Dagon2000 ago

Ugh...I know I know.

But I just fucking hate Ann Coulter...I'm torn...

webster_warrior ago

Anyone who can stomach a few hours of CNN has no doubt who they support: Corey Booker. Yeah, the mayor of a once great industrial American city turned hell hole of crime, welfare, and drug addiction. Thass who CNN wants. It would be "taking back the White House." Once you get past Mass., NY/NJ, Chi. Houston, and CA, (stick a fork in it, ) what have you?

MAGAroniNCheese ago


MockingDead ago

About to be? The US is dead. We just haven't realized it yet.

ScientiaPotentia ago

Looks like she's been listening to Curt Doolittle and John Mark

WhiteChickens ago

More like they listened to her.

thebearfromstartrack ago

It's a coordinated deliberate effort too! DEATH TO TRAITORS! Let's get busy!

p4p ago

Is she still getting money from Romney to trash Trump?

thebearfromstartrack ago

She is SO correct. Third world shithole. You libs thing you hate this? Wait until you get a load of THAT! DEATH to TRAITORS!

majb ago

There were ICE raids in my city this week. I found a facebook page that all the illegals use to communicate and the posts were hilarious. People saying don't go to work this week, what to do if ICE comes to your house, and then the liberals saying the illegals are not committing any crimes. Of course, that is despite them being here illegally which I thought was against the law.

PHXSunlight ago

What would those liberals say if a bunch of whites just decided to illegally settle in an African country and weren't committing any crime except illegal immigration?

I'm guessing they'd say that that country has the right to deport them and enforce immigration law.

majb ago

You know damn well it would still be whitey's fault. They are all against white people, the backbone of the country.

knightwarrior41 ago

she must have meant illegal immigration right? because unless you are a mormon, white americans are nor reproducing fast enough to keep their population alive and strong and this is by design.most couples wants to have just 1 to 2 kids.while the blacks,latinos and others are having 2,3,4 children

illegal immigration is indeed a big problem but white people not reproducing enough is the other side of this coin that people like her are failing to mention

MassTooter ago

This is not true, but even if it were, we could and should have a guest worker program to cover this. There should be no path to citizenship and no way to vote. The voting is the largest problem. They will vote in socialism and then it's game over.

WhiteChickens ago

Which doesn't even matter except against the backdrop of unchecked non-white immigration.

Imagine fewer parking spaces, more higher paying jobs.

knightwarrior41 ago

Which doesn't even matter except against the backdrop of unchecked non-white immigration.

you are not thinking because there are already more than 13 millions mexicans,chicanos,cholos and the likes that will keep beefing up their numbers.while the white population will stay stagnant on its own growth.again,you are just being focused on one problem while trivializing the other coin which is a dearth of birthrates among whites.let me give you a hint,the moment the mexicans reach parity with you or surpasses you then you can kiss your perks goodbye because these people will bring the shithole practices that they learned from their grandparents.

"what luck for rulers that people DO NOT THINK"

WhiteChickens ago

So get rid of them, genius.

Acerphoon ago

She's not wrong.

There is a truth in all this, that even the most tolerant leftists have to deal with sooner or later. The fact of the matter is, that africans and hispanics have lower IQs on average and are more aggressive on average.

Culture plays a role, but it's also genetic. And no amount of programs, affirmative action, etc. can change that.

The leftists in the media can ignore this, they can say that the people who say this are bigots, racists, etc. They can say that white supremacy and white nationalists are evil, but it won't make anything they say less true. And at the end of the day, the crime rates will go higher, the welfare recipients will increase and education scores will continue to drop.

There is no way for liberals or leftists to fix this. There is no solution.

WhiteChickens ago

There's no solution to places like Venezuela either.

They have socialism because that is a system that allows brown people to function.

Provided, of course that there is unlimited income from natural resources to spread around.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

I agree with y'all on her coalburning, but she's not a man and never was. She very likely has Marfan Syndrome and prefers to keep her medical information private. She has many of the physical attributes of having Marfan's, which include a tall, slender body, unusually shaped face, and long fingers. Abraham Lincoln likely had it, and Michael Phelps probably has it.


All that aside, Ann has a very good point. I've read all of her books, and was I horrified by what she described in "Adios!". She speaks the truth and can back it up with the facts. Yeah, she herself is difficult to reconcile with our values (miscegenation, never married and childless, etc.), but she still has a lot to offer that helps the right.

ravensedgesom ago

"(miscegenation, never married and childless, etc.)"

She makes money selling books do you really think she actually gives a fuck about this country? It's all an act even if she does make some solid points it's good to have a balanced perspective on these types of questionable characters.


False dichotomy.

WhiteChickens ago

It really isn't because the only solution the breeders really have are their dicks for breeding and their dadbod legs for running.

They also have their hands for shoveling to bury their dead kids and just having another one.

