sguevar ago

Well, actually evil will die when the kingdom of the Lord comes to us. But first the Wrath of God has to happen and before that the great tribulations, that we are currently facing.

But i see what you want to say there. I myself won't get any guns but I support your second amendment and the right you guys have on your constitution to arm your self in equal capacity to the government in case it becomes tyrannic. I in fact defend it here in Costa Rica, and when I speak with lefty customers as well.

I just want to say I don't agree with the assertion that Evil will never die.

aria_taint ago

Nope! Someone 1500 miles away did something and you need to pay for it!

mindtrip ago

If someone invented a non-lethal weapon with the same efficacy and stopping power as conventional guns it'd go along way.

At the end of the day, America is a unique case which is what I explain to fellow Aussies who point at Australian gun laws without any deeper thought. We're a more heterogeneous society, we've never had proliferation to the extent of America, we don't share easily crossed borders with dangerous neighbours, and we don't have as many subcultures as the US does across their states. If I lived in the US I'd own a gun and conceal carry. Although the Wild West reality is not ideal and seems odd to a foreigner, it just seems foreign because it is a foreign culture. Probably similar to how Americans see Aussies when we're poking poisonous snakes and spiders. Once you live with something as a norm, the acceptance of the risks and the understanding of how to treat things is just normal.

I'd love to visit the Southern States of the US some day, from friends who've been there they are some of the nicest genuine people. I think I could easily share a few beers with a Texan and go hunting while talking shit.

ChrisG ago

I believe we can suppress man's barbaric nature with technology. I do understand the 1984 issue... But what if we had an AI watch over us, by writing some laws down in a program.

kalgon ago

And open source politicians! At this point why not...

Nah seriously no, as far as I can tell, the best that "technology" (read computers) has provided to this day, regarding man's barbaric nature, is a way to express and exchange ideas with each others while reducing drastically the probability of getting punched in the face as a result (inter-screen communication, via personal computers)

That, is something, it doesn't seem to be much, but it's huge

It gives a non negligible edge to the clay pot in the iron pot vs the clay pot story

Glock-N-Roll ago

While I do support every aspect of the second amendment and what it stands for, personally I have valued it throughout my life for many more reasons than just the “overthrowing corruption, Wolverines style” aspect. What makes me the most grateful for the 2A is the fact that when I was growing up as a young poor inner city kid in the south, my family and myself were kept safe from criminals and crackheads multiple times thanks to 1) our right to own guns, 2) concealed carry, and 3) castle doctrine.

I remember as a kid seeing my mom, dad, and grandfather each having to “up the iron on his ass” (as they all called it) on several occasions. We had run-ins with muggers, crackheads, gangbangers, and all the sorts while on a simple trip to the Winn Dixie to get groceries or at the gas station. Mom even had to shoot an M1 .30cal carbine through the back door because some asshole was shooting the deadbolt with a .22 revolver, trying to get in. Most of these guys were people that went to school with my parents back when they were teens and those thugs were felons who couldn’t have legal access to guns anyway.

My parents are still Democrats unfortunately, but they make sure all their friends and peers and coworkers are informed on being pro-gun and never giving up your only means of self/home/freedom defense.

Doglegwarrior ago

If you took out suicides and the 5 worst cities in America for murders America would be considered one of the safest countries in the world for gun violence especially when you consider how many guns we have.. insane.

BurqaFart ago

That's t-shirt material.

Cat-hax ago

Nope we most restrict the freedoms of people who actually follow the law for the few who don't, I was thinking, in my state you are not allowed to tint the front windows of you're car, every one is banded from having front tint because a select few used it to attack cops.


PrettyBigDouche ago

Hey, when are you going to address the "begged for money for food and then bought guns" accusations? You seem like you might be a huge piece of shit.

prairie ago

Only the barbaric nature of human beings benefits from disarming civilized ones.

Gshshsvjfvbh ago

Thus you texasvet gotta scam to get a firearm?

You did misappropriated funds right? Why not give money back from who you took.

Its lowbrow to do that. Loyal to whom you are? You want celeb status? To be a mouth?

Give the cash back.

DrPenguin ago


Gshshsvjfvbh ago

Circlejerk posts waste time.

I'm called a shill for pointing out space consuming threads that are an impotent sideshow to real issues.

