PsychoticBreak ago

In other news, all women have been violently raped. But they don't secretly fantasize about it, no. According to women.

Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

Just like the 4 % that are alpha bit kids, we get 90% saturation of news about them and their infirmities. Of the 2% that is Jew, we get 90% saturation on Jewish issues as well. They go hand in hand. They rely on the pity from the gentiles, to project their pity power. They have been able to brainwash us into thinking they are a protected race. All the while they need to be the rejected race. Moses himself killed 3000 in one day. That's proof that the judgments they receive are from God and not from evil. Hitler was merely a 20th century King Nebuccanezer.

SquarebobSpongebutt ago

You do realize "survivor" is defined as any Jew who lived for any period of time in any country ruled by the Nazis or their allies, right? So a Jew who lived in Germany for a few weeks after Hitler came to power and decided to leave is officially a Holocaust Survivor. By that token, anyone living the the US on 9/11/2001 is a 9/11 survivor.

satisfyinghump ago

Very good observation, its interesting right?

On top of that feeling of pride, for an event that has a lot of plot holes, they also continue trying to make things worst for themselves than it actually is.

For example, that report that came out about the possibility that our DNA somehow holds our cultural memory, especially horrific events (ehem, like this "holocaust"). The jews jumped on this report of course, with such gusto, almost like they had prepared somehow for this possibility (and with the amount of researchers/doctors part of the research, who are jewish, whos to say this too isnt a big conspiracy?) and many of us had already began to guess what this would set in motion.

Some spoke about the idea that blacks in America will use this DNA memory idea for more money or whatever else in response to slavery.

Others spoke about jews using this to get more money from the holocaust funds they have setup across the world. And that is exactly what is happening now.

Jews claiming their terrible memorys that their parents endured or their grandparents lived through, can be felt and seen and smelt and remembered by their children and will continue to be remembered and thought of as some weird flash back by their kids and their kids kids...

And that is what they are using, or will use, as their basis for future requests for money or property/prizes, etc, whatever.

Whats truly fucked up is if this DNA memory bullshit was real, then couldnt they at least remember all those other memories their ancestors were part of that made all those host countries kick them out. Kick all of them out for the sleezy and illegal acts & behavior of some of them, if only they remembered those acts maybe they'd understand why people hold the feelings they do for them.

Id love to see just one researcher point this out.

Newmemba ago

it is constantly lied about

BumbleTummy ago

Yes, a pesticide that ships in solid for, requiring that its pellets be heated on a hot plate in order to release the gas, killed millions by just being poured out into a room temperature enclosure and then just hanging out until everyone was dead.

Steinmacher ago

over 85,000 survivors still living in the US... war ended 78 years ago.

zyclon B is the fucking fountain of youth

knightwarrior41 ago

holocaust means a burnt offering,let that sink in

HeebSlayer ago

The "real" Holocaust was the firebombing of German cities like Dresden by the (((Allies))).

vastrightwing ago

Every year there are more hall of cost survivors.

veteran88 ago

Most of these so called survivors are in fact the every same bolshevik vermin responsible for the slaughter of tends of millions European Christians in the USSR.

SilentByAssociation ago

Oh, the holocaust... what a tragedy.

You know, as a 9/11 survivor*, after Dancing Israelis was revealed, I believe we deserve reparations from Israel. What a slip up from our greatest ally -- not providing intel which might have prevented that devastating attack. They could have stopped it but they didn't. Therefore, they might as well have done it.

If we're such great allies, they should have no problem aiding us due to their mistake of not acting soon enough.

[American] Goats, we should petition for reparations. In fact, it was such a catastrophe that I believe ALL of America deserves aid: North, Central, and South America. Because we all survived it, and it left us all fractured. Let's demand that Israel make it up to us. All of the porn, all of the death and suffering, all of the awful media... it's time we demand restitution for it all. Every. Last. Bit. ~#EveryLastBit

*"Survivor" in that I was alive during that time.

