penguin_17 ago

You can probably already find articles like this on the shitty far left websites.

Don't underestimate the insanity of Clown World.

watts2db ago

you mean they haven't said this yet? I certain they must have

DeseretIndustries ago

They already do where I live. Roseanne Barr called us “The Nazi Amish.”

redmanjbj ago

I told a friend just yesterday that within 5 or 10 years we'll be afraid to tell anyone that we attend a church that doesn’t support homosexuality and transgenderism . We’ll be looked at as though we are part of a hate group. So I agree with you on this too. We’ll either be white supremisist or gay haters for going to a bible believing church.

combatveteran ago

They pretty much said that in the book "Authoritarian Personality". The book is the pivot from Economic Marxism to Cultural Marxism.

Blood-is-Nature ago

Look at this This is a 66 feet tall and 2(+)3 feet wide statue inside the Vatican "Paul VI'" audience hall showing Jesus Christ in a nuclear explosion. I really don't think Christianity can be corrupted any further.

mleczko ago

Criminalising whiteness is only matter of time.

AnarchicAlpaca ago

That is the overarching attack. White/European/Catholic.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

that might happen if only whites went to church. do you realize how many beaners are catholic?

Gorillion ago

They already are, but they phrase it as "Fundamentalist Christian". ie: Non-Jewed/Non-Globo'd/Non-Gays Welcome

ImperialGreaseMonkey ago

The churches today are operating the same exact scheme of transferring wealth from white people to the dirt world as governments. Only difference is the church will tell you you are "saved" whereas the government will just tax you.

Bundyfly ago

Depends on whether or not they are worshiping a mud god or pedophile though. They will get a pass

boekanier ago

But that's what they think already. Wait until antifa shows up.

BigJohnson ago

I think we are already there, unless you worship at the altar of Hate Whitey.

Beldar ago

gonna piss off a lot of all-black churches down here in the South....

olltre ago

we should actually create fake liberal personas and start pushing this idea really hard. i guarentee so many real people would jump on board and then the world would see how crazy these people really are. at that point people would understand these crazy post modernists are not worth giving the time of day, let alone a voice into what happens with this planet

MadCatTimberWolf ago

It stands a good chance at the next Dem convention in 2020.

Diggernicks ago

You Christ tards are severely mentally challenged.


0rion ago

Who cares? Christians will just turn the other cheek like they always do and submit to the monoculture.

Phantom42 ago

Turn the other cheek wasn't even meant to be a "yes, take it like a bitch" verse. It was meant to mean "Fight smarter, not harder" or "pick your battles".

But Modern Hereticianity won't tell you that. Same how they won't dare mention Revelations 2:9 or 3:9.

Crackrocknigga ago

OP is (((shapeshifting)))

But what's most interesting is that since Jews tend to view value-add as the greatest benefit you can give society (and it is) they want to do it at scale. This ability to scale to serve the greatest amount of people as possible is why they tend to be richer both as a group and at the very top 1% of society, moreso than Christians.

Now to top this off, Muslims largely don't believe in interest, so they are stuck in a previous century as interest is really needed to advance our petri dish called Earth. Had Constantine not made Christinity the official religion of the Roman empire perhaps "white people" would be Stoic and more competitive, but that also would have brought new problems as well.

Phantom42 ago

He, conveniently, holds quite a distaste for Christianity...

Isn't that something?

Sheeitpost ago

Yes I remember when I was 11 or 12 the bishop got in front of everyone and pointed to us kneeling in our pews and started telling a story about how while in his travels to South America a boy requiring crutches to walk due to knee surgery walked up slowly to the pews and began to kneel down. People rushed to his aid to try to stop this but as he kneeled down in excrutiating pain he pointed up to the cross and said, "If he could do that-- I can do this...".

I looked around at my teachers and their faces. The cold and dulled eyes full of pain and low-awareness, and faces nodding up and down admiring this story.

That's just to give you chills. To make you afraid, we'd have to go on a journey into other centuries in ways I'm afraid I just can't help. The Amsterdam Dungeon exhibit could though :D Just fly and go... sheeitpost sent you. Go high or after a few drinks for double-points, it might make you forget for a second it isn't real and it isn't happening in this century. They wouldn't let that be allowed at Universal Studios... guess it's too upsetting. And I'm supposed to believe in a religion that would do all of that to their fellow man and never say sorry, or atone for it?

