blit416 ago

Thank you for posting this. I'm getting tired of arguing this trivial shite... it really affects my enjoyment of the site. I honestly thinj that they think they're slick.. ie: they think the subtle forum poisoning bullshit works here, when it really just lowers the discourse to their juvenile kike level.

Honestly, lefties, jews, etc: you're not smarter, you don't know this because of the Dunning-Kruegar effect, but you're flattering yourself thinking that you're more enlightened.

illuminalto2 ago

Yeah, especially in the past week I've had fights with people who are all over the place in their replies.

They never stay in line with the conversation, careen around from topic to topic - all the while, lobbing "shill, blackpill, kike, moshe" at you.

Never ONCE answering simple questions - but accusing you of having an agenda for asking the questions.

And these are old ass accounts - 4.5 years, 5 year accounts even!!!!!

They don't want real discussion.

Even worse than disinfo is a new term I was thinking of in my head the other day: "nisdifo"

It's a word that means nothing besides the confusing phonemes uttered when you say it, because that's how these people act when you try to have a conversation with them.

Nisdifo is observed when the following elements cunningly mixed:

  • disinfo
  • wildly swinging through several topics while never actually saying anything or answering questions
  • replying with a comment claiming you've "edited your comment to say something completely different"
  • accusing someone of making claims when they never did but running wildly with the lie so that people who are drive-by reading will discredit whatever you said.
  • "kike" "shill" replies to a neutral comment, question, or reference backed factual post.
  • maintaining a level of heightened emotion when the situation does not call for it (being triggered)

It's worse than fucking disinfo in my opinion.

jidf all the way.

blit416 ago

THIS rotten bastards!!

Lowering the discourse to stupid-level

illuminalto2 ago

Lowering the discourse to stupid-level

While there is something to be said for brevity, I believe you are spot on. Even brief conversations can have substance.

Scablifter ago

Its Pilpul, an archaic form of jewish theological argument. Its basically screaming about anything at all just to get your opponent to shut up, get angry or to change the subject.

Its the Hebrew word for "confusion" St Paul said it was used to subvert the listener

KJV 2 Timothy 2:14

JesusRules ago

Metzizah b'Peh Hasbara!

FridayJones ago

Who here agrees that jews are the smelliest race?

Don't niggers stink the worst of all?

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

No one smells worse then Amish. Jews will have to settle for second place in this contest.

ArcAngel ago

jews stink.. like like niggers... niggers didnt smell like slave ships, slave ships smelled like niggers... they still cant wash or perfume millenia of sub-human existance outta their pores. kikes are the same.

yt4cz9 ago

On the stink list, the jew is the worst. It's not even close. Perhaps this is how to sense evil.

ArcAngel ago

hindus really stink to. i think its the curry

Elite_Niggerfaggot ago

Dafuq is a "purity spiral coup"?

ShakklezthaKlown ago

dude thinks shitting on women who miscegenate is purity spiraling.

toobaditworks ago

Infighting within a group that causes divide.

yt4cz9 ago

It's what's happening to voat right now.

Elite_Niggerfaggot ago

Thanks for the clarification fuckface

yt4cz9 ago

Read the examples you low iq bitch or kike.

NotPolice ago

Devil’s advocate here, but what examples? I know what you’re talking about, because I saw the Ann Coulter thread first, but aside from some vague statements in your first paragraph, you didn’t clue in the unaware reader.

yt4cz9 ago

Look at my history and the folks I'm fighting.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

lmao do you just call everyone who shits on you a kike? you're a nigger.

yt4cz9 ago

How bad does your mother smell? I'm being serious here. Do you people bathe?

ShakklezthaKlown ago

you sound like a grade A federal agent pretending to be a WN.