YouveSeenTheButcher ago

Wow... You are an asshole.

WizardEyes33 ago

All they did was red pill the shit out of her. 🤣

YouveSeenTheButcher ago


ardvarcus ago

What can you say? Freedom of speech means absolutely nothing to these censoring assholes on the left. Hell, truth means nothing to them.

greenfascist ago

Dox the tribunal.

ScientiaPotentia ago

Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!!

CrudOMatic ago

Trannies are mental. Who would have thought?

Hmmm ago

She did well standing up to these bullies and defending her beliefs in front of these intellectual cowards. These people have to be fired immedietly. Absolutely disgusting behaviour from university employees.

Ocelot ago

Even though Kafka was a Jew, I like his books and the unsettling feeling they create. It might be a little degenerate, but it's not as bad as most shock art.

lexsird ago

More evidence that at some point we need to deal with 'commie canada'.

novictim ago

What is so great about this audio file is that you actually get a documented example of how the Left is purging reasonable and good people from the Universities and you get to see the lack of an argument of rational thought that goes into this purge. It is Leftist Fascism. And yes, it is "PROBLEMATIC"

sguevar ago

Will do when I get home NSFW XD

rspix000 ago

The Criminal Code, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-46 [Criminal Code] imposes a general prohibition on interception (recording) of private communications, but then provides an exception where one of the parties to the private communication consents to the interception of that communication. Thus, broadly speaking, Canadians can legally record their own conversations with other people, but not other peoples' conversations that they are not involved in.


But don't try this in Cal Penal Code 632 makes it a crime, or in any other tow-party consent states.

GenghisSean ago

Does anyone know what he is referring to when he said Jordan Peterson doxxed students? Has anyone heard this claim before?

Crux ago

I havent heard this claim before. The only thing remotely close to "Doxxing" I was aware of was the website that would have identified post modern courses and instructors. Which he abandoned because he thought it would polarize things further.

BestCaseOntario ago

This kind of shit needs to be brought into the light. Kudos to this woman for doing so. The majority will not be down with post modernist bullshit, it's just been so stealthy they're not aware of it. Shine the light on the cockroaches and they will scatter back to their lairs.

monkeytoe101 ago

The guy talking is a huge tumblrina.

TheMatrix ago


CrustyBeaver52 ago

This tyranny will not stand.

BestCaseOntario ago

Read that as "The tranny will not stand" at first glance. Kek.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

"There are only two legs."


natehigger44 ago

And to think she is actually paying for this cancer... Vote with your feet and walk the fuck out of that place.

goatsandbros ago

"I actually disagree with Jordan Peterson"

How many want to bet that that's changing, now?

goatsandbros ago

"I feel that this hearing is creating an unsafe working environment for me. That a male is addressing me in a disciplinary role is extremely sexist." etc.

JamesPawson ago

I have earned 3 degrees from Canadian universities, and also taught Critical Thinking for about 9 terms during my Masters. Listening to this made me want to scream and kick the wall-- and then email every Prof. I ever had to ask if they agree with the way this girl is being treated, and if so, they should rot in hell. (Can you tell I don't plan on going back to get my PhD?)

hels ago

Of course it made you want to scream and kick the wall, that is what they want you to do. Take a second and remember your higher learning has taught you not to act on emotion. Take everything in and do not let your emotions effect your judgement. They want you to be emotional and freak out because then they say, "look at how intolerant, you are not even able to see our views without getting emotional."

Sometimes eating pie is the best thing to do. Emailing your profs with this video is a great idea. However, send them your thoughts and ask why/how has the knowledge you have learned and been taught displaced by this new way. Mention that you feel you would not have gained the knowledge you have with this new style of learning. Sympathize with the victim as she was not intending to hurt people's feelings, merely teach them differing view points. Ask where all these white supremacists are. You see how easy it is to blow these sjw critical thinking fucktards away is? Associate yourself with superior thinking ability and give those thoughts/ideas/questions to colleagues. If we act on an emotional level we only sink to sjw inferiority complex ways.

I know you are smart and realize everything I wrote. Sometimes the writing is for everybody to read and understand.

tl/dr: Don't act on emotions. Discuss with intellectual discourse. Dissect their viewpoints with intelligent thoughts/questions. E.g. Why does a higher learning institution believe a renowned scholar's (Jordan Peterson's) ideas are wrong. Are we not taught to listen and critically analyze all ideas?

