vladtep ago

This is correct in the sense that spics will miraculously appear on the other side of it anyway.

WhiteWolfSS ago

A similar thing could happen in the USA like what happened in Australia. They made a big deal about stopping "refugee boats" from illegally entering Australia, but then let in 65X the number of "asylum seekers" on airplanes. 1000 on boats compared to 65000 on planes.

You get a wall built, but kikes still bring in thousands of invaders by air or across the Canadian border instead. The soviets had spies coming in from Canada constantly during the cold war. That faggot Trudeau would probably be glad to help flood the USA with shitskin invaders through his border.

A wall is only just a part of a solution.

Crikes ago

Dysgenics of welfate inevitably destroys all. Quicker if helped along externally, but eventually, just as absolutely locally.

nozeno ago

Walls are necessary-but-not-sufficient.

Laws need to be changed until invaders cannot obtain: birthright citizenship, healthcare, education, drivers licenses, employment, leases, mortgages, bank accounts, welfare, or any other citizen-funded benefits.

Given the state of the laws and government, none of this is really possible unless or until the current government is replaced.

DeadFox ago

Where do you think we are going to line the traitors up against?

NosebergShekelman ago

If goys were smart they would put bounties on all illegal heads. $100 a head to be brought to a deportation center that is funded by Mexico's foreign aid. Also arrest and fine anyone who uses illegal labor. No wall required. But us jews are glad that goys are so dumb and christ cucks hahaha shaloms

BumFightChamp ago

The traitor is the plague

lipids ago

Traitors like the fuckers hiring illegals.

the_magic_man ago

Basically, a traitor is someone with different political beliefs to you.

the_magic_man ago

As much as everyone thinks a wall will be the panacea to our ills

No one thinks this except the dumbest 10% of the population

Civil_Warrior ago

Step one build a wall.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat submission by @Crensch.

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speedisavirus ago

Talk about a low IQ title. It's almost like if you have traitors in your mist you want to stop external forces so you can deal with the traitors. Dumb kike.

Murdan ago

Tell me, oh wise one. After 8 years of trump and some candidate comes in that believes in open borders....how will those walls be treating you?

speedisavirus ago

Aw, you are retarded. We should put you with your own kind in Ethiopia.

Murdan ago

Why is the idea of an ethnocentric United States, to you, a Jewish subversive plot? Should we just sit back and trust the plan?

speedisavirus ago

What the hell are you talking about? We used to have places to put people like you.

Murdan ago

You, crensch and several others I'm sure will never answer my question, why is the idea of an ethnocentric United States a Jewish subversive plot?

wokeasfook ago

You, crensch and several others I'm sure will never answer my question

You're lying, we know you're lying, you know we know you're lying but yet you want an answer to your lie? Pretty fucking kikey.

The low IQ kikes are my favourites. You can smell the inferiority complex off them. Even nigs have less of an inferiority complex than the dumb kikes. Probably because nigs are supposed to be dumb so no big deal.

16829733? ago

We are waiting for proof that mister @crensch said anything you are claiming he did.

Assburgersandfries ago

It also means nothing when most illegal immigrants just fly in anyway.

TheSeer ago

Imagine an army besieging a medieval castle, with walls, but no soldiers ON THE WALLS. And traitors inside.

sguevar ago

Then it wouldn't be a siege...

syme_newspeakagent ago

-(((traitors)))- not just in our midst but controlling our midst ...

99887766 ago

You are gay

calfahul ago

I'm late to the party, but I'll say it, too. These are related but separate issues, and perfect should not be made the enemy of good. Those who are trying to defeat border security are saying "walls don't work" because some (significantly smaller) number of people will still circumvent them and because many more illegal immigrants and drugs come via other routes. That's trying to muddy the issue. The wall needs to examined and executed upon based on what it is and what it would accomplish, nothing more and nothing less. As far as I can see, the numbers are clear and a major, physical barrier along the traversable parts of the border is a modest monetary investment (by federal government standards) that will have a meaningful monetary and safety payoff.

It may not have been your intent, but you are indeed providing comfort and assistance to anti-border politicians and activists with this mindset.

Murdan ago

My mindset is build, repeal, enforce. Perhaps it wasn't as apparent to some people. I see I'm getting one or two people downvoting everything I'm saying here. But if you don't believe I want a wall, a repeal, and enforcement then I don't know what to tell you.

Murdan ago

Actually, I'm taking the conversation to its root. We're here in the first place because of traitors, now we know who the traitors are. We see the traitors haven't been arrested or prosecuted. We see a whole network of aiding and abetting. And when such a government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the duty of the people to overthrow such government. We still get a wall and we still go after traitors. Win...win.