Sheeitpost ago

No, I am a 4th dimensional ball rolling into your 3d pea brain and you point and say shadow.

Crackrocknigga ago

thats weird rabbai

Sheeitpost ago

Maybe that was my intention.. !

Diggernicks ago

Fuck outta here tinfoil hatter.

Get back to your safe space echo chamber on /ridersofthereich you redditard failure.

Crackrocknigga ago

I want to kill Christians, yet reply on a thread about Christians being oppressed

I an very gay

Diggernicks ago

We know you are bro.

There's no need to restate the obvious.

MrBateman ago

If you want a good reason to join the church, your pastor can write up a religious exemption for your child for vaccines in any of the 45 states that allow and boom your done.

stbelmont ago

Someone could print these out, staple or paperclip them together, and throw them down. Maybe highlight a sentence on each one. They may just glance and sign.

the bishops appearing before the parliamentary health committee said they had tested the vaccine privately and were shocked to find it was laced with a birth control hormone called beta human chorionic gonadotropin.

"We are calling on all Kenyans to avoid the tetanus vaccination campaign because we are convinced it is indeed a disguised population control program," said Bishop Paul Kariuki, chairman of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops' health committee.

A lowered probability of pregnancy in females in the USA aged 25-29 who received a human papillomavirus vaccine injection.

Diggernicks ago

That's quite niggersexual.

Get your filthy rug rats vaccinated or keep them caged up inside never to be let out in public.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Fuck that, I'm waiting for (((them))) to call them Nazi's.

1anddone ago

Even if I were sure there was a hell I wouldn’t worship a god damn Jew

Sitnikoff ago

Probably within the next 2 years if they continue to polarize themselves.

ardvarcus ago

Communists and Jews (but I repeat myself) already equate Christianity with white power. And they are correct -- our power, our real spiritual power, comes from Christianity. That's why the Jews are so intent on destroying it.

Sheeitpost ago

I disagree though because if you weaken Christianity it also weakens Judaism. I think there are different kinds of any religious group with different beliefs-- criticizing the whole group when it's more broken up is not intellectually congruent in my opinion.

TestForScience ago

Nah, they run the 'Jesus was brown' thing too much to do that.


Never. Hispanics are devout catholics and the church is like the only positive thing that blacks have in their lives.

ConquistadorCoronado ago

Hispanics leave the church and become protestants once they settle in America.

Diggernicks ago

Catholics all require elimination.

No exceptions.

Reymrgapurple ago


AdmiralEnchilada ago

Mid way through next election cycle its going ti get crazy.

Political parties dont back down. They'll spiral out of control this cycle and begin to openly discuss violence (currently its still shrouded somewhat) at the end of it if they lose.

We're in a positive feedback loop right now. Prior to TDS the normies idiocy was under control on both halves of politics. Now its endgame. They were hoping HRC was going to stall this out another 8, but Trump catalyzed the retards on both sides.

Its gonna be a fun fucking show

AgentSakura ago

Christ is the Kike King but yet they already do call them White Supremes

Sheeitpost ago

Damn that's a good point-- how can a White Supremicist be Christian when Jesus was a Jew and how could the Nazi's-- suspending the SS trying to make their own cult take over one day-- have been Christian when Jesus was Jewish!!!! Post-modernism is like the cognitive-dissonance singularity. No one is spared from logic...

AgentSakura ago

Notice how they don't argue with us but just down vote? Says a lot doesn't it.

If you want some anti-theistic philosophical material check out In Defense of Atheism: The Case Against Christianity Judaism And Islam by Michel Onfray, The System of Nature by Baron d'Holbach or anything by Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris (Jew)

Essentially all of this knowledge came to fruition during the Enlightenment Era and materialistic, natural, pagan philosophy and thought became dominate again and begun battling Christianity again. This has all been going on for hundreds of years dating back to when Emperor Constantine enshrined Christianity as the state religion of Rome and Paganism was destroyed.

Unfortunately the Abrahamic religion Judaism invented Christianity as a cultural and ideological poison against Romans / Europeans which resulted in countless deaths across the world. They've also controlled and infected the counter thought movements like atheism with Communist, Illuminati and Satanic doctrine which too created untold destruction.

