siriusisness ago

fuck yourself jew cunt, nobody wants you pricks around. also, the holocaust didnt happen.

Cheesebooger ago

Your kikery will fail here. You fucking JIDF paid jew shills are desperate and panicking. Within ten years you will be public enemy #1 in America. Remember that I told you this

Crensch ago

Sterilize yourself. Infiltrate kike-run organizations and cause them to rot from the inside out. Document your progress.

Recruit others to do what you're doing, in the way you're doing it.

Use your Jewish ancestry to help the superior race break free of your race's parasitic chains.

Once Israel, central banks, and the Rothschilds all fall, murder the rest of your kind.

When you are the last of your kind, publish the documentation of your feats, and then kill yourself.

The above is what I would do if I found out I was Jewish.

markrod420 ago

I feel like more voaters need to understand that the avg everyday jew has as much control over the world as the avg white person. When blacks claim all whites keep them down its similar to voaters saying all jews are evil. It is statistically impossible for the everyday jews to be involved in the conspiracies that rule over our world. Secrets cannot be kept by that many people Just like the majority of whites have no control over the way the elites manipulate money and people. Everyone wants to blame these big groups of the population for things that can only be done by small secretive groups.

FreeSpeechRefugee ago

Unless a Jew walks around with a yellow star or giant hooked nose and fro they may as well wear a yellow star since the leftists and minorities treat us like white guys anyhow. We take it from both sides in fact. Nonetheless I do not see myself as a victim. I see the other groups as victims. Victims of Deep State type brain washing via the MSM. They warned us about this shit in high school. Im just trying t support our shared heritage and stand up for freedom and our countries. I say countries because the USA does not comprise the entire English speaking free world of course. One has to choose sides sometimes. I am on the side of God fearing Jews and Christians who put only one thing above even faith. Freedom. That's whose side im on, that's whose side I will always be on.

markrod420 ago

Sounds like a reasonable position to take.

hardshaft ago

As Voats token Libertarian I approve of this message.


Most Jewish people are just out there living their lives and harming none. But within Judaism is an organization much like a mafia, but better organized, and that organization has plans for world conquest. It is against this organization that the free world stands. Educated folks know this. Aligned with the Vatican, they have succeeded to a large degree.

As to you in particular, I only wish you every success in this life. Glad to see you here at Voat.

physicscat ago

Not everyone here is racist. I come here for the free speech, too.

Groomzilla ago

Actually, @CANCEL-CAT-FACTS is voat's resident token jew, you self righteous sheeny. For all his foreskin eating and goy-baby-blood drinking at least he posts content and banter, not sanctimonious, self aggrandizing bullshit.

Fuck off back to the holy land, Christ killer.


Nobody knows who is jewing who anymore; all I want to do is post on voat all the time.

trumpolicious ago

So as a token jew ... is trump # MAGA or # MIGA?

Runaway-White-Slave ago

As VOAT's self absorbed & described 'token jew', you're not the only jew here, you're just suddenly less popular than you were.

But it's alright, I've hated my parents my whole life until they both died, never once did I hurt them physically or even be accused of it, you can hate people and not want to throw them in the oven, yet. But really it's about like hating a whore for being a whore, she can't always help it uncle Lester or her daddy broke her in far too early, or that she got high for a decade and rode the cock carousel until she's ruined {okay that last one they can help}, you're just a jew, and that's, well, shitty, but...

The sooner you quit thinking of yourself as "a jew", the sooner you quit describing yourself as one, the sooner you let some of that Chosenite mythology go..... The world will like you a lot better. Just don't go telling white folks you're "white" if they have any ability to prove your jewish later, that could pose a problem.

GODFREY1096 ago

Free speech and telling the truth is very important, so please stay, and did the Jews demand that Jesus be put to death?

Waiyu_Dudat ago

Who named you voat's token Jew? 7 day account. Oven yourself, niggerkike. You have no power here.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

JIDF sends their finest.
Keep poking around. I'm sure you swine will find you're way in eventually.
Of course by the time you do it'll be too late.

The fact that you don't know how to use line breaks makes it pretty obvious.
If your in America, move to Israel. If you're in Israel, good. Stay there and mind your own fucking business.

onemealperday ago

Hitler was part Jewish too. You can be a Jew and not an evil Jew at the same time. Some Jews think because they are a Jew they have to genocide all non-Jews. Some Jews are more humanistic. Some Jews are even against the "federal" "reserve" and its "irs".