Dadbods don't give a flying fuck about anyone but themselves and their precious little ding dongs.

They trick white women into marrying them and let the kids die. What a scam.

Doglegwarrior ago

these fucking assholes never dress the core fucking problem the change in immigration policy pushed by jews in the 60s that changed immigration from white western europeans only to every fucking shit stain brown muslim jew indisn chinese mother fucker on the planet. that and the founding of the federal jew reserve by woodrow wilson singed whited peoples genocide papers.

webster_warrior ago

Woodrow Wilson -- Federal Reserve, League of Nations, Great Northern Migration. You think he didn't know what he was doing to this country?

Doglegwarrior ago

ya but he kinda back tracked later after it was way to late.

webster_warrior ago

So, instead of being the last Democrat president, like he should have been, his party went on to become the dominant force in American politics. Good job, Democrats.

NevadaDesertPatriot ago


WhiteChickens ago

Her family is English all the way back to the 1600s.

WorldofAshes ago

I really like reading other comments and commentators about this but if you all will indulge me:

I used to dislike and disagree with her because I was an impressionable young idiot who thought the left was great and the right was bad.

However as I aged I realized I was listening to the media and idiotic left, and I needed to form my own opinions.

I don't deny she is a coal burner and barren, but she has acknowledged in several interviews 2 points that define her life:

  1. She left a career as a budding lawyer because she preferred to write and research rather than work ferociously as a legal attorney. And to her credit, she is (in my opinion) a great author and good at researching her opinions. Thus, her work career and financial stability is very much not dependent on having a husband and living a normal life.
  2. She really is almost a man. I mean she has serious testosterone and androgen development for a women, even beyond her height development and scholastic sports impact. But her barren-ness is likely not due to that and more so a result of her "coal-burner" lifestyle. I think she is more of a classic spinster aunt. Her brothers have kids and she is fine being childless, but she acknowledged here IN THIS INTERVIEW: "Most women should focus on finding a man to marry and spend their life with and depend on"

I respect her writing and opinions and I think she is a good voice for conservativism and fighting the leftist entrenchment of Washington D.C. that has been happening for YEARS.

But I think my biggest gripe with her is that she is just like the leftist elites and even the right wing elites:

"Everyone else, we should have white babies and fight for conservative and libertarian values! ...also, I like being a single woman who tells others to do what I didn't"

WhiteChickens ago

It's better than having kids and neglecting or mistreating them because you hate it.

Not everyone is cut out for children just because people think they are needed ATM.

There are as many white people in the world as ever, we have a non-white problem.

WorldofAshes ago

It's the birthrates though.

Why do whites have to be a net positive and non-whites a net negative?

Not that I want white people to become less succesful and ambitious. I just want non-whites to either earn their place as equals or to acknowledge they deserve what they earn,

WhiteChickens ago

I want non-whites to leave this continent.

I could give a flying fuck about the number of white people.

XSS1337 ago

It ain’t over until I’m out of ammo.

Leveraction ago

Ann is correct! If we do not correct this stat, we absolutely will no longer have a country or white people.

newoldwave ago

The US took in immigrants when we needed people to help building a nation. Well the nation has been built so we don't need any more. The USA isn't a giant Salvation Army.

Xantha ago

Those immigrants were also overwhelmingly white europeans until the 1960s.

ErrorHasNoRights ago

She mentions Ralph Reed a couple of times and this is, by extension, a criticism of the old "Religious Right" and how they have sailed us down the river for Israel. I just watched an interview yesterday with Dr. E. Michael Jones where he recalled his personal dealings with this group back in the '90s and his experience was that they were all sell-out frauds and were using "abortion" as an issue to get Republican voters aboard the pro-Israel plantation:


That whole interview is pretty good.

shitstartercarter ago

She is completely right. If anything there should be a complete backlash against it. No more immigration. Deport everybody who's here illegally. Bar any kind of reentry. Make the penalty steep for attempted reentry i.e. death. Build barriers.

Then we will be alright. To accomplish that it seems like a hard reset would be needed, and that seems to be what's coming. You can almost smell it at this point. The powder keg in this country is ready to blow. The powerful succeeded in dividing our nation so thoroughly to the point where it comes to such measures. Pretty shameful.


Said the coal burner white woman with no kids ..

Iheartcatfood ago

No true scottsman


Also are you suggesting that it's too much of a purity test for White women to not mudshark around with Pajeets?

WhiteChickens ago

Who do we replace her with?


No true nigger

ardvarcus ago

She's not wrong. You can tell when you listen to her how frustrated she is. She knows the truth, she speaks the truth, and most people in the media don't even hear what she's saying.

PhilKDick ago

Not as articulate as she usually is, but is flat-out calling out Repub establishment's Israel-centric policies. As for coalburner, barren, et al., I just ask that you concentrate on the song and lyrics, not the personal foibles of the singer. And she's been giving this message long enough to be trusted, imho.

ravensedgesom ago

she is just a grifter jumping ship saying what people want to hear. In other words Anne Coulter's entire livelihood.