1WinfieldBlue ago

Jordan Peterson responds to the issue

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

1:45 Someone tell this guy that sex is NOT "determined at birth". I suspect he's just mindlessly speaking, but saying that makes him sound pretty stupid. Like, how would that even work? Two birth canals? "Whelp, looks like it's coming out the female canal. Congrats, it's a girl!" What about multiple genders? Would there be a sieve down there? Anyway...

SuperConductiveRabbi ago

Sex is determined at birth because prior to birth the person hasn't been born yet. He's not suggesting two birth canals you purposefully ignorant fuck. You're just desperate for a reason to disagree with him.

Thereunto ago

Sex can be determined before birth in a number of ways, including ultrasound.

SuperConductiveRabbi ago

No shit. You think people don't know this? But "your baby will be male when it's born" and "your baby is born and it's male" are two entirely different things.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

If someone said the moon is made of green cheese, and you pointed out the reality, would you consider yourself "desperate to disagree with zir"? (Okay, I realize I'm assuming some knowledge of the moon on your part, which may be unfair.)

SuperConductiveRabbi ago

You don't take the large number of downvotes as evidence that you're being purposefully dense about what JBP is actually saying?

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Since JBP is irrelevant to this comment thread, aside from that single line, no. It appears that a number of people on voat are unfamiliar with human biology.

I was assuming you actually watched the linked video, but now you seem to be saying you didn't watch it at all. Why would you even mention JBP if you watched and were conscious? I mean, you're really making yourself out to be pretty stupid, or "greatly lacking in awareness". Correct yourself, because I'm not going to do it for you.

Pissant ago

I like how you went back and edited your original comment adding an entirely new line of text to better explain yourself.

Anyways, the "two birth canals" comment made absolutely no one take you seriously. Carry on with whatever it is you think you're doing.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Spez: Looks like a number of voat users have never learned human biology.

This? It more posits a cause for the bizarre beliefs found ITT. That, combined with the variability of IQ levels.

whatever it is you think you're doing

Thought I was interacting with functional humans, but boy did I overshoot on that by a mile.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Sex is determined at birth

Your belief is incompatible with reality.

Pissant ago

Nice troll attempt? The majority of the planet disagrees with you. Have a nice day.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Have none of you ever had a basic biology class?

tarnished_spoons ago

The majority of the planet is retarded, then. Your sex is defined by your genes...

SuperConductiveRabbi ago

You can tell what sex a person is going to be, but you do not have a sex until you are you. You really think JBP is saying that up until birth the baby doesn't have genitals?

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Sex is determined at birth

This is a direct quote from the above video. At least he agrees people have a sex, which in these times is a point in his favor.

SuperConductiveRabbi ago

Your belief is incompatible with reality.

This is a direct quote from you. You're saying that belief is incompatible with reality?! This means you're saying "belief" as in belief in God! God has nothing to do with this! Therefore you're wrong.


WhoFramedReaderRabit ago

College - Where free thinking goes to die

patriot_biz ago

Yeah, next time I'm hiring again I'll offer more money to people that never went to college. University graduates have too many bad habits ingrained by professors.

hypercat ago

SO I work for the city. We are trying to do internships for junior and senior high school students. We were told they would need to learn things like proper etiquette, coming to work on time, how to speak on the phone, and how to talk to customers. UHHH, WTF. These kids are so fucked up and snowflakes they cant answer a phone saying "Name of business, how can I help you, thank you, please hold"?!!!!! Or come to work ON FUCKING TIME? Or the best one was, proper work attire. Like, oh, hey, if you work at a hospital, you should wear comfortable shoes, and change into scrubs, OR FUCKING ASK WHAT TO WEAR ON THE INTERVIEW?!!!!!

Parents? You done fucked up. Your kids are certifiable fucking retards. All they do is fuck on their phones and blow off work. No shows. NO SHOWS ABOUND. Like no shows at paying jobs. Yesterday, TWO, not one, BUT FUCKING TWO fucking idiots who make a decent amount at a VERY nice hotel just decided not to show up. Can't even fire them because pussy laws, racism, sexism, etc.

