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RM-Goetbbels ago

Too late. He already bombed the shit out of Syria.

Syria is not our problem. The Middle East can go fuck itself. Let Israel burn.

Tallest_Skil ago

lol you don't get it

RM-Goetbbels ago

gaslight- 4. to cause (a person) to doubt his or her sanity through the use of psychological manipulation:

Tallest_Skil ago

lol. You. Don't. Get. It.

Thanks for playing, cockfuck. Trump destroyed the kikes' wishes in Syria.

RM-Goetbbels ago

Lol! you mean 4D Chess!! You actually bought into that......omg, roflmao! haahahhahhahaaaaa! oh please more, I demand it. Please please give me more insight on the glorious master plan.......that only you and your wise and insightful base know about........cuz the rest of us are!! You have all the answers, they told you so......ahahahaaa!

wadda maroon.

Tallest_Skil ago

Are you autistic or just paid to spam? Fuck off, dipshit.

RM-Goetbbels ago

Says the moron who parrots idiot propaganda for free............

Tallest_Skil ago

So… you, then. Either have an argument or be reported.

RM-Goetbbels ago

So… you, then. Either have an argument or be reported.

oh please, please please plllllease don't report meh! no, anything but that.......aaaaaaaahahahahahahaa!

Tallest_Skil ago


Mumbleberry ago


Tallest_Skil ago

Still not an argument.

RM-Goetbbels ago



oh teh noze! dwid you report meh!!! dwid you slam it down and teach meh a wesson?

Tallest_Skil ago

i am this autistic and have no argument