SolidFoundations ago

A grifter is little Benji Shapiru. A grifter is low IQ Candace Owen's. Ann doesn't rep grifter qualities imo.

ravensedgesom ago

Fuck civil war. An uprising that reasserts our republic, removes the foreign international corporate mafia, and brings back actual law ie the bill of rights is the only thing I support.

SolidFoundations ago

Whatever bloke, the kind of people that support your views are mainly, white Christians. Hence civil war will come and will be between the ethnic groups. Don't believe me, just wait.

fuck_reddits_feefees ago

I too am in favor of deporting the mall.

Phantom42 ago

Yeah! Fuck the Mall 2020!

Belrick ago

Meh 1950 usa has already been erradicated

WhiteChickens ago

I can't believe that got a downvoat.

Bunch of blind copin' motherfuckers.

ICanSeeYourPixels ago

What does it say about the state of the Republicans when a 60 year old barren woman is one of the strongest voices we have on pop culture.

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Dogsoldiertoo ago

She's a cunt. Owned by the Jew run establishment. Never trust a woman with an Adam's Apple. She's a female Drudge that will dump her "stated values" in a skinny minute for a shekel.

AnthraxAlex ago

Maybe so but it would be retarded to stop your enemy from making a mistake.

Dogsoldiertoo ago

Not when that "mistake" is leading people on your side astray. It would be retarded not to call out controlled opposition when you see it.

AnthraxAlex ago

Her message is white genocide which is our message she isn't leading people astray from shit. Shes on national tv telling the world whites are being genocided. I suppose she could be like you JIDF nigger and tell all whites to hide in their basements and say and do nothing. Even if she is controlled opposition the number of whites who will figure out what the truth is despite that will dwarf the number of whites awoken by being a JIDF nigger on this site and trying to stop the spread of a legit message.

Dogsoldiertoo ago

She ain't your friend. She plays the anti-Semite game for the Jews. Notice she never disses them in her books, only in Tweets. On top of that she's a coalburner. Go check out her known lovers, the ones she's proud of. Here's a few: Bill Maher - Jew, David Wheaton, Jimmie "Dynamite!" Walker (nigger pictured below) and Andrew Stein - Jew.

Keep drinking her kool-aid, fool.

Ann Coulter and boyfriend Jimmie Walker


WhiteChickens ago

She denies the Jimmy Walker thing, low effort troll

Dogsoldiertoo ago

I don't care enough about that freak to troll. Just trying to warn y'all. Be dumb and be lost. No skin off my ass.

AnthraxAlex ago

Never said that she wasn't all of the things you are talking about. Them making the truth about white genocide mainstream is going to be the nail in their coffins. They think they control it, they think the millions that wake up to this are so mind controlled and demoralized it wont matter but they are wrong this is the beginning of the end for them.


Tell me, what is that huge lump in Ann's throat!? Yikes!

WhitePaladin ago

Thats her nigger lover cum that solified on her throat

Purged ago


chirogonemd ago

That bitch got a solid dose of testosterone at puberty. I mean, Jesus, look at her and listen to her. She dominates this fucking conversation, and she doesn't even look the least bit uncomfortable doing it. It isn't that typical insecure kind of put-on feminist strength either; this chick legit just has nuts. I respect it. At the same time, I also find her a bit off-putting even if I agree with most of her points. Her voice itself just does some minor kind of violence to my ears.

I think her rhetoric would be more effective if she slowed down just a little, not a lot, and took a breath. Metaxas is having trouble knowing what hooks to even try and respond to because she is just machine gunning point after point after point in her diatribe instead of making one or two clear points and then letting the dialogue move naturally.

Also, as soon as she hit the point of illegal immigrants staging 9/11 and the Boston job, I was shaking my head. Here she is calling Republicans intellectual inferiors and she drops that shit-for-brains bomb. Overall, 90% correct. The 10% that wasn't was close to making me hate her despite the rest of the agreement. And I actually think her voice would be less abrasive if she gargled with gravel for a few months.

waitforlater ago

Coalburner... next...

WhiteChickens ago

FWIW, She denies the thing with Johnny Walker

She's had a number of high profile jewish boyfriends though.

DeadBeatNigger ago

Fuck off, kike. She's 100% right. Doing something stupid in your personal life, doesn't mean it carries over to your political views. If you could go back in time and stop Hadrian from wiping out 600,000 Jews, so that it took them 1800 years to recover, because he had sex with a twelve year old boy, would you?

"Hey there, Hadrian. I'm future man! Look, I know you did us a priceless favor... buuuuuuut because you had sex with a twelve year old boy, I'm gonna have to stop you before you wipe out these Jews. Sorry, hopefully someone else, with a sterling track record, will come along, and do what you were going to do."

