DeadFox ago

What? Multiculturalism isn't enough? Aren't you happy with feminism? You don't like gays sexualizing ten year olds? Was destroying the family unit not thanks enough goy?

fhaqyu ago

pretty sure 9-11 was their way of saying Thanks

Highonfire ago

No, somehow white americans are made to feel guilty for the holocaust despite the millions of dead men we sent to prevent it.

fluhthreeex ago

Slow it down and see if you can catch the time-stamp Bro Nathanael drops the nuke (3:00 aka 1500 military time aka 1 + 5 + 0 + 0 = 6 in jewmerology = 6 sided mark of the jew, and so many other things)



maxoverdrive ago

Jews care as as much about "muh genocide" as niggers care about "muh slavery". All they really want is a) shekels, and b) the death of whites everywhere - preferably after they've raped all of our children.....

lanre ago

They have this:

"Recipients who choose to live in the State of Israel are entitled to a pension equal to the average national wage and free health care, as well as assistance with housing and nursing care."

markrod420 ago

yeah its called flooding western society with subhuman apes, thanks goyim.

BoyBlue ago

They just piss and shit on everyone then wonder why we FUCKING hate them so much. I worked with a lot of jews and hated them because they treated people like human garbage. The ones that weren't mean were weird.

Doglegwarrior ago

God damn how had i not thought of this? I think its weird that no one talks about the fact that none of the claimed murder camps were not in germany! If it was hitlers final solution and he ordered it why the fuck would he out source it?

abewasatallman ago

Good question.

dundundunnnnn ago

Never forget. Armenian Genocide.

ZOGShill ago

Democratic president brought the US into WWII

Jews have voted for Dems ever since

What more thanks do you expect?

HighEnergyLife ago

Did the blacks thank America for ending slavery? Do they know there's still slave trading in Africa?

whatisbestinlife ago

No. ive even seen on social media brits being blamed for the holocost because they share the same ethnicity. ive seen them blamed for not acting quick enough and for letting it happen in the first place. nothing but contempt for the rescuers. throw them in the lava pits

Pissed_Off_Vet ago


I_Always_Lie ago

No because they didn't make up the holohoax lie until well afterwards.

goytoynamedtroy ago


HighEnergyLife ago

Exactly correct

regulator1488 ago

Kikes deserve a real complete holocaust down to the last frozen embryo in a laboratory freezer. It's them or us.

idle_voating ago

No, Jews don't even consider non jews to be people, just livestock. To them building monuments to all of the people who "saved them from the holocaust" would be like building monuments to horses and cattle. The inbred, diseased creatures actually think that they're superior.

Here is one good piece to educate about jews. Here is another.

Walk1 ago

The Jews should have been pulverized for being such perverts and for trying to usurp Germany. The fact they take and steal from us proves that the Nazis were right.

ironnickel ago

No. I feel no guilt questioning the holocaust as long as the one component missing from the story is gratitude to the US or USSR for liberating camps and then completely bending over backwards to accommodate them after the fact.

srgmpdns ago

Not for nations, but individuals, there's this:

Righteous Gentiles

and this list of famous Righteous Gentiles:

Guy_Justsome ago

Here's a righteous gentile who got a big ole' fuckin' thank you.

idle_voating ago

Oskar Schindler is a fictional character, he is about as real as Walker Texas Ranger or Commander Shepard from Mass Effect.

admin2 ago

The movie was VERY biased and distorted, making THAT depiction wholly fictional, but the fable is built upon a REAL person who did SOME of the semi-benevolent actions.

fluhthreeex ago

Slow it down and see if you can catch the time-stamp Bro Nathanael drops the nuke (3:00 aka "1500" military time aka 1 + 5 + 0 + 0 = 6 in jewmerology = 6 sided mark of the jew, and so many other things)

dundundunnnnn ago

It's funny because it's true.

muzzieniggerjew ago


King_Leopold_II ago

No, monuments cost shekels.

popsikle ago

yeah, but even if (((they))) considered it, (((they))) would do it with america's money like they do everything else with america's money if (((they))) were really thankful...


Ha! Why should you be thanked? It was the least you should do you filthy infidel.

King_Leopold_II ago

Ha! Why should you be thanked? It was the least you should do you filthy Goy.


grandmacaesar ago

The commies saved all the ones in the death camps. {cough}

30YOBoomer ago

Recreational resorts. The Nazis would've even given them free WiFi had it existed.

The_Prophets_Profit ago

All whites share equal blame for the holohoax.

edgelord666 ago

DAE le holohoax??

lol dumb hillbilly

wvfgpa ago

Hey jew, I challenge you to disprove a single thing in this folder:!rjhGSC6I!7o327OSRgtR8Tjmwbi_Ngg!T7Jj0CaA

wokeasfook ago


What do you mean?

Wait are you saying the Holocaust really did happen? I always thought that was just a ghost story to scare kids.

Isn't it?

Are you really here to tell me that the Holodomor Holocaust really did happen? Fuck. That's devestating.

ForTheUltimate ago

Here goy, I have a court order to pay reparations for totally legit liabilities from activities of yours truly.

Newmemba ago