You have to be completely fucked up to get fired these day. Like showing up to work on acid, stealing 5k and breaking a window, and you still get a pension and a good review.

ardvarcus ago

Yesterday, TWO, not one, BUT FUCKING TWO fucking idiots who make a decent amount at a VERY nice hotel just decided not to show up. Can't even fire them because pussy laws, racism, sexism, etc.

Which, of course, is why they didn't show up. Why should they? Work ethic? That's part of the whole white male Christian culture they are so intent on destroying.

M4rt1n ago

I tend to agree with you however I have a further perspective which might be useful for you after consideration.

I have worked several jobs where I was earnest and hard working and loyal until I lost respect for my employers. I suppose I hold them to high standards, so I start slacking when I see cracks in their armor.

Money only motivated to a point, and studies have shown that money stops motivating better performance very quickly for creative, assertive, industrious people. Money works better as a motivator for rote, mechanical labor, but still has a low upper limit where it does not improve motivation on its own.

My best work has always been on projects (and for people) I believe in.

hypercat ago

I like that ideal. I think we should be paid for projects vs. 40 hours of bullshit.

Pissant ago

I don't know you, but I've heard those words before and every single time they're from coworkers who fuck the dog. It's like this story they come up with so they don't feel bad about slacking off.

I mean obviously you should have standards, but me personally, I'll walk before I start slacking off. If someone is paying me for my time then I do my best. If they're a shitty employer I move on, I don't start slacking and making a shitty job even worse for my coworkers.

Also, I mean, money really should be your main motivator. I get that it's nice working for people or projects you believe in but why does that benefit you? It makes you feel good, or you can excuse spending your time there because it's worthwhile? Unless it's some tangible part of your life it's meaningless. They're profiting off of you. You're a means to their end. Always look out for yourself man, no one else is.

M4rt1n ago

Nah, I need more money than most to get off my ass but I definitely never fucked over a co-worker. They usually send me in to solve problems other people can't solve. And even when I am subordinate to someone who isn't really my boss [like a lead] - even if I know more than they do - I work hard to keep that person happy. I don't like to disappoint.

So, from your perspective you might just see lazy, shitty people, and from mine I have mostly been a good, diligent worker who is objective oriented. problem-solver and self motivating to find and solve problems.

The fact that you walk before you start slacking is admirable. I have been able to do that a few times, but other times the money was just too good and the feelings of disappointment in my command structure changed slowly and I was "under contract" or not really able to make a lateral move. It was never a conscious decision, but the seed began when one manager asked me to fabricate false evidence of a test procedure and then hit the bottom a year or so later when my new manager was a weasel who was only good at manipulating people and didn't understand the technology we were IN THE ENGINEERING GROUP supporting. Marketing fucks managing Field Engineers. Fuck that, I took their money and made them pay me 4 months severance when they finally fired me. Realize I moved to 3 different states doing that job. They owed me more than just money.

Pissant ago

Fair enough, I haven't had to deal with contracts or any sort of real obligation to stick around.

bob3333 ago

This is why the free market is great: some people are really horrible business managers, which creates opportunities for others.

LiberalPenguin ago

this will happen. When these students go out to get work, their skills will be so terribly poor that companies will have to look elsewhere for skilled workers. The universities will die as we know them

hypercat ago

HAHAHAHAHA. Have you SEEN high school students? My job is finding one or two a year that can handle themselves not to fuck on their phone all day, show up to work, and wear normal clothing and talk nicely and articulately to clients. Guess what? Nope. Couldn't find any fucking snowflakes who want to get paid for work experience in the fucking STEM field.

LiberalPenguin ago

not sure what you are getting at, but alternative ways of training people will pop up when the universitites aren't doing their shit right. It's inevitable. Companies will learn from the fuck-ups like Google will be and so on.

hypercat ago

Google just hires Indians to fill in. They hire ex cons and drop outs to scan books. Google hires the lowest common denominator for projects and keeps on a few smart people these days. Most people who worked there are gone and off at other projects.

My point was, high school students are fucking retards these days. I live in a tech city and it's like pulling teeth to get a decent conversation. Like people asking me what color blind is, or can you safely eat zucchini raw. Or how to deal with an employee who shows up late 6 times in a row. FFTTTTT.

wtfeva ago

Trade schools. Bring back apprenticeships, too, but for all types (not just traditional trades).

