arjayim ago

For those unfamiliar, this image is from the 2015 terrorist attack in Chattanooga, TN. Leave it to Wikipedia to have it listed as a "shooting."

canbot ago

The purpose of those signs is so that you do not get prosecuted in the event that someone discharges a gun on your property. You can't be blamed if you told everyone they are not allowed to have a gun there.

TheWorstImaginable ago

What were those niggers shooting at? Shins?

BentAxel ago

Looks like a recruiter station. Marines logo on the right.

DillHoleBagHandsFeet ago

Yup, forced by federal law to have gun free zones at recruiter stations. Thanks Obama!

Rawrination ago

That is the single dumbest thing in the entire world.

Recruiter stations should be mini army/Marines/whatever bases.

They should be fortified and armed to the fucking teeth.

They should have shooting galleries, and competitions, and be the local place to hang out if you are into guns.

DillHoleBagHandsFeet ago

I agree completely but the US military, including Marines, have been completely cucked by libshits.

SpeshulSnowflaek ago

Liberals truly have a different view of authority and social structure as compared to conservatives.

Exhibit C:

DrPenguin ago

b-b-but that's a gun free zone

edistojim ago

Another gun free zone that isn't. Happens all the time.

antiliberalsociety ago

Fake vet. Pay back your donors ya fraud.

speedisavirus ago

...where is the proof in that thread?

Honey_Pot ago

Maybe he is a veterinarian who lives in Texas?

antiliberalsociety ago

I'd at least believe that story

antiliberalsociety ago

Real vets tested him and he, despite having google at his desposal, knows too little about military service. I'm not a vet and I recognized him as fake. Other vets have called him out and he ignores them just as he did that thread.

He was also ousted as using gofundme to get money saying he "fell on hard times" and was busted buying a rifle with it. I post that article not as proof, but to get him to prove his story, which he can't.

speedisavirus ago

I'm a vet and I don't see anything in any links about him in this post to make me think otherwise.

TexasVet ago

Just ignore him. He is a sad little man that makes himself feel better by trying to character assassinate me. I have tried to explain my side of the story and no matter what I do or say he doesn't care. I have come to the conclusion that since I have become popular in the white nationalist community it is the JIDF just trying to discredit me.

antiliberalsociety ago

You posted someone else's credentials as your own and admitted to buying a rifle with your gofundme profits when you told them you were a vet that "fell on hard times".

Guy_Justsome ago

They work; they attract shooters.

NotWearingPants ago

Should have had another sign.

"No bullets allowed."

HeavyBrain ago

Is napalm in a flamthrower tank a bullet?

NotWearingPants ago

Looks like they need a third sign...

CrudOMatic ago

...and a fourth.

ilikeskittles ago

Hey has anyone considered putting "Gun free Zone" signs in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria? That could end all the problems right Libs?

Diggernicks ago

That's how we stopped people from doing drugs. I don't see how that couldn't work.