MadWorld ago

Guys, even though there is zero reason for you to believe me, and I will not provide proof of my next statement, I implore you all to believe me: A lifelong close friend of the family is a very high level person in the Dept. of Defense. He reached out to us with a warning that we did not even ask for. He said that Q is indeed real. The whole military "White Hats" is real. That Trump and his allies know damn well that the Caravan was coordinated to arrive right before the elections, and that Soros and his Communist allies both here and abroad are responsible for it. They know that the mail bombs were a complete hoax and who is really behind it. Even today's synagogue shooter is a false flag too.

Now here is where we get to why I am really making this post. The most important thing he told us is that right before the elections there will be massive riots in many cities all across America. He is 99% sure that these riots will be triggered because of high level arrests finally being made. Namely one John Podesta for starters. So I am telling you all this because I am imploring you to prepare now before it is too late. Make damn sure you have plenty of ammo for every weapon you have. Go stock up on food, water, gasoline and buy some handheld radios or vehicle mounted CB radios. You cannot depend on cell phones during the conflict that is coming. World War 3 may not have been officially declared yet, but we all know damn well it has already begun. Good luck and Godspeed patriots. Make your ancestors proud.


ardvarcus ago

Your warning would have been more convincing if you hadn't thrown in that the synagogue shooting was a false flag. Dude, not everything is a false flag -- some crimes are just crimes. Either your "lifelong close friend" doesn't exist at all (that would be my bet), or he is pulling your leg.

Ghetto_Shitlord ago

You need professional help, no one told you this. If this is so true, why isn't this person coming forward? If all the violence of the past couple days is a false flag, where are people speaking out? At least my socialist ass will come here and speak my part, without fear. So I guess all the "Patriots" are weak pussies?

Armpit_and_Ass ago

Item Ready?
Murderous Rage

Motherfucker, since the 90s, I've just been waiting for someone to say, "Go!"

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

What are "comms"?

Armpit_and_Ass ago


RedditSureDoesSuck ago

But what does that mean?

notmyselftoday ago

Radio, antenna, headset, etc.

cyclops1771 ago

Why does everything have to be about YOU?

Can't you just make a fucking post without bringing yourself into it?


Gringojones ago

If you are wrong you might as well burn this account. I don't know about the argument you are currently involved in and don't really care. But there are plenty of people who are pissed at you and I'm sure you will never live it down if you're lying.

SirNiggsalot ago

Even If this post is complete bs it's a good idea to have plenty of food and water stocked up and ammo too.

Tallest_Skil ago

Q is indeed a real jewish paid shill and proven hoax, yes.

There won’t be riots. The dems aren’t paid to do that anymore.

antiliberalsociety ago

God damnit, don't make me upvote you

Diggernicks ago

I may need permanent hospitalization due to irreparable damage to my sides after reading that, just lol.

SurfinMindWaves ago

I don't understand the question about not having children. There are lots of reasons why people haven't had kids, is there something in the storyline that I'm missing?

antiliberalsociety ago

He's always virtue signalling about having white kids to save the white race, yet never did so himself. Only after I exposed his hypocrisy did he make a post about it

TexasVet ago

You are the disgrace not me. You try to cram everything that has happened in my 50+ year life into the time frame of a 48 hour gofundme. You are an evil person.

antiliberalsociety ago

Yet you can't answer these questions, I wonder why?

Say, how's your support over at gab going for you?


Nice dodge.

TexasVet ago

Bitch I have gone back and forth with this faggot for over a year. I even made a video rebutting everything. Stop talking about shit you know nothing about.

notmyselftoday ago

You rebutted nothing, instead you admitted to fraud.

antiliberalsociety ago

7 months dipshit, quit your lies.


You make me proud.

JayDrifts ago

Ah, our first thumbs down of the day...