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LatexSanta ago

This seems almost too horrible to be true. Almost.

CarthOSassy ago

My inner voice is usually EDM. Could be fun at raves.

drhitler ago

Racism detector, would you mind wearing this for the interview and viewing some pictures?

FriedChicken ago

Bull. Shit.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Oh look a Pajeet inventor this article is kosher indeed

LiamOdinThomas ago

I think this might replace the lie detector. I would definately where it on a first date to show my full transparency, I just hope it doesnt pick up subconscious thoughts which cant help to think about like her boobs or how hot she is but 2 many tattoos in the wrong places...those thoughts are a deal crusher total

MaFishTacosDaBombBro ago

Exactly. All the women you think about all day would hear what you're thinking. That might work out in your favor though.

Salty_Pirates_4_All ago

What would a lower life forms say? ... ax me

modsrcuntz ago

Eventually they will be able to read our thoughts through wifi. I imagine they can already do it to some level. We know for sure they can change our mood through wifi.

posdnus ago

The Montauk Boys project started in the 70’s I think. Stranger Things is based on it. They know what you think and both sides have access to it now. Thank God!

AgentSakura ago

They can already dude, the MKULTRA Mind Control program infrastructure is almost totally complete.

IsaacJan ago

My family would never speak to me again

Maevtr ago

Every inventor who comes up with brave New world shit like this completely ignores the negative sides of their inventions. Say goodbye to your last bastion of freedom. Your own thoughts

HardCandies ago

I think the headline is kind of misleading. It's still scary to think about stuff like neural interrogation being used in military applications.

tokui ago

Have it record your dream state...

Also, the "inner voice" debate: finally a way to proof. Niggers are afraid...

So many uses.

TheGenophage ago

And still can't do anything about Tinutus

LaRiver ago

A.I. is the enemy of humans.

AgentSakura ago

Kill all thinking machines!

Landwhaleonline ago

Lmao. People will believe anything as long as it's in an article.

performance ago

This is the most vaporware thing I've ever heard of. If I could place one billion dollar bet in my life I'd bet that this invention is bullshit.

MaFishTacosDaBombBro ago

I think it's possible but the only thing that stinks is the A.I. that converts analog brain signals into words. The algorithm behind that isn't explained at all and I don't understand how it could work.

FridayJones ago

And I thought I was getting too paranoid lately...

necrophagist79 ago

I've seen this movie too. No thanks.

Cat-hax ago

It's not going to work on 90% of the mindless drones that make up the population.

CaptnObvius ago

Oh shit, they're going to lock me up for sure. lol

Laffey ago

Put it on a politician.

Like_it_is ago

*all politicians

0fsgivin ago

This is terrifying...

aaronC ago

We've invented a machine to read your thoughts but don't worry haha it's just to help the handicapped! put your conspiracy theories away!

Derpfroot ago

Now making thought crimes a reality! (with stored history accessible to the company, and therefore the gov't, you're fucked!)

DeliciousOnions ago

Sounds like an excellent interrogation device. They don't even need to talk for an agent to extract information, and if you concealed the device's purpose they may not even know it's happening.

How much do you wanna bet there's a few in Gitmo already

Splooge ago

DARPA acquires and pushes shit out aggressively. I wouldn't be surprised.

Maroonsaint ago

I also push shit out aggressively cause when you eat as much fiber as I do tour shit becomes rock hard. You gotta get it out. Once it starts sliding it’s cake but before that point it feels like glass in my asshole. I guess I need to drink more water. I think it’s all the speed I take. I gotta stop doin that

Splooge ago

ur bad bby

Aprioned ago

I already do this by actually talking to myself

Maroonsaint ago

Do you do it out loud more than you should. Sometimes you freak people out when you don’t know they’re around.

WatchListMe ago

This will be weaponized against us immediately. Too much technology these days.