Just be be an ethical person to all people not just Jews.

bluesky8 ago

It was the Jew that opened the borders to the niggers and spics.

AutoGrizz ago

Straight, white, non-Jew male here. I'm not a fan of the anti-semitic, anti-black/minority rhetoric on here. I don't buy into the bullshit stereotyping, my personal opinion is that all people are capable of anything they have the ambition and will to strive for.

That being said, while I don't like or agree with the things being said about Jews/Blacks on this site, I don't feel the people saying those things should be punished or censored for saying them.

Banning and punishing people for saying things that are offensive only stifles intellectual debate and retards the general public from being able to form their own opinion after hearing both sides of the argument. As a whole for mankind this is a terrible and backwards precedent to set.

HarveyKlinger ago

Welcome to VOAT. Believe it or not, not everybody here hates Jews (or at a minimum, ALL Jews). I'm sure there are a lot more Jews as well but it's just not something they brag about. Enjoy your stay, don't be afraid to be yourself, and don't be afraid to call some asshole a nigger kike faggot.

HarryMinge ago

Oy vey!

Tallest_Skil ago

revoke citizenship

But not do what must be done. Not do what everyone knows HAS to happen.

FreeSpeechRefugee ago

I also am against DUAL citizenship. But we both know you can't just point at a race and say, THEM. So the key would be creating the identity characteristics needed to identify "GLAZIS" (Globalist Socialists). Once a suitable method to identify them based on political, economic, social media posts, and other considerations are created, they can receive a single warning from Government to cease all subversive activity in their personal and professional lives or face serious permanent consequences. If they do not comply, off they go, no trial, no repeal, just, no longer a citizen and good luck wherever so long as its not here. By the way, I'd send those Football players we see on News today as well, and anyone else using a professional "public persona" for subversive anti-American activity. Having opposing views is one thing, normalizing treason and unpatriotic behavior while demanding cultural Marxism is something else. I share your views. I don't care how you feel about Jews. I want the Globalists gone as bad as anyone on the alt-right, thus, I am alt-right if I like it or not. And I do not really like it to be honest as I am a centrist at heart. But when it comes to fighting Globalism, I am way to the right. After my ancestors fled Europe, it was another White country that they went to, and I feel like those people, those White Christians who made these great and free lands what they are today deserve some respect at the least. So when I see this Anglo-phobia, this anti-white racism from the left, it makes me feel the same way I feel when people hate on me for being a Jew. And its wrong. People are people. We all have our own views. I try to stand with those with whom I share my views. Even if I occasionally must hold my nose.

rspix000 ago

I may loathe what you have to say, but I will not back down from fighting for your right to say it . . . I'd send those Football players we see on News today as well, and anyone else using a professional "public persona" for subversive anti-American activity. Having opposing views is one thing, normalizing treason and unpatriotic behavior while demanding cultural Marxism is something else.

Do you see a conflict here?

Waiyu_Dudat ago

So many conflicts in his comment. He just tried throwing together catch words like globalist and Marxism pointed at low hanging fruit like the nfl protests.

idk ago

...are you also against line breaks? Jesus, format your text.

whitehawk ago

There should be no dual citizenships.

Tallest_Skil ago

But we both know you can't just point at a race and say, THEM.

… Sure thing, moishe.

So the key would be creating the identity characteristics needed to identify "GLAZIS"

  1. Being jewish
  2. Being paid to do what jews tell you to do
  3. Stop trying to use your pathetic newspeak to associate ‘nazi’ (which you already came up with as an insult) with the true evil of the world.

Once a suitable method to identify them based on political, economic, social media posts, and other considerations

  1. Being a jew.
  2. Following the Talmud (so being a jew)
  3. Being paid to do what jews tell you to do

a single warning from Government

Uh huh. Magically we’re going to get ethnonationalists into government and have any control whatsoever. Magically. So just ignore that little detail and we’re golden.

off they go, no trial, no repeal, just, no longer a citizen and good luck wherever so long as its not here.


Don’t make me tell you about the Olmec.

I share your views.

I seriously doubt that, given your existing statements.

I dont care how you feel about Jews. I want the Globalists gone

Gone to a jew means “leave the country until the current generation is dead and forgets why they were kicked out; then we come back in”. Not actually gone.

I am alt-right

Which is jewish controlled opposition against actual ethnonationalism, so obviously you are.

It’s beyond obvious that you’re a jew–what you say and the way you say it outs you for what you are–it’s just less believable that you would ever be in support of the goyim nations, ever, because you are a jew, as that belief precludes support of the goyim.