WhiteWolfSS ago

I seriously hope there aren't kids so retarded that they'd actually eat pills. The taste of chewing a pill is so nasty, most would spit it out instantly. And if your kid is stupid enough to actually swallow unknown pills, well, it's probably for the best that they died.

Dellingr ago

That’s tylenol

whatisbestinlife ago

"need to"

Smells_Like_Tacos ago

Punch an anti-nazi today.

CaucasianSlavery ago

People being literally retarded isnt news

MotorBreath ago

Account suspended

This account has been suspended.

TheWorstImaginable ago

I prefer arson. Dox this faggot.

Yuke ago

Report to police too.

TheWorstImaginable ago

Fuck the cops. Don't leave a paper trail.

Yuke ago

If you never report them the end of year police stats won't show them as a problem. Little to no priority will be attached to dealing with them in the coming years. As far as the police are concerned they aren't a problem. But you will be. Report them to police and put it on record.

Smells_Like_Tacos ago

Fuck the Police

TheWorstImaginable ago

I've given cops license plates and make and model of vehicles belonging to belligerent violent criminals and they just call me a few hours later saying they gave up. They'll do anything to not do real work while extorting working white men out of a days wage for a minor traffic violation that endangered no one.

Yuke ago

Well yes, I'd expect that too, but look at what I said previously. You put it on record each time you report it. If you never report it that doesn't exist as a problem to them, in fact, they could turn around and tell you at a later date that there isn't and hasn't ever been a problem. I'm seeing this pattern happening in the UK now too. Crime is way up and people are now feeling like the police don't give a shit. The police have actually gone on record saying that without sufficient evidence they're writing some "petty" crimes off within 24 hours. So as a result people don't bother to report it. What does that do? It gives the mistaken appearance that crime is lower than it actually is. It makes the police look better, it demands less resources etc. Report the fuck out of it all otherwise you're only helping the police to turn a blind eye to it all.

TheWorstImaginable ago

I suppose you're right, but I used to report crimes a lot more and all it did was cause me to have to deal with the police calling me once or twice a day to harass me about shit instead of doing their jobs.

Cockboy ago

Those are multivitamins rofl.

Lord_Kristopf ago

They are actually “Up & Up” brand (Target brand) Calcium + vitamin D 600mg. I have an old bottle and you can google the images of them.

That said, the damage is already done as the terror has already been sowed.

Reapreap ago

he is touching his supposed fent pills with his bare hands. leftists in a nutshell.


Splooge ago

The whole "you'll die if you touch a grain of fentanyl" thing is a bit of a meme. Yes, a small dosage can be lethal to adults, but for it to absorb into your skin, it needs to be moistened. Is it a good idea to handle it without gloves? No, of course not, but skin contact isn't that big of a deal.

To that extent, pure (liquid) nicotine is far more scary in my opinion. Exposure to that shit in small, concentrated dosages is lethal -- and it absorbs into skin much easier.

Reapreap ago

I spilled a bottle of nic liquid on me. I felt the poisoning come on as I rushed to wash it off dude yeah for sure.

would love to know what damage that bullshit caused. now I just smoke weed. fuck everything else.

Fuckyounigger ago

You fucking faggots know what to do lets get him

senpaithatignoresyou ago

The problem is that we don't push back. If people had balls they would be finding out where he works, and asking the company why they hire people like that, and if they are ok with people that drug children, what other illegal things are they ok with?

The left is bemoaning the cancel culture that they created, yet we fail to use their very weapons against them, then have the audacity to wonder why white genocide is happening.

We are at a cold civil war stage, at this stage the best way to fight them is to attack their money and influence.

Jammer78 ago

Fuckyounigger ago

What are you talking about I just put the word out that we are going to get him. Any information you know of him her or whatever the fuck they identify as

TheWorstImaginable ago

I'm game to use my autism to legally (more legal than lighting him on fire anyways) fuck this guys life up. Keep me posted.

Fuckyounigger ago

This is the first post I’ve seen not sure how accurate https://voat.co/v/whatever/3496343

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

DjenkoUnchained needs to be hunted down and killed.

jbo5112 ago

He's been reported to the CIA, FBI, and Secret Service. Someone claims to have narrowed his location down to a few square miles, and notified the Denver Police as well.

His account has been suspended from Twitter too. I can't find him as a person anymore, just a bunch of replies to him.

stealthninjataliban ago

Those are no fentanyl if anyone cares. Looks like 1000 mg motrin

Tubesbestnoob ago

Nope. He takes Premsyn PMS.

HighEnergyLife ago

Not even coherent. Wouldn't the left argue that a trump costume is scary and worthy for Halloween?

Krusty-Q ago

Scum if the earth, I'd love to force feed all of them to that puke stain of a person!

neogag ago

I'm no statist, but this should be reported to the FBI.

Waffles_The_Cat ago

Anyine ID this shit?

BlowjaySimpson ago

No, but I found his reddit account.



Chair pic uploaded from phone: https://imgur.com/gallery/wQUYj. No EXIF data, but I think imgur scrubs.

Fairly sure he lives in Pensacola, and may have lived in PA...

I'm speculating, but pretty sure his name is Brandon Jenkins.

And based on him being an active mod on syriancivilwar subreddit, this is could be him based on the family/associated names. https://files.catbox.moe/96cczq.JPG

He was actually outed as an Israeli shill and based on their leaked kiwiIRC was removed as a mod of r/syriancivilwar

Every. Fucking. Time.



Other potential lead: https://www.facebook.com/brandon.jenkins.167

Handles are known to be J3nk1ns, TheGreatJenkins. He plays Battlefield and Fallout 76 heavily.

IDK beyond that.

TheWorstImaginable ago

Jesus.... those bedsheets.

Splooge ago

No, not yet. I'm monitoring a bunch of sources and so far, only "fringe" sources have even bothered to cover the story. Nothing on local or otherwise (((mainstream))) sources.

Rellik88 ago

We need a Doxx

fuckinghell ago

They're not sending their best.

Yuke ago

They are. This is the standard.

Splooge ago

Uncropped version of the other image: https://magaimg.net/img/9fxn.jpg

VicariousJambi ago

i was only pretending to be a murder officer