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smifft ago

I've come to the conclusion that all the folks claiming Assange is dead and WikiLeaks is compromised are either CIA PSYOPS, or people who have fallen victim to said PSYOPS.

smifft ago

See, to me, this is the most compelling evidence of fuckery. Aside from hashes not matching,which I don't know enough about. Man, I don't even know what to think. The whole situation is fubarred.

BlueDrache ago

No idea as to why you're being downvoted, holy crap, this has obviously been manipulated.

peacegnome ago

i didn't downvote, but it is from a different interview.

BlueDrache ago

Different interview isn't the point. The point is it's being manipulated and has been posted to educate you.

Gorillion ago

Shill in thread downvoating.

BlueDrache ago

blinks ... Ok. Not really.