carmencita ago

I remember reading quite a while ago on here that Epstein's plane was made by dyncorp. if that helps at all. There is a big article from a while back in Vanity Fair about Epstein and Wexner. Also, Epstein helped Wexner make a lot of his money. Wexner built a home in Ohio with a dining room that you could make go up and down in the house, like an elevator. That is money.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Also the serial number on Epsteins plane matched that of a DynCorp plane.

BlackManta ago

There is a dyncorp in Tucson AZ, which happens to have a Rothschild mayor. I noticed on his mothers obit that she requested all remembrances be donations to planned parenthood, just as an aside.

jstayz44 ago

What is more of interest than anything, in my opinion, is that the lab is working on a vaccine for transplant patients that have EBV. The vaccine would support the patient while taking immunosuppressive drugs post-transplant. Are these folks involved in organ transplants somehow??? Where is OH State located? Hmmmmm

equineluvr ago

Epstein refers to himself as a “science and education philanthropist” who sponsors “cutting edge science around the world.” In 2012, Epstein hosted Stephen Hawking at a science conference held on his private Caribbean island. The theoretical physicist joined the sex offender, three Nobel Prize winners, and other noted scientists like Lawrence Krauss for a discussion on gravity.

Photos from the conference show Hawking and Krauss (above) on a boat off Little St. James, the Epstein-owned island located near the east end of St. Thomas. In another picture, seen below, Hawking is at an island mixer with Lisa Randall, a theoretical physicist at Harvard University.

According to Epstein, his charitable foundation has sponsored Hawking and other prominent scientists, including Nobel laureates David Gross, Frank Wilczek, Gerard 't Hooft, and the late Gerald Edelman.

(Gerald Edelman co-won the Nobel Prize in 1972 for his work on the human immune system.)

The above info underscores why only SHEEPLE worship "Nobel Prize winners" and their ilk.

Laskar ago

I was going to write just about the same thing as soon as I read this, when I scrolled down to your post.

It's really too creepy to think of Hawking on Orgy Island. I think we will find that Hawking, like a lot of public figures, is not what people generally think he is.

Science research, like the art market is cover for a lot of nasty things.

There is some speculation that Hawking has been replaced by a double: There are numerous other articles online on this topic.

Here's another Mathis paper on Hawking's "Brave New World":

Tanngrisnir ago

Good stuff. I've been looking into Florida and suspected for there was a link between Epstein, big pharma, and DynCorp.

This post shows how there is a DynCorp location and Bioflorida location close by in West Palm Beach. Epstein was at 33480 Palm Beach.

Also there is a Herbert Epstein that works at RTI Surgical in Florida. No idea if he is related to Jeffrey.

equineluvr ago

"there's an Epstein Barr virus?"

EBV has been around for a long time. It belongs to the HSV (herpes simplex) family and is aka HSV-4 (HHV-4). Herpes viruses have plagued vertebrates since they evolved. (They've found evidence of HSV damage in fossils.)

EBV was "discovered" (named) in 1964 by Anthony Epstein, a UK researcher, along with two colleagues (one of whom is named Barr).

I doubt there is anything there other than coincidence. (Yes, they do exist.) Unless you can connect Anthony Epstein of the UK with Jeffrey Epstein. Epstein is a fairly common Jewish surname since it is one of the oldest AshkeNAZI names.

abcdefg222 ago

Thank you! I was unfamiliar with the ebv and have edited my post. I still think there must be more Epstein dyncorp connections that haven't yet been uncovered.

anonOpenPress ago

Great post, new stuff as well. I'm interested in investigating this connection. Here's 7 other posts you might want to check (and get even more including the option "search post text")

jstayz44 ago

Please see my post regarding the work on developing a vaccine for post-transplant patients with EBV. I think there might be something there.

Jem777 ago

Epstein & Dyncorp=CIA sex trafficking, organ harvesting, blackmailing & worse.