New_FoundingFathers ago

Christ help us

GasTheYikes ago

Funny, the japanese camps in the US (manzanar specificaly) had a baseball team, an orchard and the interned coud go into town of Lone Pine.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

You don't even need to know about the past. Look at how they describe the US border compared to reality. Total exaggeration and fabrication.

nouseforaname ago

Thankfully we have controlled opposition Schizoid Owen Benjamin on YouTube every day telling us about the Holohoax along with "the Earth is flat" "we didn't go to the Moon" and "I'm a hilarious and talented comedian farmer who doesn't beat his wife and dog"

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Ever consider that you might be misinformed?

Ever consider that NASA is controlled by jews?

Ever consider that the Smithsonian is controlled by jews?

Ever consider that your entire life's exposure and education has been within finely controlled parameters by jews?

Ever consider you have no idea what you are talking about?

Who is behind the "alien" narrative?


The only people dumb enough to believe in aliens and gravity is people who are holocaust level triggered into not critically thinking about it for themselves. Will you be triggered like a normie or are you willing to explore the options?

nouseforaname ago

Found the "bear"

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Nope. Just a guy who thinks for himself. I don't like owen.

Consider the resolution of the human eye and its ability to distinguish two points at a distance. This is observed by the converging lines of perception forming a "false horizon" and easily proved by laying on your stomach in a field and watching someone walk away from you (you could use a camera too). Your angle of view determines the convergent point for the false horizon. This phenomena would be observed on both a sphere model and on an infinite plane model.

When a ship disappears bottom first, it is because of the ocean waves between the observer and the bottom of the ship are two points that no longer become distinguishable from eachother and hence they "converge" into a false horizon. This is proved by watching a ship disappear with your own naked eyes, only to be brought back into view with modern viewing equipment.

How could modern viewing equipment do this? Resolution of the equipment verses the resolution and biological limitations of the human eye. The equipment as a higher resolution and as a result it can distinguish two points with greater clarity. All of this is observed at a range well under the needed distance to get the SAME effect out of the actual curvature of the earth.

Meaning; most people attribute the "bottom up" effect to the actual curvature of the earth where in fact it is actually due to their perception alone. The height required to actually observe the curvature of the earth is over 40k ft. All arguments saying the curvature of the earth is proven by x object disappearing are false conclusions.

If you can understand the above, Congratulations you understand the basic concepts of vision. The argument of things disappearing bottom up is the first permutation of logic where people get it wrong. If they can't get this right they will get everything else wrong and its why they think flat earth is so easy to disprove when in actuality they are just ignorant of how ignorant they are.

nouseforaname ago

Do you have this bullshit saved on a notepad ready to copy and paste at a moment's notice?

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Should be easy for you to refute.

Go ahead, refute the resolution of the human eye faggot.

Do it.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Goys-R-Us ago

Nice work. We need a holohoax museum. Maybe some enterprising goat could start that and solicit bitcoin donations for operating expenses.

Curator requirement: huge balls and no fucks to give.

EuropeanHeritage ago

every country who has ever been in a war has had a concentration camp.

jews are just bitching and moaning as usual.

tom47 ago

you are as full of crap as a Christmas Turkey!

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

You should no problem proving me wrong then.

Floors all yours champ.

dundundunnnnn ago

Free boat rides to Palestine!

geekpuk2 ago


Treblinka was a luxury labor camp. In a Total War scenario where every resources was required to fend off the Red Army, they still allocated precious resources to run luxury labor camps

So good of them

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Treblinka, Sobibor and belzec likely were completely fabricated and never existed at all.

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Sir, excellent archive. I do hope you have backups of it all on mini-sd's

WhiteWolfSS ago

We're supposed to cry for 6 million+ imaginary kikes that were gassed in imaginary gas chambers, but real life Jew William Shirer advocated that RAF Bomber Command bomb German civilians relentlessly every single night. No one ever brings that up anymore.

Kikes make up a story about a genocide of their people, while actually trying to genocide someone else's people at the same time. And because it is clown world, the imaginary people are the ones real people actually care about.

BoyBlue ago

There were people in prison camps and died. The story missing is what the camps were for, were they relocation camps turned bad because British wouldn't allow Germany to send them to Palestine? When did the vision of sending them to Palestine turn to shit? After WW2 Menachem Begin had to bomb the King David Hotel...

The big question is why, I want to watch that one.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Jew reeducation camps for jews who didn't toe the zionist line.

BoyBlue ago

FUCK that was quick...ugh going to have to watch to see if I learn something new.

Reapreap ago

Is this Vatican propaganda or fact.

Vatican has autistic document forging abilities.

This is so we don't find our true target.

Jews can burn. But the Vatican needs to burn as well.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Jews control the vatican you dumb nigger.

Reapreap ago

No shit glowfag.

blit416 ago

No no, well aware, just chitchatting.

right now a JIDF guy is trying to insult me in another thread in the most cryptic, confusing, middle-eastern english. Anytime a palestinian issue gets raised they pile on in force to talk all kinds of shit about them. its soooo transparent.

