newoldwave ago

The left is outgunned.

SubspaceDistortion ago

Whats that hell hole NW of Texas?

Whentwurf ago

Very few people live in most of those counties. Please stop pretending the USA is 90% Republican. It isn't. That is all.

VoatieMcVoatFace ago

Hey you pussy ass fucking nigger lover keep, in mind that entire red area people grow their own food hunt for meat and live off the land as much as humanly possible so please tell me again how you fucking dumb ass liberals want to start a war we have all the guns we have a lot of ammo and we know how to shoot. Go sit and think about how galacticly stupid you are.

pppkkppp ago

weird... another user with intercaps in their name calling for violence...

wonder if it has something to do with this post?

junesunflower ago

in mind that entire red area people grow their own food hunt for meat and live off the land as much as humanly possible

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Maybe 1% of them at most. Once their gas/electricity/water/phone is cut off, 99.9% of them will surrender within days.

VoatieMcVoatFace ago

I guess the people in the major cities will quit quickly. Most of the non liberal retards will be okay. It won't take but a few days to eradicate the leftist faggots they are easy to spot. Shoot on site and don't stop until they are all dead.

junesunflower ago

I guess the people in the major cities will quit quickly.

People in populated urban areas is where the majority of the intellectual capital reside. They have the manpower to quickly recover, regroup, and rebuild. After that, it will be a piece of cake to cover the country and taking over the land and resources of anyone attempting to revolt.

But please do. The Bundy standoff was entertaining. Would like to see that happen all over. But, probably wouldn't be much of a standoff. The Bundy thing was just predators toying with prey, they were allowed to have their fun. In a real national emergency, we'd just overwhelm their compound and execute everyone. Then take over their land, homes, etc. It'd be like Sherman's march all over. Nothing sweeter than a dead conservative (thatz cuz they are all fat-fuck diabetics)

Once we reclaim the country, we'd come for you Russians.

My-Name-is-Mud ago

We cut off the water and electricity to a city and kill anybody who tries to fix it and 90% will be dead within the month.

junesunflower ago



My-Name-is-Mud ago

Read the book "One second after" it paints a realistic picture.

junesunflower ago

suuuuure realistic

Whentwurf ago

Hahaha. Not sure if this is a parody or not. Good job either way.

Upperman ago

Do we not understand that the first shot fired in a civil war would force government actions against freedom. The only course toward freedom is the ballot and our willingness to talk with family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors.

maxoverdrive ago

Spoken like a fucking kike. If there is a civil war, the right will win, inside of 30 days, and the left will be absolutely and utterly shattered. Any government that opposes this will be destroyed, completely, and the Fourth Reich that rises to take it's place will enact a real holocaust - not just for Jews, but for left-wingers, illegals, Muslims, and every other fucking sub-human who thinks to pervert America.

Fuck the hell back off to Israel, you filthy fucking beanie-wearer. We aren't listening to you kikes anymore.

IsaacJan ago

We're going to lose those freedoms either way. You have to choose when to stop it. I'd like it to be before we're disarmed like the U.K.

NoisyCricket ago

There are millions of Americans waiting to hear:

All of them armed. All of them righteously angry. All of them hoping it never comes but ready to respond should it sound.

The face of America would forever change in a matter of days. There would be tears but liberty would be protected for generations to come.

We are here: soap, [ballot], jury, ammo

It appears the jury box will come soon. To hedge bets the ammo boxes have already been secured.

captainstrange ago

Ammo? Not so much.

You'd need something like the CCI Plant in Lewiston, ID to even hope to provide a fraction of the necessary ammo for that kind of war. As others have said, the u.s. government would immediately declare some external nation a threat and declare their own war, or else be forced to turn internally and treat the destabilizing element as another fifth column. Most of us don't have access to critical equipment like artillery, the stuff that does real damage, but a good chunk of the military would defect or refuse to employ it anyway. Also shelling u.s. cities is a bad look.

Seizing control of the u.s. government through voting and other political means would be far more practical and cost efficient.