No persistent user handle here so disemination of my posts is easier because the presentation is more simple

Gshshsvjfvbh ago

This guy sean sweat never deployed.

Does crowdfund in response to mexico march and buys fire arm(s). Pretty sure that's not what it was for.

There was a thread on voat about it. I think TV needs to give the cash back he used for toys(pardon the term)

Gshshsvjfvbh ago

Taking your reply in earnest. .

Typing one sec

guinness2 ago

Also because niggers.

Niggers ruin everything.

BlockchainGenius ago

The second amendment is outdated. We need a gun ban in America and we will get one. Those kids protesting against guns will be your masters soon, better enjoy those guns while you can!


Really? How are you going to that? Because I'm pretty sure no one's handing in their guns dumb fuck

PrettyBigDouche ago

Oy vey, a tard in the wild.

sunajAeon ago

We'll see how outdated it is when you get your ass thrown in a concentration camp-but then again punks like you always wind up turning on your fellow men and being one of the camp niggers to be straw boss against his own kind

newoldwave ago

An obvious truth missed by many who prefer a fairytale instead of the truth.

The_Laughing_Storm ago

The problem is, who gets to decide what is good?

MadWorld ago

OP just want to capitalize his "fame." I suppose he wants to look and sound smart with a catchy quote. A shady character and a "smart" "leader" material that looks good on paper... A movement that is been favored by jews coordinated from discord... You do the math!

MetalAegis ago

Evil prevails when good men fail to act, or in this case; prevented from action.

Rawrination ago

No you had it right the first time. Fail to act.

We are prevented by fear. By lack of community. By not knowing our neighbors or being able to count on them in a time of open war.

The very tool we use to converse, the internet, and before it the tv, have been used as weapons against our American society, along with every other institution and invention that is possible to be weaponed by those that rule over us. The fucking "jews". (Satanic Pedophile bastards)

bluefascist ago

By lack of community.

This is the biggest problem. no one knows their neighbors. No one has each others backs.

strong communities don't need governments.

theblacksheep ago

I very much agree with you. The left seems to think that evil can be eradicated. Taking an hour to truly study humanity would show evil shall never be purged. In fact, in order to control the people so evil does not spread in public, one must become evil themselves in order to enact such extreme regime. The reality is the world isn't perfect and crazies exist. You can either protect your own self, or give that autonomy over to other people. Giving up the right to protect oneself is giving up a human element that will ultimately be abused.

My-Name-is-Mud ago

You only need to hang mean bastards, but mean bastards you need to hang.

pby1000 ago

I see what you are saying, but it is not evil to hold someone accountable for their actions. These people have been committing inherently evil acts, and they must be held accountable. If they are not held accountable, then the evil will spread.

We are dealing with psychopaths here, and we cannot let them continue what they have been doing.

Kregan ago

The intent of these people is to do good. But the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I agree that their actions are atrocious but they are brainwashed and need our help more than they or even we realize. Keep the faith brother and stay vigilant in the pursuit of truth. Take care and be easy.

DrPenguin ago

How can we reach them? They have been brainwashed to hate our very existence. And I'm not going to act virtuous and pretend like I don't hate the majority of them either.

I'd like to think we have the same end goal. (Us and normies, not the establishment). Peace, prosperity, family, and a chance at happiness. But lately I don't think that's what they want. ..

Kregan ago

I concur sir and wish for much the same. We can only try our best before we resort to our worst. Take care and be easy.

McFluffy ago

we have tried getting guns out of bad hands, it is now time that we put guns into good hands instead!

KikeFree ago

After giving ISIS and Israel free shit? You goyim expect too much!

Bobtheviolent ago

Is this a quote?

TexasVet ago

Yes. Unfortunately I do not know the original source.

antiliberalsociety ago

You pay back your donors yet?

The_Prophets_Profit ago


Karl_Von_Dibble ago

Oh but liberals know much better than everybody else. They can design society so that everything is perfect and we can all be buddies! Don't you realize that?

BlueDrache ago

There's a reason we call "Liberal Utopias" ... "prison".

Diggernicks ago

There's also a reason religion is called the opiate of the masses

Rawrination ago

The highest body counts go to "liberal" commie bastard countries.

Karl_Von_Dibble ago

And counties.

fusir ago

Especially when you consider that some of that most barbaric nature is present in our government.

auggs ago

Who kills more people than government?

kalgon ago

Old testament's god