StankMouth ago

Amazing post, I hope more people are willing to question beliefs that have been pushed on them via indoctrination.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

VERY NICE. I will be archiving and editing for smaller sharing clips

ardvarcus ago

We don't gain anything by saying the Holocaust was a complete fabrication. Obviously it was not. Jews were rounded up and shipped off to work camps, and not just adult men, but women, children, old people. They were ripped out of their homes and treated like criminals when most of them had never done anything criminal at all. That was a terrible wrong.

What we need to focus on is speaking the truth about the myth of the Holocaust, which is built upon such real events. The camps were not nearly as bad as they are made out to have been. Far fewer Jews were deliberately executed than the myth would have us believe. Most of the deaths were from disease and hardships brought on by Allied bombing. Zyklon B was used to delouse clothing, not to kill people. The showers were just that, showers, not gas chambers. Nowhere near six million Jews were killed by the Nazis, and the Germans suffered far worse than the Jews when all was said and done.

The truth is enough. There is no need to exaggerate just to make a point. The Holocaust was a myth, it has been wildly exaggerated, but it wasn't based on nothing.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Dear dumb nigger,

Today i am going to help you with your reading comprehension and i hope that other niggers such as yourself can find it just as valuable as i am most certain you will.

Holocaust= Burnt offering.

No burnt offering= No holocaust

Therefore the holocaust (burnt offering) is a complete fabrication.

Therefore i am correct in my semantics and you are a low IQ groid who can't read gud.

Bonus round:

Restaurants + maternity wards + brothels + Swimming pools + theater + trans camp soccer leagues = Luxury labor camps

Take your sense of moral superiority and shove it up your ass i hope you get molested rabbi.

blit416 ago

It really, really is. I can't believe the world was fooled by this total and utter blarney!

Really goes to show huh? All facts contradict it, yet movie after movie tell the lie, and reference after reference in pop-culture reinforce it. In retrospect it's laughably ridiculous - like a bunch of office workers with no knowledge of the physical world tried to make a story about a farm, and missed the mark in hillarious ways.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

I've given just a tiny hummingbird farts worth of a jew dick sized sample of the available red pills on this alone. That said if its your first time viewing everything in scale all at once complete with video testimony, its enough to finally break that shelf. And if that is the case i congratulate you and if not i apologize for being a nigger.

Element115 ago

Organization was only OK, content mostly not fake which is good, execution was meh. Red cross is weak sauce, they just say red cross wasn't recording anything other than illness.

You need to pare down to the strongest most well sourced points in each category. Then you need jew claim next to jew caught lying articles. They need to be like right next to each other, touching.

RM-Goetbbels ago

Don't forget about the prostitutes! Omg, the jews were getting their dicks sucked if they broke a sweat. You think I'm lying don't you? You think that my antisemitism is sooooo far off the rails that I'd be willing make shit up about the kike nosed bastards don't ya?

ados ago

Awesome work, sir. Could you provide a .zip file of your amazing collection?

Horrux ago

Who even doubts that anymore, I just mute.

NevadaDesertPatriot ago

OP. You are a true hero to mankind. We have been lied to for so long. My step mother made a comment a couple months ago that made me make a choice. She's 78 and not well. She said: "Can you still believe there are those that believe the Holocaust was not real?"

I was taken aback, really. Either the truth was spoken (she wouldn't accept it anyways), and then harm our relationship in the waning minutes, or, bite my tongue and grimace. I bit my tongue. Some people are TOO FAR GONE and cannot be saved.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

The worst part?

Compare any encyclopedia prior to 1965 with anything post. It wasn't just a lie. Its a RECENT lie.

kidcip16 ago

What's the significance of 1965? So much evil crap started around then.

underground_lurker ago

Civil rights Act of 1964.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

1947 would be of far greater significance but most on voat are actually too retarded to understand why.

The holocaust is easy baby tier

Overdriver ago

Sources / links / info, or you’re just full of shit.

performance ago

Are you fucking mentally retarded? Look at all the docs OP posted. Holy fuck you redditards are clueless children.

Overdriver ago

Did you even read the message you mongloid? Looking to let off some steam on the internet because of how fucking shit your life is are we? Nice try, next time interpreting a basic sentence might serve you better.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

There is over 20 hours of primary documentation and over 30 images i included.

You dumb nigger.

Overdriver ago

My question was in reference to the 1947 message, I can clearly read the fucking links you mincer. Why not try to understand the context of the message instead of instantly looking to prove someone wrong; full NPC tier shit.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Yeah i didn't click on context because your name wasn't someone i responded to in the thread yet.

That being said, no. Fuck yourself nigger. You look up 1947. You understand the significance. Or don't. I don't care either way.

As i said most on voat are too retarded to understand its significance, and even if a laid it all out for you it would be pearls before swine and you would caste me as a false prophet.

