Whiteflourguy ago

Fuck the Pigs, If I need help I don't call Pigs. For 1 there are no Pigs near me, They are on duty maybe 16 hours per week and if we called for something bad they would go the other way.

rejectedfromreddit ago

FD starts of around $13/hr

NosebergShekelman ago

This is anti-semitic because IDF trains American police departments.

daskapitalist ago

To be fair, the IDF is dealing with neighbors that wants to murder them down to the last man, woman, and child. Their methods make some kind of sense in that context.

Why US PDs train with them is baffling. It's like elementary school hall monitors taking tips from "Taken" on how to ensure Little Timmy doesnt get kidnapped on his way to the loo.

NosebergShekelman ago

Yes, and those pesky Ethiopian black jews won't leave us alone either!

wt1984yb ago

Cops are lying sacks of shit. Protect and serve my ass.

bfriend13 ago

Don't have a lot of respect for the police but fire guys are pretty bad. In Los Angeles they got rid of the head of inspection because he actually made the fire inspectors do their job. The fire union complained to the mayor and that was it. Now volunteer fireman are a better group from what I hear.

DeadFox ago

Yeah, one is a fire stopping service, the other is an army

GuftaGess ago

Me getting KILLED by that guy...* FTFY

stealthninjataliban ago

Firefighters are PC faggots usually. Modern buildings don't even catch on fire.

Jay_Mac ago

After Charlottesville how can anyone of us here say we love the police? If you do you are a boot licker.

Hand_of_Node ago

Are you aware that people who use the term 'boot licker' are in the lowest demographics of society?

Fafnirs_Throwaway ago

Found the boot licker.

Hand_of_Node ago

Hello, dreg of society. I will metaphorically wield the policemans leg to kick you in the boot licker.

crunchyCookie1 ago

You really need to get to know some cops. I'm sorry, bud, but you don't know what the heck you're talking about. They do so much more than you realize---they just don't brag about it like the FD does. They save lives every week. What the hell do YOU do? Have you done CPR on a dead baby for 35 minutes just doing everything you can to bring it back to life? Have you cut down teens from rafters? Saved a homeless man's life? Watched brains roll down the walls of a house or seen them splattered over the Thanksgiving Day Meal from people who have taken their lives? Have you been to domestic fights and had to help families in their darkest hours? Roll up on mangled cars and had to sort it all out? Have you had hear the shrill screams after notifying a mom her child was killed in a crash? My best friend, cop, has had to do all of that....and that is just a tiny FRACTION of the stuff he deals with.
He works tirelessly with the mental health department to develop relationships with each known person in their area who are dealing with mental health to ensure safety for both this growing community of distressed citizens and his officers. He grieves those babies, the teens, the families. He LIVES those moments** WITH** people. He can't drive through his town without remembering all of those calls. So, you know what....take your ill-informed butt down and get to know some cops.
They hate those tyrannical laws, too. So be a good citizen and if you have an issue with a law...call your freakin' legislator. They're exhausted and too busy dealing with the frickin' social degradation of our country.

SubhumanTorch ago

There are IQ requirements that they have to go under to pass as a cop. https://www.globalresearch.ca/us-court-ruled-you-can-be-too-smart-to-be-a-cop/5420630

Pretty much the slow kid from school, still mad at the world for getting bullied over shitting himself and they give him a badge, a gun and a crew of similar misfits. All these cops do crazy shit news stories aren't mistakes, it's designed by (((guess who))) to be like that.

crunchyCookie1 ago

Yeah, engineers wouldn't be able to handle it. I know I sure couldn't. Dealing with a$$holes like you...there would be a lot more deaths. They need book smarts, street smart, AND people smarts.

SubhumanTorch ago

Cops aren't "people smart", they are retards with guns. The only reason people "respect" them is because they have built a legacy of fear. They show some degree of "street smarts" when they turn of their body cams before doing really sadistic shit, but given how stupid they are in average they don't even manage to do that sometimes. Case in point the family guy they tazed in the balls, was a big story like yesterday.

