Cat-hax ago

It's all a plan to reduce the white population, notice how you almost never see faggot niggers, spics or chinks? This is legal sterilization of white CHILDREN.

GasChamber ago

"Notice the part in the story where the LGBT groups get involved and start giving him free legal aid instead of medical care. It's not until he says something wrong and they stop helping him he really moves off the reservation."

Remember the former KGB agent talking about useful idiots? As long as you're useful, they pretend to care. Everyone else gets sent to the gulags.

Charilko ago

So once again I google a name mentioned with this degeneracy (Stanley Bieber) and what do I find? Just guess. Hint: he ain’t Amish.

People who are emotionally invested in the LGBT cause always recruit. ALWAYS. If they tried to actually help this man, it would have meant admitting that maybe he was delusional. Which would have meant allowing for the possibility that they themselves are delusional. This cannot be allowed.

When we can’t look at ourselves out of shame or self-hatred, we try to make others like us instead. That way, you never have to admit you’re abnormal.

Stephen89 ago

Trannies/Mormons/Mudslimes face the same choice. Stop fucking children. Accept Jesus Christ. Or get the fucking wall.

dundundunnnnn ago

Don't forget the Talmud followers.

Pcpoet09 ago

the judge needs to be kicked off the bench

trevmon ago

no guy is gay or tranny unless they were sexually abused by a male as a child

women turn lesbian when they can't get a chad, or turn tranny and want to become a male because society tells them women are oppressed and men have all the power (they then regret it tho)

satisfyinghump ago

Imagine having to go so far as to mutilate not only your own body but get other people to lose their jobs and livelihoods from the complaining you've done about their difference of opinion... only to wake up one and realize you are wrong. Not only are you wrong but you may very well be seen as the reason, in our history books, that this shit spun out of control...

Doglegwarrior ago

Sounds like the lady roa from roe v wade. She completely switched and fought qgainst abortion the rest of her life.

trevmon ago

wow this is a huge kekked out fact that I never knew, just looked it up and you're right. Her real name wasn't roe, that was like a jane doe name, and she had falsely said she was raped to try to get an abortion, falsey accusing her mom's cousin, and her father had left so she was raised by a single mom! She robbed cash registers of convenience stores. She got caught kissing a female friend. Lot of unshocking things here. At least she woke up later and became pro life.

Blue333 ago

Yeah they just used her to further their agenda. She never even appeared in court. She signed over her rights to get some cash as she was not well off.

Doglegwarrior ago

Man im so tired of rabbit holes the jew media had the american non jews believing chopping baby dicks up was healthy!! What a fuckin joke. Disgusting and it is a real conspiracy between doctors and media goverment and especialy the jew led american pediatric assosiation. Look up how many male babies die each year from circumcisiom yet they march for gun control. More kids die from fucking falling out of beds then ar 15s.

Soyboy69 ago

More kids die from fucking falling out of beds then ar 15s.

...Do you want to end up with bed control laws? Pointing shit like this is how you get bed control laws.

Doglegwarrior ago

Lol! No of course not my liberal idiot friend said he was scared to let his kid go to school! I laughrd told him about bed deaths and said he should invest in bed seatbelts for his kid. Literaly retarded to worry a out guns and school shootings its so far down the list of preventable death to kids that it should never be mentioned.

TheSeer ago

Yep, and she never had an abortion either. But she felt terrible about how she had been used. They NEVER mention that part.

black_trash ago

Parents that beat or molest kids should eat a bullet. All this gender change stuff hides the trauma of abuse. These kids needs help but instead they get hormones. Sad.

AnonFrankly ago

True. On the other hand a few years later they give them adderol. It's legal abuse of children. Absolute monsters.

ardvarcus ago

A large portion of society is pathetically influenced by social trends, fads and prejudices. They never think for themselves, they just catch onto whatever social opinions are in the wind. Most of these "transgenders" fall into this category. They don't really know what they want, because they don't really want anything -- they cut their dicks off and let themselves get fucked in the ass because they think its fashionable and clever of them to do so. They have no moral code, no ethical principles, no common sense, to guide them, so they are prey to all the insanity that has arisen in our corrupted Western culture.

TheSeer ago

NPCs, in other words. The MSM is MASS MIND CONTROL.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Wouldn't that instead make them playable characters?

TheSeer ago

Programmable, perhaps.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

I like that more.

Iornukrum ago

Guess, they drew lots and that guy was the lucky one to undergo the change. Take one for the team and set precedence for gender litigation.

slevin_kelevra ago

Spread your arse, OP.

Maroonsaint ago

What if we want to fuck a tranny and at the same Time push them towards suicide. You gotta get personal to get stuff like that done

trevmon ago

why not both

Maroonsaint ago

Yea that’s what I’m sayin. Just strangle them to death while you’re inside them

trevmon ago

they like that