SealofApproval ago

It is how they were killed was kept from the French people or they would have lynch mob out to string up muslims.

The 130 people were not just murdered but were dismembered and disemboweled while alive, a torcher chamber was set in one of the upstair rooms and men and women had genitals cut off and while they were alive and placed in their mouths.

JonReeeeed ago

What are you talking about?

Ctrl_Alt_Llama_ ago

Maybe they should do something other than march up and down the streets, that might wrap things up

Barfin ago

make barricades

Niggardly_Jew ago

Still getting mutilated, still not fighting back. Protests work about as well as voting.

JonReeeeed ago

yeah i was starting to question the value of peaceful protesting yesterday when i was going over another report on honk kong's protests. I mean, peaceful protests don't even have a chance of registering in the ccp's mind, let alone get them to reverse their whole agenda.

i don't think even in the west would peaceful protest do a damn thing

SolarProphet ago

The French had progress when they used ol’ Thumper on King Louie and Marie Antoinette. When will they use it on Macron?

JonReeeeed ago

idk if that was progress. the french revolution is a clear turning point for france in which they hit an economic slump that they never recovered from, and here we are 200 years later and there isn't even a light at the end of the tunnel.

I think studying france's situation might unlock some world secrets, because that country sitting in that position for so long and so consistently shitty is insane.

Doglegwarrior ago

Man is this thread a strait up fbi/cia/mossad honey pot? Hey lets kill a bunch of people that will solve the problem? Who would you kill exactly? This is fucking retarded if violence is going to happen it will be a fucking tsunami it will be triggerd when a false flag is stopped by luck and fbi or cia or mossad agents are caught red handed or it will be something unexpected. Random lone wolf un organized violence especialy against jews will only make (((them))) stronger and harder to name because antisemitism will be stronger. You want to fight zog? Fight jew control of the american goverment strike at their heart.

  1. Go protest against circumcision it must be out lawed.

  2. Write your senators about dual citizens in our goverment they should not be allowed

These are two good starting points and will wake people up if you are smart about brining up the topic.

JonReeeeed ago

Go protest against circumcision it must be out lawed.

People keep talking about this, and i don't know how this is going to help anything. Can you explain?

Doglegwarrior ago

So imagine a religion or a gang.. blood in blood out shit. Well circumcision is their initiation ritual. It is how you become jewish it is a core to their religion. If we can get rid of it and start arrezting doctors who do it and rabbis we can directly attack the core of judiasm. Watch this kinda long video and you will understand the evilsnof circumcisiom better then 99% of americans including doctors.

Goys-R-Us ago

Write your senators....

lol, good luck with that.

Doglegwarrior ago

Ya i feel stupid for even typing that. They dont even read fucking laws they vote on it is such a fucking joke we are basicaly a socialist country already we have more social programs more theft of other peoples labor then any communist country could ever dream of.

ALIENS2222 ago

They give the areas they 'take' back every single monday morning so they can go back to work for their opressors and pay thier taxes to have muzzies and niggers rape their women in their own bed... Yellow vest protest is not really a thing. They need to take territory and keep it and impose a proper rule of law. If they did so they would find that they mattered.

TopTierCIAShill ago

Just like the Continentals did in the United States of America. These people need to be backed by military officers of their flag and to execute spies and traitors to create an example of what happens when you go against the New Republic of France.

Phantom42 ago

Odd way to spell Francenreich...

user9713 ago

I don't want to criticize them because they've done more than any of us have ever done, but I think we're at the point where they should just overth__w their g

Tallest_Skil ago

HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOU’RE FUCKING JOKING. These fucking kikes are still being paid to do nothing? Congrats.

EnterTheUnKnown ago

Told yall, the revolution won't be televised. Hardly see much on Hong Kong either.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

hong kong stuff is being covered mostly by low budget journalists.

JonReeeeed ago

this sounds about right

Kr3mlin ago

Any updated videos from France?

JonReeeeed ago

rt usually reported on it. once i saw the videos not appearing that's when i looked into it more to see that it was still ongoing.

you'll have to search yourself. hopefully people are smart enough to start uploading that stuff to bitchute or liveleak instead of obviously censored platforms.

Lynch_Tree ago

Crickets from the media

zxcvbnasdf ago

Good thing Trump is at the G7 holding Macron accountable for his totalitarian behavior.

hahahahahahaha j/k they're white! He doesn't care about them.

Wazhappenin1 ago

Democracy is an illusion. The yellow vests have at least proven that.

Sitnikoff ago

Democracy = Tyranny

Mobilization of mob warfare is what feeds oligarchs and gives them shelter.

