Merlynn ago

It is a false flag to shut down 8chan,Voat,and Gab. Doubt it has anything to do with Q,tho.

Adarcer ago

Yah totally stupid ... oh wait ..

Do a quick google search and notice the common thread in the articles I read a few of them but did not post them as it was all (((FAKE NEWS))). It's about calls for more censorship and yes even to give credibility to get people to give up their free speech willingly on FB and YT and get rid of there evil guns ! Oh and Blocking the Chans, Voat, GAb any site they don't control. Shooting was live streamed on facebook suspicious in itself as we all know how FB censors. Shortly thereafter NZ blocks the chans and liveleak on mobile devices and might actually go thru with full ISP blocking like china does. This as well as removing the manifesto and video is tampering/removing evidence.

.. He called out the chans, pewd and what's her name what those three all have in common is large followings, and they attack the narrative some more than others of course. His Goals are listed in his manifesto and one of the main things he wanted is to take guns away from legal owners of them. He had to make himself seem as conspicuous as possible with what they could call "white supremacist" writing on his tactical gear and his weapons in what looks like white paint marker.

Knowing all this how can you not see he was controlled opposition, or possibly a hastily trained clown operative. If he was a white supremacist why would he advertise make himself look like walking graffiti. Would not be surprised if he gets the book thrown at him for optics then either "Dies, or Escapes quietly" and then get relocated somewhere. This was a DS distraction to the released steele deposition IMO. Why was this not done in the USA (even tho in his manifesto he is targeting conservative and legal gun ownership) it would not have worked in america cause the shooter would have been gunned down.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Not all boomers. This one watched the video and recognized it as either exactly what one saw, that is, a white man fed up with cultural invasion and deciding to take a public stand, or a masterful simulation of a man with no combat or assault training except from video games shooting up a mosque somewhat ineptly while showing no evidence of tactical knowledge but successful only because he was confident, bold, and used the element of surprise. These false flags always look a little too good.

I'm going to go with the former. This didn't look staged or scripted to me.

Oh, and fuck boomers, my stupid fucking generation.

WhoreOfBabylon ago

You're alright.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Thanks, man.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SonOfRobin ago

If it's gets them to stop the censorship, good.

AtlantisAgain ago

Possibly. But when 8chan goes down......

Armpit_and_Ass ago

Wonder how that conversation went.

Hey guys. There's this really shitty website that's all buggy and laggy and can barely fulfill its primary function of serving images because its hosted on 20 year old hardware somewhere in the Phillipenes and is powered by pig shit like in that Mad Max movie and also just happens to be run by these guys that go by Master Blaster. Anyways, there's these really, really, really smart people that hang out there and they all have these secret decoder rings and they're following some asshole who says he has secret inside knowledge of how the Trump administration is working behind the scenes to bring down the so-called Deep State, which is really just fifty years of commies and liberals and more than a few jews who have entrenched themselves into the established bureaucracy and use their positions to influence government policy.

Anyways, so this supposed insider never just comes out and says what needs to be said, he makes these stupid, cryptic messages that can all be interpreted to mean just about anything, and all these really really smart people sit with their secret decoder rings and try to make it seem like Trump is actually about to do something, when in reality, his administration is totally crippled because it's infested with the same commies and liberals and jews that I mentioned before.

So, yeah. We totally need to shut down this website where all those smart people hang out. How's about we shoot up a mosque in New Zealand?

This is your brain on Q. waga1wagagabagaboo

Fancy451 ago

i showed my syrian coworker the video and the first thing he said was wheres the blood?

a point blank shot from .223 to the head should splatter it like an exploding watermelon.

Witsend ago

🏆here is your participation trophy kiddo. Now go get your helmet on, it's gonna get dangerous. Daddy's obviously not around to protect you so you are gonna have to learn to hide better.

contrarianism ago

obviously a FF targeting those sites.

markrod420 ago

It's not an impossible suggestion. They would need some kind of event to move to the next step. This guys internet troll status could provide a great platform upon which to do just that. I am not saying that's what I think is going on. I'm saying its plausible. They knocked down the damn twin towers to radically infringe on the constitution and completely alter our national views in certain rights. They would gladly shoot up a mosque to accomplish more of the same.

EnterTheUnKnown ago

I am not saying this has anything to do with Q, but a lot of you on here sure are quick to jump to a conclusion that fits your desired narrative, whatever that narrative is.

How about waiting for the dust to settle before you draw a conclusion. You know next to nothing about this situation, other than a bunch of muzzies were killed. What is the background of the shooter(s). Why did they pick this area as a target? What else has happened in this area in the past? What were their movements prior to this? Anyother social media activity, outside of the live stream and a curious manifesto? To me, this has lots of questions unanswered.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

I know the video made me cum twice.

MyTinyOpinion ago

I think it has more to do with shutting down free speech platforms & shutting down the Q research. Whether you believe in Q or not anons on 8chan have dug up all kinds of interesting/incriminating information & connections of politicians & the elite. They never let a tragedy go to waste

satisfyinghump ago

Put yourselves in their shoes. How many times have their been false flag attacks involving something we truly believe in, and we ultimately feel it was a false flag to quiet a certain movement?

These individuals truly believe in Q. Everything they do and see and read is qualified by Q. When they see the NZ attack they see it as a catalyst to take out a location used by Q members to discuss Q.