Comments like yours are to divide and conquer. Fucking kike.

waitforlater ago

"Doing something stupid in your personal life, doesn't mean it carries over to your political views."

Burning coal is not a minor stupid mistake. If you went about fucking jewesses is that a little mistake too?

What if Trump said:

"Lets build a wall, but let there be a little opening so someone can garden my estates at a fraction of the cost. "

Would you belive in him? Trust him?

ForgottenMemes ago

Hugging a nog in public isn't the same as coalburning, kike shill.


What about dating a street shitting Pajeet?

rabbisucksbabycock ago

and? is she wrong on this issue? you act just like your kike masters, can't refute the message, and resort to attacking the messenger.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

No one is saying she's wrong, even a broken clock is right twice a day, doesn't mean we can't set standards and hope for a better messenger/working clock.

Iheartcatfood ago

Name one messenger. Pick anyone and they will have a flaw. Who in the last 50 years was a good messenger

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Patrick Buchanan is my go too, but there are others, however even if there weren't good messengers, it doesn't mean we can't demand better for the future.

TheTrigger ago

Be the change you want to see in the world.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

This is a good idea

DeadBeatNigger ago

Or we can stop attacking the messenger. Worst kike tactic ever.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Kike tactic? You're dumb as shit if that's your response. Karl Marx hated Jews for example, Malcolm X was pro segregation.

killkillkill ago

Right twice a day? Ann is pretty much always on point with what she says. She also says women voting was one of the worst things to happen to America as single women vote Democrat and want the government to take care of them.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Yet she had no kids, this at best means she's realized she's wasted her life and is trying to warn others, or it makes her a hypocrite.

killkillkill ago

When has she told other women to have children? And why does her not doing one thing you disapprove of mean her messages and things she says are wrong?

You guys on VOAT constantly act as though there's some perfect goat out there or something and we just haven't found them. You hold everyone up to some impossible standard that you believe in and disregard anyone who doesn't fully 100% agree with your perceived world view and expectations for other peoples' actions.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Well she also evidently rides everyone's dick, including street shitters, according to Kikepedia. So not one thing. As a woman her only way to contribute to society is to have kids which she seems to realize. Her stating the obvious does no good either as normies are turned off by her and people who already agree with her gain nothing by her stating the obvious. Are you an actual retard, or a kike? I said I didn't disagree with her message, however she's either a hypocrite or a retard, so we can obviously do better. Pointing out the gaping flaws of someone doesn't mean you're against their message. You want perfect messengers? Pat Buchanan would be one, for women Queen Victoria I believe was against women voting, had lots of kids, was loyal, and was a queen; even if we didn't have infinitly better people to follow doesn't mean we should lower our standards when our standards follow the bare minimum standards set by thousands of years of civilization.

killkillkill ago

A woman's only ability to contribute to society is to have kids?

Lmao. I love how hard you guys try to act like alphas or some shit.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Tax wise they are a complete burden on society, I love how little you know and smug you are about it, allow me to abridge your gross lack of knowledge: https://motoristoppression.wordpress.com/2016/11/03/32/

Speaking of bridging: https://thestatetimes.com/2018/03/30/female-headed-construction-and-the-collapse-of-fiu-bridge/

So no, besides having kids women don't benefit society.

killkillkill ago

I love this place, lmao. SO fucking funny.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

That's your response when proven wrong by being confronted with facts? Fuck off Jew faggot.

killkillkill ago

lmao, there comes the jew insult right on cue!

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Well if you ain't you're a retard and proud of it, I presented you facts which you denied. Now do fuck off.

killkillkill ago

Your little wordpress article is not only complete horse shit, but also false apart under even the smallest amount of scrutiny. Men compromise like 99.9% of billionaires in the world, so of course men are going to pay more in taxes.

I love also that you want to reduce a person's worth as a person to their taxes.

You're just an incel, bro.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

So you didn't read it at all? I'm not suprised. It also further linked to this: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2375926

But if it so easily falls apart I'm sure you could prove it. Despite being 2% of the population, Jews make up over 40% of billionaires btw. Do you want to keep showing how little you know? It ain't just taxes, which I already pointed out with their lack of inventions. "Yer an ingel, bro! You pointing out facts means you don't have sex!" Please my dear Chromostein Faggotburg, jump.

killkillkill ago

Women earn 77% less than men. They're already not going to pay as many taxes. They also don't have any billionaires and far less millionaires. Of course they're going to pay less taxes.

What do the Jews have to do with being billionaires in regards to this conversation? Nothing.

You believe that a person's worth as a person is related to their net effect on taxation, and that's just laughable. You clearly hate women, bro. You shouldn't worry about them wanting to have kids, because you'll never have any with anything other than a trailer park bitch who will take them from you.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

"Women earn 77% less than men." No, that's been a meme by how many times it's been proven wrong.

