank you

Anon1492 ago

Whores and their worship of nigger monkeys.

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ggolemg ago

Bless their hearts, this is what we need everywhere.

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ArdentPurpose ago

Very much so.

Never_Surrender_23 ago

I love this.. made my fucking month.. that filthy nigglet should be demonized, not worshipped...

magameme ago

He was killed in a robbery, luckily enough.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

he said some nifty stuff about israel tho

Ocelot ago

I don't give a single fuck.

Never_Surrender_23 ago

Lol...Mossad told the ""jackers"" where to find him...

Didnt that one JOO H. Levin, owns TMZ have like a live stream of X , dead in his car b4 the policy enforcers even were on the scene??

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Ok boomer

Never_Surrender_23 ago

Your off by about 35 years.. but what should I expect from a common core math wiz such as yourself

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Oh sorry you're just a retard, my bad

Never_Surrender_23 ago

How? Unless you're going to articulate your calling me an "idiot", then it would seem to me that you are the "idiot", which is a fallback to name calling..

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Its not namecalling, I'm just calling things by their true name. Your true name is retard.

Never_Surrender_23 ago

Sure thing einstein...

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

I'm gonna cum in your hair

Never_Surrender_23 ago

You get the rope, for sure...

midnightblue1335 ago

Yeah, almost like they knew it was gonna happen.

But then again, the paparazzi is fucking insane. Could've just been stalking him for whatever bullshit gossip column they're trying to write next, and happened to be there when the nigger got blasted.

Never_Surrender_23 ago

Nigger gets blasted by group of other niggers, trying to get "that bag" ... mystery solved... no need for the "rabbi" to get involved, this time...

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we_kill_creativity ago

Examples like this can't be upvoted enough. Actual action.

Call_Of_Goat ago


I'm happy I woke up just a few hours ago and seen this

Got me Full of energy for the day

Steelwarrior1 ago

BECAUSE IF IT WAS A WHITE COUNTRY SINGER.... forget it jails will be full.

CrudOMatic ago

WHAT jails will be full? America is almost full nigger worship.

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Exactly. We need this State-side, pronto. We need to ban pornography and other forms of degeneracy.

killkillkill ago

roflmao ban pornography. you fucking guys

ex-redd ago

we could have a good ol' fashioned book burning (it sounds fun)--but let's steer clear of anything toward advocating laws for book banning in concern to free adult individuals' personal choices.

We can certainly turn the tide of acceptability for our people through social means--but, encroach on legal free speech for the nation?


I hope you are in Tel Aviv when the Arabs wipe isreal from the map and topple the Wailing Wall so as not to even leave leave one stone on top of another


Pornography is banned in Israel.

ex-redd ago

and denying the holocaust or owning Mein Kampf is/was illegal in Germany--what is your fucking point?: the jews will peddle horrid things on the goy for shekels but wouldn't allow it within [insert large jewish measurement from antiquity] near their own communities?!

...News Goddamn Flash


DerAngriff ago

Paint jew stars on the walls of strip clubs, pole dancing schools, sex toy shops etc. Make normies defend jew 'rights' to defile our women and corrupt our men. Molotovs work too but make sure to paint the jew star. Do the same with rap concert posters etc.

Q432 ago


Mega_Dave ago

Draw a pentagram instead, less autistic

ReturnofGrandfrag ago

People won't know what is meant by that.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

won't solve the root of the problem.

FederalShill ago

Thats true, but letting those things operate publicly will corrupt and contaminate the pure.

uvulectomy ago

Hurr it's not solving the root problem so it's not worth doing anything!"

And this is how (((they))) fuck us over.


Any forward action will catalyze what is necessary to solve the root of the problem.

Butterbread ago

Land of the free...


You can't handle freedom. No human can. And on the other side, no human can handle power either.

Q432 ago

Oy Vey shut it kike

VoatsNewfag ago

We don't have freedom.

If we had, people wouldn't be forced to pay taxes for common core or subsidizing gender studies.

And we'd have the freedom to not pay taxes so others can have children on our behalf.

What effect would it have on the psyche of whites and their families to not receive poor education and gender hate propaganda for the first quarter of their life and having more money to upkeep children (or more time with the same amount of money)?

We'd be far better off with more freedom.

Charliethebum ago

Wow what a jewey sentiment

jthun2 ago

honestly, anyone who thinks humans can be completely free should check out white women. White women are a walking argument against total freedom and a lack of constraints on sexuality.


not really at all....

Charliethebum ago

no human can handle freedom

How so, exactly? What about the pioneers who forged their own way of life out of raw wilderness? I'd call that freedom, until Jewish bastards came around and fucked everything up.


Humans as a population. Not individuals. And even if a significant amount of individuals can, it will eventually degenerate.

Charliethebum ago

You have a point there. That's not what it seemed like you were saying earlier. I do agree that nobody can handle a significant amount of power

ShakklezthaKlown ago

Slav action. the only action that ever happens.

MWcrazyhorse ago


The Slavs REALLY dropped the ball some time ago when they sided with the Jew.

Let's just say that memory is still burning.

Whereas us westerners have been fed Jew lies all that time.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

"Sided with the Jew" They fought a massive civil war, they lost because western governments funded the bolsheviks.

ardvarcus ago

The Slavs seem to be the only whites who still have balls.

Le_Squish ago

Slavs understand that cucking doesn't appease the communist. The communist never stop wanting you dead so giving them what they want is pointless.

Firinmahlazer ago

Because it's the only place you won't get arrested and doxxed for doing it.

downton-stabby ago

Media is the soft thought police. Once that is down it's game on.

ghost7777 ago

For now