Calculations ago

The year 3210 the last Jew that was interned at a camp has died... Genealogist prove Holocaust victimization is passable through genetic lineage.... A whole new generation of victims is born

Smallest_Skil ago

It did not happen and it provides a source of power and free goy money. As long as they can push the lies, those jews will push.

TheWorstImaginable ago

Concerned? Are you new to this? Start buying water filters and ammo, goyim. Figure out where you're going to escape to. Don't try to help anyone, just survive.

DesertFox33 ago

I grow my own food. It's delicious. And I read. And grow community

TheWorstImaginable ago

You're a naive guy to be influencing anyone...

DesertFox33 ago

You don't know me do you

TheWorstImaginable ago

I'm judging you based on a long fucking post you made you retard.

toobaditworks ago

It's brainwashing.

englishwebster ago

i remember someone saying something about repeating a lie often enough to make it become the truth.

this is just a variant of that.

lion4liberty ago

Yea...I don't have the source but pretty sure it was Hitler talking about jews....they love to quote things out of context.

Dyedhairshootonsite ago

The fact that the allies bombed innocent cities and ruined their transport infrastructures is the reason why so many were starved to death. Also when people are starving they act instinctual hence why there was still atrocities but they weren’t death camps

Dave_ph ago

Not very efficient death camps

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

Ain't real if there's survivors.

sore_ass_losers ago

FYI, the definition of Holocaust survivor has expanded from those Jewish people who were in the camps to any Jewish person who was in German controlled areas during WWII.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

You are a dumb nigger who knows nothing at all.

If you have not seen dean irebod's "one third" holocaust debunking documentary here it is;

It is the single greatest educational source for delivering primary documentation on screen at time of mention and leaves the viewer with no choice but to conclude the logical and reasonable answer.

DesertFox33 ago

Almost none of these links have anything to do with the topic.

I enjoy my position of being labelled an anti semite in the company of gentiles

I enjoy being labelled a jew by anti semites.

This means I am getting to the truth when both sides of the isle shreik equally as loudly.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

The topic is how you are a fucking dumb nigger and that the holocaust is fake. Which every single link proves numbnuts. Your cognitive dissonance prevents you from even fucking looking at them. You are pathetic. I hope your family gets raped by niggers.

DesertFox33 ago

Listen your hysterics are not appropriate. Why would I take information from someone foaming at the mouth.

But look I'll watch those videos.

Give me some time.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Get molested faggot. No one gives a fuck about some nigger who refuses to view primary evidence that claims is a truth seeker.

You are not after truth. You are after comfort.

Kill yourself.

RoninCoffeeCat ago

New holocaust survivors are born every day

ice007 ago

New holocaust survivors are born every day

That's literally true once you learn what a "holocaust survivor" really is.

A 2013 poll found that the number one reason Jewish Americans give as the source of their identity as Jews is not race or religion.

Instead when asked "What does it mean to be Jewish?", the number one reason given (73%) was "Remembering the Holocaust".

Some people think it's a secular pseudo-religion called Holocaust-ianity (combining the words "holocaust" and "Christianity")

Laws in many U.S. states, known as "holocaust education" laws, mandate the teaching of this secular pseudo-religion to all school children.

This indoctrinates kids with the belief that the Jewish people are "unique" in their historical victim-hood.

This puts Jews at the very top of the victim-hood hierarchy.

And since a widely believed victim-hood narrative gives you political power, being at the top of the victim-hood hierarchy give you the most political power.

That's why holocaust-ianity causes people to believe that Jews deserve special rights that no one else has.

For example, holocaust-ianity means that Israel has an ethical exemption to create the same type of racists country that Nazi Germany created.

Also holocaust-ianity give jews the right to violate the principle of free speech, so that "holocaust deniers" can be censored, fired, physically attacked, thrown in jail, and even murdered.

Currently no other group has this special political right to protect their victim-hood narrative against people who might use their free speech rights to question the narrative.

