moviefreak ago

system ,flyawayhigh, heygeorge, Terrorist, and guinness2 must be the gayest genderconfused shills on all of Voat. I hope you all die a slow painful death.

Disgusting jews as you are.

puggy ago

plot twist: one on the right is dead

HappyMealBullshit ago

and an illegal immigrant.

TheAntiZealot ago

and a criminal invader.

Fixed that for ya, pal.

con77 ago


test0 ago

It is good to vote.

But its better to vote and vote and vote ... :-)

Wulfgar ago

I voted should be in Spanish

DrunkenSarcasm ago

Thank god only one party lies to us- makes voting much easier!

cosMICjester ago

I voted early in the morning & it was almost all geezers. I think the majority of fossils are conservative so unless bath house barry & his crew are making voting hip your meme is wrong

SaneHPOPiSwear ago

Old people still watch and believe what the MSM says.

con77 ago

Right. Then explain those assholes in front of Tucker's house

SaneHPOPiSwear ago


Diggernicks ago

Many young and middle aged people as well.

zyklon_b ago

both are gay

zyklon_b ago

@texasvet fucks kids?

antiliberalsociety ago

Well, he DOES act Jewish...

zyklon_b ago

he is a jew he admitited but renounced it

lord_nougat ago


black_listed ago

We can tell that the Republican is the bottom because his shirt is pink, and the Democrat is the top because his shirt is blue.

zyklon_b ago

trump is a kike and Q is fake

Landwhaleonline ago


zyklon_b ago

q and the billionaire will save you

Landwhaleonline ago

They even pretend their "guy" isn't jewish. So much denial KEK

zyklon_b ago

Its pathetic and saddening as much as it is hilarious

Landwhaleonline ago

The irony is hilarious at times. They complain about corrupt gov, then seek help from the gov to remove corruption from the...... gov. LOL

zyklon_b ago

yeah irts maddening

mrgreenjeans9 ago


zyklon_b ago

swap full!!!

hey buddy

ArielQflip ago

That's awesome! Lol