Hand_of_Node ago

That "family guy" is a meth addict who's already back in jail for a new crime.

crunchyCookie1 ago

I don't know if you know this, most agencies have extensive review processes for any and all Use of Force. And the LAST thing any cop wants to do, usually, is shoot someone. Their lives change forever after such an event. Think about how many incidents/calls occur every day, in every agency, across the country. Now, how many unfair shootings do you hear about? Keep the hate in perspective. Don't be manipulated by MSM. Fight the REAL tyranny.

SubhumanTorch ago

We only hear about the unfair events when cops royally fuck up in covering up their tracks. In this specific incident the whole fucking department is willing to lie for that pos, msm isn't even blaming the cops, the outrage comes from regular people who have seen the recording online. And then we have police apologists like you and the guy above claiming that the victim was a criminal. He asked the cop why he had to provide id (which he didn't have to do according to the law btw) and the cop saw that as resisting and started physically abusing the guy. They were so afraid for their lives they had to sit three guys on top of him, have a fourth guy pull down his pants and tase him in the nuts, in front of his family. They describe this as if they "found" meth on the perp after "restraining" him for "resisting".

His crime was talking to a cop, never talk to cops.

Hand_of_Node ago

I've been on a couple ride-alongs, but there are too many to get to know them.

GoylentGreen ago

Your LEO buddy did CPR on a baby for 35 minutes without EMS taking over? I find it hard to believe that the fire department didn’t arrive on scene and facilitate transfer of care to Fire/EMS for 35 minutes on a Pediatric Cardiac Arrest, especially when there are regulations that dictate FD/EMS response times ESPECIALLY on emergent calls. I’m sorry but that story is fishy as fuck.

crunchyCookie1 ago

EMS was there. He was doing the job, so they worked on other things.

Hand_of_Node ago

The lowlife demographics are overrepresented on voat, although there is some question about their actual political orientation and genetic background.

Soyboy69 ago

I bitch about both.

NancyNY2 ago

Call the FD next time you need help

altident ago

They have the same phone number

RebelJohnny ago

5 times as many cops die in the line of duty every year than firefighters, meaning niggers are more dangerous than a raging inferno.

MDEneverdies1488 ago

Meanwhile in Europe..

solvire ago

citing statistics? in LA I hear about fire fighters dying more than cops. Hell i hear about everyone dying more than cops.

GoylentGreen ago

Any discussion about line of duty deaths should be secondary to suicide. Law enforcement, Fire and EMS lose more people to suicide than line of duty deaths every year.

glassuser ago

About three and a half times, not five, but you're on the right track and not too far off. But that's by straight death numbers, not percentages.

It looks a little more dangerous for cops if you look at it by rate. The number is the rate of occupational injury by full time equivalent worker (total injury divided by total hours worked by the class of employee, all times a presumed number of full time hours for 100,000 employees), so think of it as a factor of how likely any employee in that field is likely to die per hour they work. All numbers are from 2017, and include only civilian occupations, not military.

Cops have a rate of 12.9, while "management occupations" is 1.1. Which means we have a lot more cops than managers. I think there is something to get out of that. Looking at a subset of "managment occupations", "Farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural managers", the rate 24.0. So you're twice as likely to die per hour of running a farm or ranch than as a cop.

But wait, there's more. "First-line supervisors of landscaping, lawn service, and groundskeeping workers" is 21.0, and "Grounds maintenance workers" is 15. So Juan and Pedro mowing your yard are more likely to die at work than a cop. "Taxi drivers and chauffeurs" are comparable to cops, at 10.4. "Driver/sales workers and truck drivers" are 26.8, "Refuse and recyclable material collectors" 35.0 (your garbage man is three times as likely to die at work as a cop), "Aircraft pilots and flight engineers" 48.6, "roofers" 45.2, "Logging workers" 84.3, "Fishers and related fishing workers" mother fucking 99.8...

