shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Here's a thought.

Quit trying to be something you're not.

You're not insightful, or thoughtful. Not patient, or kind.

You've boasted and bragged about yourself, to the point where no decent person wants anything to do with you.

You Are A Thin Skinned Bullying Blood Drinking Satanist

How about you piss off, and quit making false accusations against people you know nothing about.

Then you won't need to apologize for all the damage you cause.


It is my fault that the above was not taken seriously, not Crensch's.

Are you Crensch? because he commented first. Not you.

Wait, how do you know it's disguised as a pizza slice? It doesn't look anything like a pizza slice. It looks like 2D graffiti, if anything, in a 3D game.

I don't believe you, or the user posting this, has any fucking interest in real Pizzagate investigations, because if you did, and if you found this in a game, you would have either taken pics from an angle that suggests it's "disguised" as a pizza slice, or called it a fucking pedo symbol.

God the fake is just a stench you carry with you wherever you go. Always propping up the absolute worst of the worst shills here as if they're legitimate.

This hate-filled attack was directed @carmencita, I think you and @Crensch owe her an apology too.

So why are you responsible? You ought to explain.

Otherwise people will keep thinking you are just another angry @Crensch alt.

Crensch ago

Fuck @carmencita. That stupid cunt comments positively to EVERY KNOWN SHILL on pizzagate, and defended ESOTERIC, too.

argosciv ago

The hilarious part is the inferrence that I'm an alt of you, and the continued attempt to peddle the #ArgoscivManBad narrative.

Damned if I do, damned if I don't xD

If only they realized how ineffective they are these days...

cc: @Vindicator

argosciv ago

The hilarious part is the inferrence that I'm an alt of you, and the continued attempt to peddle the #ArgoscivManBad narrative.

Damned if I do, damned if I don't xD

If only they realized how ineffective they are these days...


Qool story bro

theoldones ago

certain people within the gamedev industries

KillerKap ago

thx, enjoyed the read.