speedisavirus ago

Kill yourself

con77 ago

found the rabbi

mralexson ago

Why can’t Saudi Arabia just use its African, Filipino and Indian slaves to fight the evil war?

con77 ago


thebearfromstartrack ago


frankie2shoes ago

It's a show. We bombed SA to kill Central banks, next business day doj arrested execs at 4 banks for shorting metals market and repo injections started. Storm hits in October. Be prepared

vastrightwing ago

Countries with nuclear militaries, oil wells, space programs, propaganda/lobbying offices, holocaust monuments & museums in every major city all over the world don't need handouts from American taxpayers.

We demand our $38 billion back.

AntiMason ago

Why should anyone fight Iran at all kike?

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Free real estate.

con77 ago

of course it is

8Years4TrumpMAGA ago

As long as they don't try to build a nuke I say stay the hell out. But remember President Trump's words. Iran will not be allowed to have a nuclear weapon.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

They ARE.

philmchawk ago

They can have all the goblinas they want.

ARsandOutdoors ago

I pray that he makes it home for his family

con77 ago


ShakklezthaKlown ago

i'm sure people will listen to you.

SerialChiller ago

It is amazing what a little country in the desert can accomplish, when they have recordings and witnesses of your country's 'leaders' fucking underage children.

They are our "most important ally" because otherwise they will leak a video through a national media channel whose CEO likes to get blowjobs from young boys.

Splooge ago

Fuck this. No more links for plebbit. No goat clicks for imgur traffic. Let them fight 4chan.

RussKurtell ago

Who the fuck are the 4 downvotes?

deleteme123 ago

Grand Zionist plan is to Make Israel Great Again. At the expense of all other Nations. Then Israel rules over making and every Jew gets a few thousand goys. Henri Ford warned about it. The last standing obstacles are:

  1. Those pesky armed american civilians

  2. The Shia's neighbouring Israel

ESOTERICshade ago

Trump will likely put an end to this.

Bullshit. Trump has done everything possible to facilitate it. He sold Saudia Arabia about a Trillion dollars worth of weapons, moved the American embassy to Jerusalem, just for starters.

deleteme123 ago

Needed feints.

ESOTERICshade ago

Needed feints.

No friend. Selling the Saudis a trillion dollars worth of weapons to bomb and starve children in Yemen is no feint. And moving the embassy to Jerusalem was a MAJOR victory for Israel. Trump has done more for Israel than Maybe any President in history. Israel is minting a shekel with his face on it. At some point some people need to understand that there is no 60 D chess game between Trump and fabled "black hats" because the black hats is Chabad Lubavitch and Trump has been solidly in bed with Chabad his whole life.

deleteme123 ago

dems and repubs fighting over power and money, and nothing else.

Blue / Red schism has been a mirage for decades. It's a puppet show. The uniparty controlled all key files.

Enters Trump/MIL. The uniparty gets destroyed. The enablers get destroyed. Massive declassification. Huge reforms. The world lives to see another day. What was it worth? The best poker face. The Trump card.

One can dream.

Lord_Kristopf ago

Not the type of image/video I was expecting...

RM-Goetbbels ago

Daddy is a moron who fully knows that he's not fightin' fer murika! but instead lies to himself and others for the benefits he receives doing it.

I don't buy into that shit at all. When soldier or vet gets that droopy eye begging thing going on expecting me to give him something I tell them straight up, "you enlisted, learned some skills and got paid. You did not fight for my freedom. My freedom has nothing to do with the middle east". It's then that THEY KNOW to stop with their bullshit.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

You had me then you lost me.

tentra ago

Seriously, we've been giving them military aid for decades and selling them weapons for just as long. Surely they're equipped to fight their own fucking wars by now.

redditugee ago

Took the words out of my mouth. What reason do they need American boots on the ground? So we can also pay to send them home in body bags?

No Americans should die to protect Saudi interests.

SerialChiller ago

It is amazing what a little country in the desert can accomplish, when they have videos and witnesses of your country's 'leaders' fucking underage children.

fluhthreeex ago

I doubt that was the actual straw that broke the camels back. More-so one piece. If every major world leader is doing that and worse, fucking teens isn't likely to lead them to commit high treason. The Clintons and their organ harvesting scheme? Shit runs far, far darker. I'd rather be butt-fucked by Bill Clinton than have a Kidney harvested, personally... not to mention be killed entirely and harvested for "parts".

It's Money, infiltration, influence at every level (media, finance, politics, military, education, tech, trade, foreign governments), corruption, Zio-loyalty, and yes, also leverage in that area. But it's in part some of everything. All of it has to be removed.

Silencedmajor ago

Deepfake quality is surely at a level by now to make that blackmail material questionable to people. And that's the deepfake tech that's open to the population.

chemlord11 ago

Forget the fact that they where the ones that brought the kids in the first place... Yea burn this place down.

hang_em_high ago

Giving them OUR fucking tech. How much did they help in Afghanistan after years of that? Nones? They sure the fuck didn't have boots on the ground.

ice007 ago

Surely they're equipped to fight their own fucking wars by now.

That's enough of that kind of talk. Don't make them have to do another 9/11


BlutUndEhre ago

Has that thread been archived? I'd like to keep a back up of it available.

tentra ago

shit, sorry rabbi! I'll go take out a payday loan as penance!

CheeseboogerHimself ago

If Iran is attacked I hope militias form millions strong.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

I hope we all hold hands and have a Coke.

tokui ago

You've been here 3yrs, and still linking to imgur.

Wonder_Boy ago

Yeah. I hate to downvote good content but if you link to imgur I will every time.

Inaminit ago

A dufus never learns.

tentra ago

Probably a repost from Reddit.

tokui ago

His home.

4841400209 ago

Right now the only reason is they're still using the petro dollar. Stopping it would hurt our economy, but I feel we've got to start using a gold back dollar sometime.

redditbelowsme ago

Rable rable!

Bring the troops home. We're energy independent now.

Remember the Liberty.

Lucid_seeker ago

Allies dont attack your spy ships.

fluhthreeex ago

Sure they do. If you have an agreement of some form.