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letsdothis3 ago


If they are CIA, then were things orchestrated so that Barr would become the Attorney General now, thus making it easier for them to expose (sacrifice) two of their own, or, is this organic and just a bit of divine irony, thus placing Barr in a position where doing the right thing will require him to go against the agency?

Interesting question.

2006 article: How Globalists Are E-Managing Us


The FBI has built a database with more than 659 million records - including terrorist watch lists, intelligence cables and financial transactions - culled from more than 50 FBI and other government agency sources. The system is one of the most powerful data analysis tools available to law enforcement and counterterrorism agents, FBI officials said [recently]...The system, designed by Chiliad Inc. of Amherst, Mass., can be programmed to send alerts to agents on new information, Grigg said.

So, what could be wrong with putting an experienced and acclaimed information technology data management expert in charge of upgrading and centralizing all our records nationally, in order to fight crime and protect us against terrorism?... Even if she is a foreign born and raised globalist-sympathizing UN patsy, married to a French intellectual and living in France, with ties to Latin America?... I mean, what's wrong with that?!...

.. [T]he most impressive thing about Chiliad... is the experience of its managers. Co-founder and chairman Christine Maxwell created "Magellan," the Internet's original reference directory and search engine.

..Christine Maxwell was afforded a comfortable upbringing but, when the time came for college, she found that she wasn't qualified academically; so she asked dad to send her to Pitzer College in southern California, for sociology and Latin American studies. Over the years since then she has complemented that training by repeatedly visiting and speaking at events in Mexico and Latin America, where she practices her Spanish. Maxwell also spent a number of years as a trustee on the board of directors of the Santa Fe Institute, a research and education center in New Mexico. She has a teaching credential from Lady Spencer-Churchill College of Education, Oxford, England (not part of Oxford University). ...Maxwell became infatuated with the Internet and electronic data management, eventually joining the Board of the Internet Society (ISOC) in 1997, where she played various leadership roles until leaving in 2002 to dedicate more time to her other interests. She co-founded the Magellan online directory in 1993, a successful international search engine and directory site. ..

..The consummate entrepreneur, Christine Maxwell has talked, traded or bought her way into advantageous deals, companies and organizations since her father's death and the loss of the family fortune in 1991. She is married to a French astronomer with whom she has three children, and she splits her residential time between France and California, depending her activities.

..OK, so now you have a biographical sketch of Christine Maxwell, something of a 'rich-kid-made-good' success story, to all appearances. Keeping in mind the need for reasonable 'cover' vis-à-vis (ooh, that's French!) the globalist-leaning secret information management community mentioned above, we see that she was perfect for the role she'd be playing, the perfect face(mask) to put on the domestic information gathering and control program soon to be launched.

...When she applied for a position on the Board of Trustees of the Internet Society (ISOC) in 1997, Maxwell offered a brief resume and position statement, in which she affirms her international character and intent to engage the world community in the work of the organization, which work includes acting as "a facilitator and coordinator of Internet-related initiatives around the world," including "public policy and trade activities," "education and social issues," and "the globalization process" for targeted populations..

..Approaching a major collaborative presentation of work to UNESCO on behalf of the Internet Society, Maxwell exchanges email with Takeshi Utsumi of the Global University System (and NYC's Columbia University) in the summer of 2000; she was trading ideas relating to the compilation she was editing. It's interesting that she chose Utsumi. He and John McLeod, of the San Diego Supercomputer Center at UCSD, were involved in "Global Peace Gaming" simulations "to help decision makers construct a globally distributed decision-support system for positive sum/win-win alternatives to conflict and war. The idea involves interconnecting experts in many countries via global Internet to collaborate in discovering new solutions for world crises, such as the deteriorating ecology of our globe, and to explore new alternatives for a world order capable of addressing the problems and opportunities of an interdependent globe."

..Reading between the lines, and remembering the background of the contributors and host organization, it is clear that what is at issue really is not just universal access to information technology - it is global multiculturalism.

...I submit to you that Chiliad Publishing Inc. already had a Department of Defense deal in hand prior to the attacks of September 11, 2001. I further submit to you that the FBI (or some similar, soon-to-be-created entity, like, oh, what shall we call it?... say, "Homeland Security?") was expected to reap the benefits of that information management technology developed under DoD contract, when the time was right.