Atomized_Individual ago

A political solution is no longer viable. Demographics will decline until ((( USDollar ))) collapse, which will have eugenic effects.

14WordsToFreedom ago

Agree, Wall is step one. You have to plug the hole in the boat before bailing it out does much good.

calfag ago

IMO, it's a pretty alpha move though, locking them all in.

riffwraff ago

Walls work fine regardless of traitors. However the bill Trump just signed makes walls useless because it is now illegal for ICE to detain or deport anyone even associated with an "unaccompanied minor," and also pays to bus these creatures from the border to the city where they instantly gain expandes welfare rights.

sallywoofs ago

Of course. You have to do both. Have a strong border and get rid of the traitors.

Crensch ago

2m 65ccp

sguevar ago

I don't know about you but this @Murdan writing style seems a lot like the @TexasVet dude wouldn't you say?

"One ethno-state US", "traitors in our midsts"... what are your thoughts on this @antiliberalsociety?

antiliberalsociety ago

Looks like his generic 14 words speech ripped directly from r_td

Murdan ago

What does that have anything to do with the point I was making.

It is one thing to stain a man with slander, but it is quite a jewish thing to disregard the merits of a man's ideas based on such slander.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

crensch is a jew


GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

No point in even replying to the shills. Anyone who responds to you by bringing up account age and ccp as if fake internet points matter, is a dumb shill. If they cant argue your talking points they arent worth your time. Dont cast pearls before swine.

snyxxx16 ago

No point in even replying to the shills.

Not when they keep trashing your stupid arguments without even trying.

kneo24 ago


Are you ever going to do anything about this user using multiple accounts to give themselves upvotes? The rest of the Voat see this transparently for what it is. I think a lot of us tire of seeing the platform being manipulated the way it is.

sguevar ago


Nice try to farm for upvotes. You keep adding alts to manipulate people and eventually brigade.

Begone shill.

@Crensch, @kevdude, @MadWorld, @Trigglypuff, @kneo24.

Crensch ago

Look at this Astroturfing group of faggots.

@kevdude @trigglypuff @expertshitposter @clamhurt_legbeard @Vindicator

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Gnashing is Savethechildren, anti-moon landing agent, flat earth promoter and tranny inspector.

All three of which are Jew tactics, incidentally.

Murdan ago

Why, crensch, are you trying to turn the idea of an ethnocentric United States of America into a Jewish subversive plot? Is it because I broke your programming? To me, the Jewish subversive plot would be to make people think their best interest is a Jewish subversive plot and go against what is best.

Crensch ago

Does it take a lot of effort to shove those words in my mouth? Or is that something you do everyday, Moshe?

Murdan ago

Begone JIDF, back to the shadow realm. I will not waste downvoting you because the truth is not compelled to democracy. The truth is and always will be.

Crensch ago

Murdan ago

Let's talk, enough with the grade school shit. Debate or stand down.

Crensch ago

Maybe you shouldn't have started putting words in my mouth if that's what you wanted.

Murdan ago

You called me a rabbi after I made it very clear what I wanted. Shall I reference your reply to what I wrote, or is evidence not good enough for you? I know what you are Crensch. I know you won't debate because it's not in your best interest for the US to be an ethnocentric country. Begone JIDF, people are sick of your shit.

Crensch ago

And not a single user here believes you.

Murdan ago

Its not about me crensch. It's about the message. It's about an ethnocentric US that will happen whether you like it or not. The only difference between then and now will be measured in how many lives will be lost earning that future for our kids. They deserve better than what you would take from them.

Crensch ago

It is about you. It's about you and your shekel pocketing shill Buddies getting caught before you even have the time to establish yourselves.

Everyone here has seen this song and dance before. You seem like an ally and then you turn slowly into a poison pill.

Don't worry, the user names you've burned here will get the attention they deserve soon enough.

Murdan ago

Then how would you fix the problem crensch, because all you do is call people out for being Jewish that want to fix the fucking problem. How would you do it? Trust the plan? Should we just sit back and trust the plan? What fucking plan?!

Crensch ago

@Trigglypuff just showed every human reading the comments here why you are a kike.

What's funny is you low IQ Jews will never understand how she managed to do that.

Murdan ago

The fact you are in tight with triggly and beckon a cast of other characters to you makes it all the more obvious what you are. You still never answered my question. Should we sit back, do nothing and trust the plan?

