WetHen ago

A true story on the side--I am a nurse so I have a lot of contacts in the medical world. A friend once worked for an American prophylactic company as a salesman. He was sent to overseas to sell orders for rubbers in Poland.The CEO of the one of the large drug store chains had a meeting with him in his office. He opened a package, unfurled the rubber and started laughing. Then he examined the box and laughed some more. It said Made in Japan.

MadCatTimberWolf ago

This is one country I would not mind visiting. Now, let's look for a second one?

BO2 ago


antiliberalsociety ago

I asked him the same thing

He doesn't have much experience with lawyers, I can tell that much.

boekanier ago

Strange that only Poland, and a few other eastern european countries, still have common sense left. In the western part of europe on the contrary...

Schreiber ago

It's genetics.

People who originated in eastern europe or are eastern european descents who live in the west tend to be more conservative politically. Of course if they live in the west the consume the same amount of "libtard" brainwashing filth in the TV.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Poland's birth rates are shit and worst of all there are faggot cucks that shame people that have children in Poland

Don-Keyhote ago


See, Muslims don't actually fuck goats. Its a meme. Whereas white women fuck anything that moves but very seldom for procreation.

Europe's demise is not a meme. It is staring you in the face, even when you take these cringeworthy opportunities to flex on... Idk what

canbot ago

Whereas white women fuck anything that moves

Source? Oh right, your jew ass.

A shrinking population is unfortunate but not the end of a country. Mass immigration is the end of a country.

Don-Keyhote ago

LMFAO, u think a shrinking population doesn't bring socioeconomic problems? That literally not replacing ourselves is a bigger threat than foreigners who can be removed? Nice logic you stupid fuckin fag, if 2 whites have 1 baby, how many generations does it take, quick


canbot ago

doesn't bring socioeconomic problems

Straw man. Problems that come from a shrinking population are not country ending. Technology has significantly reduced the severity of problems caused by population decline.

Declining populations change slowly and can be easily reversed. Replacement happens much, much faster and the damage is not only permanent but grows exponentially. The immigrants have many children, so even if you completely stop immigration the problem continues to grow. Even if you stop immigration the ones who are there do not disappear.

Don-Keyhote ago

Declining populations change slowly and can be easily reversed.

LMFAO what does that even mean. It is OUR problem that compounds itself as each generation you're left with a further reduced pool of fertile women. There is absolutely a point of no return.

No country has incorporated technology as extensively as Japan and now some infrastructure --which men died building -- isn't rotting not worth the upkeep.

Japan is totally fucked and will be annexed by China, which is ALSO fucked. https://edition.cnn.com/2019/01/07/asia/china-population-decline-study-intl/index.html

The sequence of events is indisputable :

  • white women work, don't marry
  • fertility rate tanks as happens in any culture where women work
  • women vote in immigrant labor force to compensate
  • women fuck immigrants


Having no testicles or sperm yourself, you of course seek to avoid any solution demanding more whites impregnate white sluts.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

White women are the biggest nigger traitors they are dumber than niggers, and worst of all when they do reproduce it is with mulatto mongrels and White men are the biggest pussy whipped cucks they always white knight whenever someone criticizes muh ladies sexual opinions .

boekanier ago

Mislims don't fuck goats? Didn't you see the gif lately here on voat where muslims were filmed while busy fucking a goat? What are you trying to proof?

Don-Keyhote ago

It was clear what I was proving. I can't believe you're actually attempting to argue a meme is real. How fucking inept can one be

geekpuk2 ago

Poles forgot they were once refugees fleeing war and destruction when the Wehrmacht and the glorious Red Army met

The Red Army's boot never left Polish soil for 50 years. Plenty of Poles escaped the Iron Curtain. The filthy presence is everywhere in the free West

Refugees Welcome indeed,

canbot ago

These are not refugees. You present a false equivalency.

GritD2 ago

No , they REMEMBERED what it was like to be conned, have a foreign invasion , to lose their land, and then be the brunt of jokes for 50 years.

My-Name-is-Mud ago

I love the poles.

1Paydaddy ago

Good luck getting a meal from the Polski's.

Hebrew-Virus ago

Another example of the Polish people redeeming their reputation in an expedited manner.

Top KEK!

eongoat ago

You forgot Scene 2!

antiliberalsociety ago


hermes3xx ago

I would have made the goat male.

Schreiber ago

That would actually undermine the message because that is inaccurate.

When people exaggerate instead of focusing on the real obvious problems that everybody can see, that is where normalfags would stop taking you seriously.

Take the jewish problem for example. IF people would focus on the real big problem which everyone can see and has the biggest impact, such as federal reserve and media control, that would be a far more effective redpill than focusing on topics like jews drink goyim blood.

Thuleman ago

They're invaders, not refugees, brought in to replace you.

newoldwave ago

Poland has it right

Zoldam ago

Why is the sign in English?

mleczko ago

dla jaj

Schreiber ago

Why not?

Guy_Justsome ago

Because the Germans only speak German and the Spanish only speak Spanish in Hollywood movies. The real world is Star Trek: everyone speaks English everywhere.

antiliberalsociety ago

Wouldn't be the first time he spread fake news

Schreiber ago

Now that you mention it, why is this confirmed scammer still here?

Snicklesnork ago

Because Barbra Lerner Spectre told them to make the signs in English.

PHXSunlight ago

I think it's just because English is a lingua franca, and the messages reach more people that way.

VoatsNewfag ago

possibly for the same reason it's "refugees welcome" and not "fluchtlinge willkommen" in Germany.

Maroonsaint ago


WordCorrector ago

Calling something racist indicates that race is a priority in your reasoning. Therefore being preoccupied with things that involve race mean you're racist.

HoneyTrap1488 ago

It also makes someone dishonest and subversive when they claim otherwise, both of which are worse than being racist.

FreeThought ago

What does it mean when one misses the joke?

WordCorrector ago

I'm just being ironic.