It has to do with the fact you brought up male billionaires.

You know that's a lie as I have already said with numerous examples. Also Chromostein, some of us have to pay taxes, we can't all steal from white men and we aren't all on Mossad's pay roll.

killkillkill ago

"Women earn 77% less than men." No, that's been a meme by how many times it's been proven wrong.

No. No it's not. They do earn less than men, but it's not because they are paid less than men. Jesus, you don't even understand that?

What's a lie? That men comprise the vast, vast majority of billionaires?...

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

You do realize I've dealt with serpents before, your two faced nature is obvious to me and no one else but your co workers will see this.

"You base people's worth on their economic output," that is the lie as I pointed out the lack of inventions and buildings and this began with me pointing out Ann Coulter had no kids. Also you, being a Jew, can't list any contributions of women besides bitching about economics.

Yes Chromo, Jewish men comprise the vast plurality of billionaires. Even then that's the top one percent of men, it doesn't change the fact the average women will die with some 150k of debt.

killkillkill ago

Jewish billionaires = men. Changes nothing about what I just said.

You didn't even know the truth about the wage gap.

Two faced nature? Bro, you're nuts lmao.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

How much men make doesn't change how much debt women have.

"Women earn 77% of what men do" you replied with this to the statistics about women's debt. If you had meant the overall average you would have realized that has no bearing on women's debt; unless you actually thought they were paid less you wouldn't have brought it up, unless you're retarded which is a possibility. You claiming I don't understand the wage gap now due to at best your poor communication skills is two faced, Chromo.

killkillkill ago

You stated yourself that you didn't understand the wage gap when you tried to pretend what I said wasn't true.

And it's on average that women have more debt. Do you know how averages work?

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

I didn't state that Chromo, bringing it up also has no bearing on women's debt unless they were actually paid less.

The average woman earns 77% of what men do you say, so women should only have 23% more debt than men do. However men at the end of their lives have about $0 impact on society, women have a negative $150k impact. Do U kNoW hOw aVeRaGeS wOrK??? Also if we dropped you Jewish billionaires out of the statistics men would probably make less than women, assuming the Jewish propaganda of making women corporate slaves was still in place somehow. The real question is how many nukes Israel has though.

killkillkill ago

The average woman earns 77% of what men do you say, so women should only have 23% more debt than men do.

Uh...no? lmao.

Why would you drop Jews from a conversation about men and women?

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

"Uh...no? Lmao."

That's about what I expected from you. You can't justify the average woman's debt or lack of contributions to society (besides kids) so just laughing denying facts should do.

You brought up billionaires, remember? Take out at least 40% of them and the average male salary will, drop. Of course if that 40% was gone women wouldn't be working. Now answer the question Mossadberg Chromostein, how many nukes does Israel have?

killkillkill ago

Why would I take out the Jewish billionaires? They are still men and therefore still contribute to the average...

And your only citation is some shitpost wordpress place anyway, and what the fuck does Israel have to do w/any of this? lmao.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

I gave the citation, which there was, nothing wrong with, and it linked to the New Zealand study, then knowing you didn't read it I linked to the New Zealand study itself. I could give you even more sources that all say the same thing put you will deny them all without reading them. Here's one more for fun though: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/The-Distribution-of-Income-and-Fiscal-Incidence-by-Aziz-Gemmell/1c8cff018bec64646d696b3b18c0d85a743f81f9

Furthermore you will be unable to provide any counter sources and will still deny the facts. Gee, I dunno, but I still want to know how many nukes Israel has, it's not a hard question.

killkillkill ago

What does Israel having nukes have to do w/this?

And that shit is the fucking New Zealand...not the US.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Just fuck off already Mossad

killkillkill ago

Yes, those who disagree with you = Jews. lmao

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Those who support Israel, refuse to address how many nukes they have, support bad policies and deny facts, and waste your time = Jews.

killkillkill ago

LMAO! So if I don't quote you how many nukes Israel has I'm wrong about everything? I dunno, Google says 75-400. Happy?

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

No it just makes you a member of Mossad, since you answered you might not be which would warrant an apology on my part. You are still wrong however.

killkillkill ago

LMAO. Wait--do you really think I'm a Mossad agent? Dude, you have honestly got serious mental problems. That's like...lmao...

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

You support Israel and denied facts without any evidence. You're still at best a retard. And I'm not ruling it out because you keep harassing me which is the general Mossad procedure.

killkillkill ago

Lmao! I never said I supported Israel ever. You brought this entire conversation there because I was winning the argument. You posted shit about New Zealand and then went on a tangent about how we should remove male Jew billionaires from the overall male average income...

You honestly think Mossad posts here to counteract your nonsense?