M4rt1n ago

I believe this one is just frustrated at finding the truth of the statement:

Envision how dumb the average person is, then realize half of people are dumber than that.

IsaacJan ago

A lot of kids are trying to just get degrees to get ahead, don't be this asshole.

elitch2 ago

Life. you're doing it wrong.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

Sorry to tell ya but being referred to as an asshole in the corporate world means jack shit.
It's often a sign of an efficient and effective leader. Someone who is capable and willing to confidently make difficult decisions that will benefit the company as a whole - Someone who has made these decisions in the past. It broadcasts, "Profit over Feelings". And those are the guys you want working for your company.
A handful of disgruntled and/or offended (which again means jack shit, now-a-days) college graduates is not bad PR. It'll likely have an adverse effect for the applicants by notifying other employers that these people can't handle rejection.

"Oh, no. I better hire this person lest they think I'm an asshole." lol

You need to find a better Rabbi, (((Isaac))).

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Sucks for them, but they're now on the level of the guy looking for Jesus at the liquor store in the hood. Not hiring that guy to teach sunday school. Not hiring someone who's been taught there are multiple genders, and microaggressions" are a thing. Whether they fully embraced it or not, their presence there means they're no longer a credible human being.

A well-presented case might make for exceptions, but default is "beware".

IsaacJan ago

You think that's why kids go to school? You think every kid trying to advance in this world goes to school?

Downvote me all you want. Here's the truth: for every retarded SJW faggot, there's a kid with dreams that wants to succeed in this world. School is the best way to stay focused and learn the skills necassary to excel in this world of harsh expectations.

If you think discriminating against them is the right thing to do, then you're part of the problem. Look at who has the drive and skills to succeed, not on their background. You piece of shit.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

A well-presented case might make for exceptions, but default is "beware".

That was NOT a well-presented case. Default applies. You had the opportunity to present yourself as an exception to the retardation.

You piece of shit.

Is this an example of what you believe to be the drive and skills to succeed...? I think 'someone' may have misinformed you.

redolas ago

If you want to get ahead in the world, you can't just sign up for any school and hope for the best. You still have to look around yourself, and see what's happening. This guy, whoever he is, is just a drop in the ocean. Him hiring or not hiring college graduates makes no difference to you. But, the quality of teaching going down and pupils just accepting AND PAYING for it, is just preposterous. Half an hour meeting about using "they"??? What? Fuck that school. If you're in it, leave it. It's going nowhere fast.

natehigger44 ago


IsaacJan ago


See I can do it too. Retard.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

Are you saying all Jews are faggots?

natehigger44 ago

Not sure how you have positive CCP. Did you buy that account?

knightwarrior41 ago

i'm grateful that i have never went to an university.paying people to indoctrinate me? no thanks,this whole thing reeks of authoritarianism because students are prohibited to exchange their honest ideas and thoughts over whatever subject matter at hand

just go with the flow and get yourself in to debt,no thanks

wuzizname ago

I worked right out of highschool and went to night school and online distance learning, my dad got his accounting degree the same way. Took longer but I never went into debt, the company I was working for at the time even paid for a lot of the courses.

GreyAlien ago

" i was just trying to be neutral" "well you see thats the problem"


AT 11:30 IN VID

RoundWheel ago

Indoctrination vs education.

LiberalPenguin ago

what? you managed to listen to it for that long?

Holy fuck... I stopped at 5 minutes as I was fearing for my own safety at that point.

JamesPawson ago

That moment was one of several in the clip that made me want to scream.

BentAxel ago

Can you sum this up?

superesper ago

TA is taken in to disciplinary tribunal when complaints are made after she plays 3 minutes of a Jordan Peterson talk i her class. She is refused any information as to who made the complaints, how many students complained, or what the complaints specifically were.

It is explicitly stated by the administration in the audio that: Hurting trans people's feelings is breaking the law, Jordan Peterson is like Hitler, the fact that she presented ideas the administration disagrees with in a neutral way in her CRITICAL THINKING CLASS was inappropriate, that disallowed ideas should never be presented without the instructor explicitly informing the class ahead of time that those ideas are wrong.

gazillions ago

They persecuted her and put her in a toxic environment.