The political power engendered by Holocaust-ianity is so powerful that it must be protected at all costs from the blasphemers, otherwise known as holocaust "deniers"

"Holocaust denial" is in truth, a form of blasphemy against the pseudo-religion of Holocaust-ianity. It's really Holocaust Atheism.

Creating false Jewish victimhood myths is nothing new.

Remember the Spanish Inquisition? History books are filled with claims of tens of thousands of Jews being tortured & murdered by evil white Christians during the Spanish Inquisition. In reality the Spanish Inquisition was 99% Myth

Also remember the story of Jews being horribly persecuted as slaves in Egypt? Completely false. This atrocity propaganda story from the book of Exodus (in both the Jewish Torah and the Christian Bible) is one of the first great fabricated Jewish persecution myths

Another false genocide story used to demonize Europeans is contained in a book called "King Leopold's Ghost".

It claims that King Leopold II is responsible for genociding 10 million people during his rule of the Congo. The book is a lie written by a Jewish author.

More info at:

The Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust:

Or the Unz Review:

klobos ago

I survived the white genocide of 1965-present. So far at least.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

They were work camps for lazy, swindling jew trash. Most deaths there were from typhus, starvation and allied bombing.

DerAngriff ago

Don't listen to this jew with his reverse psychology. Agreeing to not talk about it implicitly agrees that the holocaust happened. Which of course everyone here knows it didn't.

DesertFox33 ago


SumerBreeze ago

Who tf uses baptism as an excuse/cover? Most semitic people are baptized Christians, and many of those turn to be subversive wretches.

DesertFox33 ago


BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

It only matters to jews, jews write the news. People read the news, so you think that everyone who reads the news care about jews. They don't. They want sports, gossip, and finance. The jews just try to remind you of them to justify their museums and monuments in your country.

Some people build churches, jews build holocaust memorials.

Throwawayx123 ago

Lots of babies born at these death camps apparently.

TheWorstImaginable ago

It's not even that. If you were jewish and born during the 40's or even the 50's you 'survived' the holocaust, because your parents weren't killed.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

Anyone have that pic of the pregnant women at Auschwitz?


Most people who survive serious wartime trauma wind up dying young due to the stresses from that time in their life.

Holocaust survivors all live to be like 90 or 100.


mleczko ago

Cool it with antisemitism, goy!

ShekelbergNosenstein ago

Oy vey. All of my parents and children died on auschwitz holocosters and then they were put into death ovens. 6 mollion jews was killed by anti-semitic attack bears.


edit: I was gonna show you all a link to a pic of my pops gettn eaten by a bear, but oy vey my ccp is anti-semitic!

notajew69 ago

I always fucking see articles like "Last holocaust survivor passes away" LIKE EVERY SINGLE MONTH. I swear it will be like 2070 and we will still be interviewing "holocaust survivors"

CaptnObvius ago

If someone constantly has to remind you that they are oppressed, you may want to question just how oppressed they are. Jews run all banking, most corporations, all of the media, much of politics, pretty much anything of importance. I'm not seeing the oppression myself.

ChiCom ago

They mean to say they're oppressors but the Yiddish gets in the way.

CaptnObvius ago

That's funny. Watch out the ADL will be hollering racist.

SpreeFeech ago

jews are dangerous

DerAngriff ago

Hey psst. The holocaust never happened.

Oh and Stalin and his jew commissars killed most of those 36 million, most of them Ukrainian and Russian Kulaks and the mouths they could no longer feed. Soviet tallies after the war came to approximately five million total casualties from operation Barbarossa, including wounded, and deaths from disease etc.

DesertFox33 ago

Why did all the Judai get labelled with stars. Then taken off to happy camp 1000, genius?

lion4liberty ago

I remember reading something that the jews actually started that them selves...they wanted to be able to identify each other so they could keep working together...racial solidarity and all, not that it really matters though because once you learn more you will want to pin that star on them your self. If you are intellectually honest though check these out and try and debunk them. and

DerAngriff ago

Well the stars were to obviously shame them and warn Germans of them. The camps were indeed quite pleasant when compared to other camps operated by the Americans and Soviets, yes. And they were there to work, because one thing that pissed off the Germans was that jews had all the money but never actually worked for it. Usury and such.