Let me just make a table, that should help. Do note the high margin of error on the first two categories, but it doesn't change this conclusion. Basically, cops are twentieth on the list.

num Characteristic Total fatal injuries Total hours worked (millions) Fatal injury rate Margin of error
1 Fishers and related fishing workers 41 82 99.8 34.6
2 Logging workers 55 126 84.3 20.2
3 Aircraft pilots and flight engineers 59 230 48.6 7.6
4 Roofers 91 403 45.2 6
5 Refuse and recyclable material collectors 30 172 35 7.5
6 Structural iron and steel workers 14 84 33.4 9.1
7 Driver/sales workers and truck drivers 987 7341 26.8 0.9
8 Farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural managers 258 2153 24 2.2
9 First-line supervisors of landscaping, lawn service, and groundskeeping workers 53 504 21 2.5
10 Farming, fishing, and forestry occupations 264 2387 20.9 1.9
11 Electrical power-line installers and repairers 26 279 18.7 3.1
12 First-line supervisors of construction trades and extraction workers 121 1391 17.4 1.2
13 Maintenance and repair workers, general 87 1046 16.6 1.3
14 Miscellaneous agricultural workers 154 1736 16.4 1.8
15 Transportation and material moving occupations 1443 18068 15.9 0.4
16 Helpers, construction trades 11 127 15.7 3.6
17 Grounds maintenance workers 191 2406 15.5 0.9
18 Construction laborers 259 3613 14.2 0.6
19 First-line supervisors of mechanics, installers, and repairers 35 533 13.1 1.7
20 Police and sheriff's patrol officers 95 1476 12.9 1
21 Construction and extraction occupations 965 15698 12.2 0.3
22 Mining machine operators 7 120 11.7 3.4
23 Natural resources, construction, and maintenance occupations 1643 28143 11.5 0.2
24 Operating engineers and other construction equipment operators 45 763 11.3 1
25 Other extraction workers 7 129 10.8 3.1
26 Taxi drivers and chauffeurs 62 1176 10.4 0.9
27 Production, transportation, and material moving occupations 1664 34975 9.4 0.2
28 Painters, construction and maintenance 44 986 8.9 0.8
29 Athletes, coaches, umpires, and related workers 24 503 8.7 1.1

Note that you should see the sourced spreadsheet to understand the categories. Some are nested, but the presentation of categories is not straightforward. For example, "Aircraft pilots and flight engineers" is a subset of "Transportation and material moving occupations", but not all other subsets are listed in the source table.

Source: "Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI) - Current and Revised Data " https://www.bls.gov/iif/oshcfoi1.htm#rates - direct link to spreadsheet: https://www.bls.gov/iif/oshcfoi1.htm#rates

daskapitalist ago

If you look at the causes of police injuries and deaths on the job, they're almost all from car accidents. Much as Voat loves to circlejerk about <racial epithet of choice> being a hazard to cops, it's pretty much a rounding error. The real hazard to cops is that driving a car around town all day is a relatively dangerous profession, whether you have a badge or a taxi medallion.

Which makes it immediately obvious that police claiming they need to shoot first and ask questions later "for their safety" are full of bollocks. If they really cared about their safety, they'd buy vehicles with better crash safety ratings.

glassuser ago


Which makes it immediately obvious that police claiming they need to shoot first and ask questions later "for their safety" are full of bollocks. If they really cared about their safety, they'd buy vehicles with better crash safety ratings.

And definitely yep.

Octoclops ago

So fishermen are the real heroes.

VapidGopher ago

Fantastic post, so much information and you even listed sources!

I was just going to say firemen don’t have to worry about saving a cat from tree and having the cat pull a gun on them, or an ambush from other cats while responding to a distress call. Not to mention the other shit of drunk people, resolving violent stupid arguments and whatever other absurd stuff they have to respond to.

I appreciate firemen but i can’t imagine too many things going wrong when responding to the smallest of emergencies. YouTube has several body cam vids of police responding to small emergencies that quickly escalate into gunfire because the suspect pulled a gun. Police risk a lot more everyday than firemen do.

solvire ago

great info! thanks for sharing.