Overdriver ago

Yeah, just as I thought; an obvious case of dunning-kruger. If you were that smart and not just an arrogant dickhead you’d want to help spread knowledge, (which I’ve probably already heard) and you’d understand there are a hundred things that you could be referencing (IMF, Israel etc). You have no pearls, you just want to feel smarter than others.

I’ve had enough of idiots insinuating they have interesting info then, it turning ou they just like trying to lead people on into thinking they’re fucking jesus, fuck you q-tard.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Helping spread knowledge and holding nigger hands are entirely two separate things.

fuck you q-tard.

yeah cuz thats an accurate description of me.

which I’ve probably already heard

If you knew you wouldn't be asking

Overdriver ago

You fucking idiot, how am people supposed to know what you’re referring to if you just say 1947?

It would have been worth inquiring, just in case if you weren’t such an up your own ass faggot (that’s how people learn mongo).

You clearly just like to make out as though you’re some dispensary of wisdom, to cover the fact you’re an arrogant asshole.

Good luck against the jews all by yourself, dickhead.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago






Overdriver ago

Finally. Thanks.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

It will lead you somewhere you won't want to go and when you start seeing it lead you there you will refuse to continue the journey.

Overdriver ago

I doubt it. As mentioned, I have researched a lot and have passed by most of these topics before; however I always find more and more info each time I research.

For example, what I’ve learned in the past year about Wernher Von Braun makes me drawn to researching fishbowl / high jump / the nazi Antarctic links in more depth, (As well as Nazi occultisms / scientists views on the firmament).

ifuckdolphinseverday ago


Consider the resolution of the human eye and its ability to distinguish two points at a distance. This is observed by the converging lines of perception forming a "false horizon" and easily proved by laying on your stomach in a field and watching someone walk away from you (you could use a camera too). Your angle of view determines the convergent point for the false horizon. This phenomena would be observed on both a sphere model and on an infinite plane model.

When a ship disappears bottom first, it is because of the ocean waves between the observer and the bottom of the ship are two points that no longer become distinguishable from eachother and hence they "converge" into a false horizon. This is proved by watching a ship disappear with your own naked eyes, only to be brought back into view with modern viewing equipment.

How could modern viewing equipment do this? Resolution of the equipment verses the resolution and biological limitations of the human eye. The equipment as a higher resolution and as a result it can distinguish two points with greater clarity. All of this is observed at a range well under the needed distance to get the SAME effect out of the actual curvature of the earth.

Meaning; most people attribute the "bottom up" effect to the actual curvature of the earth where in fact it is actually due to their perception alone. The height required to actually observe the curvature of the earth is over 40k ft. All arguments saying the curvature of the earth is proven by x object disappearing are false conclusions.

If you can understand the above, Congratulations you understand the basic concepts of vision. The argument of things disappearing bottom up is the first permutation of logic where people get it wrong. If they can't get this right they will get everything else wrong and its why they think flat earth is so easy to disprove when in actuality they are just ignorant of how ignorant they are.

Video backups :

Simple Proof that the ISS is Nothing More than a Hollywood Production - YouTube :

The ISS Exposed - YouTube :

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon - YouTube :

7 Rockets Hit Dome! - YouTube :

Flat Earth Awakening ~ Fake Space Documentary 2019 - YouTube :

Are We Spinning? - YouTube :

Astronauts Gone Wild - YouTube

Tom buy my tshirts delonge coms

Overdriver ago

Some good links, thanks.

I’m currently trying to red-pill an old client-turned-friend about NASA (among other things), and may be able to use some of the info with him.

I myself am very sceptical about extra terrestrial life and would be more inclined to believe it’s a project blue beam style psy-op, or that any being would be extra-dimensional / demonic (however very questionable imo).

I am well aware of how deep NASA’s deceit is, and do not believe that anything has ever passed near earth orbit (man or machine) never mind the van allen belt.

I am however not entirely certain on the firmament, flat earth or gravity (as opposed to Tesla’s theories for example) and do need to research these subject extensively to form a coherent view.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Well then i apologize for being a nigger. Most on voat get triggered like a normie over the holocaust at the mere thought of an infinite plane.

There is a lot here to uncover with the jew sciences.

You may also find this interesting; I wrote a bit showing the fallacy of the official human timeline.

Overdriver ago

It’s close to impossible to gauge a persons intellect or openness online, and I myself often take for granted that most people have been programmed to shun new information; that browsing for superficial gratification is the fashionable way of using the internet.

However, personally going as deeply as I can into a topic is the only way which interests me.

I admit, the geometry is lost on me at this point in time, however I have begun to read your timeline post and I’m enjoying it so far.

I first questioned the official timeline as a teenager after watching (of all things) some Kent Hovind videos on creation, and have also recently become aware of the mud flood / Tartaria idea (some proponents offering a majorly flawed model and ideas, yet as a concept has my interest).

