ardvarcus ago

To me the gun issue comes down to the right of a free man to defend his own life and his family and property. Whether it is defense against a criminal or against a tyrannical government, defense is the key concept. The gun allows an 80-year old great-grandmother to defend herself and her great-granddaughter against three adult niggers on crack. That's why all citizens must have the right to own and bear arms.

Barbarian ago

I hope everyone understands that an assault weapons ban is the line in the sand. The government doesn't fear citizens with handguns or hunting rifles. They fear a citizenry that can fire 30 rounds of .223 from 100 yards away with 2-5" groupings. NEVER let them take or outlaw any gun.

boekanier ago

It's obvious that your politicians want to make slaves of you. They have europe as an example and they like it that way.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Ivanka and Jared Kushner and big daddy orange kike want our guns.

Somali ago

What's the last time you used your gun to push back against the government enslaving you?

Creeksidewilly ago

"A free man does not ask permission to bear arms." Thomas Jefferson.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Serfs not slaves but the sentiment in the title is the same as mine otherwise.

dundundunnnnn ago

Will Zionists Keep America Great with Jacobin Bloodbath?

This is what we are headed for. Once the guns are gone, we're fucking DONE for.

AtlantisAgain ago

The Elite Globalist crowd led by the Int'l Banksters (Payseur, Rothchild, Rockefeller, Morgan, Warburg, etc), Multinational Corporations, U.N., Vatican, etc. want world domination but will never get it.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

MagnusVeritas ago

Moses was a Jew who rescued the Jews from Egypt. He symbolizes Jewish law, Jews smiting their enemies and a Jewish homeland.

Probably not the best choice of image given the caption intends to renounce Jewish rule.

Turnagain ago

Since guns were invented, all murders by individuals for what ever reason are a tiny fraction of the number of people murdered by their own governments in just the 20th century. Against such a proven track record, do you really trust politicians that much?

Nigloo_Dismantler ago

The government itself needs gun control.

Turnagain ago

As Tom Jefferson said, I think our government needs to be "refreshed".

TigoleBitties ago

There's a hell of a lot of people we need guns to protect ourselves against than the bankers and zionists.

NoBS ago

This is a distraction for Top down Treason. From Baby Bush all they way to the present National Security "assets" abuse of power. Obama and Clinton walk free as a testimony that organized evil runs our Nation.

Leonidas4Q ago

End of debate.

ForgottenMemes ago

There is no legitimate argument for gun control. Anyone who is too dangerous to have access to guns is too dangerous to have access to flammables, clubs, knives, etc. They need to be permanently institutionalized.

but this would gut the democracy voter base.

letsgoallthewhey ago

This is a really good point. They're also too dangerous to drive and too stupid to vote.

hankylanky ago

That is a completely idiotic statement, of course. But one thing you say is true: there's really no way a brainless, gun-loving asshole can represent one side of an actual debate.

Lord_Kristopf ago

Pro Tip: you’ll be more persuasive if you attack the statement on its merits rather than simply stating that you disagree with it.

NoBS ago

Voluntary servitude is a personal right I will never infringe upon.

Could be because I am not a slave. Nor do I wish to own one.

But then again servants of government corruption will receive my contempt and vulgarity no less than a chemically enslaved crack whore.

Poor life choices are personal and belong behind locked doors. But not in a public gutter.

Clean up your own trash fagot.

QualityShitposter ago

Gun debate needs to be the dismantling of interstate commerce laws. That's the only justification the Feds have to control them.

Koalemos_Grottesco ago

Or both..?

Revelations2_9 ago

America has been slaves to jewish bankers for a century.

Cid ago

Implying we're not already slaves?

imdrowning ago

The only reply needed

Nietzsche__ ago

Only as much as you choose to submit to as much

Theodoric ago

Debt slaves. The most subtle type.

shitstartercarter ago

The best kind of slave is one who doesn't think he's a slave at all.

hello_reddit ago

spiritual slavery

AgentSakura ago

And mind slaves: Vaccines, MSM, Intelligence Data Storage, Mass Surveillance and Remote Neural Monitoring.

PencilLeadSyringe ago

Remote neural monitoring? Yikes, and just when you think it can't get any worse (well, I know it can)... Need to check this out now. If you have any reading recommendations please share

AgentSakura ago

This should get you started. Good luck - Minds of Men Documentary

PencilLeadSyringe ago

Holy cow. I'm familiar with some of this material but there's still a great deal to explore. Thanks for sharing, truly appreciate it, going to dive in 😎

AgentSakura ago

You're welcome. If you have any questions feel free to PM me.

NoBS ago

Hero Worship is a God given right.

Yet our only birth right we take to the grave is the right to poor life choices.

AgentSakura ago

Yup, they want us all to be degenerate junkies with no will power to resist and to never organize a defense against them. But we will fight to the bitter end.

Cid ago

Debt slaves, ideological slaves, culture slaves, drug slaves, etc. If you think about it there's no shortage in methods currently being implemented to control people.

Splooge ago

The most pervasive of all infections.


lol what the fuck does moses have to do with gun control?

MagnusVeritas ago

Moses is a bad choice. He's a symbol of Jewish victory over non-Jews.

FullSemiAutomatic ago

Venturing a guess, it's because Charlton Heston, a former president of the NRA, played Moses in the movie The Ten Commandments.

16tons ago

BOOM! We've got a winner!

Had a little fun here and why not?

From my cold dead hands mother fucker!


Oh shit that is charlston heston isnt it

NoBS ago

You just outed your ass as a young 'en still wet behind the ears.


No you are!

Humansized ago

Communist jew banker.

IsaacJan ago

Remove the global communist shit, just put slaves.

MagnusVeritas ago

Moses was a kike liberator. Emancipated kikes equates to capitulated gentiles.