Le_Squish ago

I noticed that unburnt one had the nerves to talk shit about you and make statements that were so obviously false and not ping you.

kneo24 ago

They at least recognize Crensch, which means they've been here long enough to know who he is. It's a guess of how much longer than two months they've been here, but clearly longer than two.

kneo24 ago


I got your back, Crensch.

Crensch ago

Thanks, bud.

Oh man, that title is an abortion of spelling. My sincerest apologies, @Trigglypuff. I have only the terrible excuses of being sick IRL and also mobile at the time of posting.

sguevar ago

Quite fun.

Diggernicks ago


Crensch ago

" we will just summarize this for you, goyim! no need to read it for yourselves!

sguevar ago

Go ask for shekels elsewhere.

Diggernicks ago

You fags are such a stereotypical bunch of sheeple.

Don't deviate from the hivemind/company line even a little


sguevar ago

You are one to talk about a hivemind xD.

Diggernicks ago

New here eh?

sguevar ago

ROFL nice trying to project your noob nature son.

Try harder ;)