I will pick up where I left off on your post and see what else I can find.

I appreciate the links, there is some good info here.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Rosewell should have been something that would have stood out as 1947

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Keep repeating yourself i think someone is caring.

Judasrope ago

If the Germans wanted to kill 6 million Jews they would never let them leave the train. Board train, train stops in specially designated tunnel, gas them, train pulls over to specially designated location like quarry, locomotive disengages and leaves entire carts to be buried by heavy equipment, no need to have the German soldier traumatized by the amount of dead bodies, Rinse and repeat. The entire operations would minimize human contact, would be very efficient and would only need disposable train carts to be build around 40.000 of them. I would desig the train carts so the steel base could be used again only burry the wooden crate that would attach on top. OR we could just burn all the jews in the ovens two at a time... Jews are parasites of humanity.

RoundWheel ago

Gassing as an idiot's way of killing. They'd simply shoot them or bury them alive.

This whole concept of huge resource expenditure, when none was available (the entire point of the African campaign) to secretly kill jews is a children's lie.

sore_ass_losers ago

I’ve read they had such tunnels for delousing operations.

Jaegerjaques ago

Why not use those carts that tilt over to the side and dump them all in a big hole. That way is cheaper and they will eventually turn into oil and power future generations.


Totally agree. I actually think Auschwitz should be converted into a bed n breakfast, or maybe even a summer camp for kids.

lord_nougat ago

Converted to?! That's just what it always was!

Nomowo ago

You're a true patriot! Saved!

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Can you caption the images you fkn stupid idiot

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

No thanks nigger.

Kill yourself please.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

A bunch of random links with absolutely no hint of their contents.

Its surprising how stupid you people can be.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

no hint of their contents.

Probably anti jew shit you dumb nigger.

Click on them

Agrianian_Javelineer ago


ifuckdolphinseverday ago

So i can trigger lazy niggers like you.

You label them faggot.

1Sorry_SOB ago

It was a difficult situation. Like many times over the course of history and in many places, gentiles realized they could no cohabitate a nation with the Hebrew Tribe. Many left for other places but some were separated from the German population in time of war as we did with the Japanese.

spaceman84 ago

Too compassionate/concerned about optics. Won't make the same mistake again.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Fourth Reich best Reich ✙ᛋᛋ 卐卐卐卐 ᛋᛋ✙

SerbianKebab ago

Thank you so much for spreading the truth!

Take the cover from the jews away, which they use to push for white genocide!

Holocaust is fake History! = HIFH = 8968

......... but it should have happened.

Atarian ago

Don't forget the swimming pools and whorehouses.

RoundWheel ago

Until the trains were destroyed, the germans treated the camps better than American internment camps.

moviefreak ago

And a classic orchestra! They jews even made a movie lying about that starring Adrien Brody called "The Pianoplayer".

Complete propaganda. Hollywood has always been jewish run propaganda to promote wars.

They are worst swine of mankind!

ninjajunkie ago

Everything der juden has ever, or will ever, do is based in them not working but benefiting from the work of others. They are a parasite that must be removed if the host is to live.

cyclops1771 ago

LOL. "Luxury" labor camps.

Yeah, like that time you get sent to "luxury" state prison for 6 years, AND you got to work the entire time and not get paid!!!


This is total shill bullshit, trying to distract the issue of "there weren't death camps" to getting people to spread stupid shit like being taken from your home and put into forced labor camps is somehow a benefit or good thing.

Nice try, shill.

smokratez ago


This is the mark of the faggot.

cyclops1771 ago

Yes, having a sense of humor means you are totally gay. Because anyone who laughs obviously loves to suck the dick.

Brilliant analysis! Do you charge, or do you do this pro bono?

smokratez ago

You guys don't have a sense of humor. You are totally gay. People who use sarcasm are depressed as well. Stop being a self hating retard. You can always still become normal again.

cyclops1771 ago

Brilliant rebuttal.

Why didn't you just respond with, "no u". Same exact level of thinking, and saved you a few dozen types.

smokratez ago

Thanks for saying I am brilliiant. Too bad you're still retarded.

cyclops1771 ago

Ok, cool. Hook 'em.

cyclops1771 ago

Yeah, sure. Pointing out that the word "LUXURY" is a stupid way to describe a forced labor camp, no matter the amenities is a stupid way to get people to agree that there were not extermination camps, and by doing so actually HURTS the ability to spread the truth that this never happened.

And sarcasm and humor is a great way to live, and has nothing to do with depression. I've never been depressed in my life. Don't have time for that fag shit. I'll leave that shit for you super serious queerbaits who are so desperate to avoid their own deep seated homosexual desires.

smokratez ago

jews were kept safe. You keep keep kvetching however you want to. You can't deny this reality.

that there were not extermination camps

There were no extermination camps. They were luxury vacation camps.


Ahktuallly. lol.

And sarcasm and humor is a great way to live

It's not. It's the mark of the faggot jew slave.

and has nothing to do with depression.