Your use of the term Judai is interesting.

DesertFox33 ago

Sent to the pleasant camps that's nice.

Nice to see labor camps romantically referenced.

SumerBreeze ago

They weren't pleasant for sure, but the Japanese were treated far worse by Americans.

FuggBenis ago

We've got one who's still plugged into the matrix, lads.

DesertFox33 ago

I guess you don't know the seminal study by raul hilberg

FuggBenis ago

Berg you say? Huh.

DerAngriff ago

oh boy.

DesertFox33 ago

Look i respect free speech. I am not angry that you deny. I'm just saying that we disagree on that.

Disagreement is normal

SumerBreeze ago

Sarcastically calling someone genius is not simple disagreement.

In any case, the worlds jews declared war on Germany. America treated the Japanese even worse in their concentration camps - they weren't allowed the same privileges. If America lost the war and food/medical supplies were cut off to those concentration camp Japs, the world would have considered Americans as evil murderers.

DerAngriff ago

this isn't reddit, jew. Go start a other thread with a question. Suck it all up. We sniff you out from a mile away. Probably ashkenazim, liberal, East Coast urbanite. Anti-Israel so likely New York or thereabout.

DesertFox33 ago

I'm not a jew maybe you're externalizing

Sleuth222 ago

Freemason and Jews are the same thing.

TheWorstImaginable ago

I get called a jew here all the time any time I disagree with anything not remotely jewish related. That said, EEEEESH this Desert Fox guy hasn't been paying attention at all.

Blood-is-Nature ago

The details of that event are distractions for the masses. The whole thing is a linchpin for the existence of israel, secured by all the war crimes committed by all active members from before WWI to now. It can never fall because it would expose our entire history as nothing but jewish terrorists committing endless crimes against humanity.

TonyTronic ago

Yid Kike Faggots or LibTards should NEVER B IN CHARGE....Kikified USA

DesertFox33 ago

Nice semantics.


TonyTronic ago

Ashkenazi R not Semetic they R closer genetically to Neanderthals...

The Origins of Ashkenaz, Ashkenazic Jews, and Yiddish

anticlutch ago

he believes the D&C that kikes are in any way Neanderthal in relation

Fuck off. No one wants to read your (((research))).

TonyTronic ago

No I will not stop calling out the Yid Kike Faggots, Fake Semites, Inbreeding has fucked up your genetics and Now we know that 1 in 4 are Genetically pre-disposed to Schizophrenia.

Mutations in the gene NDST3 gene are found with appreciable frequency in Ashkenazi (Eastern European) Jews suffering from psychosis. Your a Fucking Looney LibTard .

Zoinism is Rothchildism and it is EVIL. Fuck your Rothschild Central Banking Power it is ending... Just Watch I got my Popcorn... Dun Dun Dun...

”In Russia in 1929, every Mason who was not Jewish was killed along with his family.” (- Alexey Jefimow, ”Who are the Rulers of Russia?” p.77)

Conquer the world by subversion. Their weapons were formidable and were called communism, Illuminati, freemasonry and globalism. Later on the UN was created as yet another communist organization. Communism aims at taking control of all the national governments while globalism aims at creating the world state by consent after all the nations have been subverted. The third step is the world religion where the satanists demand to be worshipped as Gods.

Frankists Later Founded Zionism, Nazism, Anti-Semitism And Globalism

Parasitic to Host Nations...

KikesRParasiticto Host Nations

SlothyC ago

Now the shifty eyed heeb doctors are saying that the descendants of the (survivors) have permanent damage to their DNA. All to keep the shekels coming in. Must have been hard escaping from 8 "death" camps. We need to stop this.

Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

Moses killed 3000 in one day. Never question Gods judgement.

anticlutch ago

The holocaust didn't happen (((DesertFox33)))

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

Labor camps happened. Jews took labor camps -- which were horrific, let's not pretend they were great places to live -- and made up a story about gas chambers and mass killings.