Abuse. They abused her.

hels ago

If I understand this correctly: Critical Thinking Class = Correct (PC) Ideas Only?

We've known for some time that university/college is not about higher learning or sharing ideas anymore. It's safe space or my feelings are hurt locale. Kids, if you are considering going to college think long and hard. There are becoming fewer and fewer programs that will land you a good job upon completion. It's better to take a year off slaving away at BurgerWorld to evaluate your goals/paths/wants/dreams than enroll in Social Studies and blow 30 grand all the while hating first year.

novictim ago

Critical Thinking Class = Correct (PC) Ideas

Yes, that is the case now. "Critical Theory", also known as Cultural Marxism, has abused the term "critical" so as to mean a "one-way doctrine": The Western Culture and History = Bad. Western Democracy and Liberalism = BAD. Freedom Bad. Marxism/Socialism = GOOD.

That is what is now, today called "critical". So when the professor says she was being critical by staging a debate on the topic of gender pronoun use, the Commissariat had to punish her because her use of the word Critical was not Critical Theory oriented.

Yes, the Left is fully Maoist in its thinking and reasoning today.l

auggs ago

Which is so strange. 6 years ago I took a critical thinking/philosophy course and it wasn't like this at all. It was around 2012/2013 where this insanity just exploded.

BentAxel ago

Not when I was in college. Critical thinking, teaches you how to process thought and articulate it. Sounds stupid I know, but it is like practicing to think logically. Some people do this naturally but you would be surprised at how many people don't think two minutes ahead.

BentAxel ago

Kangaroo Court. Thanks.

JohnCStevenson ago

Notice how the original poster asks people to spread a YouTube video, rather than a well-written article or research paper. That's because Donald Trump supporters have to rely on soundbites, as they know their transphobic nonsense would crumble under scrutiny.

Guardbuddy ago

Could you respond to one of the many people blowing you the fuck out?

redolas ago

I don't know about Trump (yet), but you are definitely an idiot.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Do you have a caregiver who could give you a hug? I know you're all like "I'm such a troll", but you're not doing as good of job at hiding behind the words as you think you are.

middle_path ago

What do you think you're accomplishing on this website?

antiliberalsociety ago

Which is why you never reply to rebuttals? You seem prejudicial to political free spirit and illustrate a totalitarian mentality by labeling all in a political class the same, much as Hitler did.

Oh_Well_ian ago

yes... transphobic..

Because what happened to Bruce Jenner is our finest moment as a country.

You cunts may have to be put down.

XSS1337 ago

..... look to history friend.... we whites have no problem re-drawing the lines of this world to include an island for beta , lowT , soyboys like you.

edgelord666 ago

ok then do it faggot

you won't and can't though, since you're just a basement dwelling incel that most non-blue collar whites would probably despise

XSS1337 ago

Says the soyboy lover. . . nice account btw shill.

How is david brocks cock tasting these days ?

Niggers wouldn't even help you if you had the cure for aids , even they have standards greater than thou.

edgelord666 ago


where's that powerful white army of yours? they got your back faggot? No, because you're probably a blue collar, which puts you on par with the niggers

XSS1337 ago

HAHAHAHAHA You must be a shit skin spic, nigger, or mudslime.

Enjoy your shareblue paycheck while it lasts soyboy. Soros is coming down.

Lafall ago

Franz Kafka school?

wuzizname ago

She was on CTV Morning today which is probably the most watched AM news here in Canadaland. Spoke very well. Basically she's accused of hurting people's feelings and she should know that because the school is being inundated with "white supremacist propaganda" that she needs to be more sensative... I don't know where these "white supremacists" are supposedly hiding out (probably posting "it's OK to be white" signs).

Pissant ago

Gotta love how he mentioned the white ethnostate... Like really, that's what they think these It's OK to be white signs are about lol? Delusional.

Alwaysmakingprogress ago

Are ALL ethnostates bad? Or just European ones?

Pissant ago

I was going to say White, but I'm sure these people have absolutely no problems with Israel. lol...

derram ago | :

SECRET AUDIO LEAKED - Lindsay Shepherd In Orwellian Laurier University Tribunal Over Jordan Peterson - YouTube

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