It does.

I've never been depressed in my life.

You are. You have to be a nihilistic atheistic faggot, or else you wouldn't do what you are doing.

Don't have time for that fag shit

Fag shit is all that you do.


Lol. The number one faggot fantasy is for straight people to be gay. I learned that from jew faggots.

to avoid their own deep seated homosexual desires.

Lol. So predictable. It's sad how npc you guys are. Each and every one of you a carbon copy of the other. No originality or own personality.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Whore houses, restaurants, theater, soccer teams, maternity wards, currency and swimming pools.

Luxury labor camps.

cyclops1771 ago

Basketball courts, 3 meals a day, workout facility, free library, cable TV, conjugal visits.

Luxury state penitentiary.

If it's so great, why don't you go live as an inmate at your local jail?

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

forced labor camps

OH so they were not extermination camps then??

cyclops1771 ago

You're not very smart, are you?

When you learn how to read, come on back.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

So where they or were they not extermination camps?

Answer the question rabbi

cyclops1771 ago

Nice try, kike.

You are trying to push this false shit so that when people start pointing out the fallacies of the death camp lie, you hope they include this shit, so you can ridicule them and dismiss all their REAL arguments with this bullshit.

Your games won;t work on me, shillfag. Go Home now, bring in your JIDF supervisor to give it a shot.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Were they extermination camps yes or no?

Why are you avoiding the question rabbi?

How many nukes does israel have?

cyclops1771 ago

Why you crying out in pain so much?

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Were they extermination camps yes or no?

Why are you avoiding the question rabbi?

cyclops1771 ago

Were they extermination camps yes or no?

I don't know for sure, wasn't there. I'm sure you have many "survivors" in your family tree. I haven't seen any evidence that there was a concerted, intentional effort to genocide, or any evidence of gas chambers, super crematoriums, or mass graves. They obviously put all 'undesirables' into camps, and then made them slave labor. Considering the conditions in Berlin and other German cities by 1944, I can't imagine there was anything 'luxury' about the camps, unless you are suggesting that the Nazi party specifically, and intentionally gave all the food to the camp residents, and intentionally starved their own people? Sounds like your contention is that Hitler's REAL goals was to keep Jews alive so he could starve off the German white people, and the Jews would be the only survivors. You have some strange ideas, shillfag.

lord_nougat ago

You clearly need to fuck dolphins more frequently.

cyclops1771 ago

If I did it daily, would that be enough?

lord_nougat ago

It's worth a try!!

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Sounds like your contention is that Hitler's REAL goals was to keep Jews alive so he could starve off the German white people, and the Jews would be the only survivors.

And then you say

You have some strange ideas, shillfag.

cyclops1771 ago

FACT: You stated that Jew camps were in "luxury" at the same time the German people were eating rats mixed with sawdust.

FACT: Hitler did nothing wrong.

Combine these two, and my logic is undeniable.

Hence why I claimed your contention was stupid.

Bigdickedelf ago

Jews lie and water is wet

Demonsweat2 ago

Water feels wet but it's actually moist.

ChadLeft ago

Cool it with the anti-semitic remarks.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Kill every jew man women and child in a violent and terrifying manner.

SanFranTrailerPark ago

Didn't even get firebombed. How lucky can you be.

Simonbelmont27 ago

Great post, thank you so much

SIayfire122 ago

Are you sure this picture is legit? it looks like someone created it for keks.

GreyGears ago

All story of the holocaust are ridiculous on that level.

They just quickly retreated out of most of their lies because (like this one) they were too obviously bullshit.

Now they are stuck defending the "low-power insecticide showers closed by a simple wooden door" lie, because it's the last they have left. It's holding a bit because most people have 0 experiences with toxic gas, but it's just as much obvious bullshit.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

100% legit jew claim against the nazis. They have thousands of bullshit claims including a cage with an eagle and a bear eating jews alive and a room with moving knives on the floor like some vidya game.

Glory_Beckons ago

It's disinformation. You're doing the Jews a favor by spreading it.

See my comment here for more details.

The story about the bear and the eagle is just as absurd and ridiculous. And he actually told that one, and the NYT printed it as if it was credible testimony. There's absolutely no need to spread this false meme. It only undermines real criticism of Jewish holohoax fairy tales.

Chimaeric ago

that picture is actually bullshit. vicariousjambi's is the original source. the bear and eagle story is real, the other one is not.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

This comment is the start of the misunderstanding. When you used the word "that picture" you were replying context in thread to my response to @slayfire122 who asked about the tom and jerry. When you said @vicariousjambi 's was the original source the semantics implied you were still speaking on topic and hence about the tom and jerry picture. So this is why i was confused as to what you were saying.