SumerBreeze ago

The Poles were in forced labor camps, not Jews.

lion4liberty ago

They only became horrific when allied bombing cut off supplies.

anticlutch ago

(((he))) actually believes the fair tale of the holocaust

Fuck off kike.

Less people believe the atrocious and obvious lie of the holocaust. Even if it were true, even less people give a shit as a dead jew is the only good jew.

DesertFox33 ago

I disagree

anticlutch ago

Care to prove to me the holocaust happened?

How did the Germans get flimsy, nonsealed wooden doors to work with gas chambers?

How did the Germans get a delousing substance to work in killing millions?

How did the Germans oven 6 million people in such a short period of time?

How did the Germans get rid of all of the evidence?

Where are the anal dildo roller coasters?

Where are the masturbation machines?

Why did the (((death camps))) have dentist offices, gardens, pools, orchestra halls, play venues etc?

DesertFox33 ago

Listen, read the destruction of the European jew by hilberg.

Check his sources.

If you want to, give me some source material for your arguments, I'll read them.

Then we can have a debate but not until then

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

I've read that book and it is used in the evidence i provided you.

You dumb nigger.

DesertFox33 ago

You've read it?? Really

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Yes. Its included in my sources you fucking nigger. I've used official primary documentation to show you the inconstancy within your accepted "truth". You fucking nigger.

DesertFox33 ago

Just so you know alot of those photos don't allow for zooming...

Can't read the text in them.

Be careful.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Learn to search on your own. Its more than enough.

If he have not watched the 4 hour 30min ~ documentary by Dean irrbod on "one third of the holocaust" You are either a rabbi or in a state of denial.

You be careful nigger.

DesertFox33 ago

Can you please post that particular part again

Only that part

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Not to come off as insulting but you do know that beneath the title of the post there is a plus (+) sign right?

Did you know that if you click it that it expands the text of the post? and that if you dont' click it all you see is the title without any supporting text?

It sounds to me like you didn't know that, and if you did then no i am not going to take the 1.4 seconds to copy and paste it for you because literally 1000+ other people managed to press the (+) and to expand the text.

If you need help with this i can take screen shots and show you how.

DesertFox33 ago

I'm on the Brave browser on my phone. I'll have to revisit your post on a computer. When I click your expand options it just feeds me the image one at a time, and it takes a fair amount of adjustment to get it to the proper size to read.

I was more just hoping for the particular post in question concerning the raul hilberg research.. The materials and only the materials relating to it

Was more curious what you were referring to specifically, to get on your level before I spend more time fully appreciating your response.

Which I will, I just haven't met that bar as of yet

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

This link is what you are looking for. On the highly OFF chance you are sincere in your efforts you need to watch the entire documentary. It uses ONLY jew approved sources from the official narrative and accepted story. Raul Hilberg, Samuel Rajzman, Arad Yitzhakarard, Alexander donat. ETC ETC.

It is the single greatest educational source for delivering primary documentation on screen at time of mention and leaves the viewer with no choice but to conclude the logical and reasonable answer. You must watch all of it. Takes notes. Pay attention.

If you don't, you were never after truth you were after comfort.

The rest re pasted for you ease.

Testimony from jews who were at the actual camps.

Here you go Goy


lion4liberty ago came here...check ours first...

toobaditworks ago

Read it all. You won't need to debate it.

Pronebone45 ago

Woah there.

Don't forget about the giant electric chair at Treblinka that was capable of killing ten thousand a day.

anticlutch ago

Sorry I never got to that part of the fairy tale.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

If you never learned about electric floors or roller coasters of death or dick slapping machines you are missing out.

anticlutch ago

I got to the electric boogaloo dance room and roller coasters of death. I must have been in a state of shock caused by exhaustion to laughing so much at the story and missed bits.

kidcip16 ago

When's the last time you heard a 'non-Jew' survivor? They claim 5 million goyim deaths and 6 million jews (because goyim must be less than jews). You'd think you'd hear about them just as often.