Jay_Mac ago

So the most dangerous careers involve driving? LMAO loggers, fisherman, and miners btfo.

cthulian_axioms ago

Open-ocean fishing is dangerous for many other reasons than the simple operation of a vehicle.

Diggernicks ago

Idk about whatever shithole state you live in but where I live 900+ people died in traffic accidents last year. That's a large number.

Granite_Pill ago

Furthermore, the number one killer of LEO's is traffic accidents, not suspects.

glassuser ago

I couldn't easily find a citation to back that (or to refute it), but it wouldn't surprise me one bit.

FuckBlackRifleCoffee ago

I pass a garage everyday that services police cars for a department that totals maybe two or three dozen vehicles. There is a new wrecked police car probably every other month.

SIayfire122 ago

Is that per capita or overall?

Diggernicks ago

Per man hrs worked

glassuser ago

Overall. Cops beat management workers in death rate per hour worked. But LOTS of others beat out cops. See my post, documented, charted, and sourced: https://voat.co/v/politics/3040932/16823966

Scrambles23 ago

I think a better analysis would include work related injuries instead of only deaths. Also there is a difference between police deaths and deaths in an occupation such as farming. If you are killed on a farm you likely did something stupid and didn't follow safety procedures. A cop can follow every tactic and best practice they have been taught and still get shot.

Diggernicks ago

Some work is just inherently dangerous due to the unpredictability of nature. Fisherman and linesman have to deal with the weather, no way to predict it accurately no matter what the lies the eco niggers spout.

Diggernicks ago

Police are spineless little bully bitches. Take off that tin star and gun and you've got a bunch of cowards

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

You forgot stupid.

crunchyCookie1 ago

They are braver in 5 minutes of their shift than you will ever be in your entire lifetime.

Granite_Pill ago

Police are the lowest form of life on earth. Entitled dingbats who can't cut it in the private sector, so they seek shelter in government employment.

Cops are nothing more than glorified DMV employees with a gun. We're supposed to respect them because they had to go to an obstacle course for 6 months and have to sit in a car all day? Give me a break.

alele-opathic ago

He's right you know. Bravery is what those who stand up to the police have. The police have no bravery because they rely instead on bringing guns to a fistfight, more men with guns to a knife fight, robots with bombs to a gunfight, etc.

The whole point of Shock and Awe is overwhelming force, intended to demoralize an enemy into simply giving up. The are literally trained not to be brave. 'Your goal is to go home at the end of your shift'.

Hand_of_Node ago

Of course we don't. They're our employees. If you self-identify as a scumbag or a lowlife, then stick out your tongue and start licking.

crunchyCookie1 ago

You're a spoiled moron who lives in safe country because of "a$$hats" like him. You want to fight a fight. Go down to your legislature and fight the dumb-ass, unfair laws. Go Fight the Unions so it's easier to get rid of the bad cops.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

I guess you need someone else to call you an asshole. Take the hint, goose-stepper.

dcosta77 ago


Neral ago

Do people really ask this? That's a whole new level of retard if they do.

AinzOown ago

No, OP is just a faggot making a strawman. No one compares or complains about FD vs PD.

The criticism of PD is fair in some cases however I'd wager there's far more officers that don't do that bullshit than do, but every time that shit happens it gets blown up on the media. Most notable recently was that kid in athletic shorts playing Simon says with the cop with a rifle and got blasted while crawling to him. On a much lesser note I get pissed at the cops shooting dogs too. There was the nog cop who shot a little yelpie dog in a family home with kids inside. Shrapnel hit a girls eye. It's a little dog you bitch, just kick it.

glassuser ago

Yeah, FD will look at things and make sure there's a reasonable chance of survival before rushing in.

jewish_nigger_faggot ago

The job of the fire department is to save people and minimize the damage in dangerous emergency situations.

The job of the police is to enforce the law. The law is designed to genocide white people and enrich jews.