VicariousJambi ago

I could have been more clear as well. I had heard before, from someone else, that the quote was from that nyt article, but that it was a real quote. I first posted without double checking the article, but then upon reading the article in its entirety I later found out that the quote wasn't actually in there. I did some searching myself to try to find it and couldn't find anything on the quote.

tbh there's so much ridiculous bullshit about the holohoax I'm not surprised this one slipped past us.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Yeah but i really could have been less of a nigger. I blame the flu. I'll get over it tho.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Ping him then you fucking kike

Chimaeric ago

He posted the New York Times' article you dumb fucking asshole. That shit does not contain your photo or story. It's a different article about a fucking eagle and bear.

Your shit is fake.

Fucking retard over here.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

No shit.

So prove the other one you fucking dumb nigger

Chimaeric ago

You have no reading comprehension and are as intelligent as a fucking nigger, doing the work of kikes.

Prove what other one you dumb cunt? Prove that your photo is fake? You can't prove a negative you fucking goddamned nigger. You provide a source or fuck off, it's fake.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

How does the bear and eagle story being true have anything to do with the guns going into a wall and having the jews shoot themselves being false?

Chimaeric ago

if you can't figure that out on your own, well, you might be a dumb nigger or /u/ifuckdolphinseverday

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

You're too stupid to understand that just because one jew story uses similiar language to another jew story that the second jew story must be fabricated?

Like fake jew stories can't use similar language?

and you completely ignored how this EXACT language is also used in the 3 babies/ 2 sisters and a friend one bullet claim. Until you acknowledge that this language is used in many jew claims you don't have any ground to stand on.

You dense nigger.

Chimaeric ago

no I understand fully. I also understand there is fabricated shit muddying the waters like your photo. Things that were never originally published and have no original source.

Things that shouldn't be lumped in with actual facts about the holohoax and these kikes' lies.

But you're too much of a dumb fucking cunt to see the difference. Sad really.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

The last days by steven speilberg

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Showing the source for one meme does not disprove another.

You dumb nigger.

Chimaeric ago

One has a source and uses the exact same language twice. It's real.

One has no source. It's a fake. Provide the source or you're a dumb nigger cunt.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Ping him. Hes on.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

I've seen other renditions of it long before Voat existed. However i am open to hearing your claim further that this is a false jewpill as i want to make sure everything is as accurate as possible.

Chimaeric ago

this is a published actual new york times article right here.

Notice the language here:

,''But that's unbelievable,'' whispered a visitor. ''It is unbelievable,'' said Mr. Hubert, ''but it happened.''

this is duplicated in your bullshit photo here. this one has no source to back it up. it's a fake. and the last thing the holohoax is MORE fake shit muddying the waters when there's enough the jews made themselves.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

The photo isn't bullshit you fucking moron.

There are literally dozens of testimony using that language. Even the story about three babies being lined up verses it being two sisters and a friend to be shot with one bullet. They said the same thing. Unbelievable, but we saw it.

VicariousJambi ago

I thought that paper was the source for the shot gun quote but it turned out not to be. It was the source for another quote, the eagle one.

I then looked for a source on the shot gun quote then and couldn't find one.

I'm assuming it's a fake until i have a source for it.

@Chimaeric is correct here.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago


Look at me. I am the nigger now.

Chimaeric ago

then find a source you daft cunt or shut the fuck up.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Learn to open the post you fucking dumb nigger. Holy shit you are retarded

Chimaeric ago

What the fuck are you on about? This photo has no source. It never does whenever it is posted because it's a fake. You're muddying the waters like a no good kike. Fuck off, kike loving shill.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Its a shop to put it on a book. Prove @VicariousJambi completely fabricated it.

You dumb nigger

Chimaeric ago

I didn't say @VicariousJambi fabricated it, I said he provided the real source which proves your shit is a fake.

Your dumb fucking ass cannot read.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

How does the bear and eagle story being true have anything to do with the guns going into a wall and having the jews shoot themselves being false?

Chimaeric ago

I tried to demonstrate this to you in the original reply, but you're too much of a fucking retard to grasp it.

Why would I attempt it again? Set yourself on fire you dumb faggot.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

You're too stupid to understand that just because one jew story uses similiar language to another jew story that the second jew story must be fabricated?

Like fake jew stories can't use similar language?

and you completely ignored how this EXACT language is also used in the 3 babies/ 2 sisters and a friend one bullet claim. Until you acknowledge that this language is used in many jew claims you don't have any ground to stand on.

You dense nigger.

Chimaeric ago

no I understand fully. I also understand there is fabricated shit muddying the waters like your photo. Things that were never originally published and have no original source.

Things that shouldn't be lumped in with actual facts about the holohoax and these kikes' lies.

But you're too much of a dumb fucking cunt to see the difference. Sad really.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

you completely ignored how this EXACT language is also used in the 3 babies/ 2 sisters and a friend one bullet claim. Until you acknowledge that this language is used in many jew claims you don't have any ground to stand on.

You dense nigger.

