And what I say is fuck anyone who stands against free speech. As far as im concerned, anyone who wishes to censor others because of the substance of what they have to say is an enemy of Free Society. Full Stop. I may loathe what you have to say, but I will not back down from fighting for your right to say it, even if its hate directed directly at my own peoples. Fine. Free Speech does not care about the substance. The ability for citizens to have direct discourse and "talk things out" is tantamount for operating a democracy. Fortunately for me I am smart enough to understand that Globalism is not about Democracy or making the world better, its about enslavement of our whole species regardless of your race. I may not like you all, but I recognize the real enemy, and I am here to do my part in speaking out. Shame I can't enjoy Free Speech, but that is not a right for Canadians. We have Hate Speech Laws, not Free Speech Rights. So, even if I am the only fucking Jew in this whole miserable website or world that ever does, I am here because FREEDOM and to say my part. An enemy of Free Speech is my Enemy. Especially when they are Jewish like me. If I had the power to do something about it, I would. Marxists and Globalists would be identified and exiled. Yes, a Jew on Voat telling the ALT-RIGHT he would basically like to revoke the citizenship of most of the people in Hollywood, the MSM, and Lobbying organizations. Not to mention a few Bankers. You would literally see me remove thousands of Jews from North America and be called an Antisemitic Jew, and I would just smile and say, I serve the values of these nations, and do not recognize race as a valid consideration. They were removed for their behaviors, not their faith or ethnicity. And I would leave it at that because most Jews are ordinary fucking people who work for a living, raise, families, pay taxes, and mind their own damn business instead of everyone else's. Hate us if you like, but we need to face our enemies, and when we have the same ones, it pays to organize. There is nothing our enemy would hate more than for you to get a bunch of ethnicities supporting your views. Feel me? The rule of Law, and the good of ALL the people is what our leaders need to mind. And they are not. What do we do about that? An ongoing discussion I hope I can be included in here on VOAT despite my heritage. Yes Yes Yes I know, Im a NiggerFaggotKikeCuck yadda yadda.. I know...
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Crensch ago
Sterilize yourself. Infiltrate kike-run organizations and cause them to rot from the inside out. Document your progress.
Recruit others to do what you're doing, in the way you're doing it.
Use your Jewish ancestry to help the superior race break free of your race's parasitic chains.
Once Israel, central banks, and the Rothschilds all fall, murder the rest of your kind.
When you are the last of your kind, publish the documentation of your feats, and then kill yourself.
The above is what I would do if I found out I was Jewish.