AgentSakura ago

It already has since 1975. This technology has been used extensively by global INT since it's invention. I've been targeted by it for 4 years and deemed Delusional for complaining about being tortured by (((THEM))). They know every last detail about you kiddo and they're watching your ever move and purchase. Good luck

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

yeah I have heard that

DrSteveBrule9000 ago

you just sound nuts

AgentSakura ago

And that's exactly what the powers that be want. They have cognitively discredited me as suffering from mental illness for speaking out against this technology. I'm in the Canadian military and they have tested and tortured me with it for four years. If you have any questions let me know.

posdnus ago

Yeah. Youtube uses it and somehow Alex Jones has access or is fed reports from it.

CameraCode0 ago

It would have to be physically attached to you to work.

ianadba ago

You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say to this alterego device we have attached to you can and will be used against you in a court of law.

jxfaith ago

Forced use of this device is definitely a violation of the fifth amendment... but yes, this kind of technology seems ripe for abuse.

Maroonsaint ago

We need to infiltrate the government the same way the left did.

ex-redd ago

pretty sure mine would make me look like I had Tourettes syndrome and blow out the speaker repeating "God Damned niggers"every other phrase

Vc83 ago

My outternal monaloge already says that

Nosfewratsjews ago

I'm wondering why nobody has pointed out the extremely invasive tracker referral link.

Paralaxor ago

That's nothing compared to the ~40 third party crapware JS payloads it links.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Didn't even notice, thanks noscript.

WatchListMe ago

Tell me more, I’m on mobile and did not notice anything.

baneofretail ago

God. Imagine that device being pointed at the freeway. It'd drive whoever is listening in insane.

GapingAnus ago

I would pay serious money to have been able to use a device with this capability during the recent Democratic socialists of America conference.

Maroonsaint ago

I chased a guy down the interstate doing 130 the other day. That was how I found out my car can only get 130. Apparently his truck could only get slightly higher as he almost got away. Luckily a cop made him slow down so I caught back up and I know roundabout where he lives. I’m gonna fck him up so good

DoOver ago

Cool story, bro.

WatchListMe ago

What the fuck are you talking about?

Son_Of_Hate ago

I'm thinking it's a chatbot meant to promote violence.

Karbuster ago

Hes just off his meds, dont worry about him

wasteroftime ago

I always just thought it was a misspelled user name, and was supposed to be Moronsaint

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Put that ion me and it would be the most popular TV show in history.

Sheeitpost ago

Lol holy fuck. Imagine a day with everyone having to wear that.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

careful, you might be imagining our future as old coots

satisfyinghump ago

Remember awhile back all of those research papers and personal story posts about people either claiming they dint realize that their ability to speak their voice in their own mind and use this voice to make a decision was all that rare... and thaț sadly the majority of people are NPC's and unable to have an inner voice/monologue. Anyone remember?

Well... what happens when using this device on them?

rektumsempra ago

Wait... the majority of people don't have an inner voice? I didn't see that study, just a story from one person who somehow gained an inner voice (don't remember how).

PsychoticBreak ago

I don't remember that...but it would explain a lot.

prairie ago



blit416 ago

This is where RAP MUSIC comes from!

Phantom42 ago


Maroonsaint ago

My inner voice is always second guessing and making me fuck up and look stupid. Hey maybe I didn’t lock the door after the fourth or fifth time of checking if I locked the door I wonder if I’m retarded. Hey maybe I didn’t turn off the oven. Repeat

kaufee ago

implanted thoughts? Possibly build a version with a screen for a buffering signal?

The_Venerable ago

They've been remotely spying and hacking our minds for decades

rektumsempra ago

Whoever wrote this is schizophrenic. Humans aren't fucking radios

The_Venerable ago

Dumb ass.

AgentSakura ago

Indeed, I've been a targeted individual and MKULTRA mind control victim for four years. They rape my mind and harass me everyday for believing in White Nationalism.

MrPancake ago

So instead of "...threat of EMP..." it should be "...saved by an EMP..."

NPCGator ago

All that EMP shielding they were talking about months ago isn't to protect us it's to protect those in power.