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1person10voats ago

It's still on his DOJ bio: Maybe someone is removing it from Wikipedia to draw attention to it. Also, the whole wikipedia database can be downloaded (the current versions of all the English articles fit on 4 or 5 dvds, and they create the dumps monthly) But wiki pages can be largely bullshit so remember to look for the references and see if they match he citations of the article: the source is probably less dynamic than the wiki. Godspeed.

Drenki ago

You can just look at the History tab of the wikipedia page to see "who" did the edit and when. It had

From 1973 to 1977, Barr was employed by the CIA, initially for a short period as a China analyst, then in the legislative affairs section.

On it when I checked 7 hours ago.

HiJoker ago

do the right thing and help expose the darker, more covert aspects of international intelligence?

WTF, was that rhetorically sarcastic?

Also, was it really there? My service record for serving in Starfleet as a vice admiral has been deleted from all the archives as well. See what I did there?

I'm going to have to pump the brakes and see if this Bar CIA thing was even a thing for real before going any further. I've got shit to do and eating a shill ops burger isn't one of them.

1person10voats ago

was it really there?

Barr's CIA service is still listed in his DOJ bio It doesn't say anything about him being a Klingon though.

bareknuckles ago

Trust the Plan™

Trust an Anon

Trust the Government....they are here to help.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Bar is a cleaner. A professional. Surgical precision instrument.

Astroqualia ago

These people are not good. To even assume that corrupt money driven people are trying to expose anything "dark", means their source of shekels will dry up, means they must watch their backs for assassins, etc. They arent doing this. They want to live a lavish life above the law, not expose the evil that circumvents the law.

CaptnObvius ago

There are no coincidences, but motives are entirely obscured.

thislionsheart ago

Thanks for noticing

Nigloo_Dismantler ago

Are Epstein and Maxwell former CIA?

Well, Maxwell's father was an infamous Mossad spy, and Epstein got billions of dollars out of nowhere, so no they're not CIA spies. Even worse. They're Mossad spies.

mememeyou ago

Truthdig: "Bill Barr also was known for stonewalling the Church committee in the late 70s, and he was particularly trying to prevent the CIA’s use of sexual blackmail operations from coming to light for the Church committee. I think that is at least like significant as is the fact that he justified the legal pardons of numerous Iran-Contra figures and including, and given the role of many Iran-Contra figures in this network that I describe in my reporting, I don’t really see him as being an impartial investigator here. And also the fact that he worked for the law firm that defended Epstein later on in the 2000s"

skullfuku ago is down

Barfin ago

yet another trump sellout hiring this neocon

13Buddha ago

Excellent post!

progressbin ago

I have to assume that Trump is oblivious to Wray's classification of the Kavalec-Steel interview notes. And this man Wray is all in on the "crusade against white supremacism", which is a Dem talking point now. Barr is similar. The one thing we can use to decypher this mystery is G.H.W.B. We know that elder Bush was hand in glove with the primary traitor Allen Dulles. We know where Allen Dulles stands because of his relationship to "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion". This is an absolute unquestionable compass point. We know that the Kennedy assassination, a.k.a. "that whole Bay of Pigs thing", (Bay of Pigs invasion was a.k.a. Operation Zapata), was the work of the founder of Zapata Oil (G.H.W.B.), and was covered up by Warren Commission members Allen Dulles and Gerald Ford. This is further confirmed by the Hoover memo that confirms G.H.W.B. as the go-to guy in the CIA for Hoover to report the activities of anti-Castro cubans. We know that Bush was part of the Skull & Bones secret society, which used the M.O. of the Cabal: sexual blackmail. We know that Bush doesn't just trust anyone willy-nilly. We can assume that the ONLY way Barr is NOT compromised is if he has been turned by this whole phantasy that people really WANT to believe in. I haven't seen enough REAL proof to think that is what is actually happening. This whole thing is still a probable psyop IMHO. I need to see irreparable harm (rumors don't count) done to the deep state before I believe ANY of it. So far it is just low level people like NXIVM, Epstein, and not even the promise that they are continuing down the rabbit hole.

