jamesed ago

This is where a precision high performance AIR RIFLE comes in handy. Heavy lead bullets making big holes in red light cameras with no noise. (You do know they are not owned by the state but by private corporations that have contracted their services to the state don't you?) When the corporations have to replace a thousand camera's a day they will go away and figure out a new way to make mula.

RacistCatWhistle ago

That guy is retarded

nouseforaname ago

Missouri banned these so not everyone is retarded or the enemy.

grinnell ago

This is just further surveillance and trickery to make the citizenry get with the program - do what you're fucking told or else. It's always a scam, three seconds or twenty on the amber light.

OpakapakaCaca ago


registerinsecond ago

In sf we have traffic lights that can go red - orange - red (without going green). But then again in sf traffic laws are not enforced so not a big deal i guess

lovehate123 ago


We are retaking control of the Government.

We are taking control

Killeratlarge ago

STEVEN RUTH!!! Dude was a hero around here. Facebook hero. I left for a couple years and not sure what happened to him now.

Chimaira92 ago

This has happened before in fresno IIRC and the guy had his life taken from the police. Theres videos showing the police staking out his house and 90% similarities to this story except for the ending. I think they tried to claim his death a suicide too.

bourbonexpert ago

Adam Carolla was on a rant about a similar subject a couple years ago. He was basically saying we have all these ridiculous laws, and most people just kind of act like they come from the mountaintop and except the ridiculous laws, rather than realizing they are the very people that elected these morons. It was a really good ranch and it stuck with me. I wish I could find it.

ardvarcus ago

The government is always a problem for the people, but it's a hundred times worse when it's run by leftist liberals who hate the white race, hate men, and hate Christianity.

Niggardly_Jew ago

Mafia refers specifically to the Italian mob. The police are more like a gang.

Armpit_and_Ass ago


Diggernicks ago

Some of us had to work all day yesterday.

Go fuck yourself.

Nosfewratsjews ago

@Armpit_and_Ass laughs at your "work".

Armpit_and_Ass ago

Nah. He's keeping busy. Everybody has to do something, and those cocks aren't going to suck themselves.

Kaptaan ago

They really are trying to kill us

Reymrgapurple ago

yup bastards

Splaining8Logic ago

In the UK. where freedom is a brand of toilet paper, an ever-increasing number of unknown people are vandalizing the CCTVs and these redlight cameras. Let it spread.

Synacked ago

Shoulda taken it to Pol

Diggernicks ago

Smoke the pol pay the toll

Thought_lawyer ago

The government is corrupt because the people (we) are corrupt. Change my mind.

Diggernicks ago

Eliminate people.

Nosfewratsjews ago

The weakest link in any system created by Humans is other Humans.

Thought_lawyer ago

Neither of you changed my mind.

Diggernicks ago

Fortunately no one cares about your opinion.

Thought_lawyer ago

I didnt ask you to care about my opinion i asked you to change my mind. Your response however, was an opinion, though not a very well articulated one. Should you be included in this elimination?

Nosfewratsjews ago

Because we both agree with you, and were giving you the solution to the problem.

Thought_lawyer ago

You gave no solution.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Genocide. It's the only solution. @Diggernicks

lord_nougat ago


Thought_lawyer ago

Yeah that worked well for hitler. Good luck.

pby1000 ago

People need to start asking if they are Freemasons.

Diggernicks ago

You misspelled catholic.

pby1000 ago

Same master.

Diggernicks ago

Only brainwashed boomer Christ cuck retards suck the balls of L E A 24/7.

Police are the enforcement arm of the elites.

RabbiRabbit ago

Exactly. The LEOs are there to protect the elites from the likes of us. The ones that are so fed up that we realize a revolution will have to take place before things get better.

Kaptaan ago

Amen to that

Reapreap ago

I used to do this.


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Adam_Jensen_ ago

High powered laser pointers can do some damage, in Minecraft.

Reapreap ago

I figured a slingshot can't really get you in trouble for possessing.

viperguy ago

but... he said... "in minecraft"

We need to get the ropes ready, for "The Day of The Rope"... in minecraft

Reapreap ago

I'm just retarded.

ShineShooter ago

Or just ya know, rocks and metal.

Kaptaan ago

And less likely to get busted

sionblade22 ago

I mean does Idiocracy equate to corruption?

Got to imagine one government faggot did it bc a city needed funds and was told this would make sure people obeyed the lights

Sleuth222 ago

How naive of you.

sionblade22 ago

Yea no you are right. Was commenting on the possibility of someone doing it in good faith. But in this case no

Sleuth222 ago

In order for it to be good faith people would actually want to have red light cameras. There is zero public support for them.

CowWithBeef ago

It says in the story that the cops were on the side of good in this case. Generally speaking, cops aren't in on the scams. It's above their pay grade.

