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fogdryer ago

continued from above...

There isn't a doubt in my mind that all of this stuff can be linked to tragic crimes..One thing I can't get out of my head is Bazaar Meat Restaurant. What are they actually serving there?

James Alefantis----------- remember James, an American chef and restaurateur. He founded Comet Ping Pong, Buck's Fishing & Camping. He is also the president of the art gallery Transformer in Logan Circle, GQ named him one of the 50 most powerful people in Washington, D.C.

James Alefantis and Comet Pizza Outed As Classic CIA Operation

A letter connecting Hillary to Alefantis. Here is a letter from Hillary thanking Jimmy.

it would be logical to say Alfeantis knows Eggers an Andre and Seavers. as well as Clintons and Obamas and Bourdain. Working in the same circles, geographically, politically, socially...

Bourdain and Andre,2,6

Obama and Bourdain,2,6

The 4th Annual Transformer Silent Auction & Benefit, 2007 Pg1 Pg2 lists Jaleo, Comet Ping Pong and Buck's Fishing & Camping as restaurant sponsors. Auction host committee members were James Alefantis, David Brock and Robert Harris IV (the attorney that is listed as the registered agent for Big Bucks LLC and Big Cheese LLC.

   L.A. Kitchen Announces Closing

-----heres a breadcrumb-----

fogdryer ago

fogdryer ago

The staffers worked for the World Food Programme, the Office of the High Commissioner on Refugees, the International Telecommunications Union, the Food and Agriculture Organization, International Organization for Migration in South Sudan, World Bank and UN Assistance Mission in Somalia, and the UN Office in Nairobi.

in gonna look for more----id you read the buzz words: world food program UN, Food and Agriculture Organization etc etc

fogdryer ago

fogdryer ago

fogdryer ago