antiliberalsociety ago

Labeling anyone calling out your frauds Anti-White

How Jewish of you. Atheism is a Jewish construct, and it's your ilk that murdered 20 Million Christians in The Holodomor. Amazing how you stand shoulder to shoulder with Christians, going so far as to call for all religions to unite to save the white race, then immediately bash them openly. Exactly what angle are you playing at?

Do I even have to ask?

Jehoshaphat ago

Cool story, fag.

TheBuddha ago

That's retarded. They have lots of say in what you do. Go try to buy an F-22, as a blatant example.

Don't be retarded. It's unbecoming and the goats almost universally despise you already.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

I admire your effort, even while surmising likely ineffectiveness in this specific application.

TheBuddha ago

I've got CCP to burn.