70times7 ago

Except it was streamed live on govbook right?

Uncle_Tractor ago

I see they managed to shoehorn GamerGate in there as well. Sheesh.

brandon816 ago

There are plenty of radical islamists that become terrorists and do shit like this. But, of course these people won't call for them to be deplatformed as well.

SmokeyMeadow ago

It won't be. 8chan has operated as a honeypot for years. Sunshine is real.

admoae ago

it was definitely better than 4chan and gab

another digital space is being targeted, and it's only a matter of time before voat hits the list

trump isn't going to protect our platforms, he's already announced the death sentence for anyone who would stand up to (((THEM)))

so long as they can decide who to allow to perform financial transactions, they have all the power in the world to control us and destroy us

their control of us is systematic, and they view us as nothing more than a virus that needs to be eradicated

HillBoulder ago


PuritySpiral ago

Guy in New Zealand shot up two mosques of goatfuckers.

CarpenterforChrist ago

Anyone else notice this happened a day after the pedogate/pizzagate dump? Hopefully this is recognized as a false flag. Facebook should bear the brunt of this atrocity.

lanre ago

What pedogate pizzagate dump?

Diggernicks ago

Dear raptor Jesus no

There's enough faggots here already, we don't need more