CobraStallone ago

I need to see irreparable harm (rumors don't count) done to the deep state

Ten years ago "deep state" was tinfoil hat, conspiracy nut, dismiss-out-of-hand stuff for 98% of people. They openly name it on RT, CNN, Fox News now. Either (((they))) are at least partially on the ropes, or they showed themselves willingly. The latter doesn't make much sense to me though, not their MO.

I'm not claiming Barr is going to be our hero (it'd be nice though), I'm just saying it looks to me like it's not going 100% their way. 100% their way would be Epstein not arrested months ago, not steeping foot in prison, the court documents from a decade ago sealed forever, and the average normie going "Jeffrey Who?" Not the case anymore.

Astroqualia ago

They can show themselves willingly when you wont do fuck all about it.

CobraStallone ago

you wont do fuck all about it.

And you have done what about it? Do tell. I'm not even American so I fail to see how the American jewish deep state is my personal responsibility, but unless you are Tarrant talking to me from a cell in New Zealand saying "you don't do shit" is pretty hypocritical. Way I see it.

Astroqualia ago

They control the world, your government, and mine. You should know this by now.

CobraStallone ago


Don't ever concern troll about "people doing stuff" ever again you hypocritical blackpilled piece of shit jew, get the fuck out of here.

Astroqualia ago

Ok, is your autistic tourrettes REEE over with, faggot?

The point is, nothing is going to ever be done about it. Until they literally come to your land or something else in-your-face. All we do is discuss this shit, no matter how bad it gets nothing is ever done.

CobraStallone ago

I'm not reading that, you hypocrite coward faggot. Fuck you, no one cares about what you think. Eat shit, oh, have a nice Sunday though!

Astroqualia ago

There should be a way to prevent 12 year old angsty grounded teens like you from joining voat just to shitpost.

13Buddha ago

An Excellent reply.

369693936 ago

What is our confidence level in Barr's ability to do the right thing and help expose the darker, more covert aspects of international intelligence?

I got the impression from the very beginning of his new "reign" that Barr was forced to be complicit in some pretty evil shit throughout his career, and that's why he embraced the opportunity given to him in the current time period to set things straight and do the right thing.

379465 ago

Attorney General William Barr’s Personal Ties to Jeffrey Epstein

TheSeer ago

Be wary of anyone trying to pin this on:

1) Epstein himself

2) Just the CIA

3) The Vatican

First of all, the central bankers and the Commies are in cahoots. Second of all, the intel agencies of US, UK and a certain 'democracy in the Middle East' are also in cahoots. Basically one intel agency, but they can only call it 'co-operation' publicly for obvious reasons.

WhoToldYouThat ago

More truth here than the idiotic posts in the top comment chain.

1Paydaddy ago

Barr better be roasting up a big batch of Deep State Indictments. He hasn't stuck his head out of the kitchen except to say he is "Appalled".

jebbush2016 ago

I'm so "blackpilled" now that I wouldn't be surprised to find Trump is buddies with all of them and this is all theater at this point.

CantDentTheBrent ago

this point

Which point? The Mexicans still coming over the border? The red flag laws.

The undying support of Israel and their blackmail operations.

Which point was it..?

totallynotFBI ago

Barrney Fife

123456butts ago

i don't see how Robert Maxwell and the Inslaw scandal doesn't represent a conflict for Barr considering the presence of Ghislaine Maxwell in the Epstein scandal.

TheSeer ago

Tell me more about this 'Inslaw scandal'?

TheSeer ago

Sorry, that is what PROMIS software, developed by Inslaw, was.

TheSeer ago

That still doesn't give very much information about what Inslaw itself was.

It always just says 'information management software'. I think Inslaw was actually the core of what became their 'blackbox AI' software. I heard it could process different file types, for example. That was a big deal back in the 80s, let alone through the 90s and early 2000s. So it could handle images, and text documents. But it seems it could also parse data, and I get the feeling... It could (or was modified to) give suggestions. Feedback.

Ultimately (with some direction), the AI started telling agents what to do. That way there was no legal culpability for higher ups.

geovoat ago

This whole thing is unknowable. that is what I have finally concluded after looking at this and seeing the depth of the rabbit hole and the coverups which after Epstein are now unquestionable by any rational person.

