kamtsa ago

I checked on the @kamtsa account, first comment is this:

Trig, thank you for studying and spreading my teachings.

Cheesebooger ago

I've encountered Kamtsa when I first came here and immediately called him JIDF

Cheesebooger ago

Great job. They know that we know. They are desperate.

eagleshigh ago

JIDF doesn't even try anymore.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

I could walk over and take a pic of the closed business, but why would I do that for a person who can't read?

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Your business will grow.

Or be denounced on the internet, then by the local papers, then your employees quit and join the protests out front, then you have to close your business because no customers. Also, your home and business will be vandalized. The crime? Guy showed up on a list of political donations to David Duke from years ago. So... really depends on where you live. This happened a month or two ago.

Google: david duke donation

Local one was top result for me.

hisuiiro ago

I went to the local gay bar (it's like right next to my house) and went off about feminism and cultural marxism and I gathered a small crowd around me of guys that were fucking amazed someone was actually saying it.

tinyhousesbrah ago

I want to see the growth of an old idea "Gentlemen's Clubs" or sometimes called "Working Men's Clubs"

Here men can group together without needing Golf or God as an rationale.

There can be woodcraft workshops, computer courses, business discussions alongside political and intellectual discussions for those so inclined. There could be Gyms, even boarding style arrangements with full/half fare.

We've got to network together as much as possible because for many people a lot of other links like family, friends, university colleagues or workmates are in short supply over time, they aren't stable connections in today's age.

So we should think about the return of the Men's Club.

HappyMealBullshit ago

I live in socal and it definitely feels scary to share the kinds of ideas you're talking about in public. Go walk to any major intersection or business district and you will see more non english-speaking mexican immigrants than white people.

the_magic_man ago

You're right, everyone should go into work and tell everyone that they're white nationalist. Nothing wrong with being racist, first amendment protects your freedom of speech and expression.

tendiesonfloor ago

There's nothing wrong with racism. You're just a coward.

Hobgobbin ago

What's the upside, low expectations?

FreeSpeechRefugee ago

I'm Jewish, and I support White Nationalism. It's White Supremacy I have a problem with, mainly because it requires I be killed. We all should have the right to be proud of our own people and countries, and run them as we the people like, why should the good white people of North America be excluded? I'm with you guys. You damn well should be mad! Hate is wrong, Racism is natural, and being Altruistic is sensible. Being proud of your people does not demand you hurt or even hate anyone else whatsoever. Globalists are the enemy of all ordinary working class peoples and I for one would applaud violence leveled against the famous elite Globalists who are causing all this trouble in society. I recognize them as diverse wealthy elites of various background united by their greed and lust for globalized power structures. I hope someone far more powerful then ourselves ends these people.

Cheesebooger ago

White supremacy is the only thing that most whites will be within the next ten years thanks to your ilk. Thanks for uniting us.

Crensch ago

I'm Jewish, and I support White Nationalism.

Gas yourself.

It's White Supremacy I have a problem with, mainly because it requires I be killed.

With what your parasite of a race has done to whites, you all deserve it a hundred times over. Every one of you had the opportunity to live in OUR countries peacefully, but you could not, and would not leave well enough alone. You even have your own fucking country that WE PAY FOR because of dual-citizen kikes like you that NEPOTICALLY take over our governments and push kike-beneficial laws through, but that's still not enough.

You lied about the holocaust to hide your own genocides, and you're all a bunch of sick, inbred, scat-loving pedophiles that support the sucking of baby penis during circumcision.

We all should have the right to be proud of our own people and countries, and run them as we the people like, why should the good white people of North America be excluded?

Only Jews can answer that one.

I'm with you guys.

No, you're not.

Hate is wrong

Not when it's justified.

Racism is natural, and being Altruistic is sensible.

Your kind doesn't seem to have an altruistic gene in them... well, not for goyim, at least.

Being proud of your people does not demand you hurt or even hate anyone else whatsoever.

It does when the other races have been hurting and hating us this entire time. Yes, whites stopped hating - we were the ONLY ones to stop hating as a general rule. The rest of you are subhumans that never could.

Globalists are the enemy of all ordinary working class peoples and I for one would applaud violence leveled against the famous elite Globalists who are causing all this trouble in society. I recognize them as diverse wealthy elites of various background united by their greed and lust for globalized power structures. I hope someone far more powerful then ourselves ends these people.

Oh wow, this ALMOST looks like you could be on our side...

I recognize them as diverse wealthy elites of various background

Oh wait, nope. Complete and utter horseshit.

They're JEWS, you fucking kike.

Cheesebooger ago

You didn't leave anything left for me to destroy lol

These fucking kikes have nerve

Crensch ago

Sorry about that. These kikes not only have nerve, but either other kikes, white puppets, or shill accounts to upvoat them.

This guy comes out of nowhere calling himself "Voat's token Jew".