Tallest_Skil ago

Democracy is completely real. It’s communism. It’s everywhere. Literally everyone in history knew this. Fuck democracy. It’s evil and always has been.

GumbyTM ago

Yes, a year of non violent protests has had affected zero change.

(Aside from getting some of them mamed.)

pimplepeter ago

just like the gay wall street protests

lanre ago


GumbyTM ago

Ugh, thanks.

This is what always starting your emulator from the terminal does to muscle memory.

Sitnikoff ago

Protests are a mercy for the ruling class in high-trust societies.

Gallows are the tool for the people that keeps societies high-trust.

GapingAnus ago

Remember when people on voat were proclaiming the imminent complete collapse of France due to these protests?

Wow. It's fucking nothing as usual.

philmchawk ago

How can you collapse a country ran on paper money? It's the same shit as all you waiting for the US to collapse, it won't. It won't have a civil war either because of the petro dollar (other country would intervene).

Lynch_Tree ago

Violence is the only way. The government can't kill us all

TheKalergiFan ago

lol the government is killing us all, why do you think cancer rates and pharmaceutical deaths are so high in the US?

Kinda like Warren buffet paying less taxes than his secretary.. It's not an accident...

EnterTheUnKnown ago

This is why they use divide and conquer tactics so much. The reason identity politics is so relevant. The people have power in numbers. It is not even a question.

Phantom42 ago

Politics is identity, fuckwit. Europeans use politics so we aren't launching wars larger and more destructive than WWII constantly.

Lynch_Tree ago

Yep. Mass migration is the easiest way to divide a society

hello_reddit ago

they need to actually come up with plans and do assassinations and legit hit and run type stuff instead of just mass loitering if they want to see results.

NiggadermCQ ago

They need to organize themselves and do something productive for themselves, that completely ignores the government. Go live like the Amish or something. But bring some laptops and solar panels, and refrigerators.

BillyBobBoJangles ago

Nice try FBI.

IsaacJan ago

This is a tallest_skil alt.

hello_reddit ago

no it's not.

IsaacJan ago

Yes, you are.

Tallest_Skil ago


Hi, coward! How about you go prove me wrong, then!

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever submission by @IsaacJan.

Posted automatically (#59749) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Tallest_Skil: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @IsaacJan)

IsaacJan ago

Hey check it out. I replied to your alt and look who instantly replies.

You actually proved ME right. Nice one, dipshit.

MDEneverdies1488 ago

You replied to the guy replying to his alt..

IsaacJan ago

It took you a while to switch accounts eh?

MDEneverdies1488 ago

Mate, I'm not tallest. Don't get all paranoid

McFluffy ago

we are all @tallest_skil on this blessed day.

Tallest_Skil ago


Damn, you’re more depressed than me. Every day that whites don’t fight back is cursed, not blessed.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

it's so fascinating how your mind seems to work backwards, you always project, it is your primary tactic. why though? don't you get tired of it? you see, at your caliber, at this stage in your blackpilled spiraling, you should already be dead by your own hand. you aren't though, because you are either

  1. an agent or
  2. a masochist.

your flaw is your inability to understand how obvious this is to everyone here. if you want something done, do it yourself

Tallest_Skil ago

You replied to the wrong post. Either that or you’re brain damaged, because nothing you said has any relevance to my posts or me overall. If you want to prove wrong something I’ve said, either post a citation or go do something physically in the real world. Until you do, I’ll just sit here and laugh at you. For proving me right.

Now run along and go use terms that only jews say somewhere else.

McFluffy ago

but this thing that we want done cant be done alone.

i want to fight back too but we arnt ready yet. the giant jew machine is too powerful to strike at unless we take it out in one strike so that there is no retaliation.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

the first step is disobedience.

McFluffy ago

no its not.

before maybe... but too many people have been brainwashed into believing that jews are the super victim. if we are openly disobedient against Jews then what should be our allies would end up attacking us.

go to any trump supporter and try to tell them all the crimes Israel has committed. they will quickly adopt leftist behavior.

i get that most of them would be slightly smarter than a raccoon but i still dont want to fight a giant army of them, especially when they are very programmable (as evidence that the jews did it to them) so we can just reprogram them back into either normal humans or whatever we see fit.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

there is no way out of it without being attacked in some form or another. there is no redpilling the masses. they're retarded.