NoisyCricket ago

You don't seem to realize that Americans have been stockpiling ammo since Obama first got in. It would be a short war.

maxoverdrive ago

I keep pointing out what fucking idiots you people are, but you don't listen. None of you do; you've bought into the Jew lie that we "can't oppose the Army" because of it's firepower. What a crock of fucking shit, and here's why:

  • artillery is incredibly destructive. It's fucking meant to be. But because most of the fighting will be done in urban areas, ANY use of artillery will not only be devastating, but will result in at least ten civilian casualties for every rebel killed. That means ten parents, brothers, sisters, cousins, neighbors, children that people come home to and find dead and dismembered in their homes, or on their streets. Guess what? For every rebel you kill, you've created 2 or 3 or 5 more rebels who hate your fucking guts with a passion!

  • air power: same shit. More directed, but air power is useless unless it's very, very destructive. Again, every rebel you kill makes 2 or 3 or 5 more rebels, rebels burning with a hatred for the people who killed their father/mother/brother/sister/child with a passion you can't even begin to imagine. Just like artillery, air is useless in a civil war.

  • armor. Armor requires the most extensive and intensive supply lines on the fucking planet. You don't have to actually destroy armor; just disable it. For example: most sewer lines run under streets; put an IED in the lines, detonate it when a tank is over it, and the take takes a nose-dive into the sewer and has to be pulled out by special equipment. Or you can Molotov them; most modern tanks can survive a single Molotov just fine, but successive Molotovs? Not so much. Or you can attack their supply lines proper, depriving them of fuel and ammo, and then what are they? Immobile pill-boxes you can avoid.

What it comes down to in a civil war - unless you simply don't care about creating a passel of new rebels for every one you kill - is that artillery, air, and armor are essentially worthless. You need to rely on infantry, going house-to-house, killing anyone they think might be a rebel. And when I was in the Army, we estimated that a) 25% of the army would kill anyone they were ordered to kill (essentially NPCs), b) 50% would retreat to base and sit the fucking war out, and c) another 25% would decide that any government that would fight it's own citizens was an "enemy domestic" and would join the rebels. Worse, it was thought that 90% of the Marines would join the rebels, and that they'd immediately drive for the 'enemy command centers', which would absolutely fuck up the government six ways to Sunday.

This was back in 1991. Back then, we actually contemplated the futility of a second American civil war, and how it would be over very, very quickly, and that the rebels would win hands-down in very short order. One of the examples we used back then brought the point home: it would take 250,000 soldiers to effectively pacify just the Greater Los Angeles area - and at the time there weren't even a million combat-ready troops in the whole army. It would take tens of millions of troops to pacify the whole of America - the estimate was somewhere around 25 million - and the entire U.S. economy at the time wasn't capable of supporting or supplying that many troops, even assuming 100% of them remained absolutely and utterly loyal. We used to laugh about that shit because it was so ridiculous.

And yet, a number of you worthless fucking splooge-stains - either Jews or kike-lovers - absolutely love to talk about how the U.S. armed forces would easily crush a second civil war. I conclude you only do so because you're absolutely-fucking-terrified that right-wingers will wake up, see just how fucking easy it is to win that war, and then implement a Fourth Reich that will put an end to Jews in America forever....

captainstrange ago

"can't oppose the Army"

I've never written this. Why would we fight our greatest possible ally?

But because most of the fighting will be done in urban areas, ANY use of artillery will not only be devastating,

No shit sherlock. It's why I wrote "Also shelling u.s. cities is a bad look."

armor. Armor requires the most extensive and intensive supply lines on the fucking planet.

Good advice.

, see just how fucking easy it is to win that war, and then implement a Fourth Reich that will put an end to Jews in America forever....

God bless you.

pickled ago

You sound like a scardy cuck.You've seen Afghanastan and Iraq right? Fucking barbarians with AKs being dronned, tanked, air struck, shelled, choked financially, captured, tortured and still they remain. If anything, that's proof that short of nuclear strikes on the populace, total control cannot be achieved. See, with the entire population dead, there's nothing to control. More importantly, there are no goy to get towels or water or grow food.

captainstrange ago

You sound like a chickenshit that doesn't think things through.

I wouldn't serve under you, or let anyone I know do the same. Your dumb ass is liable to get them killed.

Boots on the ground are your greatest asset.

Ajaxofbarbaria ago

Best part is going to be when the beaners have no idea what that means.