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goatsandbros ago

Imagine it happening, one day: all - every single one - of those self-righteous SJW dorks in Palo Alto and surround areas suddenly have no work, because all the tech companies they worked for were run from the swamp, which has been drained. It's such a sweet thought. May it be so.

Just imagine it: all the commie delusions, until that point propped up by an inflated sense of how smart and successful their perpetuators are, suddenly living in the gutter, working at Starbucks because nobody else wants them.

What a world it will be.

Mylon ago

Joke is on you. There isn't enough work to go around. If they had to work for a living you'd make even less money in your paycheck. This was the real cause of the Great Depression: Everyone underbidding one another just to have a job. We decided to ratio them with the 40 hour workweek. We all should be working less, not more.

elitch2 ago

Nope. People with actual skills never have trouble finding work. Be like me, turn your yard into productive garden space.

Mylon ago

Wage suppression and spillover effects are real things. You might be employed, but that doesn't mean you couldn't be making more money if all of your wealth wasn't being taken by the bankers.

elitch2 ago

I said "work", not "employment". I'm already fucked. My industry is already overrun with imports of low skill, for low wages. I'm turning my entire yard into garden, by May next year, my family will be 80% fed from our own land. I'm taking a break from earning money, as it is not worth my effort to go compete with all these "underprivileged minorities".