physicscat ago

The media is pushing this. I don't think he's going to back out of anything.

Somali ago

The problem is that you people are fucking idiots unable to comprehend how to get shit done and break the virtually all powerful establishment monoparty. The nigga is playing 4D chess and you're baited just as easily as libshits who fall for his every move because in reality you're no smarter than them. And so you hang onto his every word like the autistic libshits without realizing that he's talking for effect and the real target of his words is people like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. He's trolling them but because you're so impulsive and retarded you're getting trolled as well. You probably thought Trump dumping Tomahawks on Assad's airfield was MUH BETRAYAL and a start of a war in Syria. You're probably too fucking stupid to understand why Trump brought up DACA now out of nowhere and why he's doing the maneuvers with it that he is. He's playing that retarded game where you need to order 15 squares on a 4 by 4 board by using the empty spot to move them, which results in tons of seemingly random and frivolous and confusing moves.

Your MUH RIGHT WING DEATH SQUADS is just cringy larp from the right wing half of fedora edgelords, everyone knows you faggots won't set one foot outside your basements. So far every single instance of RIGHT WING DEATH SQUAD GRRR has been shut down by some ambiguously gendered 18 year old faggot throwing a piss balloon at them. You are literally more pathetic and cucked than Antifa, congratulations, that's not so easy to accomplished.

PS ~ nobody gives a fuck what you want or think you deserve. You have absolutely no power in this country. Trump is literally the only person actually serious about giving you some of what you want.

boogieboogie ago

I really hope I come back and apologize for turning on him. If there is reason to I will admit to it and man up, but I'm getting worried.

edistojim ago

Its actually called liberalism.

Havelockk ago

Patience is a virtue. For him to stay in power he must take baby steps. You can't change too much at once. Or BOOM headshot! Government is a large and old organisation. Lasting effective change is not an overnight task.

Look how they've been isolating him. Then look how you react. Divide & Conquer is so effective. This is a long game. Stop complaining and take action. Make calls, get involved in local/state/all politics, do petitions, protests, articles, whatever. Whining won't get you anywhere.

You sound like a cop.

SubspaceDistortion ago

I didn't read that wall of text, because we at least dodged an administration lead by bill's wife.

DeadFox ago

Or maybe vote for actual fucking candidates and not lifelont establishment puppets pretending to be fringe. You got tricked with a flashy four word slogan, nice.

lanre ago

Please stop concern trolling. The dude's one third of the government and the other two thirds are pretty dead set against him. Even his own party doesn't have his back. I expect him to get shit done, but he'll also prioritize what he thinks America needs the most and probably sacrifice something eventually to get a bigger ticket item accomplished.

We've seen with the TPP, Paris Accords, and Executive Orders that the dude does what he promised when he has the authority.

boogieboogie ago

I didn't downvoat bud! Someone else did. I am not a sunshine patriot because I am a nationalist and I am for my country and no one else. I didn't say I wouldn't fight, I said I'm not wasting my time anymore with people who are lying to us. I have been told for MONTHS to keep waiting, it's 4-d chess etc.. etc... and guess what, it's been 8 months and I'm still waiting and waiting... things just keep getting worse.

CowWithBeef ago

Illegal immigration dropped substantially already according to ICE.

SaltyMango ago

He has done more in his time in office than how many presidents before him in their entire term.

ready-ignite ago

The last year has been about wide-eyed surprise and humor at how fake media has been to drive public opinion to accept ridiculous bullshit. Russia failed as a wedge issue. Nazi racist white supremacist failed as a wedge issue. Charlottesville failed as a wedge issue.

The years of using sensationalism to sell click bait has trained a significant portion of the public to sniff out bullshit and rightfully call out bullshit when bullshit occurs. The media being lazy keeps using the same approaches to bullshit. Eventually, the media may have a sudden fart and realize shifting tactics could be tried. Run headlines of Trump selling out his base and see what happens.

We've learned by now. Headlines are cute, go past them and look at the first hand documentation backing the claim. If it can't be vetted -- bullshit. Being reactionary on headlines alone is how you get taken for a ride. Find yourself the useful idiot marching with Antifa or casting votes for a HC lizard person.

edistojim ago

Like thats a fucking great idea, like Dumbo? or HilDog? /s

edistojim ago

ALL of his family? You are full of shit. ALL?

