El_Syd ago

Deaf people are weird about their handicap. I watched a documentary on deaf culture and they live in this weird world where they're constantly being told that they don't have a handicap, and yet bitch about their limitations. I saw one parent who didn't want his child to get a Cochlear implant to cure his deafness because some dumb shit excuse, and in the next segment he was bitching that because of his communication issues he hit a ceiling in his career.

bman0321 ago

One of the only acceptable reasons for genocide, a fucking cure. I bet leper genocide is unacceptable to this turd too.

YamaMaya ago

Deaf tards and spergs freak out when you talk about cures, I don't really get why. Autism is especially hard on families it needs to decrease not increase like it has been.

ToxicWhiteMale ago

Stupid libtards; what are they going to protest next?

TestForScience ago

canbot ago

How is crisper going to cure loud music?

totktonikak ago

The guy's deaf, so it's mostly a temper tantrum. He definitely realises that his precious 'deaf culture' would cease to exist when deafness becomes curable.

Podge512 ago

That's paedo/satanic leftist logic for you. Donald Trump could cure cancer tomorrow and the headlines would read, 'Trump Declares War On Oncologists!'

ForgottenMemes ago


Tubesbestnoob ago

Maybe they can cure Judaism too

GasChamber ago

Let me guess, a sizable portion of russian ashtray fillers just happen to be deaf and it's linked to Jewish genes?

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

I hate the deaf people who refuse to even attempt communication. I can play charades, I can take your order in 10 languages as long as you can look or listen, but if you don't engage with me then I can't help.

Deaf people tend to act like scared teenagers who get their parents to order for them. It's embarrassing. Probably due to repeat exposure to idiots who can't be bothered to attempt communication, learned helplessness.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

The Deaf community is famously retarded about cochlear implants. It's as disgustingly self loathing as any nigger, jew, or feminist diatribe. Some claim to live on the planet EYEth, rather than EARth, because they speak and listen with their eyes and hands.

Sign language is cool, marxists are miserable people, marxists with disabilities see life as a conspiracy against them rather than the gift that it is because without modernity they'd be left out to die.

digix ago

Some claim to live on the planet EYEth, rather than EARth, because they speak and listen with their eyes and hands.

holy shit lmfao

bourbonexpert ago


What? Abortion?

No! That is a human right!!!!

MrTerry ago

Cunt hear you faggot.

uvulectomy ago

Twat did you say?

edgydude69 ago

Dead people are cunts and their ‘culture’ is garbage.

TestForScience ago

Did you mean ‘deaf?’

edgydude69 ago

What the. Well, fuck the dead also! Fucking lazy bastards.


They've cured the subversive bankers!

Adriansun ago

33 in the link

uvulectomy ago



Say what you want about the deaf. . .

d1a ago

"Personal life

In October 2015, DiMarco came out as "sexually fluid" when asked during an interview with Out magazine about his sexuality."

Being sexually fluid is the real cultural genocide.

TheWorstImaginable ago

how do you even get an interview with a magazine called OUT without being a faggot already?

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Curing polio is a form of cultural genocide. /s

Lal ago

But hey, feel free to decapitate the infant with a heartbeat in the womb if you find out it has down syndrome or eny other birth defect.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

Is nigger a birth defect?

anticlutch ago

cultural genocide

Deaf niggers think there's such a thing as deaf culture.They think they have their own language.

canbot ago

Well if you call flapping your hands about a culture.

They could just continue flapping their hands about while not being handicapped but I have a feeling they won't hear me out on this.

ScottMAGA ago

They do actually have their own languages (usually based on French, not the local language) and thus cultures, which is a problem, not a good thing. Blind people speak the local language and read in the braille version of it, so blind people do not have a separate culture.

J_Darnley ago

The deaf could have had a single global language but they fucked that up by making them regional.

Wahaha ago

Wait what? Sign language is regional? How could they fuck this up?!

DerAngriff ago

Well, deaf, dumb and etc

Goys-R-Us ago

What? I didn't hear you faggot.

spaceman84 ago

Same argument is used in favor of birthing fucked up drooling retards.

superspathi ago

I saw this documentary about a profoundly fucked up retard guy. I think the subject may have been near 40 at the time the film was made. He lived with his parents who were getting pretty old by this time, and was basically totally dependent on them. He had kind of the mentality of a young child. They gave him a fake kind of job where he would go down to the work site and fold papers. No need for the papers to be folded. It was just a way to give the retard a job. He seemed to enjoy it and took it seriously.

While non verbal the retard clearly loved his parents and they loved him. He was kind of like a big puppy in the shape of a man. At one point they show him splashing about in the family pool, clearly enjoying himself. I couldn't help but think that even though that existence might not be something I would want for myself, it's the only existence this retard is gonna get. Can I really say he would have been better off never being born? I don't think I can.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

"Monica is God's gift to us"


"Was it a White Elephant party?"

4n0n3m0u5e ago

Can we start dinging leftists for appropriating retard culture?

superspathi ago

Wonder what they'll say when some chink uses CRISPR to cure blackness.

Penguinpecker ago

Only one cure for blackness and it's been around for a long fucking time.

DeliciousOnions ago

Is it a rope? It's a rope, isn't it.

rndmvar ago

I've got a bullet point list full of other higher caliber options.

Penguinpecker ago

It's a rope.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

I would think that the regressives would be all for lynching niggers because it solves so many environmental problems in an economically and sustainable manner.

Penguinpecker ago

Would you wanna kill your pet? That's all a nigger is to one of them.

DukeofAnarchy ago

Gas the deaf! Sound war now!

Fuckle_Chucks ago

Sound war now!

"Auditory War"; it sounds more scifi....

Jiggggg ago

Hahahaha ahhh you almost made me choke on my drink, you faggot

uvulectomy ago

Would be better if that degenerate pedo choked on bleach.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

People who can't hear my bullshit need to be preserved