redwing14 ago

Its kind of shitty for a sight seeing dog, but their a fucking dog who cares.

TestForScience ago

Dogs love doing things for their masters, they pretty much live to please.

Also, seeing-eye dogs are very well taken care of and when they get home, they're just a regular dog running around and playing.

redwing14 ago

service dogs are miserable. 16 hour jobs 7 days a week.

TestForScience ago

Maybe they should unionize?

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

These people have no concept of domestication or dog psychology. Seeing eye dogs are happy AF, labs love to work... and what are you going to do with it that would offer it a better life? Dump it in the woods on the other side of the interstate?

ToxicWhiteMale ago

They have no concept of reality whatsoever!

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Meanwhile Germany is torturing monkeys and dogs and cats alike and they don'tbate an eye.

Purged ago

Meanwhile Germany is torturing monkeys....

We call them 'refugees' now.


Wait, those two blind guys went to a bar together and took a selfie? Why?

NestleStoleMyWater ago

Because the selfie was meant for advertising. Not personal enjoyment from an experience at a later date.

TestForScience ago

One is a 'blind disability activist,' meaning an activist for the blind, not blind himself.


Then why have two seeing eye dogs? An activist for the blind can also be blind himself

Purged ago

Then why have two seeing eye dogs?

One dog for each eye.

TestForScience ago

Huh, turns out they both are blind.

Now I also want to know how they took a selfie... maybe he's only like, extremely near-sighted or something?

TheKalergiFan ago

Legally blind and blind are two different things.

I knew a guy who was legally blind, he would do photoediting and video editing and had to put his face literally on his screen to see it.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

One of them is blind the other is his friend, poorly written article

slwsnowman40 ago

I'm more curious as to how they took the selfie...was Siri guiding them in lining up the shot?

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

Probably has some limited vision and holding your arm out and pointing the rectangle at yourself just requires spacial orientation not sight anyway.

lord_nougat ago

Probably one of those braille based new iphones.