Naught405 ago

My bullshit alarm is off the fucking scale nig

llegendary ago

Tell me about your thoughts on Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama OP.

nolocus2 ago

While I agree that completely abandoning campaign promises can divide the base we have to realize that it's about give and take, a process lost on the last Administration. Instead we WERE governed by Executive order, a paralyzed Legislative branch, and at the end a hamstrung Judicial. Wide spread corruption and a powerful Deep State is now the norm. Trump was elected (IMO) because the majority of Americans are tired of the status quo. Not everybody gets everything they want, but realize that change comes slowly and at a price. If this President fails, 2020 provides another opportunity.

boogieboogie ago

His ACTIONS and OWN TWEETS have separated me from him.

Pumbadog ago

1 month old account

GODFREY1096 ago

America First: Deport all communist Jews and shitskins

plimy ago

"#DraftTheDreamers". I'm in favor of a special program allowing all DACA recipients to obtain full US soon as they enlist in the US armed forces and complete a tour of duty honorably.

lude ago

Fuck you. He's done more good than ANY other president to date. (In my lifetime) you sound like a shill For even suggesting treason ((impeachment))

BilboNoggins ago

Giving the dreamer's amnesty/green cards/citizenship is PERMANENT. There's no way we'd ever fix those 800k+ the several million family members they would import, who would then import even more. The wall could be taken down if it was ever put up.

If Trump kicks the dreamers out and therefore loses dem cooperation on the wall, there still might be a budgetary/republican-only way to get it set up.

RoBatten ago

EXACTLY. In the DACA instance, people are believing lying liars Pelosi and Schumer and also lying MSM reporting said lies. Let that sink in.

DACA Panic, Backstabbing Politics and Betrayal Hysteria

President Trump’s supporters inclined to “abandon ship” should remember they are in shark infested waters and constantly under attack. The only viable path to #MAGA is to not take counsel of your fears and to stay the course.

Wednesday night’s specific message from President Trump was a message to Benedict Ryan & Tokyo Rose McConnell and it wasn’t about DACA, it’s about obstructionism and not doing their jobs:

I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you fuck with me, I’ll kill you all.

ForWhiteSake ago

President Trump’s supporters inclined to “abandon ship” should remember they are in shark infested waters and constantly under attack.

I have always been in shark infested waters. Don't fucking tell me to stick around when Trump himself is tweeting boasting about how great the illegals are. #MAGA? No. America will never be great if these people are allowed to stay any longer and Trump is offering a deal to let that happen.

This isn't about the fucking mainstream media. I don't watch the fucking mainstream media. I am witnessing Trump's own actions and they're not painting a pretty picture.

whatisbestinlife ago

what about relations with azrael and saudi arabia? i consider positive relations with those countries traitorous.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Martial Law day1, get military onside and round up the traitors. Then start governing. Don't start out by negotiating with traitors. Whatever about dividing his base. He was the better choice. Rubio would have been mildly better than Hillary. But we can bring back jobs, improve infrastructure, reform tax and immigration so they work to benefit the country. Those are all badly needed. But, until the forces that seek to rule are eliminated (and not fucking negotiated with) we may have ten good years, but in 50 years, noone will remember, because the world will be living under communist rule. I dont care about any of the stories, DACA any of that shit on its own. It is the fact that it loooks very much like he is ruling within a corrupt system, rather than removing the corrupting forces and building anew.

ForWhiteSake ago

So why pointless interject to begin with?

BentAxel ago

OP is a user of five months into an election that is nine months and a migration that is over a year old. Goats - I question the shit out of this post.

A. shill intentionally trying to divide Voat.

B. Alt username because OP is a cunt and zeros out ccp.

C. OP is just a moron that sits in front of MSN with a spoon knuckle deep into the quart of ice cream.

Additionally many of the replies on this thread are people that have been on Voat a short time and conveniently the same amount of time as OP. And others that have been non existent users til today.

Not today Motherfucker

ForWhiteSake ago

Sup. I've been on Voat for awhile now and I'm not pleased with Trump's behavior and you can bet your ass I voted for him. You need to find something to justify why Trump keeps fucking up and breaking his promises. Shrieking "SH-SH-SHILL!" is not an argument.

I think it's really ironic that the people who constantly dished out "cuck" are being cucked by their president for media approval.

BentAxel ago

Where ya been for the past two months you haven't posted anything til Yesterday? Whatever no one gives a fuck when shits this transparent.

ForWhiteSake ago

So I noticed you didn't present an argument.

