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WhoFramedReaderRabit ago

College - Where free thinking goes to die

patriot_biz ago

Yeah, next time I'm hiring again I'll offer more money to people that never went to college. University graduates have too many bad habits ingrained by professors.

IsaacJan ago

A lot of kids are trying to just get degrees to get ahead, don't be this asshole.

elitch2 ago

Life. you're doing it wrong.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

Sorry to tell ya but being referred to as an asshole in the corporate world means jack shit.
It's often a sign of an efficient and effective leader. Someone who is capable and willing to confidently make difficult decisions that will benefit the company as a whole - Someone who has made these decisions in the past. It broadcasts, "Profit over Feelings". And those are the guys you want working for your company.
A handful of disgruntled and/or offended (which again means jack shit, now-a-days) college graduates is not bad PR. It'll likely have an adverse effect for the applicants by notifying other employers that these people can't handle rejection.

"Oh, no. I better hire this person lest they think I'm an asshole." lol

You need to find a better Rabbi, (((Isaac))).

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Sucks for them, but they're now on the level of the guy looking for Jesus at the liquor store in the hood. Not hiring that guy to teach sunday school. Not hiring someone who's been taught there are multiple genders, and microaggressions" are a thing. Whether they fully embraced it or not, their presence there means they're no longer a credible human being.

A well-presented case might make for exceptions, but default is "beware".

IsaacJan ago

You think that's why kids go to school? You think every kid trying to advance in this world goes to school?

Downvote me all you want. Here's the truth: for every retarded SJW faggot, there's a kid with dreams that wants to succeed in this world. School is the best way to stay focused and learn the skills necassary to excel in this world of harsh expectations.

If you think discriminating against them is the right thing to do, then you're part of the problem. Look at who has the drive and skills to succeed, not on their background. You piece of shit.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

A well-presented case might make for exceptions, but default is "beware".

That was NOT a well-presented case. Default applies. You had the opportunity to present yourself as an exception to the retardation.

You piece of shit.

Is this an example of what you believe to be the drive and skills to succeed...? I think 'someone' may have misinformed you.

redolas ago

If you want to get ahead in the world, you can't just sign up for any school and hope for the best. You still have to look around yourself, and see what's happening. This guy, whoever he is, is just a drop in the ocean. Him hiring or not hiring college graduates makes no difference to you. But, the quality of teaching going down and pupils just accepting AND PAYING for it, is just preposterous. Half an hour meeting about using "they"??? What? Fuck that school. If you're in it, leave it. It's going nowhere fast.

natehigger44 ago


IsaacJan ago


See I can do it too. Retard.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

Are you saying all Jews are faggots?

natehigger44 ago

Not sure how you have positive CCP. Did you buy that account?