That's just how they see the world, a limited narrow scope.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

You’ve got to admit the Qtards do provide a continual source of amusement. Retards are funny. That’s why they used to be able to charge people to view the crazies at Bedlam.

a100167 ago

Of course these fuckin' retards would hahah

meglomaniac ago

I think if you take out Q itself, I think they might be correct.

Look how quickly censorship has swept the major media sites, calls for shutting down 8chan and 4chan have already been made and its barely been a day or two.

There is a LOT of hate speech on these websites (gab, voat, 4/8ch) which I love because i'm all for the debate of ideas, but its an easy target and its something I am absolutely positively not shocked to see governments try to suppress.

I'm honestly surprised that 4chan hasn't been pushed hard as a censorship target for years given its content.

If you take Q out of it, its a reasonable position.

Atomized_Individual ago

But that's not a conspiracy. The desire to censor is right out in the open.

meglomaniac ago

The conspiracy would be the FF to cause the censorship.

My point was that its not a huge leap to go "it might be a FF to push censorship of the chans", but its a bit much to go "to silence Q specifically"

Atomized_Individual ago

No evidence of a FF

meglomaniac ago

Hate to link to QRV given your position, but it does have a number of information laid out neatly.

Just saying.

Atomized_Individual ago

BQQMERS never back up their claims though. It's just a text wall with no links.

meglomaniac ago

At least half of those have links.

-Posts from the facebook of a Hotel in Islamabad with a picture

-Says how amazing and wonderful this muslim country is and the people

Those are common knowledge and have been posted repeatedly as well.

Atomized_Individual ago

No, I haven't seen a FB link detailing this, just talk about such a thing.

meglomaniac ago

I've also personally seen a screenshot of the FB post, although at a short glance I can't find it. I'll look and link it.

anoncastillo ago

The one terror atack that's not a false flag or CIA plot and they think it is.

TheSeer ago

He didn't go after the Wizard of Oz, he went after the winged monkeys. And we should applaud this?

anoncastillo ago

When the winged monkeys are invading you still have to remove their kebabs. It's a multi front war but don't fool yourself into thinking Islam would be peaceful if not for the Jews.

WickerMan ago

This wasn't a case of terrorism, it's partisan conflict.

anoncastillo ago

Tomato, tomahto. Not saying i don't support it, fuck Islam.

WickerMan ago

The wording is very important. Terrorists are bad guys partisans are non-professional soldier good guys.

Salicaz ago

That's because they're fucking spastics.

Timmy2 ago

You can get pretty stupid also, if you think all Boomers are Qfags. Hate them, not your own kind, regardless of age. The jews will have families killing each other with their propaganda.

Atomized_Individual ago

No, they just have the boomers locked into normie establishment ((( Repub/Dem ))) voting. Demographics are going to change faster than boomers are dying off.


The difference is I have yet to meet a single boomer that admits their generation is a complete piece of shit that sold the country out and continues to help ruin society because they won’t admit their failures.

Every millennial and Gen-Z on here will admit their generation sucks, but at least there are millennials and members of Gen-Z who are waking up and can admit this. People who are actually going to recognize what needs to be done and take action.

RonBennington ago

What about gen x?


There are good Gen X people. Half seem to be more like boomers, while the other half more like millennials. They are definitely not boomer tier faggots for sure though.

TheSeer ago

The stuff I disagree on with Boomers always shocks me. Like one who told me that they think rape gangs are real, but not child grooming gangs!


Sounds like a boomer. Brain dead to the core.

TheSeer ago

The reasoning was "I can't believe that". Huh?

Basically, only those far right people believe that, because I never read that in the NY Times or Washington Post. One boomer quoted me the Huffington Post. I asked if there was a newspaper called 'The Daily Communist', if they would read and quote that too!

Atomized_Individual ago

Some of them have awakened, but now I just punish the rest for being beyond help. v/BoomerOven

yellowthread ago

This granny thinks you're a low-effort faggot! WWG1WGA

Phantom42 ago

Nobody gives a shit if you're a woman, or a granny. If anything, it nullifies your opinion.

Here's your reminder that it was men building the empires.

UnknownAlias365 ago

Thanks for selling us out to the Jews like all other boomers.

Samchay6 ago

Tits or GTFO.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

Let me see those tits, granny.

Atomized_Individual ago


BigFatDaddy ago

Boomers are useless fucks who never did a single worthwhile thing in their lives while they sold western civilization out to the jews and shitskins. They can't fathom that a man might actually get fed up with this shit and fight back, because its something they would never consider doing.

SpeshulSnowflaek ago

What you say is true jn EFFECT. But I think the next redpill after accepting your post is this:

Boomers' kids are not magically smarter than their parents because humans did not suddenly get a boost to INT stats. Boomers are dumb and brainwashed because they were dead square in the crosshairs of weapons-grade jewry for 100% of their developing years, and the lion's share of the rest.

Just consider: boomers were jewed so hard that these people STILL pay $100+ cable bills every month so that they can be advertised to and brainwashed.

That doesn't absolve them of responsibility, but it should make us all ask the question: how can we recognize it when it happens again?

randomfuckingidiot ago

They grew up sucking down DDT, exposed to insane amounts of lead, and God only knows what they did to themselves in the 60s and 70s.

Lead exposure alone will turn you violent and retarded. That shit used to be in gas.

SpeshulSnowflaek ago

Oh yeah I had forgotten about lead in gasoline

FullSemiAutomatic ago

It's still in aviation fuel.

randomfuckingidiot ago

Tetraethyl lead?

Literally chemtrails 🤯

BigFatDaddy ago

I don't necessarily disagree.