Chimaeric ago

i acknowledged it but they have sources. as i've said. i never denied that.

but you can't provide a source for the fake photo.

cause it's a fake.

and you're a dumb nigger.

who i hope dies in a fire

in pain

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Your logic is that it uses similar language and therefore must be fake,

yet i just got you to admit that two other stories other than the eagle and bear are real and yet they use similar language.

Chimaeric ago

assuming those ones have sources where the jew is indeed telling the lie, then the kikes can tell as many of the same lies using the same language as they want.

my only problem is I have tried (before today) and failed to find a source for that photo we are discussing. I'd love to believe it's real and the kikes actually said that, I just can't prove it, unlike MANY of the other kike lies.

I'm not sure what the fuck your problem is, quite honestly.

Again, I'd like to believe it was real and it's hilarious. I just can't prove it was said or published. I thought we'd agree on shit like this, but here you are exploding like a nigger.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

So instead of being a massive giant nigger who made a big stink about it using similar language as your main point of contention why not say you've tried to find that quote in the past and have not been able to find the original source?

Because that's not what you said or communicated in any way

and thats why you are a nigger.

Chimaeric ago

It's both. It's a combination. The dual exact phrasing of the quotes makes me almost certain it is doctored directly from the New York Times' story with the shotgun story added in between. That's why that was brought up at all.

But I have never stopped asking for a source. This was communicated over, and over, and over again. Original source is important otherwise, what is it? It's a photo of a story that a jew allegedly told and printed. Allegedly. You're no better than a kike trying to pass that off.

And that's why you are a nigger loving kike.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

It's both. It's a combination. The dual exact phrasing of the quotes makes me almost certain it is doctored directly from the New York Times' story with the shotgun story added in between. That's why that was brought up at all.

That same logic would apply to dozens of jew claims and because your illogical contention and niggeredness i felt no need to entertain you

That quote has been familiar to me for at least 5 or so years in many different meme iterations that said i will try to see if i can locate its origination.

Chimaeric ago

that logic wouldn't apply because it requires a source. two proven jews lying is proven jews lying.

your photo a proven kike lying is not without a source.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

No actually that same logic would apply. Your original contention was the similar language which many other jew claims share in common.

Chimaeric ago

aye but my original contention was always in combination with requiring a source.


i'm sorry if that was ever unclear

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

It was unclear to me but in hindsight i can see how both could have been interpreted. I apologize for my nigger behavior my excuse is that i have the flu and i have spent the better part of the week fighting Qtards who think niggers are based.

My apologies faggot, i was the nigger the whole time.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

You are a complete nigger.

He proved my meme isn't fake. By providing the source.

please kill yourself

Chimaeric ago

actually read his source you fucking dumb cunt. it never repeats your story within it. just the eagle and bear story.

god you're a fucking dip shit.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

NO SHIT you fucking nigger.

How does the bear and eagle story being true have anything to do with the guns going into a wall and having the jews shoot themselves being false?


Chimaeric ago

because the photo uses the exact same language twice and more importantly HAS NO SOURCE BACKING IT UP TO PROVE IT IS REAL.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago


there are DOZENS of similar claims that use the exact same language because the KIKES made up the stories you fucking nigger. Just because the photo uses similiar language does not make the self shooting story fake.

again, You dense nigger.

Chimaeric ago

and they have sources?

does your photo?

oh wait, it doesn't.

so fuck off, dumb nigger loving cunt.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

You're too stupid to understand that just because one jew story uses similiar language to another jew story that the second jew story must be fabricated?

Like fake jew stories can't use similar language?

and you completely ignored how this EXACT language is also used in the 3 babies/ 2 sisters and a friend one bullet claim. Until you acknowledge that this language is used in many jew claims you don't have any ground to stand on.

You dense nigger.

YES you dumb fucking queer faggot. Have you never seen the last days by speilberg? You fucking nigger think im making up a story about jews making up a story about 3 babies being shot with one bullet and then the jews brother who told that story changed it to 2 sisters and a friend asking to be shot with one bullet?

You think im making up that story?

Because that exact story uses the exact language found in the self shooting wall story.

all of which are real jew claims.

Chimaeric ago

if it's a real jew claim, post the source where the jew made the claim.

if you can't, accept it isn't and rightly fuck off.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

The last days by steven speilberg

Chimaeric ago

your photo is in the last days of steven speilberg?

it isn't, but okay.

VicariousJambi ago

Thats actually taken from a nyt article from the 80s. It was still something a jew claimed to happen, but someone shopped it onto a book page.

New_FoundingFathers ago

They probably memory-holed that shit

Hugo_Mungus ago


Doglegwarrior ago

also orchastra, plays, their own currency... and all of it was organized with out one written order ever being found! and even worse the nazis encoded messages were recorded and written down not on mention of a final solution... so the germans while fighting the biggest war in human history on two fronts killed and burned out of existence 6 million jews and did it all with out written orders and not mentioning it over radio transissions? sound realistic to you

SolomonPapermaster ago

It's not even well hidden, they just don't give a shit. The brainwashing is too strong. No one ever wonders how children survived the death camps where supposedly your only chance to survive was forced labor. It seems to me the children and elderly would have been the first to go.

conofgov ago

of course its realistic, just like the pyramids were made with stone hammers, and copper chisels, no blue prints, plans, project schedule. They both used a group of telepaths to coordinate everything ;-)

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Even more so.