Murdan ago

I'm calling for protests and a real fucking movement. The fact our supposed representatives would rather give Israel billions of dollars and barely any used for our own security and defense is very problematic. When our alleged representatives bend the knee for AIPAC it makes it that much worse.

Crensch ago

The fact that you don't know how this website works makes everyone that does know exactly what you are, Jew.

Murdan ago

The fact you can't answer simple question and use mob tactics make it utterly apparent who you are. I'm not interested in up votes or fake internet points, I won't try to force the truth with consensus since the truth can't be compelled by a democratic vote. You are the manipulators... And I found you.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

Youre not supposed to engage with the shills. Ill upvoat you anyways, but they are here to waste your time and get you riled up. Block and ignore is best thing to do in my opinion.

Crensch ago

2 day old account argues like a Jew.


Crensch ago

This is (((their))) new talking point now that its obvious the wall is going up.

@kevdude @Vindicator @heygeorge @MadWorld @gabara

Murdan ago

You misunderstood entirely what I was saying. I never said, "don't build a wall." I even alluded to what I was saying regarding letting people in regardless of walls. We have traitors in this country who, even if there is a wall, will just sign an emergency declaration and let the hordes in and not kick any out. We still need walls but what are walls without strict enforcement?

My goal was to get people to start thinking how we can nip this in the bud sooner than later because, demographically speaking, people like me won't have any real leaders to elect anymore.

Crensch ago

Thanks for stating the obvious and pushing that blackpill, Rabbi.

Murdan ago

Crensch I've seen you before. I know how you work. This isn't a black pill. A black pill is accepting defeat. I don't want defeat. I want victory. Complete and utter victory. I want a wall, I want a repeal of hart-celler, I want enforcement of the damned laws. I want that 65% white population to be 100% if we can.

I know how you work crensch, you can try to sick your mob on me all you want. But the truth is not compelled to abide by a democratic vote.

Tell me crensch, how would you turn the tide? Because all you do is call people Jewish who want to fix this damn mess. Which, really makes me question why you're trying to turn the idea of an ethnocentric United States as a Jewish plot.

Crensch ago

"Goyim, the wall is meaningless because reasons!"

Murdan ago

You are misrepresenting what I typed because I know what you are crensch. You only recoil when found out and you're especially active today. Tell me, why are you trying to turn the idea of an ethnocentric United States into a Jewish subversive plot? Because to me, what you're doing makes more sense when you are the one being a Jewish subversive.

Crensch ago

"Why are you saying all these things I say you are saying, goyim?

What? Evidence that Crensch said these things? I have MOUNTAINS of evidence. But I won't show you!"

Murdan ago

Still you haven't responded and only doubled down, a very JIDF tactic. Why is the idea of an ethnocentric United States, to you, a Jewish subversive plot?

Crensch ago

All you've done is put words in my mouth. You don't really have any room to talk.

Murdan ago

All you have done is waste valuable time fighting against, if you are a true American, another American who sees the world as it is and wants to start having these conversations more. The silent majority must roar. We must roar against the tide of shit heading our way and push back.

Crensch ago

Leave it to a Jew to tell Real Americans what Real Americans are or are not.

Just keep digging, rabbi.

Murdan ago

What is an American to you crensch, let's stop the petty shit and talk it out. You and me right now. Let's do this. Man to man debate in front of this message board. I'll put my arguments on the line if you will.

gabara ago

We're going to build a wall across our border with the United States, and we're going to make Israel pay for it.

Crensch ago

Israel will pay for so much.

Plan_of_action ago

The end of the entire modern paradigm will come before Israel would give the US a penny.

Murdan ago

Our representatives made it very clear that they will all bend the knee for AIPAC and not flinch when asked to give Israel more.

Crensch ago

It's called slave labor. Generational. Never being treated like a human.

And that's if we choose to leave even one of them alive.

Otherwise, we'll have some great lamp shades.

con77 ago

I hope he builds a 75 ft concrete slab

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Steel wall rebuilds American steel industry.

Then we use them to rebuild our Navy, our tanks, our bridges, our economy....

con77 ago

Works for me. I feel rage when I see Acosta, Waters, and Pelosi lie and say this is a manufactured crisis.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

It is!

They manufactured it!

They always sneak truth in. It's their way....

GoylentGreen ago

Agreed, a wall is nothing without harsh immigration law that deters aliens, and the entire illegal immigration argument is a distraction from the fact that we let millions of foreigners legally become citizens every year. Repeal hart-celler, THEN worry about a wall.

OmarComin ago

Yeah, we need to punish people who hire illegal immigrants. Oh wait...