Does "transparent" mean "legitimate criticism" to you Trump cucks now?

BentAxel ago

Original post. Or is this a whole new fucking username? I find it ironic, your username is a moniker that would gain favor around here yet your posts seem to support everything that is disliked. So you are intentionally trying to deceive. Do you not see the fucking problem? You can be a staunch cunt supporter. Back it up, Own that shit. I would actually respect you more for it. No, you come in with this shit and yes, it's transparent deception.

Now, do I need to break this down for you because your comprehension seems to be that of a third grader. Had you actually read what I posted as far as the complaint.

Get fucked.

ForWhiteSake ago

Hey retard - Crying about people addressing the fact that Trump keeps fucking up isn't an argument. Legitimate criticism against him is not being a "shill." Also, trying to paint OP as some weird image you built up in your brain to help justify animosity towards anyone questioning your god emperor isn't an argument either. It's not division. It's discussion. You're so god damned brainwashed though that when presented with uncomfortable truths you flip out like a triggered shitlib.

This isn't a problem. This isn't deception. We voted for Trump to see things better than what we're getting. Maybe if you address his points or attempted to justify Trump's behavior than more would come from this thread.

Check my posts against you dopey nigger. I've been around this place even longer and not once have I ever stepped down from advocating on behalf of whites. What's more is that I know voat would never be willing to accept any politician be praised without question.

SwampAintDrained ago

I think it must be too painful for most Trump supporters to consider. That would explain the mindless lashing out that we are seeing. They were told they "would get tired of winning," that is how much they thought they won. They came to love Trump as their hero. All of us here are desperate for a win, I voted for Trump myself. I don't find it as difficult to consider that which makes me uncomfortable, and I think it would be wise for all of us to consider the possibilities here... This could be outright betrayal by Trump, I've yet to see anything else to suggest otherwise.

ForWhiteSake ago

What if the deal is wall for daca amnesty?

Then the wall means nothing. The demographic shift will take place. The next election will go to a Democrat and the wall will be deconstructed/decommissioned or unsupervised. Did you happen to miss the majority of Trump's campaign where he explicitly spoke of deporting the criminals? That's not something that is tossed away easily.

Why can't you people understand that we needed the wall and the deportations? The latter shouldn't have been a bargaining chip to begin with because these people were federal criminals and all Trump would have needed to do was enforce the fucking wall.

Yes. I get it. Republic. Doesn't justify a fucking thing.

Sikozen ago

Wah wah wah, people were mean to me, so this guy better do everything he said he would do and everything I want him to do because if not I'm gonna be sooooper saaad.

You are obviously a little troll, but your tactics are childish. Adults know that being the president isn't the same as being the king or being the czar. You can only get done what your political support system (congress, senate, etc.) allow you to get done. Nice try tho. Hope they pay enough for you to make that car payment this month, you little bitch.

burns29 ago

Hold your Republican Congressmen and Senators to account. Tell them to support the President or risk being replaced. Every promise he made is deliverable if the Republicans support him.

ForWhiteSake ago

What do we gain by letting potentially millions of criminals gain citizenship again? Let me remind you that these people will vote against us and on average have many children which will also vote against us.

This wasn't a compromise. It was surrender.

lanre ago

Look up lame duck presidents. If congress says fuck you as a whole to Trump, then overnight he can become virtually powerless. And we know the GOP is just a friend of convenience because they want to win more elections.

ForWhiteSake ago

My thoughts on this big orange fuck up.

No more foreign soil wars

Trump wasted no time bombing Syria over an extremely blatant false flag attack. Why? His skank of a daughter cried some tears and Israel demanded he do it. So he did it. This is what has been considered the first of his fuck ups and one of the most significant. It says that he, like his predecessors, is a slave to Israel's warmongering. Though given his step son is one of the most pro-israel jews around this isn't too surprise. Trump is sleeping with the yids and that means he will never truly put America first.

Flip flop

Clinton in prison

We're still in the investigation phase.

The Wall

Walls work. They work very well. Works for Israel and works for Hungary. A wall represents a nation that doesn't want hostile invaders pouring in and a nation that wants to take their safety seriously. Despite what you may believe, Mexico is not a pleasant place and a horrible neighbor. It is a headless wasteland ruled by some of the most ruthless drug cartels you can imagine. It's not just the drug cartels either as many Mexicans feel they are entitled to live in the United States, take any job for the smallest price (this is a very bad thing with a strained economy and shrinking job market) send as much money as they can back home and breed like vermin ensuring not only their own stay but also cementing the stay of their lineage. As it stands Trump's wall is still in the preliminary phase which isn't too surprising as building a wall that large can be very challenging but lately we've been hearing that Trump's "wall" might amount to very little.