Oh... I got the link in my comment below wrong. Meant this one https://voat.co/v/politics/2150209/10609002/10#10609002

Cheesebooger ago

Voats token jew. What a arrogant fucktard. He strayed into the wrong place ah ah ah

Crensch ago

@eagleshigh @kevdude @Trigglypuff @Cheesebooger @Kekfashy

Above and this link.

Not sure what this kike's deal is 100% but something doesn't smell right.

WildPotato ago

You jews are the first that should speak agains today's vermin. When shit happens it will be you and not them paying the bill.

40hz ago

It's White Supremacy I have a problem with,

Luckily for you those guys are extremely rare and without power, unlike Jewish supremacists.

GODFREY1096 ago

As a White Nationalist my life has improved tremendously, example: by avoiding Jews and shitskins I am safer, I save money, I know that white people around me will NOT kill me just because I am white.

10606266? ago

Ethnic Nationalism IS NOT an aspiration for all people.

Integration makes us all stronger. Children get the best of both parents, we are meant to grow and change, not to stagnate.

I am an Economic Nationalist. We can agree on strong borders, on earning your citizenship. But this country is NOT about Ethnic Nationalism. It is the great melting pot.

Crensch ago

It is the great melting pot.

That's a Jewish lie, Jew.

Slavosaurus ago

I am still afraid of sharing my true opinions and if I do it is in tiny steps to prove the terrain

SJWsRuinedIt ago

It's naive to act as if there aren't very real penalties in the average job or career for doing or saying anything "politically incorrect."

voatHatesTheFirst ago

It is stupid to work for shitty employers.

SJWsRuinedIt ago

What is the alternative? Starve? Not all of us have a silver spoon in our mouth.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Have you ever even looked at all the options for starting your own business? Unless you have some kind of disability, it can be learned just like anything else. Your first few will probably be practice businesses, as you work through your mistakes. Keep at it and odds of your success are in your favor.

voatHatesTheFirst ago

Nevermind sweety. Just go back to sleep. Everything will be fine.

SJWsRuinedIt ago

Has never been nor will ever be.

Approved ago

Not everyone works in a white-collar environment for a large corporation.

SJWsRuinedIt ago

I wish it were only that. I've had shitty part-time jobs in the past where they will punish you for being the least bit non-PC. Even if they don't outright punish you there will be consequences in: the hours given, shifts you get, or tasks you have to do above and beyond normal duties. It's reverse McCarthyism in the sense that whereas you used to be ostracized for being a commie, you are now ruined if you aren't a cultural Marxist.

EarlPoncho ago

some cunt on twitter tried to shame me doing exactly what you said. he was like wow that sounds like you are sympathizing with white supremacists. i replied: "so?" he blocked me after that lol. they can't do anything if you dont give a fuck. it takes your consent for them to fuck you, just like slavery. and make no mistake this is a form of slavery

TheDude2 ago

Why does the left try to force other cultures into the ways of the "white nationalist"? They want to force other people into climbing corporate ladders and the same shit they are into. Why?

10605614? ago

Once I got vocal I'm amazed how many people are like minded. For years after my red pilling I stewed in silent anger about the lies and what to do about them. I got vocal with my father first, who immediately told me a story I'd never heard before. He was a police officer in the 1970s and apparently his first patrol was in what is today, St. Louis' 1st precinct. North County, Kinloch, Berkeley, Ferguson, Normandy, Riverview, all his beat and all blacker than a goth at a Him concert. He told me about his own anger and suffering for a lifetime about it in silence. I spoke out to my wife next, she admitted to being afraid in our own home after it had been burglarized 3 times and we decided to move right then and there. My 2 best friends were next, immediately they echoed these feelings we all had after experiencing some of the same traumas at work and in personal lives. Neighbors, bosses, co-workers, all of a sudden I realized how many people I knew no matter how hard they tried to do "equality" couldn't hide the truth from their own eyes. It has enriched my life and my relationships with people close to me. I'm still careful about what I say and when I say it, but conversations our great grandparents had out in the open are happening again in bedrooms and closed offices. It's changing the world as we realize the huge fucking lie that's been shoved down our throats. That has damaged our ability to give our own progeny the future they're entitled too. Be smart, but stop being afraid. You out number them.

yewotm8 ago

the only people who won't like it are non-whites

I openly tell friends of mine who are Indian or Arab that I believe we have too many of their kind in Canada and they agree. I'm more open with them about that kind of thing than I am around white people. White liberals are the ones who will actually care and deny it based on "racism". Funny how that works.

EarlPoncho ago

after trump won the election i sent my beaner friend a text that said when are you getting deported

con77 ago


JayDavis ago

Are you sure it's not Hear Here? Makes more sense to me.

con77 ago

Dates back to town criers in England. Hear, hear. Listen, listen

JayDavis ago

Exactly, which is why hear (it) here makes more sense.