HomerChimpson ago

How can they not see how absurd it is to think that a kid who doesn't even know what 'balls' are can make lifelong decisions about mutilating his genitals. He has none of the information required to make a determination, and none of the critical thinking skills required to think it through. Hes a fucking kid, for fucks sake, kids that age still think a man flies reindeer around once a year, and that a fairy buys their teeth, they are not ready to make long term medical decisions.

The fact that doctors pretend not to see this is disgusting.

solvire ago

This is torture. Those kids didn't chose anything. If i grew up to find a tiny dick because my "parents" were experimenting I would lose my mind.

PS - The toddler-sized dick is just genetics. I got no bones to pick.

shadow332 ago

These kids could sue their parents once they're 18 but if you think about it, how long does it take for these people to realize what has happened to them their whole lives?

Soyboy69 ago

implying they'll make it to 18 before joining the 40%

turtlesarepureevil ago

>it's the parents that are doing it, the people that should be most protective of their prodigy.


Who knows mental illness does seem to be hereditary.

shadow332 ago

Whoops, thanks for catching that. Most likely the offspring of these people are not prodigies! I made the edit.

shadow332 ago

This is only going to red pill people and break the conditioning. No sane person is going to look at this behaviour and not come to the conclusion it's blatant child abuse. This is the shit that pushed many to the right. Even gays hate the tranny groups. They went full retard and unironically pushed that (((non-binary))) bullshit then went to (((gender recognition))) for kids. All while having middle aged men in dresses as their ambassadors. They locked themselves in echo chambers and are in denial at the reality.

The question isn't IF this shit will be stopped, it is WHEN this shit will be stopped and how many innocent kids will be abused before it is. There are going to be countless people revealing historic abuse in years to come. The truth always comes out.