McFluffy ago

yeah, but most people on our side cant justify killing the 90% of white people who will never see race and would end up killing us over anything that we had done.

we dont have that power yet, and pushed hasnt become shove.

thatguyiam ago

Shalom, rabbi

hello_reddit ago

no u

heretolearn ago

so do we

TwistedSista ago

Praised be mighty keyboard warrior! Your commitment and results will live on in the hearts of the people!!

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting that everything you support and believe is a proven falsehood, subhuman. Back to reddit now.

sir_andy_of_bad ago

Says the site Jew.

Tallest_Skil ago

you’re a jew because you want all jews exterminated

Great going, subhuman. Way to have an argument.

DeadFox ago

us whites will NEVER EVER fight the jew, no matter what, and if someone does fight the jew or his Soliders, it's fake

I want all Jews dead

No, I don't think you do

Tallest_Skil ago

No, I don't think you do

Congratulations on the strawman. Either prove wrong a single thing I've said or don't bother replying again.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Hey Schlomo


Tallest_Skil ago

Hi, bot account.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Hey Lying Schlomo

Tallest_Skil ago

Prove me wrong then, admitted paid shill.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago


Tallest_Skil ago

Hi, jew puppet.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago


Tallest_Skil ago


Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Schlomo it, Schlomo

Tallest_Skil ago


Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Israel did 9/11 Schlomo


Tallest_Skil ago

Only paid shills reply to this post.

RustyEquipment ago

fuck wrong rabbit hole

Tallest_Skil ago

What’s funny is that he actually stopped replying.

RustyEquipment ago

right, i saw that... i just had to keep it going. i had a giggle

Argumentative ago

no they aren't , it's not the weekend :^)

mudbear ago

Shaky at best. 'protect macron at all costs!' lmfao what is this bullshit?

robinofthehood ago

Up is down, left is right, black is white etc.

Barfin ago

clown is world

Splooge ago

I wonder how many protesters have been partially or totally blinded since last count. I don't recall the exact number when it was all over Voat, but I remember it was something staggering, like 1 in 4 suffered some kind of vision loss.

Goys-R-Us ago

While Macron plays bottom bitch.

Maroonsaint ago

Really? Goddamn French I’ll never shit on them again. Hopefully they bring back the guillotine.

Tallest_Skil ago

I’ll never shit on them again

Why? They’ve literally done absolutely nothing whatsoever for an entire year. Holy fucking shit, you’re dumb.

IsaacJan ago

Did you guys know tallest_skil can’t downvote? He uses alts to.

Tallest_Skil ago

lol, reported for libel. Cry out in pain some more.

How does it feel to know that every word you say is an IMMEDIATELY provable lie?

IsaacJan ago

Taking a screenshot of another account downvoting doesn’t prove anything, kike.

Maroonsaint ago

Send me your nudes

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Hey Schlomo.


Tallest_Skil ago

Keep posting. We’ll get your bot negative in no time.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Not a bot, you LYING SCHLOMO

Tallest_Skil ago

You admitted to it, bot. Post again. I order you.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

I order you to keep being a schlomo, bitch

metricisokay ago

After the gruesome massacre at the bataclan I saw way too many french saying that it was a time for "understanding" and nobody immediately beating the living shit out of them, for my respect toward the french to ever return.

SealofApproval ago

The French were kepted in the dark about what happened in the theatre. Papers and media all played their part to keep a lid on it or muslims would have been strung up.

metricisokay ago

130 people were murdered in paris france, you are so lost in your own bubble you think you can hide that. No the french just don't have the backbone needed to so much as acknowledge it.

Goys-R-Us ago

That was fake. There are plenty of websites that dissect the ridiculous story. It's mind control.

blit416 ago

Sadly, i'm inclined to agree, it goes into the hoax/FF pile.

Im concerned about the bus/truck of peace attack in London too (Westminster?) , on the bridge, there were funny anomalies there too.

- any time it's in a public place, and information-flow is managed (only certain photos get out, and they're 'extra-memorable' ) it feels like a con-job.

metricisokay ago

What was fake, the french not standing up for themselves and then electing macron two to one?

Goys-R-Us ago

gruesome massacre at the bataclan

JonReeeeed ago

Hopefully they bring back the guillotine.

I would be so impressed. They will have made an ostensible come back after 200 years

Maroonsaint ago

I think their last guillotine execution was in the 80s. They know how to do it

metricisokay ago

Eugen Weidmann was June 1939 the last public execution in france.

ShinyVoater ago

The last public one, yes, but the decapitations continued until the late 1970s.

JonReeeeed ago

but no one's ever heard of that

Mittermeyer ago

There is video of it out there last I checked

JonReeeeed ago

post link

JonReeeeed ago

THat's from 1939 - not the 80s