GoylentGreen ago

Oh I get it, you think anyone against flooding our country with foreigners is a fan of Trump.

“I want people to come into our country in the largest numbers ever”- Donald Trump

Only a fucking retarded neocon Trump supporter or a DNC shill have anything to gain from continuing to portray Trump as a nationalist, pro-white candidate. He’s a globalist shill through and through.

Murdan ago

This guy gets it. We need a repeal and strict enforcement with prosecution for all traitors.

MrPim ago

You pretty obviously need to both build and maintain walls And kill traitors the entire time. You can't use the existence of traitors to argue against walls.

NPCGator ago

Exactly, IMHO you need the wall first to stop people from just walking in on their own then go after the traitors here that'll try and find ways around it.

Murdan ago

Never said we don't need walls, but traitors need to go first or next election a national emergency will be refugees and letting them all in. If you just make it about building a wall you are only treating a symptom and not the cause. We have to nip this in the bud.

Assburgersandfries ago

treating a symptom

No, you're delaying the symptom. A wall isn't going to keep people out, it just delays them.

WanderingTaurus ago

Maybe it isn't about keeping people out, but keeping people in. Hard to move around so easily when you have flight privileges removed and easier to monitor you if your other usual routes to allies blocked off.

altident ago

Is there any historical precedent for a national emergency being declared for the sake of people who live in other nations?

Murdan ago

You type that as if traitors need historical legal precedent to subvert the country in which they reside?

altident ago

I wasn't saying they needed it, I was asking if there are any examples of that happening in the past. I'd doubt there are, because I doubt it can be done. People dying in Peru is not an American national emergency, by definition.

CarpenterforChrist ago

Are there walls around your house? Why?

Murdan ago

Found the rabbi, oy vey. Hey traitor, I never said we didn't need walls. But since we elect leaders and since the demographics are such that our leaders won't be "our" leaders much longer, I'd rather nip this in the bud sooner than later.

sguevar ago

Nice try projecting your shilly nature to others son.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I like how this new shill keeps attacking established users.

sguevar ago

Yup and I think is an alt of @TexasVet due to the writing style.

MadWorld ago

@antiliberalsociety get your ass here XD.

antiliberalsociety ago

Sorry I was out of town on a property hunt. We'd never be able to prove it but it definitely looks like his 14 words speech he himself can't stand up to.

MadWorld ago

Both seem to exhibit same timezone or routine. This will become more obvious as the account is aged.

sguevar ago

I mean wouldn't you say it is? Look at his writing style is way too similar to the one of that LARP.

MadWorld ago

It does appear similar. But @TexasVet does not edit his submissions so often.

I went to search his submission history and found something noteworthy. Are you aware of that egotistic faggot @TexasVet who ran discord server:


Come check us out. Its a good group. https://discord. gg/tr6h9ae (remove space in front of the gg)

He used it to call for brigade and doxxing, according to @RamblinRambo


Yet on your server you ask people to vote brigade voat, you have people calling for the doxing of others, me included, and you have the audacity to pretend you're the one who's been wronged. Go fuck yourself.

sguevar ago

Yeah I think this was brought to light by @Crensch year or two ago.

MadWorld ago

Faggot @TexasVet is still lurking here and sometimes hiding in anon. The latest one was a little over an hour ago.

TexasVet ago

I am busy. Working overtime. I am not "lurking".

Thanks for thinking of me. You still can't sleep with me though. I already told you I'm straight.

MadWorld ago

I am not "lurking".

Your votes are a giveaway.

antiliberalsociety ago

No room in that trailer

sguevar ago

I am surprised though that neither one has attempted to disprove my claim. Highly suspicious to say the least.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Oh even better!

Hahaha, what a scumbag.

sguevar ago

ROFL I hear you

CarpenterforChrist ago

Rabbi's don't believe in Jesus Christ. Matter of fact, they had him killed.

Murdan ago

I am gratified we are on the same page. I have walls around my house because my house is ethnocentric and aware of enemies. I can trust the people not to one day unlock the doors and invite hordes of gibmedats in.

CarpenterforChrist ago

I agree, we have too many traitors in this country. But God is exposing them one by one.

Murdan ago

God isn't exposing them, their lying tongues are. They are of their father the devil and as such suffer the same sins of the unholy father: one of which is pride. They are so proud of their works they must tell all, it is their nature.

CarpenterforChrist ago

Some people still deny what is being said, even though the Truth is slapping them in the face.

sguevar ago

He doesn't understand the Word of God. No point in arguing with Him about it.

Tallest_Skil ago

Because there aren’t any nonwhites in them. Get a new argument.