DerAngriff ago

Well in Russia on Victory Day they have massive parades in every city big and small, of family members parading with their lost family members' photos on placards, typically in uniform. It's impressive to behold. They call it the parade of the immortal regiment. I saw it once. No matter what side you fought on, the Russians respect their war dead and that deserves respect.

dodgesbullets ago

This is what always puzzles me too. The only people you hear from are Jews, never gypsys, never homos just Jews.

DerAngriff ago

Oh and in Europe gays and gypsies cry out for hologibs every year, at least in western Europe they do.

P4TR10TP1550NL1B5 ago

They'll milk this for generations if we foolishly continue to allow it. It's no different now than the apes who demand reparations for American (((slavery)))

DesertFox33 ago

Hatred may not be the answer

lion4liberty ago

Are you so sure about that? I have never hated so much then when I recognized a threat to what I love more then my own life.

NoNoseKnows ago

It is the answer for (((them))), they see everyone who's not (((them))) as cattle to freely exploit, and eventually slaughter.

That's much worse than hatred.

ardvarcus ago

Everyone else does not matter in the eyes of popular culture.

Jews control our culture.

Jews think and care only about themselves.

Consequently, our culture is Jew-centric, even though Jews make up a very small percentage of the population.

HAESisalie ago

With the exception of Anastasia, you never heard of the 10's of millions of white Christian Russians genocided by the Bolsheviks. You never heard from the survivors or the children or grandchildren who escaped after the parents were murdered. not a peep.

They control the narrative. They always do.

satisfyinghump ago

NOT just murdered. This is one thing which really needs to be understood by more people. I am not saying white people/white men are not capable of the disgusting atrocities that other cultures are guilty of but one pattern which can be noticed about jewish behavior is that they always seem to have a serious need to behave like degenerates. Theh commonly rape women, even rape men and children. Their punishment often involves torture, with such acts that the common NPC couldnt even fathom...

cdglow ago

Is the Anastasia cartoon worth watching or is it totally pozzed too?

It's been on my TODO list for a while but I've never seen it. From the cover, it looks like they're at least trying to portray a Jew.

green_man ago

At the very least they got the phenotype of the villain correct on the poster.

ThirteenthZodiac ago

I haven't seen or read anything that would indicate Rasputin was Jewish...

xExekut3x ago

It's hilarious how the bad guy is your typical evil looking jew.

HAESisalie ago

Thank you for bringing that to my attention.

I doubt it delves too deeply into the jewish aspect of it all, but in so much as it humanizes the victims and perhaps creates interest in the actual story it would be a good thing. She was locked away before she was 18, so I there was no handsome prince romance aspect to her story etc. That is just the Disney treatment.

Let me know if you watch it and what you think.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago


DesertFox33 ago

Well thanks for shining a light on it from this dark corner of the internet. Got any reading material for me?

HAESisalie ago

Oh, and here is a decent overview to get you started:

HAESisalie ago

Glad you asked, because if you just googled all you would find is that it is just a conspiracy theory, hoax, lies etc. Utterly evil how they are re-writing history.

You can still however google individual jews and piece the story together. That probably won't last long.

Beyond the usual suspects Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Bronstein etc.

Try these genocidal jews as well:

Lazar Kaganovich

Genrikh Yagoda

and this truth telling jew:

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn cites Soviet genocide at 66 million, from 1917-1957

HAESisalie ago

BTW this all led me to one Jacob Schiff (familiar name with current events?) who was the chief jewish financier of the Bolsheviks and their genocide of white christians.

Shotinthedark ago

"Survivors " will be around for years.

RoundWheel ago

One billion per year is still stolen from Germany for Jewish reparations.

Yet they have fund raising for old jewish people and holocaust survivors.

Do the math with any estimate of actual survivors. Divide one billion dollars equally. Are you WTFing yet?

Shotinthedark ago

So jews stealing stolen money from other jews? Pretty typical.