We will never know how much of our survival or our enslavement is because of secret blackmail operations done to control leaders of foreign countries to gain the resources we need or to prevent them from attacking us and starting wars.

I mean it could be very important to overturn this stuff if its tyrannical sob's screwing over the united states or it could be the only thingbetween us and third world exitence.

we have no fucking idea.

as the country gets filled more and more with people who hate us and weren't born here I have begun to ask myself 'Do I really want to bring down the people who want to control the voting machines?Do I really want to live in a democracy if that democracy is South Aftrica?'

At this point its perhaps a question of trying to identify if there are good and bad factions of CIA (I think there are) and how to help the good ones (who frankly dont seem to be doing much good effective work today).

by good I mean who will defend the nation as conceived by European american founders.

letsdothis3 ago

Are we mad at bill clinton because he let cocaine go into mena so the cia could kill communists in south america so we could get the countries resources more cheaply? Is that REALLY a bad thing?

Are you serious? I've lived in a number of places around the world and seen what the CIA cocaine runs have done to smaller nations. These people should be strung up.

i expect secret shit to happen.

Well, good for you. For me, it's all about shining light on the pigs and dregs of humanity.

geovoat ago

Sure. just remember that every other nation will be doing it so we will be completely taken over if we haven't already been.

NotHereForPizza ago

CIA was George Scherff's doing mostly. But he was merely a proxy of British influence. I wonder where Scherff worked before coming to the US...

bcboncs ago

Ah are you buying into that Tesla-George Scherff story? "Monkey George" was Bush? I tried to believe it but the timelines didn't add up with age.

NotHereForPizza ago

You believe people that you're accepting have change their names wouldn't just lie about their age?

David Hogg is much older than he allows to be reported on.

bcboncs ago

I don't feel like doing the analysis again, in my mind it didn't add up. Do what you wish with this information. Put it to the test yourself or don't believe.

DeadBeatNigger ago

Spot on, man. I was thinking recently, Israel is doomed. They began plummeting after they got trashed by Hezbollah in 2006, and haven't taken an inch of foreign land in decades. They fought hard failing to destabilize Syria, and surrounding nations, ultimately ending up getting surrounded by a Russian-Shia behemoth. They begged for American help, and for the first time ever, allowed American troops onto "their" "hallowed ground", and allied with Saudi Arabia. Yeah, I guess Jews are in charge, but for how long? Saudi Arabia is slated to outlast Israel, a country with an outdated economy, and sand niggers.

So then who is truly in charge? Is it satanists, is it Jews of a higher caliber? Did Muslims eclipse them? Is it secret groups of Europeans? Is it Russia, or even communists? I've even gone so far as to dip my toes into the truly wacky shit; aliens. The universe is big, the multiverse theory is probably true, and we broadcast all of our radio signals into the universe. Did some superior race realize what shit we are, and decide, "hey, our star is dying, let's go to this backwater."?

I've realized that the traditional idea of "the joooooz" is correct, but only temporary. The Jews are a people following an ancient Ammonite God of child sacrifice, via secret oral tradition, who haven't truly existed for thousands of years. That in itself makes them a secret organization, within a secret organization, and does it go deeper than that? But these people, these fake "Jews", they always lose. They've literally always bottomed out, and been expelled, slaughtered, and massacred to a man, before passing on their unholy oral traditions, meaning they're someone else's pawn, and are used to take the flak for that secret group. We're a very small people, and we are powerless, and if you think too much about it, you'll go insane.

geovoat ago

I am for maintaining the nation of Israel for one simple reason. If it collapses all those insane crazy people will want to come here.

CantDentTheBrent ago

You sound like such a kike. Lmao

geovoat ago

hell the reason the usa went along with the creation of that country was no one wanted them in the usa.

CantDentTheBrent ago

The juden needed an excuse to clean out the middle East.

Hitler gave them that. They have the victim card forever and Israel is part of it.

geovoat ago

I think the victim card is wearing thin with mainstream people.

you see the signs everywhere. all live chats and things that arent censored.

the hand was way overplayed.

derram ago** :

William Barr’s CIA Employment *SCRUBBED* from Wikipedia - YouTube

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