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CameraCode ago

Where can I learn more about actually enacting what you talk about in your two comments?

voatusernamevoat ago

I haven't written a book, just the posts. Most of it isn't unique, lots of people doing one aspect or another so a web search and youtube will get you all want to know about growing your own food, doing solar panels, water collection, waste management(again, lookup earthship on youtube for a non composte setup,) medical tourism, maintenance of xyz, home building, abc craft, welding, what have you. IRA, HSA, and general taxes is just going through basic tax forms, IRA and HSA contributions being general deductions that don't require being old, young, veteran, or handicap. Go to freedompop's website for the cell phone bit. hybrid/electric cars are hybrid/electirc cars, if you want to go cheap, used prius' can had for just a few k, 2nd gen or newer for hatchback, more useful, and there's and prius forums for repair and mods. If you're already versed in car repair you can go cheaper rebuilding a wrecked vehicle off copart, lots of youtube videos about going through that process from auction to rebuild, though in the priority of things, property tax, income taxes first. medical is bigger too but that savings doesn't come into play unless you're already ill to save on overly expensive medical costs. Property taxes, this is where things get tricky, changes from state to state, county, RV rules vary a little as well. A pain, but drastically dropping property tax is a good payoff. Look at what the taxes are for the piece of land of interest, zillow might have it, if you can id the property might be able to look it up on tax assessor site, though where I'm at they've recently made it harder to look up property tax info up by the general public, needing to be the owner(though I figured out how look at my neighbors tax info by adjusting the url from my own,) see what the rules are for sticking an RV on the property, if they allow it, check the RV rules, any sticklers they have for the particular location. State websites and tax assessors had property tax and RV rules when I was looking around for this info. Info can be hard to track down even once you get to the correct website, the feeling I get is they don't actually want to divulge how they do things, don't want an easy to follow map on how to avoid their taxes. If coming up short finding things online there's calling the court house/records office/tax assessor asking who you need to talk to, to find out. Setting up an investment firm? I haven't begun looking into that. I have been looking up how much it would take to buy out xyz companies and running costs; under a billion a year to run your own youtube or facebook, lots of banks with market caps way lower that 15-20 billion, even in the top 100. Max congress critter contribution is supposed to be $2700 per critter, a million people doing that could buy lots of critters. Most expensive court cases ever where 206b over 25 years for a smoking case, 7.2b for enron, so could weather perpetual lawfare. Looking up such things puts the scope of 15-20billion into view. I've been looking at credit cards, most are just badged mastercard/visa, it's not a usual line of inquiry to ask about how to do your own actual credit card company so info is harder to find.

CameraCode ago

Thanks for the information. You should write about ways to minimize contribution to the government and maximize personal wealth gain somewhere where the information can be accessed and more widely read. Many like-minded people are willing to buy and live off of land, become self-sufficient, etc., but don't have any idea about how to enact the specifics such as using as when to avoid higher tax brackets, how to find all possible deductions they can apply, and where to place investments to return a good profit while avoiding taxation to the greatest extent.

Most people have no idea about how the laws and regulations which they live under work, they mostly just accept it.

voatusernamevoat ago

Businesses that are apolitical that just follow the law would counter current jew tactics and a viable sales pitch to general population investors, and jews further expanding their attacks to middle of the road general public the_donald/republican/other types is creating a large market for an apolitical business model. An apolitical, just follow the law, tactic would be able to weather "racist" "White supremacist" etc. character attacks that jews will throw up, just like people ignored the same in voting for Trump, but I could see jews going after investors who dare to go against jew dictate, kicking them out of their banks, brokerage accounts, what have you, aka more non personing that's driving the setting up alternatives to begin with, which is part of why the "drop cost of living to nothing and the lowest of jobs enough to cover cost + left over for investing million Whites" bit, ready to weather jew attacks and still able to fight back financially in the face of it. Those with current financial entanglements maybe vulnerable to jew pressure, high cost of living, investments that need sustaining that if cut off or kicked out of their banks/brokerage account could put them at risk for large losses. A way to counter this ahead of time without being able to vet whether they're going to toe the jew line is to diversify holdings, preferably not in blatant jew establishments, credit unions instead of places like chase and goldman sachs, so that there's at least more time to shift things around even if jews eventually get them all cut off. I don't see this is hyperbolic either, it's what they're doing to payment processors, web sites, what have you; don't do business with x person(s) or we'll cut you off, so don't invest in y or we'll cut you off is no different. Neither seems legal but nobody is stopping them so here we are.

WolfShepherd ago

Saving this for later, please ignore my comment