random128dsf321 ago

Publicly announce it.

How to audit the FED 101

Voatering4life ago

WTF? Seriously does the government care or is it just one boondoggle after another. The government appears to be one giant slush fund that care not about any citizen. As long at they get their piece of the action they do care who gets murdered. And I think you know at least some of the people who died because of the continued evil shit that goes in and on!

CheeseboogerHimself ago

oy vey (((they))) like using the goyims money and kidnapping, molesting, murdering and eating their babies

Ezre ago

just more crooked goverment

My_Name_is_Not_Sure ago

Oy vey, rabbi!

NotaQjackass ago

Israel is safe.

allahead ago

What in the Constitution allows the Fed to print money again? So confused.

Zoldam ago

Tribe helping the tribe, nothing unusual here.

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

What's sad is the people that 'arrested' him, won't after getting the info end his life. Tell me I'm lying.

bluedeath ago

I love how every sign points to him being Mossad/CIA backed (money laundering pedo honeypot) and none of these supposed "journalists" dare mention it.

Dirty_Money ago

Because their names are on the list. If not at Epstein's island, the FBI/DHS uses big data to compile dossiers on everyone who has a public audience.

BlackGrapeDrank ago

I'd say so does the NSA, military intelligence, and probably other govt related depts...

beesmeesmonies ago

well we know this money was funneled from the us military budget by shitsreal to "epstein"...!

Adam_Jensen_ ago

I had a hunch. If true, (((they))) can make you rich by simply printing you money.

Swallowdaredpill ago

More like a hush up bailout, fucking criminals everywhere

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

Wish the us military had any semblence of testicals.

letsdothis3 ago

Liquid Funding, Ltd. https://offshoreleaks.icij.org/nodes/82004676



Voat post re JP Morgan :

Ship Seized In Record $1.3 Billion Cocaine Bust Belongs To JPMorgan. Could they be trafficking in other things?

tag words: MSC; Dyncorp


Bear Stearns Singapore Pte Limited - (100.0%) --->>> Blackrock, Inc. - (100.0%) Bear Stearns do Brasil Ltda. - Maj. Bryan Garnier & CO limited - Maj.



Wachtel & Masyr, LLP (formerly Gold & Wachtel) at same addy as Ghislaine Maxwell's COUQ (link: http://www.buzzfile.com/Lists/Companies-located) buzzfile.com/Lists/Companie… which Epstein helps fund http://web.archive.org/web/20101112131036/http://www.jeffreyepsteinscience.com/about-jeffrey-epstein/


Wexner Family Charity Fund and Epstein's COUQ shared an accounting firm (link: http://www.nonprofitfacts.com/OH/The-Wexner-Family-Charitable-Fund.html) nonprofitfacts.com/OH/The-Wexner-… | (link: http://www.taxexemptworld.com/organization.asp?tn=142082)

COUQ Foundation : https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3163949/18754473


Jeffrey E. Epstein serves as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Financial Trust Company. Mr. Epstein started his career at Bear Stearns with an educational background in physics. He has been a Trustee of Institute Of International Education Inc. since October 2001


The Institute of International Education (IIE) is a 501(c) organization[1] which focuses on International Student Exchange and Aid, Foreign Affairs, and International Peace and Security. IIE creates programs of study and training for students, educators and professionals from various sectors. The organization says its mission is to "build more peaceful and equitable societies by advancing scholarship, building economies and promoting access to opportunity".

The institute was established in 1919 at the cessation of World War I. Nobel Peace Prize winners Nicholas Murray Butler, President of Columbia University, Elihu Root, former Secretary of State, and Stephen Duggan, Sr., Professor of Political Science at the College of the City of New York (and IIE's first President) formed the Institute of International Education with the idea that educational exchange would incite understanding between nations.[4]

IIE President Stephen Duggan influenced the U.S. government to create a new category of non-immigrant student visas, bypassing post-war quotas set by the Immigration Act of 1921. In the 1930s, IIE began expanding its activities beyond Europe, opening the first exchanges with the Soviet Union and Latin America. After World War II, the Institute facilitated the establishment of what is now NAFSA and the CIEE. In the 1940s, IIE aided more than 4,000 U.S. students to study and work on reconstruction projects at European universities devastated by the war.

The current president and CEO is Allan E. Goodman

progressbin ago

And no one will ever know, or pay.

VoatIsSuperCucked ago

Its all a cohencidence fellow goyim.

Its not like the fed has been secretly bailing out its bamks since 2008 in Europe with shell companies.