It is dreadful that since we are organisms our ideological differences are played out through violent conflict instead of just being contained to debate and discussion. The oligarchs and revolutionary leaders throughout time since the ancient tribal leaders have always known how to manipulate peoples beliefs and religious convictions so that they are aligned with their schemes of governmental and societal domination and control.

Diggernicks ago

Lots of butthurt Christ nigs in this thread lol.

Titanbikes4ever ago

The corruption with Christian churches in the USA started a long time ago, decades.

chirogonemd ago

Exactly. The likelier future reality is the churches decide God isn't real and Sunday mornings are for paying tithe to support local minorities; it will be illegal not to go to church to listen to the short-haired dyke lament the patriarchal deity of the previous Christians. Christ was a socialist/feminist and also trans, DUH!.

Titanbikes4ever ago

The only one I have any respect for are the Lutherans and even then I'm skeptical

Heathcliff ago

Remember when the Rothchilds bought the Catholic Church?

Titanbikes4ever ago

Oh totally. Now, Catholics are Fucking creepy

Diggernicks ago


Try they've always been creepy since that fake ass cult was started.

"One true religion" my ass.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Tell that to a black church and see how that goes

RageAgainstTheAmish ago


oy vey Schlomo! Look at all theae uncle tom chinamen!

Wowbagger ago

I see you found Bernie Sanders' official remarks on the matter.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Did he post that?

Wowbagger ago

Only if you read the Babylon Bee :-D he did tweet support for the protesters at one point.

ElvisP ago

Eventually it will be a white person being alive at all no matter how subjugated they are is white supremacy.

And even when all the white people are dead that still won't be good enough because whites will still be blamed for why the world is so shitty.

At least that's where (((some people))) want to take it.

Heathcliff ago

Aren't we there already? Most people on the Left get upset is you say that all lives matter because all includes white people.

Diggernicks ago

How long until christ cucks realize religion is a larp to keep the sheeple docile?

Sheeitpost ago

Why did Constantine make it the official religion of the empire? Would be interesting to know.

AgentSakura ago

To unite the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit as there where different Christian denominations fighting over who was primary at the time, he did so on his death bed.

In doing so he brought about the eventual fall of the Roman Empire as Christianity and all of it degenerate ideologies weakened the peoples will to fight and created the multicultural and cosmopolitan hellscape that rotted the core of Rome.

Sheeitpost ago


AgentSakura ago

Indeed it is an interesting part of history that many do not know about. I learned about this through the book - In Defense of Atheism by Michel Onfray. He explains how corrupt, degenerate and self loathing Saint Paul was and how be projected his own sick ideals of original sin and sexual policing into scripture because he was a sickly wanderer that couldn't get laid and sexually fulfilled so he projected his own failings into the bible and to his followers. (Part 3: Christianity, II. The Pauline Contamination 3 pg 131 A weakling's revenge pg 134)

Constantine banned certain sexual behaviors and the Colosseum, gave the monastery leaders power in the government and united the trinity on his death bed. He created the Totalitarian Christian State in Rome and brought about the destruction of all the old pagan gods, their architecture and their followers. This is the theme of the next part of the book (III. The Totalitarian Christian State pg141)

I'd highly recommend picking up this book and reading it multiple times. It was my first introduction to anti-theistic though 15 years ago and I would read it two to three times a year back when I first purchased it. The historical and philosophical value of this text is unparalleled in term of its scope and execution. I've never come across another critique such as this that was easily digestible.

Sheeitpost ago

Got the book-- thank you.

AgentSakura ago

Your welcome!


HerrThundercat ago

Unfortunately, many churches today are preaching ideas from Cultural Marxism such as Critical Race Theory, Intersectionality, and White Privilege. Many denominations have received money from and have been corrupted by George Soros. They are now preaching the gospel of social justice.

Phantom42 ago

I stopped going to church precisely because of that.

Unreasonable ago

The bible clearly defines there to be ONE church.

Anything that is NOT St. Paul's church is NOT the church and obviously subversive.

Da fuck do you think Catholicism is if not completely subversive?

Phantom42 ago

Martin Luther was right.

videocodec ago

Most of those churches are empty though. I've seen more open satanists where I live and this trend will grow.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

define "open satanists"

BaldMiscreant ago

Satanists that don't hide it, probably.

That, or those damned goth kids are in his yard again.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

yeah. whatever the fuck that means. most christians aren't even true christians, i highly doubt some faggots wearing all black are true satanists.

