stealthninjataliban ago


Capt_Save_No_Hoe ago

How much fuel would it take to completely bake 6 million cookies? Surely their would be lots of receipts for all that cookie baking, or a cookie transport network setup to accommodate such an operation.

TheKalergiFan ago

Also, don't forget, how many employees would they need for loading, feeding, guarding and shipping the cookies?

BentAxel ago

WTF is 6 cookies? Because the above says just that. Did you mean Six Million Cookies? 6,000,000. Comma and decimals. Learn the difference because math matters.

prairie ago

6.000.000 gorillion

apathy_meh ago

A lot of nations use the seperators opposite the way we do. UK and USA are about the only ones that use a decimal.

BentAxel ago

Do those countries have nigger problems? Why yes, yes the have.

Yes, I am aware. But the video was in English, yes? Just me being an asshole.