But the wall itself isn't quite as important as a rational approach to immigration. So let's move onto the most recent and perhaps most important issue Trump has fucked up on...

DACA and Dreamers

So Obongo imported a lot of unpleasant people during his eight years. Among them are the "dreamers." Loathsome beans that despise the United States but refuse to leave it. They know why they're here. They want free shit. They want to transform the United States into a third world toilet. They commit a considerable amount of crime and our treasonous courts refuse to permanently keep them out as the moment they're "deported" they just run right back in. So along came Trump and pinpointed onto the fact that these creatures need to ejected from our nation as soon as possible - It was a very popular position and attributed to many votes and supporters.

And now, out of nowhere, Trump wants to offer these people what is essentially "amnesty but not amnesty." Let's be clear here - The longer these people are allowed to stay, the more likely they will be granted citizenship. Trump bending to the left here is something so outrageous that not even I expected it. This amnesty-but-not-amnesty plan is the furthest thing from "Make America Great Again" you could ever imagine.

Flip flop


This one is a bit unrelated but it's something I think needs to be mentioned. Did you know the conservative party only exists because white people are the majority in this country? Well, now you do. All those years you saw the GOP pleading their case that nonwhites (particularly hispanics) can be convinced to vote conservatively? Those were lies. Regardless of what you feel about race you're going to have to live with the fact that without white people, conservatism itself does't exist in this country. This means that if millions of hispanics are allowed to freely enter the country and breed like rats (which they do) it represents a distinct threat towards not only the right wing party but also white people as nonwhites have historically demonstrated how eager they are to harm/punish whites should whites become a minority.

So did you guys hear about that Charlottesville thing? Let me try to sum it up - A bunch of right wing groups (quite a lot actually) each with differing views decided to gather for a march. They went through all the legal venues necessary and acquired the proper permits. This march was protesting against the tearing down of statues of confederates. Those marching weren't all southern mind you in fact most of them weren't, they simply know that tearing down statues and defacing history because uppity shitskins and leftists getting upset about isn't a good thing. The first night of the march went very well, there was minimal violence and a healthy turn out but as soon as dawn hit things got hectic.

The commies and paid for rioters that make up Antifa had arrived and given that Charlottesville is blue territory, the mayor and police chief ordered their men to stand down so predictably violence ensued and some of the leaders of the right wing groups allege that the police purposely herded them into groups of violent commies which isn't rare behavior as such happened to a Pro-Trump rally in San Jose back during the election. People on both sides were getting hurt and it culminated in a schizophrenic in a car plowing through a group of commies severely injuring some people. One of the people hit, some fat degenerate whore, sustained wounds that eventually caused her to suffer a heart attack - Yes, contrary to what shitlibs have told you, Heather Heyer died of a heart attack, not of being hit by a car. - This death stirred an outcry about the left. It's now their immediate go-to whenever discussing right wing violence (as they ignore the leagues of left wing violence that can be witnessed) and now they continue to use it as means to not let white nationalists exist.

White nationalism is very important. It is reflective of the what the founding fathers themselves desired from their nation as indicated by their own naturalization acts. Naturally, in a society that is deeply anti-white and ruled by a foreign tribe that wants nothing more than white extinction, the concept of modern day white nationalism is blasphemy. White nationalists saw that Trump represented a chance at returning the USA to the demographic it was meant to stay (and in essence the only way to keep conservatism alive in the country) as well as avoid living in a future where they're a hated minority in a nation their forefathers had built. So it's safe to say that most white nationalists put their vote down for Trump.

So what did Trump do in response to Charlottesville? He played middle man. "There was fault on both sides." There wasn't but hey, we can't go expecting Trump to actually call out whose at fault right? That'd be too much. Now it would end there if Trump wasn't willing to toss his core under the bus a second time which he did by signing a resolution, cosigned by 100 senators, condemning "white supremacy" AKA white advocacy.


I have little faith in Trump anymore and I have to wonder how anyone else that isn't a retarded civic nationalists still holds any hope for him. The most important promises he has made have been broken and the subtle ways he's dismissed/ignored/castigated whites is unforgivable.