Niggardly_Jew ago

on the side of good in this case

Just because they're not "in on the scam" doesn't mean they're "on the side of good". Who do you think installed the surveillance devices around the victim's home?

FreeDial_Indicator ago

Be very specific. It said the SHERIFF was on the side of good. This is almost always accurate. The Sheriff represents the Citizen. The local Police are Government thugs with guns, they represent the Politicians.

Deathperception ago

A pig is a pig is a pig,copsucker.

Good joo.

Deathperception ago

Lot of cuck pigfuckees on voat.

CowWithBeef ago

The local Police are Government thugs with guns, they represent the Politicians

They do but they're not generally in the know or on the take. They're just being controlled by their paychecks and superiors.

FreeDial_Indicator ago

Reverse the argument of their enforcement upon you. "Ignorance of the law is not an excuse".

Ignorance of being complicit in crimes against your fellow Citizen is not an excuse.

Diggernicks ago

For once youre not acting insane.

Grats on making sense for a change.

FreeDial_Indicator ago

I'm not Dial_Indicator.

Diggernicks ago

cops aren't in on the scams

ticket quotas

Cease drinking bullshit flavored pool aid and enjoying the flavor fucktard.

Demon ago

Yeah they still get kick backs in form of court appearances, and tickets, etc, but in this particular case I have no doubt it's a corrupt chief who's telling them to behave and deal with it.

Niggardly_Jew ago

So you think its the chief of police who made an attempt on his life, personally?

not_drunk ago

No accountability

No Freedom

369693936 ago

Is there a link to the full article?

veteran88 ago

A lot of these scams are set up for the private company doing the red light cameras to keep the fines for themselves.

The politicians get personal donations from the company in return.

OpakapakaCaca ago

And sometimes stake in the company. Or the company is owned by someone's brother, dad, cousin, godparent, insert relation here_____.

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FreeDial_Indicator ago

This reminds me of a story (supposedly a "joke") a Politician once told me about Government appropriations and bidding, when we were having a conversation about corruption.

A Politician is tasked with replacing a broken fence outside a Government building. A company from Ohio quotes the Politician $9,000. A company from Kentucky quotes the Politician $7,000. Finally, the Politician sits down in a meeting with a company from Chicago, who quotes the Politician $30,000.

Incredulous, the Politician asks the company from Chicago why their price is so outrageous - the company from Kentucky only quoted $7,000! The salesman from the Chicago company responds, "$10,000 for me. $13,000 for you. $7,000 to hire the company from Kentucky to replace the fence".

Sadly, I think this is one of those jokes where the joke's on the American Citizen, and the activity is normal business practice for Government.

OpakapakaCaca ago

People don't go into gubment out of the goodness of their hearts....

fishmantis ago

Some do, but it chews them up and spits them out sooner or later.

OpakapakaCaca ago

I should reword to "People don't get far in gubment"...

OpakapakaCaca ago


randomfuckingidiot ago

Defrauding the taxpayer needs to be a capital offense.

FreeDial_Indicator ago

I see two problems:

  1. All of Government would be classified as defrauding the Taxpayer.
  2. Nobody would punish anyone, or it would only be weaponized to be used against taxpaying whites like everything else.

randomfuckingidiot ago

Then capital offense for everyone

FreeDial_Indicator ago

Then we agree completely.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Also worth noting that the $10,000 would be considered "Economic Development", because the taxpayer-funded project is creating additional movement and jobs in the economy.

One of the key things Government must accomplish is movement in the economy, and it's far easier to steal from the taxpayer and over-pay for simple things (due to zero accountability) to create artificial growth and movement in the economy.

vastrightwing ago

This concept is called the "broken window fallacy." There are many variations of it and the one thing they have in common is corruption. They all rely on lies to benefit the person who pays to break windows.

Lynch_Tree ago

Never pay a ticket from a red light camera. They aren't totally legal so tossing them won't effect your freedom or your credit.

undertheshills ago

Your license will however be suspended

Lynch_Tree ago

That's not true in California. Most cities ended up taking them down because nobody paid their tickets.

Biggerpotato ago

And then you get a warrant and go to jail.

RoninCoffeeCat ago

Until everyone here reading this shit is ready to stand up to take the job of a politician, to... replace them, NOTHING will ever change.

Diggernicks ago

We need less politicians.

As in less overall numbers.

Swapping green diahrrea for Brown diahrrea and calling the flavor improved does less than nothing.

Nosfewratsjews ago

We need significantly less people, period. We have an overpopulation problem and an abundance of unproductive useless eaters.

Wowbagger ago

RLRH tried but couldn't unseat the incumbent. We need more patriots like him to keep trying.

ClownsInAmerica ago

This man is a courageous patriot.