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Yes you have, you know your comment history is available to anyone to see right? Winning the argument? You might be legitimately retarded. By claiming the childless slut was a shinning example of conservativism originally? Then denying the fact women can only contribute by having kids? New Zealand and the US are quite similar, the number would hold here too. Unless you have any source that says the opposite, my source is right and I have met the burden of evidence. But sure Chromo, you won the argument by denying facts without providing any information to back yourself up. You brought up billionaires which is unimportant overall and most are your fellow kikes. I've dealt with em before, I'm pretty sure you're one of them as you use the same tactics. And by nonsense you mean facts you have been unable to disprove.

killkillkill ago

Where did I say I support Israel or whatever you're saying? How can you keep denying that we were talking about women's earnings any you swerved the vehicle into a discussion about Israel?

If you think New Zealand and the US are similar enough that your comparison holds, then why shouldn't the US do gun bybacks too? It's worked in other countries like Australia. The UK has less gun crime, why not just get rid of our guns?

Billionaires are relevant, because they affect the overall average of male earners, as does the fact that women earn 77% compare to men...

Do you not understand averages? My billionaire post has nothing to do with Jews, and even if it does, how would it? Lmao.

This is seriously just funny now. Do you collect your cum in your empty Mountain Dew bottles?

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

"LMAO. So you're siding with Saudi Arabia and the Muslim world over Israel?

The Jew hate here is real."

Okay Schlomo, gun by backs work, totally, that's why the UK overall has more violent crimes and a police state. And it worked great in NZ: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/how-new-zealands-gun-buyback-program-is-faring-6-weeks-in

Also we have more blacks. You not only deny facts but tell outright lies, big think.

Yes, so if we don't include the top one percent the actual man would probably be making as much as the average women. You bring it up again even though you got a new ass hole the last time, if that mattered the debt should be similar to that 77% too, but it isn't. Despite being 2% of the population you Jews make up 40% of billionaires, so yes they do.

My only consultation for having Mossad waste my time again is you'll all at least burn in Hell one day. On the off chance you're not a Mossad agent but instead you're just a massive retard who spends time on Voat to deny facts, waste time, and tell lies, maybe you won't then.

killkillkill ago

You are so fucking all over the place and desperately in need of mental help. I hope you get some.

The fact that you think Mossad has agents on Voat is just the funniest shit I've ever heard in my life. Good luck, bro.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Sorry Schlomo but denying facts as you have makes you insane. And schizophrenia is a trait of your people.

killkillkill ago

Yup. You caught me. Schizo, Jew Mossa agent here to gaslight. Good thing you are mentally aware enough to resist my Jew magic!

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Damn right. Good day sir.

killkillkill ago

Yes, continue resisting the Jew-magic. You will surely be a success in life.

Iheartcatfood ago

Yes I hate that crap. No one is going to be perfect for 100% of thier lives, if your waiting for that person to come along you'll meet him when you die. Stephen molynuex someone said he was a Zionist, Lauren southern coal burner ECT. The kikes must tear down every threat before they take off . If they are brave enough to call shit out they have my support. This no true scottsman shit has got to go.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

Ann is on the verge of going full 1488. I honestly never found her attractive, but I have to admit that this video gave me tingles in some very special places.

Cooking_with_Alf ago

she only fucks niggers

Mustard_Monkey ago

The anus one?

Trash_Panda ago

National sovereignty was not invented by National Socialists. Why do you guys try to take credit for everything?

badruns ago

very special places


Granite_Pill ago

I'm old enough to remember her being a Bush-Cheney Zionist shill back in the early 2000's. Then she was irrelevant during the Obama regime and popped up again during the Trump campaign.

Attac ago

She is a fucking COAL BURNER.

SpiritExpedition ago

She's denied that. Says he (long time nigger body guard) is nothing more than a good friend. I'm sure all the interracial fetishists on here won't believe her. But if she's on the verge of taking Jew naming mainstream, she deserves the benefit of the doubt.

GetWoke ago

It's true? I haven't been following I guess...

4n0n3m0u5e ago

Maybe someday we'll have the technology where you can have your own pure clone of her that doesn't miscegenate.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

She rides you reverse cowgirl while she stares at a poster of Ronald Reagan.

refugee610 ago

You know what? This whole "if they're not absolutely flawless then they're useless" mentality is why we never get anywhere. People like you are no better than leftists - you do the same kind of purity-testing bullshit that pushes anyone who isn't "perfect" enough away. That keeps our numbers - and thus power - limited.

DerAngriff ago

Ahem, no you Americans never get anywhere because anywhere is far away from the race mixing cesspool your country is today. But then there's always one that wants exception fo his mixed heritage, and so does the next etc.

That's why the jew plays you so easily. What you see in Europe happening with refugees, that's what your entire country has been built on.

If your family has managed to stay European during 200-100 years), then get the fuck out and come back to Europe.

Indefiance11 ago

I use a heuristics I call the 75% rule. Simple really, of I estimate to the best of my abilities and information available that they are 75% correct in their opinions and I detect no obvious intellectual dishonesty (harder to be certain of at times) then I feel comfortable with supporting them.