PsyOp ago

Thanks for taking the time to post your view...I share your view.

It's pretty obvious that Trumpstein isn't working for the people that voted him into office. In fact, he has already condemned white people who are proud of their heritage, 3-4 times!

lude ago

I agreed with you until your very last word.

ForWhiteSake ago

"Blasphemous" would have been better I admit.

Cheesebooger ago

Civil war is the only cure for the (((problem))) that ails us

Super_Cooper ago

If we cannot win by ballots, then we will be forced to resort to bullets. What people don't realize is that right wing violence is far more destructive than left wing violence. The antifa kids will look like hindu cows compared to what will happen if Trump betrays the right.

Rellik88 ago

But is Trump a Jew? Maybe his whore kid is but he isnt!

DeadFox ago

He can't even raise kids properly and hes supposed to save this country?

Rellik88 ago

Im not gonna lie.... Fuck it bring it. Liberal cucks, and antifa bitches dont scare me. Honestly I hope for a World changing event, Asteroid, super volcano etc. Libcuckswill be the first to die off.

boogieboogie ago

I'd probably die in that scenario, because while I can do some stuff I think I'd be fucked come winter in the north. Anyways, it'd be for the good of humanity and as my favorite coach ever told me "sacrifice your body for your teammates"

Rellik88 ago

Honestly I would die too, however the Earth needs a purge. After the Black Plague in Europe we had the Renaissance.

Rellik88 ago

Trump train NO MATTER WHAT! I wont listen to fake news media BS! I'M ON THE TRAIN 100% FUCK you shills trying to fuck up his base!

ForWhiteSake ago

Trump fucked up his base you indoctrinated stooge. How the fuck do you manage to stay loyal to a man who has broken every significant promise he made to you?

edistojim ago

6 months, thats how long he's been in office. I'd be willing to bet you sucked Dumbo's cock for 8 solid years.

ForWhiteSake ago

Presuming I was ever an Obongo fan because Trump is a fuck up isn't an argument.

Hey if you can stay loyal to a man that has repeatedly stabbed you in the back that's cool but the sane people will call you out for the retard that you are.

BurnItAll ago

Exactly. The moment we begin to blindly support this man is when its over. Abstaining from criticism and action because we're turning politics into team sports is retarded. The second Trump reneges on his campaign promises, we need to be burning our MAGA hats in front of him.

Kushner already has teams in place quashing dissent. "r/The_Donald" plays the "hurr durr we're being brigaded MAGAPEDES hurr durr" Narrative; and 4Chan PTG immediately goes into "anyone who isn't blindly sucking Trump's dick is a Sharia Blue Shill".

Hold the President accountable. Retake your government.

0rion ago

r/the_donald is controlled opposition. I feel like an idiot for taking so long to realize, but when I was banned for questioning Trump after the Syria strike, it all became clear to me.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

If they wouldnt ban people for criticism, they would be instantly overwhelmed by targeted concern trolling, because it is hard to separate real criticism from fake criticism.

If you permitted public criticism, youd instantly get hundreds of hostile postings like "Guys, I love Donald Trump and have voted for him, but ..." per day, and the sub would quickly die a death by a thousand cuts. Concern trolling is easy to fake and hard to detect, and the enemy has the means and the numbers to drown a sub in such fake content to demoralize the user base.

meowmix56 ago

He is far from perfect but for the foreseeable future it is still best to present a united front. Don't fall for divide and conquer tactics.

ForWhiteSake ago

Don't fall for divide and conquer tactics.

It's his own fucking behavior. Stop pretending this is a divide and conquer tactic. It's a reasonable response to a man who has nonstop broken promise after promise since he entered the white house. Stop placing blind faith in a habitual liar and traitor.

Sharipie ago

We have learned a lot about what a President is up against since the last election that we didn't know before. I believe Trump is doing all he can possibly do and still stay alive. It's easy to expect perfection when you're on the outside looking in. Give him time and your support. He needs our support.

10520789? ago

Fuckthevileaether president 2020. Thank you for your post. You said what is in our heads and in our hearts. It's nice to not be alone.

Trump needs to call on the American people to come to Washington and reimpose the rule of law and the constitution. Arrest Congress and call for elections. I would back him in a minute.

RM-Goetbbels ago

Too late. He already bombed the shit out of Syria.

Syria is not our problem. The Middle East can go fuck itself. Let Israel burn.

