swampkid ago

Voat will not let me post an article. Thank you all for your help.

I did not expect 'votes' but am thankful someone has seen the comments I posted. Like most of my traumas in life due to stalking, harassment, and abuse from law enforcement, and federal government... when something bad in my life happens, a new memory comes back. Family recently had to spend many weeks in hospital and that gave me more time to remember why I am the swamp kid. My Family is better and now I have to write more.

This is two different stories from the same swamp.

  • I was full-time at night working for kinks when it was still new company.
  • Every corporate account was big and took many hours at night to finish.
  • So I was also responsbile for helping people rent computers and work on colorful iMacs with crappy mouse.
  • Many diskettes often left around.
  • Many times employees found nude photos that "models" and "photographers" accidentally left around.
  • Many times, we turned the diskettes over to the night managers.
  • At my age, I don't think I knew that the "models" were not 18 or 21.
  • And the computers were often being repaired and always had issues for no reason.
  • I am pretty sure it was pedophila and that all of kinks employees at higher levels could remotely log onto a computer.
  • I think the spread of pedophila and popularity of it was from the successes of FedEx kinkos .
  • I basically had to train older people on how to use the computer.
  • And now I think I helped them learn how to be sick and spread their sickness.
  • If I was the only person reporting and turning in the disks then I was the odd person to them.
  • FedEx Kinkos Orlando, on 'OBT' meaning Orange Blossom Trail.
  • OBT was full of prostitutes, strip clubs, and drug dealers .

Second Story

  • Singer Pink had an unknown fashion designer that would use kinkos for prints.
  • She was called Bon-E like the chocolate candy, Bon Bon but with an E at the end. (all music people had initials for techno music)
  • She designed Pinks early costumes that basically was a shiny one piece jumpsuit. Pink was not really know at all then. Not to me really either.
  • Her computer tech was always mean, stand offish, and questioned me on my own job.
  • I have seen him again when least expected and I talked to him about the diskettes I would find only because I didn't want them to leave stuff behind like other people did.
  • Bon-E company name was Knockturnal Prodigies, Inc. And her best friend, co partner was named Tiffany.

I am certain that Kinkos, weirdo Pink and these groups are related all to the same groups of crimes, or whatever you all call it. But think about how else photography was able to spread so quickly when computers were not as popular as a tv back then. I have read many of your research and see that you make connections on modern crimes.

Thank you again for the support. I hope.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Voat will not let me post an article. Thank you all for your help.

I do believe all you need to post is 10 ccp, it appears to me you have enough. @Vindicator would be the person to ask.

Very interesting stories, do you think that any of these groups are linked to Epstein?

Vindicator ago

Thanks for the ping SWMBO. You are correct -- you need 10 CCP to post a submission and 100 to downvote. @swampkid, you should be able to make a post. What message are you getting when you try?

Some domains are banned sitewide due to past ad spamming. There are several ways to get around this. One is to archive the page at archive.is and use the archive url. This is preferred, since it also saves a copy of the material in case it gets scrubbed. The other is to add a space or two somewhere in the url to break the hotlink so the system doesn't recognize it.

Fateswebb ago

Doesn't that mean there are still 48 more charges that could be pressed?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I like the way you're thinking.

sore_ass_losers ago

fuck you dog, epstain.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Chicks stink.