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tokui ago

fpv mini drone: load a squirter with muriatic acid. Execute at night from distance.

Adam_Jensen_ ago

High powered laser.

tokui ago

On the drone? Drone must be used, too many ways to be observed on foot.

Adam_Jensen_ ago

Good point.

Merlynn ago

I don't understand why they simply didn't back off on the rigging and let it go instead of doing all this shit that shows how corrupt their government is. A small time scheme like this,you just thank him and "fix it" and let it go,find something else to work on. Now they're implicated the news station,the camera internet service provider,and pretty much the entire metro traffic division. Time to sniff out the jew.

LurkedForever ago

This man is a fucking HERO.

ToxicWhiteMale ago

This guy should be citizen of the year

TheWorstImaginable ago

Well... Robin Hood would have shot some cops with arrows or something.

cantaloupe6 ago

Could shine some light on it, use an app to measure and report scamming lights.

Grunge ago

Yet another example of American government working against the people.

TheyLie ago

Nice. A real hero. We thank you for your service.

IOK2BW ago

There were some school zone cameras in my old neighborhood that would be on all day, even while the kids were in school. They were set up around blind curves so that if you didn't know about them already you would most likely get popped. These red light and school

zone cameras have zero to do with safety, it's all about making money.

Nigloo_Dismantler ago

A prime example of why globohomo fears the white man.

tokui ago


anticlutch ago

Lesson to be learned: never get between a jew and it's shekels.

randomfuckingidiot ago

Just start shooting cameras

hello_reddit ago


allahead ago

The cameras are operated by Affiliated Computer Services Inc. Number 341 on the Fortune 500. Acquired by Xerox in 2010. $6 billion annual revenue.

Local politicians get kickbacks from the cameras. I wouldn't be surprised if the stalking and attempts on his life came from a local source.

watts2db ago

In missouri the supreme court deemed the cameras unconstitutional

Jiggggg ago

Texas, too. Gov. Abbott banned them

dallasmuseum ago

The law only banned signing new contract for red light cameras, it doesn't ban the existing cameras.

Jiggggg ago

Ah ok, gotcha. My particular town got rid of them but maybe that was just something at the local level.

zxcvzxcv ago

You know jews are behind this, and you know these cameras are in areas where no jews live.

Karbuster ago

Shit, sounds like a group of people need to get whisper quiet, collapsible pellet guns and start shooting camera lenses, make it too expensive to keep operating them

glassuser ago

Gamo silent cat is pretty good. Not collapsible though. The problem is getting one that shoots with much energy but has a short barrel.

rndmvar ago

Or they could trebuchet a horse head into the bedroom window of the politician's house.

fataa ago

The superior siege weapon is capable of flinging 90kgs over 300 meters, could probably send a little more than just the head.

Perfectly suited for flinging the politician out of your country, in 2 or 3 pieces if needed.

TheKalergiFan ago

Or trebuchet a politicians head into another politicians house

WD_Pelley ago

Not a live horse though, that's cruel to the horse.

Jehoshaphat ago

A whole horse would require a hefty trebuchet!

WD_Pelley ago

Oh shit, a horse head. OK, I missed that part. But just make sure that the horse died a natural death before you launch it's head through some kike judge's window. No need to kill a perfectly useful animal to make a point.

ABastionOfFreeSpeech ago

Either natural death or had to be put down for unrelated reasons. I.e. broken leg.

ABastionOfFreeSpeech ago

Either natural death or had to be put down for unrelated reasons. I.e. broken leg.

ABastionOfFreeSpeech ago

Either natural death or had to be put down for unrelated reasons. I.e. broken leg.

Jehoshaphat ago

Horses are neat, I concur. If you think about their strength, mass and intelligence its kinda scary. Glad we mostly get along with them.

glassuser ago

I think you mean lack of intelligence. Horses are pretty stupid. Of course that doesn't mean that they aren't noble animals or that we shouldn't treat them without respect for their lives.

WD_Pelley ago

I feel the same way with orcas and squids. Bees too.

Karbuster ago

I like that

Nosferatjew ago

Why not both?

gazillions ago

Everyone of our grandfathers would have gone out and destroyed those cameras.

Karbuster ago

Amen but our people have been neutered from many generations of weak willed men

Wowbagger ago

Fuck yes but Suffolk County would fucking wreck your anus if they caught you using something resembling a gun to do that.

Karbuster ago

Small teams to reduce attention

Whisper quiet pellet gun is pretty accurate from 50ish yards away and can fit inside most music cases

Or if you want to do it from farther away get a regular gun that fits inside the case, fuck it

Or a high powered laser to burn out the cameras sensors

Theres pleanty of ways to fight back but people are pussies

Broc_Lia ago

Or a high powered laser to burn out the cameras sensors

I think that's the least realistic of all those options. If it's high powered enough to burn out a camera you'd run serious risk of injuring someone.

Paintballs on the other hand... pretty sure you could fill some of those with acrylic or some other kind of paint that doesn't come off easy.

cantaloupe6 ago

It'd look cool, but to could blind someone.

Broc_Lia ago

Well, anything that could knock out a camera could blind someone, but I think you'd have to get really unlucky to accidentally hit a bullseye with a paintball on a target you weren't aiming at, whereas some lasers can blind in less than a second of glancing across your vision. Also there's the problem of reflection, pretty sure paintballs don't come back at you at the same speed you shot them at if they hit the wrong thing.

Jehoshaphat ago

My bolt action .22 with its suppressor is about 2 decibels quieter than my buddies PCP air gun. And more accurate past 100 yards.

Put me in, coach!

Wowbagger ago

God speed, son. In Minecraft.

HelpAcct123 ago

Crazy story. Should be a movie

Gigglestick ago

Black guy shows up if you search “stephen Ruth”

urp ago

Ha, true... but...

OLD NEWS, posted in wrong subverse

2009, and 2015 :

Sep 2018 : Stephen Ruth, red-light camera opponent, ends battles with Suffolk lawmakers


2015 exploits :

This uplifiting ancient submission should be in v/Whatever, NOT v/News!

OP posted this non-news accidentally in the wrong subverse.

In 2020 election, Share Blue will flood voat's v/News with noise posts, to ruin its value as a social news subverse.

This is not supposed to be in v/News.

urp ago

Thanks, also...

2009, and 2015 :

Sep 2018 : Stephen Ruth, red-light camera opponent, ends battles with Suffolk lawmakers


2015 exploits :

This is funny and he got some states to BAN THEM ENTIRELY by voter's will. No cities can install them in some states now.... typically red leaning states.

LurkedForever ago

@urp thank you for the links.