Tallest_Skil ago

lol you don't get it

RM-Goetbbels ago

gaslight- 4. to cause (a person) to doubt his or her sanity through the use of psychological manipulation:

Tallest_Skil ago

lol. You. Don't. Get. It.

Thanks for playing, cockfuck. Trump destroyed the kikes' wishes in Syria.

RM-Goetbbels ago

Lol! you mean 4D Chess!! You actually bought into that......omg, roflmao! haahahhahhahaaaaa! oh please more, I demand it. Please please give me more insight on the glorious master plan.......that only you and your wise and insightful base know about........cuz the rest of us are!! You have all the answers, they told you so......ahahahaaa!

wadda maroon.

Tallest_Skil ago

Are you autistic or just paid to spam? Fuck off, dipshit.

RM-Goetbbels ago

Says the moron who parrots idiot propaganda for free............

Tallest_Skil ago

So… you, then. Either have an argument or be reported.

RM-Goetbbels ago

So… you, then. Either have an argument or be reported.

oh please, please please plllllease don't report meh! no, anything but that.......aaaaaaaahahahahahahaa!

Tallest_Skil ago


Mumbleberry ago


Tallest_Skil ago

Still not an argument.

RM-Goetbbels ago



oh teh noze! dwid you report meh!!! dwid you slam it down and teach meh a wesson?

Tallest_Skil ago

i am this autistic and have no argument


mightnotbearobot ago

How is he going to defeat ISIS?

Cheesebooger ago

isis is Israel

grubbypixie ago

Refuse to sign any budget that funds it or transfers weapons to it. That would be a good start.

Putting the CIA on notice that their black op days are coming to an end would also help, but outside of taming them a little, it's doubtful that swamp will be drained.

I'd love to see our government tell the Sauds and Israel to fuck off, but that's never going to happen.

RM-Goetbbels ago

Why does he have to?

mightnotbearobot ago

He does keep talking about defeating them

RM-Goetbbels ago

He might even subscribe to the "our freedom is determined by the military might of our armed forces abroad" mentality or he might be pandering to the neocons. Idk which or if, only he does.

The fact is that IS has no real effect on the US and if it did we could wipe them, and whoever supported them, off the face of the fucking planet. I wouldn't endorse that, I'd just remind and give them an example if needed. The US just needs to stay out of the affairs of other countries.

Rellik88 ago

Because fuck ISlam!

RM-Goetbbels ago

If the US, or it's government, really wanted to end IS it could. At any time. They don't.

Take that Imma patriot fer muh amurika! dildo out of your ass and start thinking with the brain you were given.

romainvicta ago

It took me longer than it should have to finally realize it but he won't be able to do anything. Either because of those around him influencing him and going against him or because he is just there to soothe tensions with the normies who just want to be left alone.

I'm just waiting for this all to come to a head. Between the attacks in Europe and the erosion of the white population in North America I wouldn't be surprised if underground militias have formed by now just waiting for their opportunity to make the French and Russian Revolutions look like a walk in the park.


He need to suspend the constitution and start slaughtering people .

CowWithBeef ago

I've noticed an organized effort to reduce Trump's base lately. He keeps having to fight off fake news attacks about his core issues, but his supporters see the fake headline and react. They're going to get frustrated as he is forced to negotiate down from his initial offers. This is political reality no matter who is the president. Hold him to his word, but don't pretend he is the supreme ruler. He can't do much alone as proved by most of Obama's EO's being deleted. You have to use congress to make lasting change.

poloport ago

No negotiation. No compromises. Do what you were elected to do or die trying.

ashrond ago

It is wide spread and well co-ordinated

southern_fried ago

NO NEGOTIATION DOWN. Negotiation is what got us into this shit. FORCE THEIR HAND! Refuse to allow the government to function unless Trumps policies are at enacted. We voted for him believing there would be no compromise on the core issues: kill DACA, close the border to illegals, get the illegals that are here now OUT, read my new Muslims, and TOTAL repeal of Obamacare. If these things are not done, then shut the fucking fed down. Liberals fear this more than anything else, because they know the longer the government is shut down the more we realize how much we DON'T need it.

CowWithBeef ago

The swamp is more powerful than the president. An antiswamp president is a problem for the swamp, but he can't just drain it. We need them to continue revealing themselves in their efforts to destroy him. If they can use the immigration issue to destroy the president, they will.

lanre ago

Yeah, I really think he needed to arrest Hillary and all the other swamp creatures immediately after being sworn in. This is a democratic coup on the swamp and giving them time lets them bring their superior resources to bear.

