MercurysBall2 ago,_Illinois

Wheaton College is located just east of downtown Wheaton. Sometimes referred to as "The Harvard of Evangelical schools", Wheaton College is known for being an interdenominational destination school for devout Christian students seeking an elite liberal arts education.[21]

Wheaton's campus features the Billy Graham Center, named for the college's most famous alumnus, which contains a museum dedicated to both the history of American evangelism and the international ministry of Billy Graham. It features conceptual exhibits intended to convey Christian ideas. Wheaton College is also home to the Todd M. Beamer Student Center, which was dedicated in 2004 to the memory of Todd Beamer, a hero from United Airlines Flight 93, and two other Wheaton alumni who died in the September 11 attacks.[22]

The Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Campus of the Illinois Institute of Technology is also located in Wheaton, and is home to the School of Applied Technology and offers technology-oriented education and training for working professionals.[23]

College of DuPage, with facilities in several towns adjacent to Wheaton, serves community college students in Illinois' Community College District 502.

MercurysBall2 ago

United States Mission to the UN Agencies in Rome

The United States Mission to the UN Agencies in Rome serves as a link between the Rome-based international organizations and the U.S. government. Other U.S. diplomatic missions in Rome are the Embassy of the United States, Rome, and the Embassy of the United States to the Holy See.

Because Rome is home to the three principal United Nations organizations dedicated to food and agriculture (World Food Programme, Food and Agriculture Organization, and International Fund for Agricultural Development), it is at the center of international efforts to promote sustainable development and combat world hunger. Thus, the Mission plays an essential role in supporting the "Feed the Future" in its work. The U.S. Mission to the UN in Rome serves as a link between the Rome-based international organizations and the U.S. government. The staff at this mission represent the Department of State, Agriculture, and the Agency for International Development. Together, they work to advance UN efforts in the areas of food security, emergency food aid, food safety standards, agriculture, fisheries, forests, and financing for rural development.

The Mission is also engaged with the other Rome-based multilateral organizations: the International Development Law Organization, the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law, and the International Center for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property.

As of April 2019, the United States Ambassador to the United Nations Agencies for Food and Agriculture is Kip E. Tom.

MercurysBall2 ago

The brother of De Baca’s great-great-grandfather, Ezequiel C de Baca, was New Mexico’s first elected Hispanic governor. Born in New Mexico, Luis C de Baca was one of three children born to Dr. Robert C de Baca, an animal scientist known as the “Father of the Iowa Beef Improvement Association,” and Mary (Marchino) de Baca. He grew up on a cattle ranch in Huxley, Iowa, where he was active in the local 4-H Club and graduated from Ballard High School. He earned a B.A. in political science from Iowa State University in 1990, and a law degree in 1993 from the University of Michigan Law School, where he was President of the Hispanic Law Students Association and an editor of the Michigan Law Review.

Straight out of law school, de Baca was hired by the Department of Justice to be involuntary servitude and slavery coordinator, a position he held until 2000, when he was named chief counsel of DOJ’s Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit. In that position, he tried more than 100 cases, including several high profile ones, such as U.S. v. Kil Soo Lee, which involved the enslavement of more than 200 Vietnamese and Chinese workers in a garment factory in American Samoa; the so-called “Deaf Mexican” slavery case, which involved scores of hearing impaired Mexicans who were lured to the U.S. with promises of employment and then forced to sell cheap trinkets on the streets of New York City, Chicago and other large cities; and U.S. v. Cadena, a path-setting prostitution slavery case in Florida. He was also instrumental in developing the victim-centered approach to combating modern slavery, which means that former slaves are assisted in establishing normal lives, rather than deported or otherwise treated as criminals. In 2007, de Baca was named counsel to the House Judiciary Committee, working for Chairman John Conyers, Jr. (D-Mich.), where his portfolio included national security, intelligence, immigration, civil rights, and modern slavery issues.

MercurysBall2 ago

Courageous Cattlemen by Robert C. De Baca , 1990, the University of Wisconsin - Madison

MercurysBall2 ago

Side question: why has swordfish69 deleted their account along with all the super informative posts??? Example: An Interesting Find: Billy Graham Center, Dennis Hastert Institute and Luciferian "Theosophical Society in America" all within a mile of each other in Illinois town 2 years ago by swordfish69

Here is a CIA and Jonestown, Guyana reference to Wheaton, Illinois: In the current period, Jonestown is being "repopulated" with 100,000 Laotian Hmong people. Many of them grew opium for CIA money in Southeast Asia. Over 1,000 reside there already under a scheme designed by Billy Graham's nephew Ernest, and members of the Federation of Evangelical Ministries Association in Wheaton, Illinois (World Vision, World Medical Relief, Samaritan's Purse, and Carl McIntyre's International Council of Christian Churches).[194]

MercurysBall2 ago

Dennis Hastert Center at Wheaton College Gets New Name

It's been a bad week for Dennis Hastert. Hastert, the longest-serving Republican U.S. Speaker of the House in American history and one of Illinois' most respected political figures in recent memory, was indicted Thursday and accused of evading federal banking regulations and lying to the FBI about his bank withdrawals. The Chicago Tribune has since reported the money was used to pay off an individual to conceal information that was sexual in nature and dates back to his time as a high school teacher and wrestling coach in Yorkville.

Then, over the weekend, his alma mater, Wheaton College announced it would be removing Hastert's name from the former J. Dennis Hastert Center for Economics, Government, and Public Policy at Wheaton College. The center will now be called Wheaton College Center for Economics, Government, and Public Policy.