Trousersnake1488 ago

no, people like you are cucks. you accept one GIANT flaw (fucks niggers) and constantly bend the knee until cuck is a way of life for you.

Nukethenarrative ago

Jews love it when we purity test because they never do and that is a major part of their power.


Just to be clear you feel that insisting that white women date white men is some sort of overreaching purity test?

MDEneverdies1488 ago

Race-mixing is a big fucking flaw, retard. We can't let race-mixing whores be representatives of our ideas.

WhiteChickens ago

Except that all white women in the city are race mixers.

Find a woman at her level that hasn't fucked a nigger.

Octoclops ago

except that all white women in the city are race mixers

KEK. You got a citation for that, rabbi?


My cousin Avi runs BlackCockSluts.net, check it out! Oyvey and shaloms. Shekels and Bitcoin accepted

WhiteChickens ago

Yeah, my lying eyes and everyone I've ever known. lol

SpaceAgePimp ago

Or you know, the fact you're a subversive hook nosed parasite

WhiteChickens ago

You are jewish

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Yes let's fill our line with retards, quantity is greater than quality after all.

Randy-Dreamweaver ago

You need quality in the beginning, but quantity is the only thing that builds nations.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Yes, however successful nations usually have a quantity of quality people, instead of just a quantity of people.

TheTrigger ago

Cannon fodder is useful to have around.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

Part of me wants to agree with you, and part of me wants a society without nigger lovers. So I'm kind of torn on that one. Maybe we should draw our line somewhere south of nigger loving and marrying jews and shit.

refugee610 ago

Once we win is when we start cracking down, right now we need to present a united front.

LordHuggington ago

Agreed. Same thing happens here with Molyneux - probably our most vocal and visible proponent - we are constantly reminded that HE'S A JEW, DON'T FALL FOR HIS ANTICS. I don't give a fuck if he has a Jewish grandmother, it doesn't change the benefit of him naming the Jew in the here and now.


If he actually names the Jew, which he has hovered very close to, then I'll support him. Until then I always think that he's just extorting shekels from gullible goyim

WhiteChickens ago

Doesn't change his turk mongrel DNA either.

It's fine what he's doing but you can't trust jews.

WhiteChickens ago

No, that's ok, you can't trust jews.

Randy-Dreamweaver ago

Quislings of good moral character are allowed, but can't be fully trusted until they've proven their loyalty.

Granite_Pill ago

He doesn't even have a Jewish grandmother. That's a myth perpetuated by disinfo operatives.

Mittermeyer ago

Did you just call Molyneux a disinfo operative? The source comes from Molyneux himself in the middle of a speech.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

Isn't he a convert to Christianity, anyways?

SolidFoundations ago

No he isn't, not yet anyway.

TheTrigger ago

If a jew honestly and wholeheartedly denounces his jewishness and fully accepts Jesus as is lord and savior: they're alright, in my book. It's literally the only thing a jew could do to right their people's poisonous historical past. Convert, and don't let any future children even be aware of any jewish heritage in their lineage. A sacrificial, symbolic self-genocide of their own jewish identity: I will accept no less.


Lol denounce Jews and accept king of the Jews.

How about we feed all Abraham followers to kions

WhiteChickens ago

You can't think that way because they're pissing in the gene pool.

Randy-Dreamweaver ago

Any deviation forfeits the seed.

philmchawk ago

Couldn't be more wrong. Social shaming is why the left has so much more traction. The reason "we never get anywhere" is the right is a bunch of individualistic faggots.

somebody112 ago

Social shaming is NOT what powers the left. Financial destruction is what powers the left. A lot of people would go full 1488 publicly if they wouldn't lose their house over it.

If a bunch of faggots hate your guts who cares?? Not me. If you can't feed your kids because your cucked company fired your ass and nobody in clown world will hire you, thats a different story. It's why we can't fight back, because half our people are holding the other half hostage. If Jews are the wardens then shitlibs are the prison guards and snitches.

Shitlibs won't realize what they've done until they're old. 30 or 40 years from now when we all live in wakanda without the technolgy or medicine they'll put two and two together. Right now we just have to survive their faggotry until we can get out from under Jews.

philmchawk ago

If a bunch of faggots hate your guts who cares?? Not me.

Are you a woman or a soylet? You do realize woman + soylets are 70% of the population right?

somebody112 ago

Not all women are shitlibs.

Women mostly go along to get along and expecting them to lead the charge out from under world jewry is a big stretch.

What's your fucking point anyway? That we should roll over and die or something?

philmchawk ago

Social shaming works on 70% of the population is my point. It's why democracy is the will of the electric jew rather than the people.

What's your fucking point anyway? That we should roll over and die or something?