CowWithBeef ago

The swamp wouldn't have confirmed his cabinet choices if they were going to lock her up. We need a bombshell so big the swamp casts her out for fear of contagion.

PotatoFarm ago

While the effort to attack Trump's base could be a thing; I'm seriously disappointed at the maturity of some individuals of the same base.

I was expecting such behavior from Hillary or Bernie's followers that were spoonfed a plethora of lies and half truths and they happily swallowed it all.

But from Trump's base? Did they forget that during the primaries he was fighting and won a battle with everyone against him? Do they think the president is some sort of Dictator that can do and undo as he pleases? Do they even understand how politics works? Do they have an idea of how fucking rotten the government is?

Seriously man, they sound like crying babies shitting their diapers because Santa Trump didn't fulfill their entire wish list on record time. I expected better from them; this level of entitlement belongs to the stereotypical leftist...

And this is coming from someone who doesn't even support Trump, but I did respect his followers for their rightful distrust on the media and the level-headed position they kept during harsh times.

To finish, naturally I'm talking about those that are making a huge deal out of the potential negotiations that could end in a compromise. My apologies if this is misinterpreted as a criticism to the entire base.

lanre ago

Also, this is typical of every presidential election where we expect one man on the national level to fix everything, then ignore pieces of shit like Ryan or local mayors and sheriffs.

ForWhiteSake ago

Okay. I'm extremely critical of Trump as I feel everyone should be critical of politicians, especially those they vote for, so let's pretend you're correct and I'm being misled by a media that I don't even watch and that I didn't see Trump's tweets where he boasted about how great the illegals were and how they shouldn't be deported.

If Trump doesn't come out soon explicitly stating he will deport the federal criminals that are the dreamers and destroy DACA than he has no feet left to stand on. That's all he can do to defy the "fake news" you're asserting here.

I can somewhat sympathize with the "He can only do so much" claim. It's true. The president can only do so much. So why exactly is Trump seemingly eager to do what he shouldn't be doing?

lanre ago

I think he sees the economy as his #1 priority and is willing to sacrifice things to get support he needs for, example, Obamacare repeal and tax cuts.

So if he agrees to amnestt for DACA illegals but gets wall funding and obamacare repeal in return, that's not perfect but it accomplishes a lot more than would've gotten done otherwise.

aaronC ago

And notice how the Russia talk has died down. These people in media who hate Trump didn't just suddenly drop trying to stop Trump, they found another means to stop him, dividing him from his base.

edistojim ago

I'm willing to give him longer than 6 months. The swamp is massive and the group that wants him to fail is even larger. This is going to take awhile. I'm also a patient soul.

M346 ago

I was thinking 7 years.

mightnotbearobot ago

He is part of the swamp!

Tallest_Skil ago

Try harder.

edistojim ago

Sure he is, just like Pelosi and the Clintons………right? Stop acting like a liberal nigger faggot.

DeadFox ago

Just like them.

BlackGrapeDrank ago


SithEmpire ago

  • Soap
  • Ballot
  • Jury        <-- We are here
  • Ammo

Kill-Commies ago


Deport the ~700,000 illegal convicted felons

Threaten to Immedietely suspend DACA unless the dems agree to share state prison data with the feds allowing ICE to come get them, The deportation busses could start rolling those worthless fucks out tomorrow if he was a boss and was willing to go nuclear. Make the democrats justify protecting convicted felons over the so called "dreamers".

ForWhiteSake ago

Threaten to Immedietely suspend DACA unless the dems agree to share state prison data with the feds allowing ICE to come get them

God damn this is the most rational proposal I've seen so far in this thread and perhaps in response to this shit altogether. Shame he didn't do this.

BilboNoggins ago


I have no idea why Trump didn't use this as leverage. He literally has unilateral power to end DACA with the stroke of a pen since it was an executive order. He could openly make a deal to keep DACA for A LOT of concessions from the dems. Set them up to break their promises and then deport all of the dreamers anyways.

If Trump 'reaches a deal' with the left and they cave on something like the wall getting funding, the end of sanctuary cities etc. and the day after that is legally secured Trump goes "Hey dems, you got conned. I said I wouldn't deport the 800k, but I lied" we'll know he's #ourguy, but at this point I'm very doubtful.