BaldMiscreant ago

That is usually the case

Space_Sorcerer ago

I've personally seen my family's church dwindle to a quarter of it's original size pre-Obama - including myself and my siblings. Only my parents bother going anymore, being true believers and whatnot

BaldMiscreant ago

Christianity is built on the spirit of the old religions anyway, a blend of norse, Celt, and Jewish mythologies. It's better to go back to the roots, imo, to better understand our culture.

Space_Sorcerer ago

Jacob? Is that you?

BaldMiscreant ago

I don't know who that is

Heathcliff ago

Also at most churches the leadership is more corrupted by the world than the members are so they will pretend to be spiritually minded because it keeps them employed, but they secretly hold false doctrine and will introduce it if given the chance.

Diggernicks ago

The parishioners are equally liable, their donations are funding the failure at the top and middle management level.

Sheeitpost ago

Do you think there is a chance they will lose control and someone more woker will control the narrative?

Sitnikoff ago

I will be part of that.

Tallest_Skil ago

Zero percent chance, since you refuse to name the jew.

Diggernicks ago

Tinfoil buttplug chance extremely high however.

HerrThundercat ago

I think some of these denominations that have large conservative factions will begin to fracture, which is a good thing. The larger the organization, the more corrupt it becomes.

Blood-is-Nature ago

Denominations are the consequences of division. They are not a choice, they're designed from the top to destroy unison. You only think it's your choice, because you can't fathom that someone would deliberately corrupt their own institutions to drive you out. This is called social engineering, which means control through indirect means, which is based on the talmudic teaching of killing by indirect means. And killing is the endgame, because division means fracture of unison, which means loss of unified protection against predators. It's the lions scaring the flock of antelopes into splitting up, so that they can isolate a weak kill.

NatSocTemplar ago

Most of those churches are attended by people who only go to church for appearances. True Christians are already labelling them as heretics.

Diggernicks ago

You should be gassed if you're trying hard to impress the neighbors.

dundundunnnnn ago

It's a cover for a lot of people who are involved in the secret societies.

Diggernicks ago

Aka catholics.

dundundunnnnn ago


Tallest_Skil ago

I’m not sure they can get away with that in the West until whites are exterminated. Spics love the papacy, and the Africans of the Deep South love their congregations. Neither group is going to believe that as long as there are any whites left around. Once whites are gone (and the world’s infrastructure has completely collapsed), jews will be free to claim that “Christianity is a holdover from the white demon who destroyed the world.” Kind of like the plot to The Book of Eli, actually…

Diggernicks ago

If we just oven all the catholics the world would get 100% better over night.

Sheeitpost ago

Interesting analysis, I disagree with the anti-semitism though because there are many races who happen to promote post-modernism. Do you think imployers of post-modernism have lost control of it? That's what I'm trying to figure out... it seems like different segments of the machiavellian drivers are at varying degrees of panic right now trying to reign it back.

ThirteenthZodiac ago

I disagree with the anti-semitism

Do us all a favor and go gas yourself.

Diggernicks ago

Sounds like a pretty cool guy to me.

Don't be a hypocrite, go ahead and take your own advice.

Tallest_Skil ago

I disagree with the antisemitism

Wait, WHO are you? HOW are you still here?

there are many races who happen

Nothing just happens in the world. They do it because they were brainwashed by jews to do it. Jews literally created postmodernism.

have lost control

They have total control. That’s the foundation of the ideology–nothing can be allowed to exist in the world except our orthodoxy.

seems like different segments

That’s by design. It’s all theater.

CameraCode0 ago

Perhaps this comment would help to inform you on who OP is.

Diggernicks ago

Too tinfoil buttplug;didn't read

Tallest_Skil ago

Oh, yes. Thanks. Now for me to forget it by tomorrow like I always do.

Diggernicks ago

Some of us arent tinfoil buttplug enthusiasts like you failures.

Good luck forcing me to leave voat lol.

NatSocTemplar ago

From my time here I think that guy is just completely blackpilled (he states here that whites being gone is a given) an also thinks he knows it all. I would probably just ignore those types. The White race has been in far worse shape than it is now. We are far to kind for our own good, but we are also the fiercest warriors in the world by a huge margin.

Diggernicks ago

Im aware.

It's fun for me to get him wound up.