No just that voting is a meme. That isn't how we get out of this.

somebody112 ago

It has some sway sure, however the real persuasion comes in the economic form. Losing your job and being unable to feed yourself and your family is the real whip that's driving people's behaviour.

People are just going along to get along and not thinking too hard about it. Most people don't understand the consequences. Example you can't socially shame liberals about immigration, because they are proud that they voted for infinity Africans. The only way they would come to regret their decision is if they were forced to live around those Africans. The Africans would teach them more about diversity than social shaming ever could.

randomfuckingidiot ago

70% garbage is still garbage

Capt_Save_No_Hoe ago

The left is also purity spiraling itself into a strangle hold, take for example feminists having to surrender ground to trannies

philmchawk ago

They seem to be testing the outer limits to propaganda.

mleczko ago

There is no limits.

yt4cz9 ago

It's purity spiraling jidf jews. You can't register on this site now and they are taking over. Look at their comment histories. This happens every time. It's how they kill places that have momentum.


Oy vey so the shiksa fucked some pajeet! What a role model she will be for your young white daughter. She too can be a conservative woman that also sleeps with street shitters. Shalom boomer

refugee610 ago

We can call that out after we win. Right now we're just keeping ourselves too small to matter with that behavior.


They've already managed to subvert many of us into supporting a childless woman that fucks pajeets just because she agrees with you on some points.

somebody112 ago

If a Magic Jew Genie offered this nigger a wish to change the outcome of WW2 (and it was a legit wish) this nigger would refuse because the Genie was a Jew. You should take any help you can get. If Jews offered to Gas themselves, then let them do it nigger.


If you trust in magic Jew genies.... Then you're probably a Christian.

yt4cz9 ago

Kike or mgtow incel?


See, you can't even fathom a time when any woman sleeping with a nigger was abhorrent. Boomercucks can't help being the wrong side of history but we will put them on the right side of a rope.

yt4cz9 ago

The only time it's forgivable is if they didn't yet know they were programmed. I'm not sure if Ann Coulter knew or not at the time.

Still, I don't kick right like kikes or mgtow incels. Anyone that calls out the jews and is white is doing a good job.


If she's fucking niggers and we accept it, what will you tell your daughte when she brings LaTrayvon home? Cool Aunt Ann did it!

Buy your own rope

yt4cz9 ago

Gotta keep white unity from growing. No purity is good enough.

4n0n3m0u5e ago

This whole "if they're not absolutely flawless then they're useless" mentality is why we never get anywhere.

I can see you're a bona fide nigger when you can't tell the difference between 'flawled' and 'massive red flag.' Enjoy the genital herpes, race mixer!

anamazonslittle ago

Your "massive red flag" is the next guy's "flawed." That's his whole point.

4n0n3m0u5e ago

His whole point is nigger-tiered logic. If you subscribe to it as well, you must also have some type of mental retardation or are also a nigger. Feel free to kill yourself anytime.


Sleeping with a nigger encourages and normalizes the behaviors. If she fucked a dog would you still support her? Want your daughter to be aspiring to be just like her?

WhiteChickens ago

There's no excuse at all for being a jew, though.

yt4cz9 ago

It's jidf kikes attempting a purity spiral coup.

anamazonslittle ago

I don't think so, unless they're also pushing the sex version of "degeneracy." Some people just have really cleanly defined in group /out group lines.

yt4cz9 ago

Oh no, it's definitely happening. I've bee on about it for days. Nothing is good enough for them. It's a bunch of jidf kikes getting mgtow incels all excited. I'm telling you I've seen this hundreds of times in the 20 years I've known the truth.


Oy vey Look at how unprogressive this GOYIM is! You wouldn't let your daughter fuck and date niggers? You must be a secret agent coming here to subvert the values of us fellow white persons that encourage white women and brown men. It's worse than the shoah

yt4cz9 ago

Gotta keep white unity from growing. No purity is good enough.


Shalom! What a good role model she will be for the gentiles daughters!

yt4cz9 ago

Jews are the stinkiest people on the planet. How do you live around your mother and daughter?

Only 11% of the world is white. You jews want us to just throw out the daughters YOU programmed. Not going to happen. We're going to forgive them and demand they never do it again and move on. We're not coming at you with small numbers this time kike.


You're playing it up too much Moshe!

yt4cz9 ago

At least I'm not a smelly ass jew trying to stop white unity.

WeareGOD11 ago

Shitting on race traitors is not purity spiraling you subversive kike bitch

yt4cz9 ago

Kikes programming people and then calling them race traitors when they acted on their programming before they knew is some subversive kike shit. Are you a kike or a programmed mgtow incel dumb ass?

puggy ago

As long as she didn't pop out a niglet, I don't care who she banged. It's not like anyone here is on her booty list.

yt4cz9 ago

..It's jidf kikes attempting a purity spiral coup.

ZweibelKuchen ago

Imagine if we got Ann instead of Trump...