Compare the names of the Nuremberg trial jews like roman robak aka ralph reader and many of the "authors" of the holocaust novels. You'll find a startling discovery that many of them had polish names and changed their names into hebrew names. Then they moved to israel.

Jews did it to jews who didn't step in line.

Muh-Shugana ago

I'll say that those camps prove one thing above all else.

Trying to deal with the jews humanely is a fools errand. This must be drilled into every retard who wants to try and 'save' jews, or believes that there are 'good' jews, or any stupid horseshit like that.

You can be the most reasonable person in the world, and the jew will laugh as he convinces everyone on earth that you are the most evil monster that has ever existed in human history. He will call you weak and stupid for giving him the chance to do so, and mock you for not knowing better than that.

Install a mod to shoot the jew in minecraft.

Doglegwarrior ago

the movie about the jew nazi i think did a good job of explaining the jew mentality.. cant remember the name it was ryan goslings first movie or one of his first.. true believer i think. watch that movie if u want some good speeches about jews.

SolomonPapermaster ago

The Believer, I'm going to watch it now.

Pcpoet09 ago

there is lots of written evidence that the haulicaust happen the Germans were really good at paper work.

Doglegwarrior ago

i agree the germans were really were really good at paper work. some smart german officers would have kept that paper work so they could say look i was following orders... there is almost nothing in that regards.. your 12 downvotes lets you know the people here think you are full of shit btw.

Pcpoet09 ago

problem is the paper work you say does not exist does exist....there is a whole bunch documentation of the trains. there is documentation of officers complaining about the diversion of resources to theses camps. there are registries of every number tattoo. there is no paper work that I know of say x is authorized to kill x amount of civilians. the closest to this was the murdering of the retarded . mentaly affirmed and physically malformed. theses documents actualy have those Nazi officials bragging about it and referencing how the same tools could be used to go after other populations of undesired.

Doglegwarrior ago

will have to look into that. only thing ive ever heard is that there were no orders found but you might have seen somethinf i have not... how do you address the fact that the brittish were intercepting and recording germans talking and there is no evidence in those recordings even though the germans were talking freely? you would thinknthere would be one comment in the thousands of recorded transripts ofnsome nazi who hated jews saying something to the effect of at least we are elimintating those damn jews at the camps?

performance ago

Great! We all await with baited breath your link to these documents.

Pcpoet09 ago

the original documents are in German and this info is in journal put out by real historians that looked at the documents.. I have never done real research in this area....I have done research before on the history of mental health funding in Alaska. when I say research I am talking about going to source documents....when ever I am on line talking to you anti Jewish Nazi worshiping fucks you refer to all sorts of documentation that you have and ask for documents when people call out your bull shit....Big problem with the documentation that I always see is that it is not sourced from original documents instead you guys refer to stuff written by other white nationalist as proof to the accuracy of your beliefs, anything that I point to would be second or third generation from the actual documents because all I am is a 53 year old history buff that's read a lot on the subject. I don't except the validity of any documents you show on line and even if you showed source material I would not be able to know what I was looking at because I cant read German. I am sure you would call me out in the same way on anything I posted....


I think the sarcasm was missed by your downvoaters. Haha.

Pcpoet09 ago

and yours is absurd


Not sure what you're getting at....

SpeedyRacer ago

Then post it you retarded fuck.

jthun2 ago

great, post it

the swiss were also good at keeping records, and the red cross indicates a couple hundred thousand dead jews

badruns ago

You should have no problem providing a primary source then.

hang_em_high ago

Were they also good at photos? How many Germans were killed after the war do you think?

Barfin ago

they were given cigarettes

lord_nougat ago

Aha!! The evil nazis were trying to give them cancer!!

Rotteuxx ago

That's probably where they got the gas chamber idea, while sitting in the cigar lounge.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Audible kek

CowWithBeef ago

It's not quite a complete fabrication, it's just less than 1% of the death toll of white Christians over the same period.

user9713 ago

Don't use kikes in your argument; they're bad supporting evidence.

Anyway, good post. 👍

democratiesansaccent ago

Aaaand saved. Thank you and be kind to dolphins.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

I work graves at seaworld on the weekends and like to tuck my dick down into the blowhole while i ride them around.

GetWoke ago

Bullshit orcas are maniacs that would never put up with that

Dicks in blowholes... Pppuullleeaassee

ifuckdolphinseverday ago


GetWoke ago


Means no

ifuckdolphinseverday ago


spaghetti updated with personal testimony videos of jews who were at the camps that refuse to promote the holocaust lie.